Saturday, November 14, 2009


'Leslie Jacobs for Mayor' launches Website, Facebook, Twitter platform sans 'Platform'
~~T'row Me Some'tin, Sista!

~Editilla Gotta Toll'ya... we toll'ya! hahaha~

I took one look at this woman and all sorts of Intuitive Bells and Whistles began popping off, the good kind, the right kind... like this time we may very well have a Real Chance for, I dare say, Change.
Suffice to say, Editilla is Tickled to Bits. Buuuttt...
Here's the deal: when President Obama finally came to town to pee down our legs and tell us it was Katrina, Editilla iced over, sadly jaded with Social Networking as a Platform for Change.
Been there, done that, and all we got are these email solicitations.
So let us hope that we will be seeing Real Plans here and not just another Fly'Paper Campaign against the last Chief Executive.
While she has Not Officially Declared Her Candidacy, opening a Twitter and Facebook Account unofficially assumes the position of publicly Bending Over and is saying to the world: "Kick Me".
I mean, this means she's fair game now right?
There is No Crying In Politics...RIGHT? Riiiiight... Let's Roll!
Soooo, despite Editilla's general fondness of Women Chief Execs --and the Idea of This One in Particular-- we are sorry to report there is No Information on these sites as yet, nada quiche capiche
--but they will be glad to take down your offer to help! What? Help What? We already know how to Costume, how to march... but where's the music? Where's the Band? The Forking Beef?
That dog just won't hunt wit'out no Game. Let's Get Some Game On da'Table before we join your little partay ok? As our minions of Valued Gentle'rillas hit her site, we register enough for now. But, when you place your name in the pile, you will leave much more than a simple demographic, you will be leaving a Marketing Base, something a bit more usable, but with no product to speak of offered in return. Hell, even the Barkers on Bourbon will give you a little story with da'Pitch or the kids down the block will show some Tap before they Rap fo'da money, the Cinch?
Let's hope her "Social Networking" "People" are quicker on the up-take than this, and will shortly step out of the way --so we can see what this Candidate Leslie Jacobs truly has on her mind for New Orleans before they ask us to join their 2nd Line.
I mean, you can put Lipstick on the Internet all you want...
--but that don'mean you can make it squeal like a pig!
All we have here right now is the Wrapping? Where's the Candy?
Ahem, yes, well.
But, of course we can Hope to Change that, eh, now that we know where to go to give Leslie Jacobs our Word? That's the Ticket!
Perhaps they are waiting for us to give her some ideas? Yeah!
Gentle'rillas have heard Editilla's, a Simple 2 Step Program:
~Safe Flood Walls/Flood Safety
~Re-store a New Charity Hospital
Given what we have seen thus far from the current ya'heard of peccary, what E has called the "Clown Car" of mayoral candidates, Mrs. Jacobs can easily, definitely, even defiantly stand on her own apart from these Bozos... she has already.
--but we need to see Who'dat Y'know--What Sayz Youz?
~~Let's go tell Leslie Jacobs Right Now! Yeah! That's da'Ticket!

The New Orleans City Admin. Run Amok~Clancy Dubos
~Things have come full circle on Ray Nagin.
In 2002, he cast himself as the anti-Morial, the squeaky-clean "businessman" who was going to sweep out the corruption of the previous administration.
After last Friday's 63-count corruption indictment against former city technology chief Greg Meffert — once Nagin's top aide and close friend — it's hard to distinguish our present mayor from his predecessor.

HIV/AIDS Housing Agencies to Receive Early Funding
~David Winkler-Schmit

Mayor Ray Nagin planning December getaway to Mexico
~Michelle Krupa

Soon Only Shiela Stroup Will Be Left Standing
~We Could Be Famous

The Politics of Affordable Housing: Are Solutions a Problem?~Eli Ackerman

Have fish, will eat?
~Jeremy Alford

Hey Budtender!

A New Orleans Tradition
~Alex Rawls, offBeat
New Army Corps Policy Forces Project Designers to Consider Rising Seas~Taryn Luntz
~Also~Congressional delegation decries Army Corps’ Plan to deepen Delaware River

All about Louisiana's oil-and-gas industry~Daily Comet

St. Tammany Parish president frustrated over delay in funding for flood control
~Christine Harvey

Tech Giants Aim To Master Disaster ~Paul McDougall

Post-Katrina floods wash up arsenic risk

Hunters granted open season on escaped exotic faux deer from Jurassic Park near northeastern Louisiana town
~Nobody answered the phone Thursday evening at High Delta Safari Park in Epps, 10 miles north of the Richland Parish seat of Delhi and across the parish line in West Carroll Parish.
John Hanks, a biologist with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, said Thursday the site also included a hunting ranch, and he believed High Delta had closed recently.

