Saturday, June 12, 2010
~Fix the Pumps
Today in BP Oil Spill: Day 54 ~Gambit
~OK! Ready? Coast Guard tells BP to speed up containment pace! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
~Job fair in Bastrop offers 100 Gulf of Mexico oil spill security openings
Human rights group: BP discouraging crews from using respirators: "Spreads Hysteria!"
~ BPGlobalPR Prank the nerds at the NRDC! Send a note to your senator saying BP Rules, Gulf of Mexico drools!
Bayou Creole, Welcome to Your New Orleans Ladder
Wildlife experts assess oil's impact ... and shudder
N.O. business man on oil spill: “We will survive; S. Louisiana may not”~Green Heritage News
Obama Kisses Cameron's BP Ass
Recap: USA vs. England
Missouri River Water Struggle Pitting Montana Against Downstream States
~Editilla retartellas~ Pre-coffee, first thing this morning,
in the crystal vajra anger of a chain-gang sunrise

Hence their reminder:
"Barack Obama is president."
Oh? Thus, a punked and junked sack boy for grocery clerks? Nothing brings out da'Nasty quicker than da'Hubris of Step'n'Fetchit.
Mr. President, you don't have to insult us.
This Guest Editorial you did yesterday in the Times Picayune is absolutely ludicrous.
I honestly thought it was a Satire piece until getting to the phone numbers: -- 1-800-440-0858
And this gem: Anyone having trouble with BP should call the Coast Guard at 1-800-280-7118
Mr President, YOU should try calling these numbers, but not as the boss. Try calling them as one of us.
You gotta be kidding. At least stop insulting our intelligence.
So, at every turn you turn this country over to the people who are attacking us, BP, for our redress and recovery.
Handing the American people off to BP Is Not Taking Charge. You have chosen to protect BP by allowing them to control our recovery from their attack.
Please remove Thad Allen. No one but you seems to believe a word he says, not even Tony Fey Hayward.
Mr President, every time you do something so stupid like this Guest Editorial in the local papers, you are showing us how little you actually control.
BP has this show, and your administration, in the pocket.
Is there any way you could step aside and appoint Biden, or Hillary Clinton take charge of this attack on our shores?

~Editilla gotta axe~
Is it as much what is left UNSAID?
[Breaking In]
NYC Mayor Michael Plumeberg Bends Over,
Splits Cheerleader for BP Bosses

Oil in the Gulf: Incessant and uncontrolled~Amy Wold
~Kennedy to Jindal: Prepare for BP bankruptcy
~facingsouth RT @BPOilNews: Tony Hayward warns top BP investors it's 'likely' to suspend dividend

Sand berm construction set to begin to block oil from Gulf of Mexico spill~Mark Schleifstein
Bobby’s Focus
~Clancy Dubos, Gambit
~In the face of the worst environmental disaster in American history lapping at Louisiana’s fragile coastline, Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration has been working feverishly — trying to hire expensive, out-of-state lawyers to represent the state against BP in court.
Why we must try to save oiled birds~David Mizejewski
~BPGlobalPR If we can't sell these free $25 dollar "bpcares" t-shirts we are throwing them in the ocean.
Workers treated after boat strikes a natural-gas rig
~The_Gambit Uptown Swingers Second Line Parade Sunday 1-5pm: UPTOWN SWINGERS JUNE 13, 2010 1-5pm ‘TOUCH MY SWAG, WISH U COULD’...
Friday, June 11, 2010
~Mitch'mo lashes out at Pooty London mayor's Bitch Please comments ~Gambit
Thad "The Impaler"Allen, Obama's Oil Point Man, STILL Misses, Trusts Discredited BP CEO Tony Fey Hayward
From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence
Scientist Proposes Unleashing Mississippi River to Flush Oil From Delta
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Memo Shows BP's Spill Rate Calculations ~SkyTruth
No Progress on Better Chemicals for Oil Disaster Cleanup
Oil Spill May Cost $4.3 Billion in Property Values
BP Oil Disaster Threatens Mississippi Delta Goods and Services Worth Far More Than BP's Value
Come to the Anadaroko side:
We might have liability limits
~Mark Moseley, The Lens
~British Pooty
*Special Thanks Youz~SoP

