XXIII 1. As an unperfect actor on the stage, 2. Who with his fear is put beside his part, 3. Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage, 4. Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart; 5. So I, for fear of trust, forget to say 6. The perfect ceremony of love's rite, 7. And in mine own love's strength seem to decay, 8. O'ercharged with burthen of mine own love's might. 9. O! let my looks be then the eloquence 10. And dumb presagers of my speaking breast, 11. Who plead for love, and look for recompense, 12. More than that tongue that more hath more express'd. 13. O! learn to read what silent love hath writ: 14. To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.
The Feast NOLA: The Connected Age Emerges from New Orleans ~Tamara Giltsoff Coal Industry Wins a Round on Mining~For more than a decade, environmental campaigners have tried various legal avenues to fight the mining technique, a form of strip-mining that blasts the tops off mountains and dumps the leftover rock in valleys, burying streams. The ruling, by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va., overturned a 2007 decision that supported environmentalists’ claims that the Army Corps of Engineers had improperly issued permits for several such mining. Review: "Halliburton's Army" ~Glenn C. Altschuler
The cost of delay~Late Editorials ~The corps must realize that leaving Louisiana vulnerable to nature's most destructive storms carries a heavy cost, too. ~Editilla gotta ax~ Costs? What costs? WHAT COSTS TO THE CORPS? The Corps of Engineers has paid No Cost for their failures. Indeed, the Corps has grown stronger than ever, more politically connected than ever, and they are also now lining up major wetlands groups like candy ass'canes to appoint their Corps Titan as head of our Nation's Civil Works. In Fact we have Rewarded their Corps Failures with more and more Corps Funding. We have allowed them to get away with the Flood of New Orleans in '05. We have allowed them to continue delaying and increasing the Tax Payer Costs for south Morganza to the Gulf. We allow the Corps to say whatever they want to us without independent validation. We have even allowed the Exquisite Corps to get away with stuffing this very Times Picauyne Newspaper as filler in concrete floodwalls. Eitilla sayz that is Punk'd'Up! So I also gotta ax: Why is the Times Picyune always, always, coming in after the commission of the crimes. That simply will not do any longer. For example, TP, how is the lawsuit MRGOing?
Corps design may have to change ~Paul Rioux ~The latest clash in a decades-long battle over one of the nation's most fiercely defended wetlands could send the Army Corps of Engineers back to the drawing board to modify designs for the centerpiece of its West Bank flood-protection upgrades. Comments and graphics.
ASCECORPS Say Lets Play... Spin the Model ~Editilla gotta Pilla~ ~Oh! Model, not Medal!~ Here I was just minding my own biz, doing the morning constitutional thing with Crazy Mazy and coffee, trying to wake up enough to climb this Ladder... when one of my plants over at Levees.org pitched me this article. Everyone know Editilla has a problem with fleas and engineers! That is the pestilence to which the Exquisite Corps has devolved before me: fleas... up Editillas butt! Soooo I gots plants all over da'place, planted by the seeds of discontent, and they send me stuff like this, knowing how it will get my goat by its mangled horn and drag po'thang to apoplexia. The author of this piece of Public Relations Ass'Buff Lede PRABL writes copy for McGraw-Hill, little Missives of Misinformation to cloud the water around ASCE/Corps of Engineers ASCECORPS faux engineering shenanigans, Little Miss'Informed. Really. She writes like a cheerleader for a high school yearbook.
Indeed the article is about having Earthquake scientists peer review flood structures. OoooK'ville! AND our intrepid gum'smacker brings in Corps Expert Model Ken Dolls: Tim Ruppert and Robert Gilbert! Oh Boy, here is where Editilla's worm begins to sloooowly turn! We Love These Corp'd Lackeys: one a lying douche'bag rising nola blogger and the other a Medal Winna! Yeyaah can I getta Witnaaaasss! The former and da'latta... Timmy Ruppert's eponymous nameless blog is a perfect example of décalage, defensive douché'bloggery. Right there beneath his picture, beneath that long column of cointelpro, he disclaims any connection between his views and Corps Policy, yet posts exact Corps Policy, then gets quoted in the yearbook faux article as an expert on Corps Policy. Timmy would have the whole Nola blog'0'spere believe he is just another citizen devastated (whispered by His Own Corps Engineering Malfeasance) --not above all a Current Corps of Engineers Supervisor Spin'Filtraitor. Mr. Nice Guy just wants you all to like them. Mr Ruppert is trying to sell us a bill of goods. He is the worst kind of Smack Dog Snip Hunter. Hey, you mad dogs are welcome to do your tree-pissing where ever you want --but out here in the blog'0'reamery and across the flooded plain we take offense when it keeps hitting our leg. Jeez! Louiezzzzz! Soma'body hand me ah Lucky dog! Gregory Peccary wanna'bees--everywhere we wanna'beez! Robert Gilbert was on the wrecking crew IPET review and received his Medal from the Corps before the report was even published, lined'em'up and pinned it on his fey chest. This guy is spinning like a bottle in a prom closet! This is advance Public Relations Advertorial. Illustration: "Little Timmy"~Masqued E'vinga!
