Friday, August 1, 2008


ASCE 501(c)6 = PAC
Regarding: Increasing ASCE’s political involvement.
From: D. Wayne Klotz, PE, Chairman,
ASCE Task Force on Political Involvement

In mid-2005, the ASCE Board of Direction created the Task Force on Political Involvement to examine the Society’s involvement in both current and future political activities. During the past year the Task Force has evaluated the Society’s current activities and also looked at ways to increase its public policy and political involvement.
The Task Force is preparing to recommend to the Board the establishment of a parallel 501(c)6 organization to allow increased lobbying and political activity on behalf of the membership of the ASCE. The Board will consider the recommendations of the Task Force in 2007. In the interim, the Task Force is seeking comments and suggestions from the membership in advance of any decision to provide the Board more information.
At present the ASCE is allowed to lobby within strict dollar limitations, but prohibited from engaging in any political activities such as endorsing candidates. The Task Force recommendations would allow the ASCE greater flexibility in its lobbying activities and allow the ASCE to be involved in political campaigns by forming a political action committee (PAC) and by endorsing candidates. A PAC would be a separate entity from the new 501(c)6 and could allow for voluntary contributions to be made to the PAC by the ASCE members which could then be given to candidates for federal office.
~Editilla say doooo'tella~
We don't suppose Y'all will be supporting Mary Landrieu, eh? Charles Melancon?
Considering the comments on the rest of their news letter, it would appear that the LA Chapter of the ASCE has quite a roach up their tight asses for outside engineering critique of their $30 Million still-unborn, yet undead IPET study.
Indeed, ASCE, Le'chief, largest financial beneficiary of Corps Contract Engineering work, would have the director of, Sandy Rosenthal's, head on a platter for exposing their Public Relations Seminars masked as explanations of complex Engineering
...if they could just get people to listen! And what better way that forming a PAC. I say that should be illegal just on the shifting face of it.
The very organization which owes its paycheck to the Corps of Engineers should not be allowed tax-exemption--so they can lobby My Congress to allow the Corps to Flood ME and anyone else near one of their "flood control structures" again and again, providing even more Project Engineering work for ASCE members who toe the levee line. No. No Soup For You Bastads!
But this would explain much as to why a Corps Employee, Tim Ruppert, former ASCE VP, the Nameless Blogger insidiously infiltrated onto all the NOLA blogger rolls, would attempt to come on this Ladder to publicly, though anonymously, cowardly, smear Dr. Robert Bea as a paid litigant consultant.
I am sure that such an attack has nothing to do with Corps liability in the upcoming Industrial Canal - MRGO Engineering Failure Liability lawsuit, or the ongoing and growing LEAK (not seepage, not "bubbling") at their faux 17th Street Canal Levee Breech "Repair", which is next on the liability scale should the Corps lose. And they will lose because they are illegitimate, just like Nameless Tim Ruppert who draws their paycheck.
So this may also explain why ASCE has continuously delayed the release of the $30+M tax-funded IPET report: DEFEAT MARY LANDRIEU FIRST!
Do it back door, with a PAC. Do it to her however they can, legal or not. But get the Senator of the 8/29 Investigation! The Bastads!
But more than that, how can it be legal for Corps employees, "engineers" like Tim Ruppert, as a non-profit tax-exempt PAC,
to Lobby Our Congress on behalf of his employer, the Corps of Engineers, from whom they draw their paycheck as well as future continued contract work?
{Editilla apologies for that last redundancy. But, how many nails will it take in their coffins to keep such blood'suckin vampirengineers from haunting our dreams, stalking our levees with sad intent?}
Given Rupperts honored, effective spin'filtration and misdirection of last year's wonderful Nola blogger's conference, Rising Tide, with a quaint geography lecture on Dutch polders, but no engineering information, not a word on Our levees --one year after their deadly catastrophic and failure, Editilla begs to diffa should this asshole get another shot at the podium for this year's Rising Tide 3 to ReSpin'filtrate the Corps Narrative. His latest pre-game herring fetish is "sediment deposit flow" --bwhahahaha! Without supporting USGS data or acknowledgment of the Corps' widening of the channel and floodplain beginning at Cape Girardeau thereby drastically reducing the amount of coastline replenishing soil reaching the end of the line, and in typical patsy slight-of-hand job fixation, Nameless Tim would have you believe it is merely the historic "Wild River" that would take centuries to rebuild our vanishing coastlines, so why bother, eh? Oh Brother!
When will this Smarmy Corps 9-5'r Suit Shut the Fuck Up and Stop Insulting the Profession. My father was an Engineer. Dr Bob Bea is and Engineer.
H.J Bosworth is an Engineer. They have built things. You, shcill'son, are No Engineer. Hell! This ubber- udderhanded puke wasn't even a certified PE before already rising in the ranks of the ASCE.
Gentle'rillas know the type. Editilla calls'em...
The Fat Man in a Kafka Movie. Frag'catcha!
The Guy From Central Maintenance. Nurse Ratchet.
This smacks so of pre'game lawsuit 'framing' of USGS scientist Ray Seed and his learned, relentless and often humorous criticisms of IPET.
Seed--ing? HA!
And Seed will quote Mark Twain right to their faces!
ASCE hates this guy! For Gentle'rillas, He Editillero!
Sooo, No Soup For You Nameless Tim, without rebuttal or contrary presentations from --which was conspicuously absent from last years conference. Editilla will strongly beg to diffa with that, probably out front on the street with a bullhorn.
Why? Because when their incorrectly repaired levees break again ...people gonna die.
Knocked 3 times, no one answer decry.
Time to climb upon da'Ladda., as da'Tide draws nigh
and da'creepers on da'rise, and when da'levees break,
to whom will it matta?