Any size donation is welcome, but those who give $1,000 or more will get a Bottle of Hope filled with oil-contaminated Gulf of Mexico water collected by cleanup workers.
~A delegation of four U.S. senators head to the heart of coastal Louisiana Friday to assess the damage caused by the nearly two-month-long BP oil disaster.
LaFource Parish President Charlotte Randolph accused Obama of using the Gulf Coast for political purposes. "I think he has an agenda and this is certainly working into his agenda," Randolph said Thursday. "Right now we are the poster children for alternative energy. He can point to us and say this is why we need to move on to alternative energy."
Fed sp'oiler estimate, now dated, puts leak flow higher
~In 2008, BP Touted New Tech to Measure Oil Flow ~Kate Sheppard
~But Ivor van Heerden said this is all "OVERSTATED"!
~Louisiana officials tell of frustration with BP Oil Fail response ~But! But! Ivor van Heerden said....
~Editilla gotta axe~Is it as much what is left UNSAID?

~Ladder Reporter Georgianne Neinaber on the scene.

BP Oil Fail: Obama's "Tar Baby"

Br'er Obama becomes offended by what he perceives as the Tar Baby's lack of manners, punches it, and in doing so becomes stuck.
The more Br'er Obama punches and kicks the tar "baby" out of rage, and eventually, in an attempt to extricate himself from the situation, the worse he gets stuck. Now that Br'er Obama is stuck, Br'er Pox ponders how to dispose of him.
Plenty of Gulf volunteers, not enough work to do???
*ROC Barrier Bucket Testing
Let’s take a second look at one of the politicians that hatched sand ber'm in Billy Da'Nun Nungesser ~slabbed
GOP lawmaker with BP stock has role in spill probe
United Kingdom prepared to back their Bitch Please
BP Oil Fail hardships forcing owners to give away pets
BP Oil Fail Threatens Native American "Water" Village
Thursday, June 10, 2010
*Special thanks youz~ Georgianne Neinaber
Slicked and Slabbed the BP Disaster Part 6: The BP bankruptcy watch commences
BPGlobalPR This whole thing has really taken its toll on CEO Tony Hayward. Send some encouraging words! Use #DearTony so he knows. 12 minutes ago via web
Editilla @BPGlobalPR #DearTony Fey, we know you miss Thad The Impaler, but you gotta suck it up all'da #oilspill off yo'stiff upper #BP #oilcano lip 7 minutes ago via web in reply to BPGlobalPR
Editilla @BPGlobalPR #DearTony Fey, show us your Whore'Face! "You're a Brit you can take it", so how'bout we get Mid'Evil on yo'Assets? #BP #oilspill 4 minutes ago via web in reply to BPGlobalPR
Editilla @BPGlobalPR #DearTony Fey, you sho'got some purty lips! Do the Brit Stiff Upper Thingy for us! Please?!? #BP #oilspill #oilcano #nola #BPPR less than 20 seconds ago via web in reply to BPGlobalPR
~Rescuers gently washing the goo from pelicans make for some of the few hopeful images from the BP Oil Disaster on the Gulf of Mexico, yet some scientists contend those efforts are good for little more than warming hearts.
Critics call bird-washing a wasteful exercise in feel-good futility that simply buys doomed creatures a bit more time.
They say the money and man-hours would be better spent restoring wildlife habitat or saving endangered species.

~But Ivor van Heerden said this is all "OVERSTATED"!
~Editilla Hell'yellas~ We have a toybox in Hell where we keep those words for just his sort of liaises fairer scientry.
Team says much more oil may have flowed from well
~kate_sheppard Today's HOLY CRAP moment: If 50,000 barrels/day figure is right, that's 2.1 million gallons per day, or 109 million since this began. #BP
~Editilla @kate_sheppard Yep. I'd say that rates a FYYFF. #BP #oilspill #oilcano #nola
On our slow road to Hell ~American Zombie
Community impacts of the Gulf Coast BP oil spill~Michael Herz, The Working Waterfront
RE: Common Usage
~Walter Pierce~In every way, the spill is a disaster because of people.
P&J Oyster Co. to halt shucking due to Gulf oil spill
Most oil-struck birds, marine life die uncounted~Environment prof updates his Encyclopedia of Earth daily
~Ducks Unlimited Reports Gulf Coast Marshes Losing Ability to Support Waterfowl, Study Says
~Petroleum resistance in marsh plants
Define Responsible~Bayou Child
Citizen Groups To Use Clean Water Act To Ensure BP Cleanup
The CEO and the Admiral
~Horatio Algeranon
On the Gulf Coast, Media Access Can Be Hard to Come By
~ABC Reporter Matt Gutman Questioned During Video Chat on Alabama Beach
~NYT: Efforts to Limit the Flow of Spill News
~But Ivor van Heerden has Press, "OVERSTATED"!
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - June 7 and June 9, 2010 ~SkyTruth

