Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil reaches Grand Isle day after "officials" said it "may never hit there", NOAA/LA Spill Forecast Maps Prove Inaccurate
~See the Little Oil Spill. See the Oil Spill Kill Louisiana.

~Workers build a dam Thursday to keep oil, bottom left, from entering wetlands on Elmer’s Island in Grand Isle as thick, heavy oil and tar balls flowed onto Louisiana soil on Thursday, covering a four-mile stretch of beach while residents woke up to oil washing over rock jetties near the town’s fishing pier.
“We’re in awe, we just can’t believe it,” said Jan Scardino, who works in Grand Isle’s City Hall. Grand Isle Mayor David Camardelle said he met with BP officials Wednesday to discuss the chances of oil striking the town’s coastline. “They said it may never hit us, and 24 hours later, it’s here,” he said.
Wanna'Bet "They" also said it wouldn't come in his mouth?

SkyTruth BP #oilspill: It's Day 31 of the spill- let's do some math. At 4 M gallons/day that's a total spill of 124 MILLION GALLONS. Exxon Valdez x10

Obama now wants daily reports from his BP Shoogha Daddies BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Government takes back seat to BP on spill response

Outrage over BP Oil Fail grows as
do calls to Arrest, Tar'n'Feather British Petroleum Executives

~Thick, sticky oil crept deeper into delicate marshes of the Mississippi Delta, an arrival dreaded for a month since the crude started spewing into the Gulf, as anger and frustration mounted over BP's non-efforts to plug the gusher from a blown-out well in order to capture the Oil For Its Profits.
~Editilla jus'sayin: We grab these Perps, cover them in their own hot oil and tar, feather them and hang their Preternational Asses from the lamp posts on Canal Street in New Orleans. What?
~The executive heading up BP's sham to stop a massive underwater oil spill says he's very optimistic that the Gulf of Mexico will recover.
~Beyond a piece of broken boom was another marsh,
oily stalks glistening from the falling sunlight.
"Look, the boom is clean, but the cane is covered in oil. It took hundreds of years to create this, and it's gone just like that."

~Former Louisiana Fisherman Ron Price

~"If we are only beginning to understand that we can’t trust BP, we’ve been much too slow."

BP Accounts for Most "Willful" Violations Among Refineries, Regulator Says

Rand Paul Sucks BP Cockneed
~This Ubber Tea Party Manchild would have America Bow To The British, Stick Their Pump All The Way Up Our Body Politic.
Like so many of that Constitutionalexic Berzerker Brood, poor Randy was born with an odd Hook'down to his Accent that leaves one wondering: "Who'z Yer'Daddy?" And, like so many others of that Drive-through Political Bowel Movement, Wittle Wandy thinks accidents "just happen", like Shit and Self Rule, like the American Revolution when the British just folded up and went home after we showed'em who's Boss at our Tea Party in Boston!
Oh, and all youz gimps, queers, dikes, kikes, dagoes, niggers, chinks, beaners, sand jockeys, gypsies, retards, clever women, single men, baby killers, comedians, artists and smartasses...
{Apologies if we left anyone out above. You know who you are.}

The Rand Paul Quote Everybody's Ignoring
~Harry Shearer

Which side of the lying face is showing today?~Just ME in T

CNN Spins BP/Coast Guard PR: "Oil leak could be stopped by next week," as Feds form Spesh'l Glory Hole Flow Committee
~CNN today rolls out a couple of new spokers from BP to tell us they could have this nipped in the bud by next week oh snap! And! And! And, after shoveling out 2 or 3 Big BP Flow Estimate LIES, our punked and BP-slapped US Coast Guard is assembling a (wait lemme go read this again...) Flow Rate Technical Group. You mean... the FRTG? Can we say Glory Hole Fool's Banquet on the air? Meanwhile, BP Executives remain at large and in full tactical command and control of this out of control situation.
~Spinner-bait Coast Guard Commandant Dbl Trip Rear Adm. Thad "All Hands" Allen will continue to serve as President Obama's point man on the BP Oil Fail after he retires this month, said the fey, BP-slapped, oil-handed administration on Thursday.
~President B.P. Obama has prevented the BP Oil Fail from becoming his own Katrina/9-11-like nightmare ---so far--- but his flaccid, pusillanimous, Brit-licking appeasement renders his chances for another term moot scoot wit'da boot.