Bunnatine “Bunny” Greenhouse, a Whistleblower and Real American~Michael Lang ~Ms. Greenhouse, the former top civilian contracting official for the Army Corps of Engineers, stated, "The bottom line is that without access to independent courts, real judges and juries, whistleblowers don’t stand a chance, and fairness and transparency will not see the light day." She is asking fellow Americans to contact their elected representatives and demand strong and effective whistleblower protections for federal workers in order to ensure that fraud in stimulus spending can be detected.
Summit puts face on Katrina ~Kat Bergeron ~The human aspect of Hurricane Katrina recovery needs more attention as each week more people with unmet needs show up at social service agencies more than three years after the storm. That was the strong message at Thursday’s Katrina Recovery Summit II: Where Are We Now? attended by disaster recovery, case management and advocacy groups.
Slidell mayor blasts FEMA for comments on local recovery efforts~Christine Harvey ~Jim Stark, assistant administrator for FEMA's Gulf Coast Recovery Office, did not mention Slidell specifically when he told a newspaper this week that officials in communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina are wasting time "trying to wring more money out of the federal government" when funding might not be available."That is the most incredible bull---- statement I've ever heard in my life," the Slidell mayor said Thurs at a press conference in the trailer office he has used since Hurricane Katrina destroyed Slidell's City Hall almost 3 1/2 years ago. ~Editilla gotta ax~ bull---- shot? pock? scat? scit? scud?
We see your black and raise a... ~Wonkette ~The GOP has confirmed that Lousiana child- governor Bobby Jindal will deliver the party’s response to Barack Obama’s fake “State of the Union” speech on February 24. Other finalists the GOP considered include Michael Steele, a vagina, and the Chinese guy who does John Boehner’s laundry. Movie Poster: The New Orleans Levee. Editilla T'ank youz t'ank youz t'ank youz...
"Who cared what Lincoln said? I heard they wrapped his head in an American flag from the theater. But did they wait too late with a wound so great to get the bullet? Did he lay slideways looking out, following his own son down? What a way to pay for the freedom of men, women and children." ~from my song, Providence
Corps delays report again ~Bruce Alpert~The Army Corps of Engineers announced last December that a final report on providing Category 5 protection for southern Louisiana, originally due at the end of 2007, wouldn't be ready until June or perhaps later. On Wednesday, the corps confirmed it will be later. A letter to Vice President Joseph Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that the final report now will be ready Aug. 31. Terrebonne Residents Want Wine Island Restored
Inexplicable opposition to Gerry Galloway as an Obama advisor on corps policy ~LaCoastPost ~Editilla sayz if da'stigmatas, we must explicata! or, What you mean "We", Kimosabe? ~Well, one problem you can have with "Gerry" Galloway is the way this blog proffers the advance word "Advisor" (passive) to describe the position of incredible power this Corporate Player (aggressive) will occupy. That is what I call "Misnomer Lite". Gerald Galloway will excercise absolute control over the management of the Corps of Engineers, the priority of infrastructure projects and their funding, the relationship of the Corps to the White House and Congress...Civil Works, or Not. Whoever takes this position of Assistant Secretary of the Army Civil Works will command a unique place in history, especially given the loads of stimulus funding coming to the Corps. Gerald Galloway is a Corps Man. He is a past president of ASCE. ASCECORPS. He was a Vice President of the conglomerate Titan Corp. The man has strings attached. The man's got Cred. Jus'sayin...jus'axin... does "Gerry" know who built our failed goddamned levees? Who has starved away our coastline? Corps of Engineers proposes buyouts on Miss. coast How do we decide what is a “Water of the United States”? Rapanos revisited
Could Gerry Galloway replace JP Woodley as Asst. Sec. of the Army for Civil Works? ~LaCoastPost ~Editilla axs~Aren't we tired of ASCECORPS yet? Given his vast experience in building our nation's failing flood control structures, one has to ask if Gerald Galloway represents part of the solution to this threat or part of the problems facing us every flood season up and down the Mississippi River. Now Galloway shows up in Louisiana,recently becoming a member (pro bono) of Gov. Jindal’s Coastal Advisory Commission. Go Figure. Got any presidential appointments? Go Fish!~Yes! He (may very well) can! ~Gerald Galloway Titan Corporation Googled ~Gerald Galloway's Bio ~In a telling appointment that has not been discussed, Galloway was on a committee that addressed issues relevant to proposals to draw water from the Great Lakes. This is the elephant in the room that the USACE is avoiding. What is the water management policy of the United States? The aquifers are drying up, and development engineering that allows massive runoff of surface water because of concrete and curb and gutter construction is continuing. Galloway knows this, but his "spin" was that, like the Dutch have done, the US. needs to prepare for 1,000 year floods. This distracts from the issue of engineering malfeasance in the present, and local water zoning ordinances that are not enforced in flood plain communities.~The Floods: Army Corps Says PR Firms Transform "Babblers" into "Spokespersons" Smothering streams ~Jessica Hall