Coastal advocates say spill could spur restoration

~Jean-Michel Cousteau, Troy Aikman, and Drew Bledsoe Hold Press Conference in Louisiana to Endorse Breakthrough Technology to Help Clean Up BP Oil Spill
Trusting the Army Corps of Engineers?~Sandy Rosenthal
~But Ivor van Heerden said this is all "OVERSTATED"!
~~What say youz? Agree with the e'steamed scientist?
After axing him to answer, and receiving a vetted drop-kick, Editilla is giving Van Heerden this week's grace, then we shall pose that simple question to each of his supporters.
~BP Coast Guard PR to hold show'n'tells in Houma
As BP promised, the walruses are fine~Stephanie Grace
Center works to clean up birds ~Amy Wold

Red tape vexes Gulf residents seeking BP payments
~The reefs that David Walter makes for anglers to drop into the Gulf of Mexico are fake, but his frustration as he tries to win compensation from BP for lost income is real. State regulators stopped issuing permits for the reefs on May 4 because of the oil spill, effectively killing off $350,000 in Walter's expected business. It sent him into a labyrinth of archived invoices and documents lost by BP. Finally, an offer came: $5,000.
Oil spill forecasts: Take them with a grain of salt water
~Houston Chronicle

Taking On the Gulf Oil Spill With Kites and Cameras

is coming to Your beach June 26
Telamar: A Honduran restaurant with Central American soul
~Ian McNulty, Gambit
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
~Ariella Cohen, The Lens
BP oil collection ramps up; so do claims questions
~BP hit by doubts over ability to pay for costs of oil spill
~Company Says It's Burned More Than 4 Million Gallons of Oil So Far; Louisianans Demand More Oversight
Who Really Owns the Gulf of Mexico?~Mother Jones
Just in case you're wondering...BP doesn't give a nutria's ass about Louisiana.
This oil for the most part goes to Texas.

Doomed Pelicans: British Petroleum Neglecting Booms in Pelican Rookery
~Georgianne Neinaber
Photos of oil-soaked suffocating pelicans drifting in pools of oil from the British Petroleum oil disaster have become a heartbreaking symbol of the environmental catastrophe that is assaulting the Gulf of Mexico and coastal communities. The last thing on this writer's mind was photographing more of the same.

The focus of this latest trip to a beloved Louisiana Coast was going to be the region's people and a threatened, unique society.
Then a call came in from Grand Isle, Louisiana, on Monday night. Fishermen were concerned, and the charter captain said there was "something you should see," on Queen Bess (Bird) Island.
The 7.5 acre island lays NNE of Grand Isle in Barataria Bay.
~But Ivor van Heerden said this is all "OVERSTATED"!
But! But! Ivor Van Heerden said not to worry!!!
-- by Horatio Algeranon
"The oil impacts are overstated"
The pelicans quite overrated.
Van Heerden said to NPR
"The oil doesn't go that far"
"It's on the surface", says PunxsuTony
The scientists are full of baloney
"There are no oil plumes below"
I dove down there myself, you know.
The oil flow is just a leak,
That they are plugging as we speak.
There's really nothing here to see,
"Move on" said the Wizard from BP.
Time for some good news:
Mr. Okra's sweet new ride
~Kakren Dalton-Beninato
June 10-12: States Participate in “Dine Out For The Gulf” ~NOLAFemmes
~We recommend watching this Screen FULL, Music LOUD.
It says it all for me right now, and we hope y'all as well.
Get Down!Get Back Up Again!

“The most important lessons we can take from the Saints victory are two-fold.
First, that with hard work and perseverance, the people of Louisiana can overcome anything.
We are world champions- and nobody can keep us down. And secondly, we’re going to come back better than we were before.”
~Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
Delisted and in danger: BP Oil Crime threatens brown pelicans months after they are dropped from endangered species list
Scientists seek oil clues as concentrations confirmed deep in Gulf~Sandy Davis
Mitch'Mo, figuring out life jacket calls for checks on drilling moratorium