Federal Katrina recovery money urged to tackle N.O. blight

Sophisiticating up da'corruption: Baltimore edition
~Library Chronicles

~Editilla Remindolas~ In'forkin'credible! Demon'Slaya!
Please make sure to scroll up fo'da Yellow Blog's Saints Post!

Mother Jones: Sen. David Vitter, R-Formaldehyde~CenLamar

Slabbed Scoops the News:
Bossier gets nothing in Phase 2

Scruggs' fees ruling reversed

What Being “OUT” Really Means ~Gentilly Girl

Prospector 2 Digging For Gold
in all the Wrong Places

~The 2010 show will have a smaller budget - cut from about $4.2 million to $3 million to $3.5 million - but will be longer by three weeks. About 60 artists will be showcased in the French Quarter and other high-traffic areas.
~Editilla Botellas~ We wondered how these Prospectors might hook up with the ReInventors. Apparently the new economy just doesn't have room for this bull shit, so the feteful Prospectors want to show their tits for the French Quarters and other high-traffic areas --like where our own local Artists already scrape out less than a living yet Rock On Real Nola Art???
And, thank'ya Santa, they are going to stretch this Mark into the holiday buying season. Oh Snap 2!
Money changers in the Temple, they were just as stupid, bad and irrelevant with Prospector 1. Do we need a stinking education?

3rd Annual New Orleans Middle East Film Festival
this weekend at ZEITGEIST

~This year's Fringe will be a extraordinary week of theater of all types, featuring over 45 groups and over 100 shows from New Orleans and around the country. Opera buffa, drama, cryptic revival, physical clown-theater, dark comedy, cabaret, romance noir, overhead projector shadow puppetry, butoh, hip hop, dance theater, environmental performance, puppet aerial musical....and many other innovative, original, provocative, beautiful shows. There is something for everyone so get on it!
Play.Music.Heal. ~insomniatrix

Weekend festival in Thibodaux promises food, fun
~John DeSantis

Jazz City Java Welcomes Newest Author, Phyllis W. Boudreaux Book Signing "The Marriage Recipe"~Good Nola

Ramen, the Duct Tape of Food

In Pursuit of Bo-Consciousness - Part 6~Home of the Groove

NolaFunk NYC

Levon Helm Electric Dirt
Editilla Rockollas~ We saw the Dead open with this song in the Pyramid in Memphis their final tour when Jerry Garcia passed at the end. But Editilla so deeply into Levon, since we come from the same dirt so to speak, will rue the day we came to Love This Song.

Garage A Trois ranges from lounge jazz to prog-rock on a new CD~Kieth Spera

Thursday, November 12, 2009

~Yay! Happy 2nd Blog'0'Birf Day! ~803 Posts! ~200 hits/day! ~Editilla Crow'tellas!

~Editilla Notellas on'da Crow'tella~
77,777 hits on yer'Birf Day! Hahahaha, that is just cool as hell.
If any'youz would like to know just how fast someone can run from That Flood, please do check and compare our first post
--at the bottom of our very first week alive, with today.
Go Down There. Climb that first week. Then come back always.
Too bad that Blogger keeps the Now sidebar instead of what we had back then, as I remember that part being a ho'nuther learning curve. I believe we used to have that piece by Carl Demolay "Crucifixion Road" (still) down the side, even before a profile, the city flag or the birth of yer oh'so humble Editilla. Crude, Baby.
I have been asked so here's the deal: Editilla was born about the time that Ashley died. I'm not saying they are connected, or that we were any more than newfangled blog'quaintances, but I will say this: we would not be here without the Sinn Féin...
... and a few other Nolabloggers who shall remain nameless...
--like Oyster, Dangerblond, Jefferey, Folse, slabbin sop'n'doucy, Citizen K, Da'Masqued E'Vinga, Charolette, Louisiana 1976, Adrastos, Liprap, Varg,, WCBF, WCNO, Maitri, Ray, Haney, Harry, Thanks Katrina, CenLamar, Rex, Big Schleif, OZ, Clancy... even Humid City Bless Loki's Goddamn Petulant Ass
and Mouf'Talkin Trash'baggers like Peters... thanks all.
I must say, you give me reason to peace at a time!

