Monday, October 26, 2009


Stop Katrina Shorthand Media
NOLA City Council Resolution
Passed New Bumper Sticker!
~~Jus'One Dolla! Maka You Holla!~Available Wherever Particular People Congrooviate~
~On Levee Failures and Weather Event

Now Do You Believe?~WWL

WHO'DAT!~Canal St. Chronicles
Great Win for the Saints again! Probably our toughest test yet! Hats off to Miami Dolphins. God is good! Need to get in ice tub ASAP!!
6-0!!! Tough one but we pulled it out.
Thanks for the support... Who dat! One more thing...Y can't it b an icetub on the plane? Stay focusd
Who Dat nation came put in full force in Miami!
So many Saints fans there! Huge win!
We have the best fans in the world!!
Tha NOLA support was deep in MIAMI...hard game but as a TEAM we pulled it out..6-0 WHO DAT!!
in the 1st 642 games of their existence (1967-2008), the Saints scored 45 or more points 5 times. They've done it 4 times in 6 games this yr
Just touched down in Nola...can already see the thousands of fans outside the gates flashing their lights!
Man Saints fans are crazy! Lol! It's at least 500 people out here waiting for us at the airport! Best fans in football!
Ok maybe a thousand fans!

Final hearing on New Orleans master plan to be held Tuesday

N.O. education dollars from federal stimulus package in limbo~Bruce Alpert

Corps' commander: N.O. can't be completely protected from flooding ~WWL
Flood control advocate Sandy Rosenthal of "" says General Van Antwerp made the statements at the Great Mississippi River symposium she also attended, last Friday in New Orleans. "For the top gun at the Corps to be saying this now is we consider a very childish cop-out," said Rosenthal.

Terrebonne, Lafourche among most vulnerable climates ~Jeremy Alford
~A new study on climate change says Terrebonne and Lafourche are among the most vulnerable, and best prepared, communities on the Gulf of Mexico coast. The vulnerability study, released earlier this week by Oxfam America, details “hotspots” across 13 southeast states where climate-related hazards exist.
The study, “Exposed: Social Vulnerability and Climate Change in the U.S. Southeast,” is the first of its kind to combine climate-change risks with social variables such as poverty, a process that Oxfam officials say identifies the people and places likely to be most impacted by climate change.

Global warming rally has NOLA flavor~C.J. Lin

Environment What????
Gene Taylor’s Aide on the Environment Could Stand a Few Lessons on the Topic ~slabbed

United Fire's earnings still hurt by Hurricane Katrina
~Karen Mracek

Suit: Fatal bridge fall in area was avoidable~Steve Jones

'Old-Fashioned California Water Grab'~Bass Times

In a hole, Amsterdam tunnellers just keep digging
~Harro ten Wolde

The Franken Slapdown That Everyone's Talking About
~Air America

~Watch as he schools Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Hudson Institute--which until recently employed disgraced health care "analyst" and serial liar Betsy McCaughey--on how people in other "socialized" countries don't go bankrupt trying to stay alive.

Calling all HBO 'Treme' extras!
~Dave Walke

Old Woman, Scorned and Laughed At, Expressionist Dance by Avanha, Part 1 & Part 2 ~Putonium Mac

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
~Serious Eats

Coloring book satirizes N.O. Mayor Nagin~Becky Bohrer
~The scathingly satirical Ray Nagin Coloring Book pairs the mayor's at-times baffling comments with illustrations that creator Karen Ocker hopes will do more than make people chuckle. "I hope people think carefully about the last eight years," she said, "and what they want for the future of the city."

Tom Waits Recording w/ NOLA´s Preservation Hall Jazz Band

Bingo! Parlour Profile #16:

GDIF: Gesture Description Interchange Format, a tool for music-related movements, actions, and gestures ~IMT

You Can Never Go Home Anymore ~John Swenson
~More than four years after the federal flood, Cyril Neville still can’t shake the nightmares. The ordinary ones are bad enough—images of his home and neighborhood before Katrina, happy memories lost over and over again in the recurrent dreams. But it’s the other nightmares that really give him the creeps, images not reflecting his own experience but based on stories others have told him about being trapped in New Orleans for a week, then herded like animals and sent to faraway destinations.


  1. Hey Editilla,

    Mac from Plutonian Mac here. Do me a favor and post a beautiful two-part, meaningful dance by a friend of mine if you like it. She deserves to have her artistry seen.

    They are currently the latest two of my posts, by Avanha. But for nerdiness, Part 1 is:

    and Part 2 is:


    Plutonian Mac

  2. You got it, Mon.
    Wonderful work. I will post it on tonight and carry it on over through tomorrow too.
    Thanks youz
