Saturday, April 19, 2008


This is just how I feel today after reading Humid City's post below about the killing of a witness to the killing of a person I have actually met and enjoyed. As well or not, the killing yesterday uptown that crashed into Friar Tucks just leaves yer sad rootless Editilla at a loss for words. It is Saturday. Life is not supposed to be filled with murder.
I always find refuge amongst the Trees of New Orleans. They make me feel at home. They can hold you in their shade like a 5 o'clock shadow, on their roots like yer momma's knee. They can stop a bullet.
We need to remember the roots. We need to find them, feed them, climb all over them, take care of them. I hope this helps.
Thank you again, New Orleans Daily Photo

New Orleans missing trees

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

All at Sea~Antoinette de Jong

Barackin’ Rally This Saturday!
~casa de Charlotte della luna

~Editeurilla Sinn'fillas~Da'Bama-Rama!

Oh When CODEPINK Came Marching In (To New Orleans On Eve's V-Day)~Linda Milazzo

No Place Like Home: Hurricane Katrina's Lasting Impact
~Science Daily
~"The magnitude and permanence of a housing loss suggests that for many people, the psychological consequences of this experience could be profound and lasting."~Narayan Sastry

Lead Poisoning, New Orleans Style~Humid City

Protect NAFTA,
say business leaders

Editeurilla say~Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name!

An Event Apart New Orleans Attendee Information

This Jewish Life: Down in New Orleans

Terence Blanchard & Spike Lee on music, movies and collaboration

Jambalaying in Rio



  1. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  2. Bruce sorry to hear about your loss. I've always enjoyed Tucks - though I haven't been in a few years I still managed to score a roll of toilet paper. God bless you brother.


  3. Vinho, thank you for digging da'Ladda. Please feel free to email me from the profile as well.
    My nephew is half Brazilian, his mother full blooded. I will come to Brazil some day, so I look forward to learning about the country's wine through your blog. It is a beautiful blog to be sure.

    sop, thank you so much for your kind sentiment, however I did not loose my brother nor know anyone involved in the Friar Tuck murder. I cannot figure how you figured that but thank you anyway. My life since the storm, but particularly of late, has been filled with such loss that you could throw condolences at it with your eyes closed and hit somebody. Thank you really.
    I did know the murdered musician sited in the article. That was the hard one, with the killing of the witness and the aquital of the musician's murderer, coming just after or around another hard one to loose, Ashley Morris of whom I had recently grown very fond. And then the uptown shooting...I was just sad about the violent death, as sometimes it simply adds up and overwhelms my heartstrings like the sound of a basket full of broken diamonds as it falls to the ground in a cemetary, spilling its tainted cargo into the grass between the crypts. A brilliant, lonely sound and fairly worthless--but to the bearer, or the dozen crows who eye the scene from atop the white wall that holds Station across the City.

  4. You may want to re read me Bruce. I called you Brother - we are you know, at least I consider anyone who lost to Katrina my Bro or Sis.

    One day, maybe in our lifetimes, people will realize the killing has to stop. And hopefully even sooner, a decent system of criminal justice will be there for you good people to lean on when these terrible things do happen.

