Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The New York Times Respondeth ~Sandy Rosenthal, Levees.org
~Editilla Notelleth~ Yeah, the NYTs respondeth... to telleth us lowly New Orleanians that we musteth be drunketh out of our Fuckethed Minds. The NYTs asketh "What Floodeth?" and sayeth "Yea & Verily! Lo & beholdeth your Storm!"
Hey NYTs, Fucketh You You Fuckethed Fuck! FYYFF!

Van Heerden loses tenure claim. Statement from attorney
~Central La. Politics

~Jill Craft, van Heerden's attorney, said Monday that Brady's decision was not a surprise because the tenure claim is a difficult one to make.
"The whistleblower part of the case is the meat of the case, so things are moving forward," Craft said. Craft also said she is "completely optimistic" about the case. A trial date has not yet been set, Craft said. Right now and in the next few weeks, Craft said, she will be taking depositions in the lawsuit.

Tropical Cyclone Yasi Gets Down!
~At 1:00 a.m. Queensland time on February 2, the U.S. Navy’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) reported that Yasi was roughly 450 nautical miles (835 kilometers) east-northeast of Cairns, Australia. Sporting a well-defined eye, Yasi had maximum sustained winds of 120 knots (220 kilometers per hour) and gusts up to 145 knots (270 kilometers per hour). True to earlier forecasts, favorable conditions led the storm to intensify rapidly over the Pacific Ocean.

City extends closure of Bywater park for lead remediation ~WWLTV

Huntsman gathered wool
~Adrastos, First Draft

College tuition to rise? Jindal agenda calls for higher fees, too~Jordan Blum

Telemachus lends context to the now infamous Dutchie Connick memo and enables Slabbed to roll out Ron Maestri ~slabbed

'Frontline' examines America's autopsy infrastructure, including NOLA's
~Dave Walker

Corps N.O. District to Use New Model in Evaluating Permit Applications
~Resource Environmental Solutions Selected by Air Products to Deliver Wetland Mitigation Solutions for its New Gulf Coast Hydrogen Pipeline

It would appear BP’s still runnin’ this show~Disenfranchised Citizen

91,000 Gulf oil spill claims, just 1 final payment from BP~meanwhile...
Poor Bolshevik Petroleum pays Dividends

BP Deliberately `Underpaying' Claims, Mississippi Says ~Bloomberg

~ John Amos (video news; oil-soaked boom still in marshes) RT: @: Oil Still Lingers in Grand Isle Area, Fox8 TV

Mardi Gras 1956: Through My Father's Lens~Humid Beings

Couture Dress Created From Envirosax Reusable Shopping Bags
~Miss Malaprop

Luke Has Seen Better Days
~Blackened Out

Pralines by Jean...and Cupcakes too!

1 comment:

  1. Just found this in today's NYT.Feinberg, again.