Before the Flood we used to go to the Alvar Library to use the "computer" to check our email. Before the Flood we were someone else, an artist with a dog and a studio in the bywater, writing suites of music about the Marigny, a comedy on the Death of Socrates and a SciFi Thriller about a clutch of bored neo'cyber- punks who play a game of Capture the Flag with snatched up homeless people on the roof tops of the Quarters, all in longhand, pages that are gone now, literally mold spores in da'wind.
We sometimes went to the main branch library, but there was this guy working there with glasses who also always looked hung-over and used to stare at us with funny looking yellow eyes whenever we sat too long... but I digress, anywayz, that was the extent of our "computer use". Then the Flood, and about a year of Darkness on the Road in NO LA LA LAND... It is a loooong story hacked out some here, but to cut to the chase, Harry Shearer was my first blogger, then I ran into the Rising Tide midway through 2007, the 2nd year (which starts and ends on 8/29 btw) and there realized that we don't have to bow down. No We'Don Bow Down.
Thus we launched the Ladder a few months later. Bow Wow!
Suffice to say this kept me out of McDonald's with a rifle.
Everyone thinks I'm kidding there, but I cannot print here some of the arguments I found myself into that first year out a bar for example, or even a check-out line, with real, stupid foolish Amerikaners, face to face, who just didn't know what it means yet wanted to, had to make a Point about it wit'da shabbier sides of La Pucelle d'Orléans! Never did find out what their Point was, because they were Not Allowed That around me that first year.
Nobody was allowed That then --or now.
Nolafugees know what I'm talkin'bout. It was hard to keep from getting arrested no lie because I was usually still Flood-armed to the teeth and these ignorant proles obviously didn't blog.
If they'd just read the Nola blogs... they would know...
then they would know what it means to miss New Orleans.
Because It Fucking Means What It Means,
Res Ipsa Loquitur Sinn Féin!
NOLA and her bloggers are a Difference that Makes a Difference.
I hope one fine day to be in that number, as we still tread the back hand path on the long road home... commuting if you will.
One fine day we will come in from the cold.
But for now, the Saints are Glory Bound, we have da'Ladda...
--and I hope that makes everyone happy!

Book Review: "Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow"
~Boston Globe reporter gets “seal of approval”

Irony in the Making

Chris Rose to take T-P buyout
~Kevin Allman

Louisiana Politics: New Orleans Mayor Campaign Finances, Vitter, Melancon, Cao, Facebook
~Stephen Sabludowsky

~Numerous politicos, pundits and handicappers are projecting that John Georges and Ed Murray will be two of the lead horses running for mayors.
Entering the field this week is Orleans Parish Civil District Court Judge Nadine Russell who has long been suspected as being a candidate for Mayor. Earlier this week, Troy Henry, a businessman also announced his candidacy.
A number of candidates are talking about or are actively campaigning for Mayor running for Mayor. That list includes Republican Rob Couhig, Leslie Jacobs, James Perry and others.

Orleans Parish Prison and "Deputy Justice" : Violations of rights and hidden violence ~Amanda Mueller NOLAFemmes

A private matter, a public court – slabbed reponds to Judge Senter

Citizens Property Insurance may raise rates on commercial policies~Ed Anderson

Minnesota's legal system updates its disaster preparedness
~Matt Ehling

Speaker to discuss trend of business-controlled public schools~Barbara Leader

Brown pelican comes back from the brink of extinction
~Christine Harvey

~The recovery of the brown pelican is based largely on the federal ban on the general use of DDT in 1972.
These brown pelicans were photographed Wednesday on Salt Bayou by Scott Threlkeld
~Editilla Notellas~ We it not the Mighty Eagle, or the Smart Formidable Turkey, Ben Franklin would have recommended the Suave and Laid Back Pelican to become our National Bird.
Really. It's true. Honest. Come on, you know it.