Governor Bobby Jindal, at left, don'need no stinking wings.
He chopper down...
wit'da edge of his hands.
Advocate Erin Brockovich visits bayou families~Fisheries openings and closings announced in Terrebonne
LeveesOrg to speak at conference and lead tour
Why the BP Oil Crime is an environmental and human health disaster
~Boonsri Dickinson
AP finds energy ties in Gulf judges’ financial disclosures
~“Thirty-seven of the 64 active or senior judges in key Gulf Coast districts in Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida have links to oil, gas and related energy industries, including some who own stocks or bonds in BP PLC, Halliburton or Transocean — and others who regularly list receiving royalties from oil- and gas-production wells, according to the reports judges must file each year. The AP reviewed 2008 disclosure forms, the most recent available.
Slicked and Slabbed Part 4: Slabbed calls bullsh*t on the sand berm scheme. BP is being fleeced to no good end.
And the Tilla'Girls say...
Seafood group debuts website for oil spill concerns
Bhopal and the BP Oil Spill:
A Tale of Two Disasters
~Madhur Singh
Inclinometer ~Monkeyfister
BP's Equal Opportunity Screw
~Florida Gov. Crist reminded Fryar that BP paid out $1.5 billion in dividends to stockholders in the last quarter and was ``the fourth largest corporation on the planet.'' He agreed the BP claims process was ``unacceptable'' and demanded that it expand the number of claims offices in the state from 8 to 30, one in each county bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Does not show up for House Committee Hearing ~slabbed
Bayou Child
What sort of Top Hat Con-dome Crunk Shot fits over this?
~Library Chronicles
~erster @Skooks posts about oyster taint-sniffers and about Saints attempting "crunk shot" plan
Calling all engineers
~American Zombie

Make Wetlands, Not Oil T-shirt. All Proceeds (100% of profit) to benefit United Commercial Fishermens Association...
Louisiana Gov. Jindal Joins New Orleans Saints To Support Coast ~Bayou Buzz~Governor Jindal was originally scheduled to host the Saints in Baton Rouge – which was scheduled months ago after they won the Super Bowl – but the Governor asked the team if they would join him in Plaquemines Parish instead so they can see the impact of the oil spill and also help lift the spirits of the people of coastal Louisiana.
“The most important lessons we can take from the Saints victory are two-fold. First, that with hard work and perseverance, the people of Louisiana can overcome anything.Taylor’s Gulf Oil Wells Leaking for Years, U.S. Says
We are world champions- and nobody can keep us down. And secondly, we’re going to come back better than we were before.”
~Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
BP Oil Spill: Federal Estimates Again Eclipsed By Reality
BP oil executive is suffering
~Jarvis DeBerry
~"I'm a Brit," he said. "I can take it."
~ Jarvis: Of course, I'm not British. I don't have the stiff upper lip needed to get me through such an ordeal. Nor do I have anything approaching the $4.6 million BP gave you last year for being the public face of the company. Louisiana hasn't yet figured out how we're going to survive. But how it warms our hearts, Tony, to know that you're going to be OK.
~Editilla Ravenellas~

Fuck the Brits.
HA! As such, I think part of the problem here may be the spill of broken feudalist tarts who would come to our shores to school us in how to "suck it up".
Thus, I asked the South African Ivor van Heerden WTF he meant on NPR, Saturday, stating to an audience numbering in the 50 Million range, that the Oil Impact on Louisiana's coast had been "overstated". {Oh Snap Goddamn! Isn't THAT what BP has been saying all along?} And he replied.
We shall hang it here for our Gentle'rillas on The Ladder.
~A Few things first. Jarvis DeBerry so has our backs that I cannot adequately put into words the feelings of solid Reassurance, Empowerment and InFormation with which he always leaves me --and without which we all would have perished a long time ago in panic like blind mice on a burning oil rig.
This is what is meant by the Rock and Roll of Salvation.
I used to feel that way about the word of Ivor Van Heerden.
Just ask anyone who has faced Editilla's defense of him.
However, Redemption is in the mouths of the damned.
~Second, we asked Van Heerden about his Press Tours.
That has been the consistent burr up Editilla's ass since hearing my former hero disregard apocalypse in evidence.
I have stringently avoided attacking Van Heerden's livelihood, for a number of rhetorical reasons but chiefly because I expected that argument from those who could justify this their roles in this holocaust... but not from the man himself.
But that defense did not fly at Nuremberg, won't shake here and we'll make damn sure will not show up in the coming court cases, some criminal, some civil.
Additionally, aren't we all getting really fed up with those who spin this growing man-made disaster with the toll it is taking on their personal lives. Tony Fey Hayward, Bo Duddly DoRight, and now Ivor van Heerden.
Editilla gets particularly vapid and surely when someone brings their suffering family into a PR discussion. If they want to talk like poor babies, then let us consider the ones yet born into this Hell with defects to a generation of 1000 yard stares.
Everyone in South Louisiana it seems now, except for the independently wealthy, must work for BP, especially those directly involved in the response. This is written into the Unified Command Structure as was explained to me by a 3rd Class Petty Officer named Jonathan Lowery, of the Unified Command Joint Information Center UCJIC (I ain't makin'dis up!:) a phone call to my home not 15 minutes after I called and spoke to Gary Mauseth one of Van Heerden's bosses at Polaris Applied Sciences who told me they are indeed under contract with BP. (Also the only 'answer' from UCJIC.)
~Thirdly~ In his nationally broadcasts Press Embed Saturday, Van Heerden said he's been on this job looking at the coast "the past 40 days". Not only is that before the oil actually reached the rookeries where it continues to kill, but he is pointing out that he has Not been unemployed since his contract with LSU expired in May (and for which he is currently, ironically, suing the university for "firing" him for speaking to the press!). And his speaking to the press is nowhere in his job description, either actually or literally as he attempts to proffer in his email reply.
And that is where I come in, to attack BP PR, whenever it rears its pustular, petulant head, manifested by their total censorship of the Press and thus how we view this crime.
Hence we fell upon this immediately to call it out, at first privately, nicely, then publicly, then more vociferously when he took to the airwaves again yesterday. I'm sorry but don't try to shovel me that you are only interested in "getting out the truth" while legally and definitively under contract with BP --who's PR/Ad/Lobby budgets dwarf the GNPs of all but the top 30 nations in the world. We cannot compete for survival with their messaging/branding resources --obviously!

