Monday, March 18, 2013

Guest Column: LSU deserves accountability from its administration~Since settling with Dr. Ivor van Heerden for a near-half million dollars in his wrongful dismissal suit, LSU’s line, straight from LSU Interim System President and Chancellor William “Bill” Jenkins, is that further discussion is “no longer relevant, warranted or appropriate.” Indeed? For an institution of higher learning, should not truth matter? We require accountability of students, staff and faculty, why not of upper administration and our Board of Supervisors? Especially when these same individuals have been involved time and again in practices that bring enormous costs in lawyers and settlements. Besides staining LSU’s image, should they now also speak for LSU?

Follow‐Up Report Finds City Did Not Implement Promised Actions ~Ed Quatreveau

Public meetings set for NOPD court monitor selection

Inside Forbes: Amid the Finger Pointing, Journalists Need to Explore New Payment Models ~Lewis DVorkin

Councilman questions state funding of N.O. Miss. River bridge lights

It turns out Gov. Jindal was just kidding about Texas Brine buying out victims of their sinkhole

St. Charles West Bank Levee Gets Final Approval

Louisiana industrial boom could create labor shortage


100th Louisiana Derby & Infield Festival!


  1. Need to fix the Bobby/sinkhole link. You got a double WWNO link there, padnah.

  2. Thanks. Since Google usurped my Blogger editor thingy I have dain bramage.
