Sunday, October 25, 2009


Making the Louisiana coast a priority while allowing post-flood
New Orleans to drown

~Editilla lances this Editorial Botox, proving again that the Pen is Mightier than the Boil~
~Wow, yet again not a word from the Times-Picayune about the Gatzillion Ton Gorilla in the Living Room: the Corps of Engineers.
Would they have us think this amorphous "Oil and Gas Industry" just dropped 50,000 miles of canals and pipelines into Louisiana without the requisite Permits?
What if it turns out that the Corps of Engineers has decided to abandon its mission in New Orleans?
Here is the Corps Commander as quoted in Huff Post Friday, in a sobering article by Paul Brown, appropriately titled:
"US Army Corps can't stop floods in New Orleans"
Lt. General Robert Van Antwerp, Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers would not answer my question "Should New Orleans be abandoned?" But the General, whose job it is to protect New Orleans from future hurricanes, did admit he could not save the city from storm surges.
"Protect the city no, reduce the risk yes. We can develop better early warning systems, better evacuation plans, better levees to hold back most of the water but we cannot stop levees being overtopped and the city flooded."
Editilla gotta'ax: how does one reduce risk by increasing risk?
General Van Antwerp just Increased Risk 1000 fold for Future Investments in our New Orleans. And by the way 2+2=4
Thanks for Nothing, Lt Gen AnTwerp, ya'Fuckmook. And BTW, your flood walls Did NOT Overtop on 8/29/05. They failed at Half Load. They failed in 56 places. It was Not Storm Surge.
I for one am getting pretty sick of these Military Commanders who Publicly Contradict their Commander in Chief.
Can anyone explain to me how the 3rd largest airport in Europe thrives at nearly 11 feet below sea level, and yet our US Army Corps of Engineers cannot protect from flooding even one of our nation's busiest port cities when half of NOLA is above sea level?
How do we plan for our Future if we Deny the Past...
--and Lie to ourselves about the Present?

Regulations require reuse of more dredged material
~Amy Wold

Winning people's support said key to making "post-Katrina" plans work, reforming the Corps of Engineers is not in discussion of "Post Federal Flood"
~Editilla Rotellas the Co'tella~I hope Gentle'rillas can exuse my Existential Angst here after the head of the Corps of Engineers has now stated publicly that protecting New Orleans is "not in his brief", buuuut, Mr. Vargas (and all of you ill-informed journalists) New Orleans exists today by the grace of the Goddess, in a "Post Federal Flood" Corps-PR-Cool-Aid-induced-Haze --not "Post Katrina". That is like saying you plan to Reduce Risk by Not Protecting New Orleans from Flooding. All these smart people plans, and not a word about flood safety.
Need I remind y'all that hurricane Katrina missed New Orleans and hit Mississippi. It was the Corps of Engineers that hit New Orleans and flooded our city. Until you folks can get past that, then what I saw in front of Charity Hospital that first week of the Flood will happen again and again and again. All this pretty planning means Nothing in the background of Bad Civil Engineering, such Wrecking Ball Roulette with our Flood Safety.
So please drop the Katrina Shorthand. It's the Levees, Stupid.
Oh, it is also the Opt 1 Bad Flood Walls that the Corps refuses to replace. D'OH, and the Inoperable Pumps they installed on our outfall canals. Dbl D'OH, and the failing leaky levees in Morerro, Metarie and Lakeview. Triple'ought D'OH.. and tens of millions of dollars the Corps keeps shifting between flood control projects to cover their ASCEs.

Vera Smith's makeshift Garden District grave endures as a most unlikely -- and poignant -- Katrina memorial ~Chris Rose

Senator Mary Landrieu impersonates John Cornyn
~Geoff Berg
~Democratic Senators like Max Baucus (D-MT), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Kent Conrad (D-ND), and Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) oppose the public option.
Most recently, conservative Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu reiterated her opposition. She says we should trust private enterprise — the same corporations that got us into this mess — to continue doing what they’ve been doing. Under no circumstances, Landrieu says, should working people have access to the same government-run insurance plan she gets as a Senator.

Sunday Funnies~Citizen K

Seasoning lawsuit hits Houma entrepreneur~Kathrine Schmidt

Confused? We sure are, caught between the "Yo" and the "Ya". There is "YoYo" and "YaYa". There is "Yo'Honky" and "Where'ya at", "Yo'Bros" and "Ya'Ya Sisterhood"... when the only question that really matters today is: WHO'DAT?
6-0 BABY!!!!

Maison St. Charles Hotel Introduces New Orleans Bicycle Tour Package

"Here Kitty, Kitty" ~PWALLY
~I jokingly said, “I hope you are not allergic to cats, because I have two of them!” She was allergic, she said.
She turned her nose up when I said cats so I figured she had the allergy called, “I hate cats” so I told her they were outside and wouldn’t be coming in while she was visiting. Little did Suzy know she was sitting on the very sofa that my cats slept on, night and day. The upholstery showed cat fur, too, if you looked really closely.
"Goodbye Judith" 24 x 20" Oil 1995


  1. Yo!
    ha, ha, ha, ha, ha........
    Who Dat?

  2. Who'dat?
    Who'dat say they gonna beat dem'Saints?
