Thursday, May 20, 2010


Gulf oil spill may be 19 times bigger than originally thought
~The latest glimpse of video footage of the oil spill deep under the Gulf of Mexico indicates that around 95,000 barrels, or 4 million gallons, a day of crude oil may be spewing from the leaking wellhead, 19 times the previous estimate, an engineering professor told Congress Wednesday.

BP Admits to Screwing Truth, placing entire US Gulf Coast in Danger, Executives Still At Large

“Embedded Media” Only Allowed to Cover BP Oil Disaster?
Has Our US Coast Guard Gotten Too Chummy with BP Perps?

~Should a person have to be embedded with authorities, corporations or organizations at the center of a disaster in order to document a disaster? Must a person be with a recognized news organization that regularly gets into press conferences in order to film critical events like the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico right now?
~Editilla gotta axe~ At what point to we decide that our Armed Forces Do Not Work For A Foreign Corporation Against US Citizens??? What am I missing here? Why is Our US Coast Guard Working For British Petroleum Instead of the American Taxpayers? Why have they been Covering for BP this past month with Bad Flow Estimates, Admiral Mary Landry?
Given the Strands of Lies put forth to date, the Coast Guard can take their Embedding Reporters Program and shove it up their ass. Yeah, what dif does it make how many reporters you take to bed if you tell them LIES ALL NIGHT LONG?
Thank You US Coast Guard! Thank You for Selling Out America to these Limey Pigs!
Thank You For Giving BP Your Ass!
Why hasn't President Obama Taken Control of This Disaster, instead of giving BP Free Reign on Every Aspect?
Come on, Mr President, BP has made you look like a jail house punk. You are not BP's little Organ Grinder Monkey. Stop It. Put away the Campaign Cup.
Pull yourself together, Mr President, No More Mr Nice Guy.
Get on the Dip Stick Here or Go Home because no one will vote for the man who allowed a foreign corporation to kill us.
Will that be your Legacy? BP Obama? Barrack Pussin Obama?
Show Some Guts, Mr President! Bring in the Navy and Collapse this Well. Stop THAT Problem. Then Nationalize every BP Asset in the Nation to pay for the Recovery. Take Charge here..
--or jus'go home. Who needs'ya, who needs less than nothing?

Feds order BP to put all spill data on Internet BWAHAHAHAHA

Oil continues impacting Louisiana coast; storms for Caribbean and SE U.S. waters?
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog

~Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of the oil spill taken at 7:56am EDT May 20, 2010, by the Canadian Space Agency’s (CSA) RadarSat-1 satellite. Image credit: Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.

BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Image, May 18 ~SkyTruth
~This Envisat ASAR radar satellite image taken on May 18 shows oil slick entrained in the Loop Current and spreading out to the southeast. Slick and sheen covers 15,976 square miles (41,377 km2), about 50% larger than seen in yesterday's MODIS image and about twice the size of New Jersey.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Youz in T!
    We gonna go ahead and hang this post onto Friday's Ladda.