Or to better q'wit:
"Who let this vandal take the handle on the Press?"
~Finally~ My hero dun'wrote me a Letter~I compiled the entire thread onto a page for space-sake.
Hi Ivor,
I would like to humbly submit that you really jumped the shark by doing BP PR Press Tours on NPR Saturday.
Please see my post about it today:
I personally don't have that much problem with you working for BP. Rest assured however that that defense did not fly at Nuremberg and it won't work now. "Just following orders" will not get it here. Working for them is bad enough, but it is what you said that is breaking my heart. I have defended you and your cause before some pretty mean adversaries. I have thrown my blog completely behind your quest to regain your job at LSU (which receives copious funding from BP btw)
It is the misinformation that you laid down on NPR that really bothers me. Tens of Miles? I suppose the Governor didn't take the same plane rides that you say you have the past 40 days with BP.
Of course, whatever you do discover while working for these bastards Will NOT Become Public. I am certain that is in your contract, if it is in the contract of mere clean-up workers to Not Speak To The Press.
So, why is renowned coastal wetlands scientist Ivor van Heerden speaking to the press for BP?
To say I am confused would put it mildly, to say I am disillusioned with the unbridled and total support I've given to your cause would be closer to the point, to say I find your statements repugnant would hit the nail on the head.
I refuse to believe (as an increasing number of people) that you lied on NPR as yet, despite photographic evidence to the contrary.
Please do not think that you have one single day longer to let this breech of veracity stand.
Please respond, if not to me then to Sandy Rosenthal and who have their own honor on the line here with others who support you. At least respond in public somehow.
But I am dying to know where you think the impacts of this oil crime have been, in your own words, "overstated".
Editilla~New Orleans Ladder
Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 3:02 PM
~~~To which, Ivor van Heerden replied thus:
~My retart en route to what we have heah'ya today:Dear Editilla:
let me start by thanking you for your support over the years, something I have appreciated greatly. There seems to be some confusion out there as to my role in trying to ensure the BP oil spill impacts are scientifically and correctly dealt with.
As you are aware I don’t have a job and of course my family has had to make major changes to try to survive on our savings. Be that as it may when the spill occurred I looked around for what would be the best way I could serve the state and its inhabitants in bringing what expertise I could to the table. I could not be involved as a LSU professor, obviously. A company Polaris Applied Sciences, out of Seattle, that specializes in Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Techniques (SCAT) contacted myself and other Louisiana scientists to help out in determining the extent of oiling and its cleanup. Polaris specializes in responding to oils spills all over the world irrespective of who the culprit is. They were asked to come in and undertake SCAT surveys. They then reached out to some of us and a number of Louisiana scientists are involved, all as hourly workers. There are no benefits and no medical. -Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:37 PM (Follow at link.)
a fail'ya ta'comoonicate.
Dear Ivor,So there it is in blackend white unvarnished truth.
thank you. I will place it well.
You should know I've never approached your need to support your family as everyone else in South Louisiana: for BP.
I work for a living too, Ivor, hell everyone I know does too. We just don't have the placement to go on a boat with a pack of journalists and contradict photographic evidence while under contract.
I have been consistent in this question.
It is the Press Tours, and Spokesperson role that disturbs me.
Your scientific work is completely separate from that or it is a lie. Or else why do it?
But in stating impact estimates you involve yourself in future litigation when stating that this oil impact was "overstated", when that will become very much the question in court per the Exxon Valdez settlements.
