Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Vivent Longtemps la Marée Croissante Trois!

N.O. gutting program under a microscope ~Michael Krupa
~Amid questions over whether crews hired to gut homes and cut grass for elderly and poor residents actually did the work, New Orleans officials have launched a review of a City Hall program that records show has been billed for more than $1.8 million by 32 subcontractors, including $134,000 by a firm controlled by Mayor Ray Nagin's brother-in-law.

Fuel card abuse case expands
~Allen Powell II

Senator sees hole get deeper
~Meghan Gordon

Corps of Engineers meeting asks local leaders to fill out questionair on "value" of levee trade-offs, offers NO information on status of levee
~Mark Schleifstein

Survey asks about acceptable sacrifices.
The results from the computer scoring exercise won't be known for some time,
corps officials said.

~Government, business, environmental and neighborhood leaders on Wednesday helped Army Corps of Engineers planners choose which of dozens of alternatives should be included in a new master plan for protecting Louisiana's coast.
But instead of studying maps and voicing concerns about particular footprints for levees and coastal restoration projects, the dozens of participants in two meetings at the University of New Orleans filled out complicated computer matrix forms that measured how they value saving lives, protecting property value or jobs, creating or protecting wetlands and other natural resources, and keeping historic properties and neighborhoods or archaeological sites from being flooded.
The program asked each participant to place a weight between 0 and 100 on each of the metrics, or trade-offs.
Then it compared the values of those decisions, in dollars, lives and homes saved, allowing each participant to reconsider their decisions based on the results.
~Editilla gotta ax~This has WHAT to do with the current state of our levee rebuilding? Fucking as much as Ice Water In Hell! This is a PR tactic.
We come to these meetings to meet with these alleged "Engineers" to discuss and become Informed as to the status of our levees and flood control and they ask us to fill out complicated computerized "Risk Assessment" surveys? Can you believe this Gall and Hubris and out-right SHELL GAME PUBLIC RELATIONS???
What a goddamned waste of tax money and our precious time! Meanwhile, water is leaking big time underneath their faux repair job at the 17th Street Canal Levee Breech "Repair".
Is this connected to their impending Lawsuit?
Will this be entered as evidence of where New Orleanians stand on Flood Control? What?
Does the Corps have any information on our levees? Are they DOING anything with our levees? And what about this IPET report? Where is it? Will they come up with hugely overstated funding request based on this data? Who in the Dante's Hell thinks that We The People Flooded owe the Corps of Engineers who FLOODED US any kind of obsequiousness? THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS IS NOT ALLOWED TO REQUIRE ANYTHING OF US SUCH AS THIS CIRCUS ACT! This strategy has NOTHING to do with Geotechnic Engineering, yet Everything to do with Framing a Story, Laying out a Public Relations Narrative. This tactic has NOTHING TO DO with their job. Their job is building levees--after they repair the ones they built wrong in the first place.
Please can we fire these assholes? Can finally get at least the 8/29 Investigaton?
They are behaving like Kafkatrina Torturers, by doing this bullshit over and over at each meeting. No information. Hoops to jump through. Weird Surveys to pit one area of town against another. The Corps of Engineers is not psychologically qualify to conduct Group Therapy Sessions.
Meanwhile our "Repaired" levees are leaking. Not Seeping. LEAKING!

A 'Dead Zone' in The Gulf
~Scientists Say Area That Cannot Support Some Marine Life Is Near Record Size.
"I would think an area the size of Massachusetts where you can't catch any fish or shrimp, that's significant."~Nancy Rabalais, executive director of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, which conducted the study.

Groups seek limits on Mississippi, Gulf pollution

HOMICIDE 37: Seeking justice for Lance

Joey Pantaliano in town recently, spoke to something very personal: depression

US partnership jazzes up Durban growth prospects


  1. Earlier today, I saw an REM video from back when Michael Stipe had hair. Now Mark Knopfler. I swear there really is a plot to make me feel old.

  2. D'OHLD!?
    Yeah, that is what they say...when you can remember when...what did you say?
