Friday, April 18, 2008


Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

Spillway opens 20 more bays

Flood Warnings in New Orleans--The Rest of the Story~Georgianne Nienaber
~Exquixotic Corps Spin'filtrates OpEdNews?
~Editilla kin'killas~
This whole article reads like ass'buff to me...but we all know my own ban'able lack of manners or the Psychological Quaification to distinguish between Common Punk Gang'Bang Murderers, the US Army Corps of Engineers and Lying Fuckless Murdering Nazi Engineers of the Holocaust...much less perform blog commentary. I hate da'Bastards.
I get angry when they smile. I see dead people.
For me it is Rhesus da'Mortis.
Ordinarily anyone who would, however unwittingly, blow the Corps horn for them can meet me in hell, but in the interest of full disclosure, yer Arrant Editilla likes this author and has engaged Ms. Nienaber on this article in no less than, so far, 20 email exchanges about it. I would be interested in the thoughts of our Gentle'Rillas on this article ie-Spin'filtration or Not, as I see it is a common Rovian Public Relations tactic to defang the opposition by implicating them in da'spin. Quite divisive too as it places the journalists with the view of the Corps and apart from the experience of the survivors of their malefeseance. But more so, Dear Reader can go to the author herself, who is quite good actually.
To quote Bette Davis, "When they wanted a broad with balls they called me."--therein lies da'rub. She has hung wit'distinction on da'Ladda, including a good chunk of this, her exceptional 14 page piece: Baghdad on the Bayou: Final Report on Deception and Diaspora in New Orleans
Given their past performance and until we convene The 8/29 Commission I cannot treat anything the Corps of Engineers puts forth as competent engineering analysis, much less simply honest talk. They are admitted and proven liars who are responsible for the deaths of 1000s in that flood of New Orleans. They continue to not only get away with the crime but are being taken seriously and asked to continue in their present position so they can rape us again. I refuse to assume that position. Nevermore.

Army Corps of Engineers Updates Donelon, Insurers on South LA Hurricane Protection System
The Corps presentation noted that $3 billion in federal funds has been spent since 2005’s Hurricane Katrina on system improvements. The overall program will cost an estimated $14.6 billion. All levee damage has been repaired, all deficiencies corrected, transitions strengthened and vulnerable floodwalls have been armored for a Hurricane Protection System that is much stronger and better than before Hurricane Katrina, according to Garrett Graves, Director of the Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities.
Oops! Just a Little Leak
~Harry Shearer

~Editeurilla claims'dis! If it's not one thing it's another! Alas, a general advisory warnings to all: after obviously being found guilty of intellectual harassment, yer oh'so humble Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia has been banned from making any more comments on Harry Shearer's Blog. DOH! Must have been something I - A'FLEM - said? Naaaah, Ya'T'ink? Could be. Hmmm, beats me off. Whateva pokes yer'Goat I always say--but still, I can't stop speculatin' as to what in Dante's Hell could have gotten under da'skin of Da'Master Bater His Very Same Self? His Prister is of course always welcome on da'Ladda don'tcha know, until New Orleans sinks into da'sea ...or I get a letter, whicheva comes first;-)
Y'all still gonna hang out wit'me?
Foot In Mouth Disease ain't contagious, I t'ink.
Ah say! Ah say, BOY!
Can Ah Getta Wit'n'aaaass?

Thank youz all so much for your kind support regarding this strange and currious scene.
I won't mention any names but some of you crawl on yer'belly to Music For Chamelions and at least one of you slides hard balls of pun'ishing pundity off da'half shell as if it were the bottom of the nyn't, the deck is loaded and Satan is at bat! Your emails have been quite gratifying and yer humbler Editilla do appreciates the uh, errah...da'Ganglia du'Blogger d'Orleans.
My Huff Post handle used to be backhandpath`-)

Levees have been improved, corps says for real this time, no lie, really, I con'tell you don'beeleeeve me...

ASCE does PR campaign for Corps of Engineers
~New Video from

If enough people watch the video by noon Friday April 18, it will earn a place on the homepage of YouTube where it may be viewed by millions!
Register at YouTube and rate the video.
View and rate our other videos on YouTube.

Help New Orleans and people nationwide. Bring to light that the official levee investigation in New Orleans and the outside peer review were controled by the same people who are responsible for the levee design and construction.
Thank you!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder and Executive Director, Levees.Org

‘Tragedy and Triumph’ by Guest Writer Pamela Baker
~Crafts of Texture

Editilla just needed a break here whew!

Make risk clear, corps told

~"The message should not be sugar-coated, must be in clear, easy-to-understand language and, in our opinion, needs to come from the engineer who designed and is responsible for the hurricane system,"
members of the American Society of Civil Engineers
External Review Panel said in a five-page letter sent Tuesday to Lt. Gen. Robert Van Antwerp, chief of the corps.
"No one understands, or should understand, the limitations of the hurricane protection system better than the Corps of Engineers," the letter said. "Evacuation and emergency planning appears to be the only means available in the near term to provide significant additional protection to human health and welfare in the New Orleans area." (emphasis mine)
~Editilla's Mad As Hell
And We're Not Going To Take This Any More!~
This is unmitigated horse shit! Sorry, but that dog won' hunt and shame on the Times Picayune for not asking One Simple Question of the ASCE, to wit: WHY ARE THE REPAIRED LEVEES LEAKING TODAY? as referenced much more fluidly Harry's post sited above. Why does the TP 'assume the position' every forking time? Are they In'Bedded with these lying creeps?
And as for the ASCE Red Herring "evacuation and emergency planning" position, well the fact that nearly 2,000,000 people had already evacutated New Orleans before a single drop of rain had fallen, before Katrina made landfall in Mississippi ,did not hold those levees together, did not effect their structural integrity one snake's ass any more than the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers vaunted Public Relations prowess. What Grade-A MisDirection straight out of PR 101. First the ASCE tried to slant their non-peer reviewed "study" towards the cause of the levee-failures as more to do with amorphous "Global Warming" than from the
ONUS de'Corps for building the levees wrong from the begining. Then real engineers like Raymond Seed & Co. stepped in to contradict ASCE in public--so now they (ASCE) would have us believe that evacuation plans make for stronger levees.
And as to their arrogant propaganda that
"No one understands, or should understand(???), the limitations of the hurricane protection system better than the Corps of Engineers,"--I, knee deep in mayhem that first week of the Federal Flood, beg to differ. If you were in New Orleans when those levees failed, who you gonna believe? ASCE, the now thrice-proven charlatans, or your own lyin'eyes?
Why doesn't the TP talk to the people who actually get their hands wet?
What bothers me the most is that we can check with the civilian USGS and get real-time data showing that IT'S COMING THIS WAY!
"The sea refuses no river
And right now this river's banks are blown
The sea refuses no river
Whether stinking and rank
Or red from the tank
Whether pure as a spring
There's no damned thing stops the poem
The sea refuses no river
And this river is homeward flowing"
~Pete Townsend
A Natural Solutution

Judge to Corps: Show permit info
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must stop stonewalling environmental group requests for information about new mountaintop-removal mining permitsin WV, a federal judge ruled Thursday. Related article here.



  1. I see you Editilla, about Shearer.

    Amen, brother.

  2. T'anks, Mon.
    Yeah, I was trying to picture how it went, Harry gets offended because I say he's barkin up da'wrong tree on a and then he morphs into his Burns character: "There! You sniveling little pip'squeek blogger wanna'be! No More Word From You! Go back to your tawdry iMac bourgeois nievete, your bloody blogspot simpledom. Yeeessssss! Excelllleeeennt!

    T'anks again,