Plant trees with Acorns of Hope
~Daily Comet

Replant takes more orders for free trees~Robin Fitsgerald

T.A. Breaux talks about rediscovering absinthe
~Tod A. Price

The imperiled po'boy?
~Michael Luke

The Jeaux Sheaux: call for writers and photogs

Thank You NOFD, Charity Hospital ~and all who held The Line 8/29. Jus'sayin... Sinn Féin

~Thank You, Pop.
Thank You, Sandy.

Letter: Use of eminent domain for LSU/VA immoral with reasonable alternatives available

Rep. Cao vs. retired Gen. Honoré
~Denis Keohane

Melancon, Cao protected by politics ~Gerard Shields

School choice: Grandmother struggles to navigate system
~Sarah Carr

~This is the fourth of a series on school choice in the NOLA area

Sniper's Execution Brings Closure For New Orleans Saint ~WDSU

Rebuilding New Orleans Literally
~The Sietch Blog

Lessons learned from Katrina -vs- Federal Flood~Bruce Brown
~Award-winning Times-Picayune environmental reporter Mark Schleifstein had two feet of water in the second floor of his New Orleans home after Hurricane Katrina, so it wasn't hard to find a human face to the storm's aftermath.
But it was also his duty to find out why the levee failed on the 17th Street Canal, to discover that human error by the Army Corps of Engineers failed the residents instead of accepting the presumed natural disaster theory. Schleiftstein addressed UL journalism students and others at the USGS National Wetlands Center on Tuesday, providing a dramatic look at the 2005 storm's effects through video and photography.

What Temple U. Journalism Majors Learn ~On Levee Failures and A Weather Event

From Baghdad to the Big Easy, NYT reporter has covered it all
~Chad Bower

Lee Zurik signs with WVUE-TV
~Kevin Allman

Copy Writer,
Sheila "Bla'Bla'loo" Grissett, issues more puff'n'stuff Public Relations gobble'd'goop
regarding another Corps Contract Gobbl'd'goop Award Gobble'dee Gobble Pump Pump Jeep Jeep!

Barge eviction rules being reconsidered for weaker storms such as Tropical Storm Ida
~Jen DeGregorio

Gates at London Avenue Canal are lifted as water in the canal resumes "safe levels"

Editilla gon'beg, borrow, or steal $12,500 firm

Photographing City Park NOLA
~Magnum Oafus Photoblog

New Orleans Po-Boy Preservation Festival
Sunday Nov. 22

Science fiction from outside the English-speaking world
~Cory Doctorow

Baguettes, black holes and Wah
~Vickie Moos

Bullock to Attend Red Carpet Event in New Orleans

Acting Up on the Fringe
~Walter Pierce

~A little mo'from Lord David

Caroline Herring
- Tales of the Islander
~Plutonian Mac

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


St. Bernard Parish fares well during Ida; parish officials watching slow-draining rural areas~Bob Warren
~Taffaro did say that officials and area residents had noticed that the water seemed to be taking longer to drain from areas outside the levee system today. He said officials went out to the earthen dam blocking the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet at Bayou La Loutre to see if it might be slowing the draining. Taffaro said the water on the "inside'' of the dam appeared to be 4 to 6 feet higher than the water on the "outside'' of the dam.

After riding canoe home, Cao calls on Obama for coastal protection ~Bill Capo
~"I hope that the president will continue to be focused on our coastal restoration issues and make sure that we have the money that we need," Congressman Cao said. Cao says erosion following decades of oil drilling across south Louisiana has left the coast more vulnerable than the state can afford to repair.
"We have sacrificed for the nation," Cao said. "Now I believe that the nation has to do what it takes for us to protect our people."

Advancing Women in Academia
Troy Henry launches N.O. mayoral campaign: ranglin'fo Successful Business Exec with No Political Experience
--But Not like Nagin was...
or Georges is, or... Leslie who?
~David Hammer