Oil Keeps Gushing From Well, as Feds Study Size of BP Phallus
~Oil is still gushing from a damaged Gulf of Mexico well as BP Plc continues the charade of catching 5,000 imaginary barrels a day. Meanwhile scientists with the Flow Rate Technical Group FRTG are assessing how much crude is spilling into its mouth.
How much oil is leaking determines BP Profit/Loss
No exact measurements are being taken and a low oil-spill estimate could save BP Pirates millions, if not billions, of dollars in court, not to mention nearly inevitable Public Lynching.
~BP Exec Knows Public Reads His Staff Emails
~In an interview with Forbes last week, Hayward called BP's response "extraordinarily successful." He apparently fancies himself a general, marshalling forces to defend the beaches. He even quoted Churchill: "When in hell, keep going."
~Editilla Hell'Yellas~ After this Idiot Bastard CEO Hayward passes through Hell, Bhopal'Mall, he will reach Louisiana, where our Catahoula can make fine sport of his scrawny British Accent Crying Churchill over our Dead Wet Badlands.

What caused the Deepwater Horizon disaster?~The Oil Drum
~Hat Tweet~
John McQuaid

Scientists worry storm season may make BP Oil Disaster worse

Here's a Real Appollo 13 Quote: "Let's work the problem, people."

~Hat Tip~Fire Dog Lake

“My science was very good…My position at LSU was in jeopardy.” Court now hearing Ivor van Heerden’s Motion for Injunctive Relief ~slabbed

Geaux Mayor Mitch'Mo Gutso!
~New Orleans Real Mayor Mitch Landrieu demands, and gets, apology from Fox sportscaster.
We Might Forgive Chris Myers But We Won’t Forget ~NOLAFemmes

Orleans Levee District asset management addressed by measure going before Senate

USM seminar examines aftermath of Katrina

Can anyone believe this Pig? Since his Race Dog won't hunt, James Perry resorts to Painful Smear and Vicious Innuendo
~Editilla Jim Crowtellas~The only thing I hate worse than a White Cracker Racist or a Black Scammer Racist is a Sadist.
James Perry has shown himself to be a Sadist of the Worst Sort.
We normally don't get into this sort of thing, but he really ticked our ass when he Smeared the Eagle Scouts with his Potty'Mouth Mayoral Ad saying basically, "I'm an arrogant Dick that did Not Deserve My Boy Scout Eagle Award." Oh Yeah! Vote for That.
But now, as it is obvious that Perry wasn't running to Win Mayor as much as Increase His Public Profile On The Electorate's Dime, in his latest campaign, in order to WIN, James Perry thinks nothing of slandering the impact of a deadly car accident on his opponent who hit someone Who Had Run A Red Light. Boy, this creepo slimeball must really have some big plans for the city.
"More important ... than what Miss Moreno is disputing is what she is not disputing," said Perry, who is executive director of a fair (HA!)-housing agency. "She's not disputing the fact that she has no relevant experience or achievements with regards to contributions to our community."
What? What, you useless gregarious wild swine? What? Wanna prove that negative? We all can't be Al Sharpton. You know what they say about assholes: color doesn't matter, they All Stink!
I don't know anything about Helena Moreno, but I do know an asshole when it farts in my face, having had to deal with Ray Nagin for 8 years. Aren't we done with that divisive horse shit?
What the Hell does James Perry have on his mind? James Perry!
Better question: Who in Hell would support such a Cruel, Shiftless Asshole for Any Elected Office? Well?

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