While John Barry is definitely Editilla's Herolero her'ah on da'Ladda, he should by no means be the only word on our levees, as he himself has said.
So here's to the Rising Tide
, lest any boat from that great storm question for whom my bell tolls... every August tolls for these...

Exquixotic Corps Cancels Update
"We have some challenging situations to address in St. Bernard. We realize the community would like more information, but right now we are taking the necessary measures to conduct additional analysis before providing a proposed action,"
said Christophor Gilmore, senior project manager for St. Bernard Parish. "Everyday, we continue to work towards our goal of providing the 100-year level of protection by 2011 throughout the system." Huh?

~Editilla reposta'mindas~
Why, just the other day it was Kevin Wagner!
Whozzit gonna be tomorrow? PO Cephus?
What, do they just have a string to pull like a
One Trick Dolly with that 100 Year Thing again?
That meaningless misnomer of malfeasant miscreants? Yeah We Hea'Ya Mouf'Talkin!
100 Year Flood? Did he say, 100 Year Flood?
Sloooowly Editilla toins! Step by step...inch by inch
...miiiile by mfkn mile!

Corps of Engineers nears a decision on levees for eastern
New Orleans

~Kevin Wagner, the senior project manager for Orleans Parish levees, flood walls and armoring, says the corps and state officials are closer to making recommendations.
~Editilla no'tellas~
Kevin Wagner is neither a registered engineer in Louisiana nor a member of the ASCE since 1995 when he was listed as merely an "Associate Member", a designation usually reserved for Non-Engineers. If anyone goes to these Corps Public Relations Events any more, would you ask This Mouthpiece if he is in fact an engineer and if so what has he ever built?
This is the dork who said stuffing newspapers in the levees wasn't such a bad thing.
As well this: "We are going to finish these repairs, but I don't think a 1-inch separation between a flood wall and a slab of concrete 10 to 20 feet wide would let enough water in to cause a catastrophic failure,"

Demo stimulus bill has $3 billion in Katrina aid~Bruce Alpert
~The legislation would give Louisiana 30 years, instead of three, to repay more than $1.7 billion as its share of levee upgrades in metro New Orleans; $350 million to help hospitals in Louisiana and Mississippi deal with cash-flow issues and other post-hurricane problems; and $75 million to help fight increased violent crime and rebuild police fire and criminal justice facilities.

RTA to seek deal with French firm ~Frank Donze
~By Labor Day, the monumental task of rebuilding New Orleans' struggling bus and streetcar system likely will be in the hands of Veolia Transportation, a major player in the world of transit management.

Q: What do the RTA and NOAH have in common?~Moldy City

Introducing Gambit guest bloggers~Kevin Allman

Homicide 37: Seeking justice for Lance ~Brendan McCarthy

Moment of Truth

Minnesotans ponder bridge collapse a year later

This sounds like a better plan ~the mosquito coast

My Intertubes Are Getting Tied ~Gentilly Girl

Grassley maligns Katrina victims ~desmoinsdem~Matt Stoller found this shameful tidbit in the Congressional Record from last Friday. The speaker is Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, who is mad that some senators want to find budget cuts to offset disaster aid for Iowa:
"So I don't want anybody telling me that we have to offset a disaster relief package for the Midwest where people are hurting, when we didn't do it for New Orleans. Why the double standard? Is it because people aren't on rooftops complaining for helicopters to rescue them, and you see it on television too much? We aren't doing that in Iowa. We are trying to help ourselves in Iowa. We have a can-do attitude. It doesn't show up on television like it did in New Orleans for 2 months."

~Editilla chingrrrillas~Can somebody hit the Bat Signal on this Freakin'Ass Mouth?

Bush Does New Orleans...Again
~Jim Hightower

Tell EPA to Fix the Dead Zone!
~Gulf Restoration Network

US Senate Questions FEMA On Katrina, Rita Supplies

Official tells lawmakers FEMA will fix aid distribution gaffes

Officials 'Outraged' After Being Ousted by Army Corps of Engineers~Sloan Brewster
MIDDLETOWN CT - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard held a meeting with members of the media at the Inn at Middletown but closed the door on the public and elected officials.
With the exception of Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who quietly observed, no one save the military, the media and speakers was allowed in.
"I'm outraged that this is our government - our federal government - prohibiting the mayor and a state representative and a state senator from coming in, based on Connecticut Freedom of Information Laws, kicking out the officials would be illegal."~ State Sen. Paul Doyle, D-9th District

Who first wrongly linked anthrax to Iraq -- and why? ~Muriel Kane

Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News
~Glen Grenwald

The Hartford Offers Coastal Insurance Proposal
~Diane Levick

“I decided law was the exact opposite of sex; even when it was good, it was lousy”~slabbed

Some New Orleans residents rebuilding homes to new heights

Film Buzz~Will Coviello

Movie producers tackle New Orleans 48-hour film project ~Briana Prevost

St. Claude Sankofa Marketplace ~ASJ&R

August Spotlight:
Old New Orleans Rum

Gathering of the Vibes: Annual music fest hits Seaside Park this weekend~Ray Hogan

Jazz Age Films 1920's-Wall-E
~all about Jazz

NolaFunk Lagniappe

A week's worth of good music

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