~Editilla Ho'tellas~Yeah, well, we all expect the next mayor to "Get The Job Done", right? But what about actual issues?
Who has the difference that will make a difference?
"The citywide primary will be Feb. 6, qualifying is Dec. 9-11."
~Clancy Dubois from beginning of this year's electualizing.
Interesting to look back over his list of Who'dats and Who'nats.
When we do start to see platforms,
I have to see 2 things on the table Up Front:
~Safe Flood Walls/Flood Safety
~Re-store a New Charity Hospital
That is just me, those cards Trump any others, to wit:
the Race Card, the Socioeconomic Card, the Education Card, the Corruption Card, the Crime Card whateva card you want to play.
Because, if those Old Bad Flood Walls are allowed to remain untouched, as the Corps is pushing with Option 1, then they will Fail Again. When they failed the first time, one of the only things I saw holding The Line during that first week of the Federal Flood was Charity Hospital. So, when those Bad Flood Walls Fail Again, and We Have No Charity, where will the next mayor be?
This could happen next hurricane season, folks.
It could happen during ANY hurricane as long as those Old Bad Failed Flood Walls remain. After they Fail, what else matters?
I was here during the Flood, sooo can someone tell me what else mattered then apart from Bad Flood Walls and Charity? Education? Racism? Health Care? Housing? Corruption?
Sewage and Water? Crime (HA!)? Buwettes? (HA! HA!)
Think about it, what really matters when the City is Flooded?
The Candidate that follows --or not-- Editilla's 2 Step Program
will show whether they Get It --or not.
Editillin'Minds want to Know.

Should Louisiana, New Orleans Republican Cao Be A Democrat?
~ Jeff Crouere

School choice series: Mother is determined to find best public pre-K~Sarah Carr

Why Fred Radtke Sucks
~The Chicory

T-P food editor Judy Walker gets seal of approval
~Editilla Crowtellas~ OK, if the nice folks at want to give kudos to journalists when they do right, how'bout we give out little Black Hearts when they do it wrong wit'da Katrina Shorthand

New Orleanians Keep On Keepin'It On Reality
~"Abandoning New Orleans, as the director of the corps stated last week, is to ignore the lessons of Holland where 68 percent of the country is 18 feet below sea level."

Tropical Storm Ida comes ashore at Dauphin Island

Grand Isle levee breached by Ida's surge Monday
~Nikki Buskey

Corps of Engineers to show new gear to plug levee breaches in Oklahoma

Disasters Media: A world to win
~Laurens Nijzink

Geothermal well in Cameron Parish gets funding
~Richard Burgess

An energy company has been awarded $5 million in federal Recovery Act funds for an electric plant that would harness the heat of water drawn from far below the Earth’s surface to produce power in Cameron Parish.
Louisiana Geothermal in Lake Charles is planning to begin construction of a new geothermal power plant in early 2011, company president George Jordan said.

New Orleans pension fund sues Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway
~Giovanni Legorano

Oceanographer reined in at wind trial~Mary Perez

Organizations serving Medicaid recipients looking for help to save funds~Stephen Largen

Post-Flood food: The perfect storm in edible New Orleans

Saving New Orleans Culture, One Sandwich at a Time
~John T. Edge

New Orleans Middle East Film Festival ~Gambit

Sound revisions~Tim Cumming

Big Brass~The Musical Box

CNN Heroes: New Orleans Kids Plant 'Roots Of Music'
~Huffington Post

Dave Bartholomew inducted into Louisiana Music Hall of Fame

Allen Toussaint throws a star-studded soiree in honor of Dave Bartholomew
~Kieth Spera

Breaking the Band~Gambit

Daniel Lanois - New Work Proves He’s A Canadian Musical Genius ~Trixie Whitley

100 Best Jazz Recordings?
~Martin Gayford
EU commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall, reproduces the domino effect
~The center piece of the "Festival of Freedom" will be an artistic project reproducing the domino effect of the events in 1989. Organised by the City of Berlin with the participation of the Commission's Directorate General for Communication and the Commission Representation in Berlin, 1000 giant domino pieces lined up over 1.2 km (0.74 miles) on the former site of the Berlin wall from Checkpoint Charlie to the Reichstag will be made to collapse as the Wall once did.~This general view shows the domino pieces leading up to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. As the highlight of a £5million celebration marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall they will all be toppled over.
Here We Goooooo!!!!

