Louisiana's payment, to date, for the Iraq War

In the Eye of the Storm
~Mother Nature's got nothing on Daddy Warbucks
CONOPS Autonomy Recommendations for VTOL MAVs~Based on Observations of Hurricane Katrina Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations~Dr. Robot Nerd School

~Stacy Semrad
~Emergency responders from across the globe venture to Disaster City® for unparalleled search and rescue training and exercises. Simply put, Disaster City® is the most comprehensive emergency response training facility available today.
LSU AgCenter Hosts Hurricane-Resistant Home Improvement Seminars
Nagin: Katrina anniversary goal for getting rid of FEMA trailers
Religious Leaders Help Renters Buy in New Orleans~NPR
A Mid-City Ressurrection Aimed At Helping Seniors Come Home
Cross to step down as adjutant general~Harold Cross, who led the Mississippi military units through the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is stepping down as adjutant general of the state National Guard and Air National Guard.
Blanco defends Road Home firm's raise~Road-Ho'mers say, "Yeah, we heah ya'mouf talkin!"
Landrieu, Vitter put in 2 cents
Virginia evacuation numbers double for hurricane
Coastal Infrastructure And Operations Will Be Severely Impacted By Climate Change
Bill Clinton: Put recovery leader in White House--but I'm not here to campaign for my wife who is running for President by the way.~In town for a first-of-its-kind gathering of 700 student activists from around the world organized by the Clinton Global Initiative, the former president declined to comment about his wife's political campaign, saying he is muzzled because his organization is supposed to remain politically neutral. Riiiiiiiiight...
CGI University (Day One) -- Opening Plenary
~Live blog from PhilanTopic

named Inspire
~Lori Gomez
resides in Pearl River but her work is steeped in
New Orleans flavor.
She’s painted murals in area businesses featuring New Orleans themes.
Lori’s work can be seen at LoriGomezArt.com

Harry Connick in Manila for big band concert
~"Harry Connick Jr. has a deep affinity with most things black. He talks with a Southern accent, having been born in New Orleans. He considers the late entertainer Sammy Davis Jr. as 'the greatest artist of all time.' He would like to see Barack Obama become the next United States President 'so he can change a lot of things.'"

~NOLA Rising
Irish Channel Parade
Schedule of St. Joseph's Altars 2008
St. Anna's procession marches to a different tune this Palm Sunday
Green Wave marching band in 67th Annual New Orleans Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Wayne Shorter Quartet Performs with Terell Stafford Quartet at Kimmel Center