When I phoned one of your bosses about this yesterday, I got a call not 15 minutes later from Unified Command Public Affairs. Not 15 minutes.
Gary Mauseth was nice, and said he would get back. But it turned out to be a PR Flack from you-know-where.
Please peruse the Ladder. You are wrong to say that this oil impact has been "overstated". Because when I asked Unified Command how much oil how many miles to-date, the flack couldn't answer, and then got lost in how you are in Unified Command Structure.
Isn't this boring yet?
In the mean time you have access to the Press under contract with BP, where NoOne else has such access, and are in fact censored. Ill clean-up workers are not allowed to speak to the Press, anyone under contract with BP.
Even tourists are getting hassled for cell phone pics of the beaches.
I'd like to see you stop the Press Tours, and the BP/Whatever Spokesman on National News Media. That is the problem here. I can't see where that is part of your job description as a Coastal Scientists in the midst of this crisis. At best you are blindly playing into BP's Devil's bargain, and at worst... I don't even understand.
Press embeds with NPR the day after Pelicans were photographed in Blobs of Oil on that very Grand Terre Island the day before struck me as painfully ironic.
After the press left the oil kept coming in.
Queen Bess is in trouble.
That's all I'm saying. Why do you have to give them an opening?
Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:50
All I have left to say is this... Hélas la Louisiane Sinn Féin!
Gulf Stories - Part 4 - Ivor van Heerden from TakePart on Vimeo
Exxon Valdez Lawyer: Louisianans, 'To Use A Legal Term,' Are 'Just F--ked'~Sam Stein
Slicked and SLABBED – and just flat overwhelmed
Scientists challenge BP containment claims
Golden Jubilee! Today in BP Oil Disaster: Day 50 ~Gambit
~Chris Rose on BP: Beeched
LeveesOrg to speak at conference and lead tour
Sandy Rosenthal and Harry Shearer on Weather Channel!
New Orleans - It Aint For Everybody ~Deb Cotton
Monday, June 7, 2010
~Editilla just gotta toll'ya~ I’ve read too much Kafka to have any patience with that sort of behavior. BP may very well simply Buy-off all the "experts" on Contract, thus silencing them. Aside from the abject heartbreak that he may have totally sold out, what bothers me the most right now about Van Heerden’s spoken statements on National Radio is that, in doing so, he is Tainting the Juries for inevitable BP Liability Lawsuits.
These settlements and fines will be based on Barrels spilled and Coasts impacted, as per the Exxon Valdez settlements.
Hey, Scientific Ambiguity has worked swell for Big Tobacco and Big Pharma. I have come up with a new term for the likes of BP:
Preternational Corporation.
What bothers me the most (and I can't say this enough) about Van Heerden's public statements, to wit: he is engaging in Jury Tainting for BP plain and simple. He is grossly underestimating the impact of this oil crime, which will definitely matter in court when everyone needs to eat BP.
That really bothers me. It isn't as much that he has to work. Hell everyone in South Louisiana it seems must now work for BP after our President allowed them to take charge of our assfucking.
So he's gotta work as a coastal scientist, but Why is Van Heerden doing Press Tours for BP and the Oil Industry, while everyone else from sick clean-up workers to beach tourists are CENSORED from even taking cell phone pics of the coasts????
Why? How can Ivor van Heerden speak to the Press and yet none of the rest of the citizenry actually impacted by this crime that Van Heerden says is "OVERSTATED"???
I still can't get my mind around that. Ivor van Heerden...
I just can't do the et tu Judas thing. It hurts too much.
But my sense of abject betrayal by someone I threw it all for is Nothing compared to the pain our coast will feel as a result of this bull shit. That is what really bothers me.
The babies who will be born into this hell with defects, the grain belt stained by the blood of this black swan, our people with their 100 year stares. The Pelican, blinded by the gobs of oil that Van Heerden has said is only on "tens of miles" of coastline. The Devil is actually an honest dealer. This is another Contract all together.