Insurers have begun cancelling policies on Louisiana homes with tainted drywall
~Rebecca Mowbray

Swine flu vaccine arrives for 3,000 at greatest risk in New Orleans area~John Pope

Clinic in New Orleans works to limit children's medications
~Maureen McFadden

TWIA’S 11.2% allocation to wind damage – 100% hot air ~slabbed

MS Levee Board Pushs Corps on Lakes Plans, Again~Adam Lynch

Prime Income Asset Management Receives Community Development Block Grant from the MDA

School choice: Family works hard to find perfect fit for 12-year-old~Sarah Carr

'Smart' network of roads could create safer highways
~Sheila Grissett

Reclaimed materials are featured in show, auction benefiting BR Habitat for Humanity
~Karen Martin

Could floating homes be on the way for Bayou Communities?
~Nikki Buskey

Land and Water Unite in Waterfront Redevelopments ~PLANETIZEN

One From the Past
~Crescent City Hack

Wessell "Warmdaddy" Anderson
~Gambit Pick

Funky 16 Corners:
James Booker's Gonzo
~NolaFunk NYC

Galactic to release new album
~Mickey's Zoo

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dimanche~ GEAUX SAINTS! 8-0 BAY'BAY!!!

~La. Gov. declares state of emergency as Hurricane Ida menaces Gulf Coast

Coastal Parishes Prep For Possible Flooding ~WDSU

Louisiana Anxious, Watchful for Hurricane Ida~Carol Forsloff

Ida takes casualties~NYT

Ida takes aim ~Wunder Blog
~Hurricane Ida burst into the Gulf of Mexico as a Category 2 hurricane with 100 mph winds this afternoon, and is poised to deliver a solid blow to the U.S. Gulf Coast between Southeast Louisiana and the Florida Panhandle on Tuesday morning.
"Man With Balls Lives Here" Rep. Cao is only Republican to vote for Democrats' health care ~Jonathan Tilove
~In the end, satisfied that the House health care reform bill would not subsidize abortions, Rep. Anh "Joseph'' Cao, R-New Orleans, voted "yes" late Saturday night, making him the only Republican in the House to vote for a bill that passed 220-215.
Cao also was the only member of Louisiana's seven-member House delegation to support the Democratic plan.
~Editilla Gotta'tollya~ Rep. Anh Cao has now walked the Green Mile, to the place where "Man With Balls Lives Here!"
~And Thanks Youz, Big Molluski!

Why Cao said 'yes'
~Molly K. Hooper, The Hill

~When the time came for the vote on final passage, Minority Whip Eric Cantor slid into the seat right of Cao to continue pressuring the freshman lawmaker to oppose the vote and deny the White House any bipartisan edge to its victory.
Once the tally board lit up 218-213, however, Cao was free to put his congressional voting card in electronic key slot and cast an “aye” vote for the bill dubbed “Pelosi’s healthcare bill.”

He did it quickly, and quietly, while the rest of the chamber was applauding for having cleared the vote threshold needed for passage, the vulnerable Republican was recorded as voting for the sweeping $1.2 trillion measure. Throughout the several votes leading up to final passage, Cao was flanked by senior lawmaker Rep. Don Young (R-Ark.) and senior Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.).
At various points during the 40-minute period, GOP lawmakers approached their colleague for one final chat.

As soon as the House started the final vote for the day, Cao voted and dashed out the side of the chamber, plugging his ears in jest when reporters approached to find out what happened.
According to a written statement released later that night,
Cao explained that Obama had promised to help out the lawmaker’s district still devastated from Hurricane Katrina.
~“Today, I obtained a commitment from President Obama that he and I will work together to address the critical health care issues of Louisiana including the FMAP crisis and community disaster loan forgiveness, as well as issues related to Charity and Methodist Hospitals,” Cao wrote. ~Video interview with Cao.

School choice is a real test for parents in New Orleans
~Sarah Carr

Coming up in Gambit:
"D'Oh, what a week" edition

Slabbed... Nip'n'Beauxtoxed!

Train in Vain~Michael Newsom

Sunday Funnies~Citizen K

Budget issues call for new way ~David Hampton~Gov. Haley Babar's first term was defined by Hurricane Katrina. Now it appears his second will be defined by another disaster - the economy.

Above-average rainfall raises concerns about MS River
~Amy Wold

Folks Browsing the New Orleans Bookfair~What I Saw Riding My Bike Around Today

Sudan & Versatile Ladies of Style SA&PC Second Line Today, 12 noon-4pm~also~Shamarr Allen, Stogges Brass Band, and Bowling for "Silence Is Violence" Tonight, 7-10pm --after the Saints beat the Patriots
~Red Cotton

Lillian Boutté: New Orleans Musical Ambassador
~Squeeze My Lemon

The Manchester New Orleans connection~FoodMusicJustice