Happy Birthday Harry Shearer!
~Editilla cut our teeth and sharpened our fangs playing
"Kick the Neocon", while Defending our New Orleans against all trollers in the comments section on Harry Shearer's
Huff Post Blog that first year or two AD.
It could easily be said that he got me into blogging, though I would hesitate to shovel that dubious honor on such a creative individual.
Finding Harry Shearer online was for me like finally finding one of those huge truck-stops on the road at night in the cold in Wyoming... or stumbling into a bar in Memphis, which was full of Saints fans during this diaspora... or, even, snagging that ride out of town in a pick-up truck on the 7th day of the Flood.
It was such a relief to find a place where we weren't getting ripped to pieces and called all sorts of names, a place where actual issues were being published by Harry (and precious few other outlets) which would draw the usual vitriol but where we were able to respond and confront those stinking trolls and Bury Them.
I say 'we' meaning the commenters, the wounded and angry, the nolafugees, since Harry always plays it straight and smart but always responds --the only major media blogger to work their comments sections in such a way. Really, very few major media bloggers engage their audience in such a way and so quickly.
I have watched him the past 4 years Doggedly repeating the Facts of our Man Made Disaster in the face of Spin'filtration by actual paid Astro-turfers as well as the ignorant masses. Like the lead of a pack of hunting Catahoula, he doesn't back down.
All this other work Harry Shearer has done is funny, masterful and laudable. But, from the view atop this Ladder, New Orleans needs to understand that this man has almost single-handed kept
our side of the story in front of the Major Media and Defended our city, his city, before the entire nation --with incredible style, love, intelligence, tenacity and aplomb.
Sinn Féin, Harry...
--wit'a Big Happy Who'dat Birthday!
St. Rose drainage pump vandalized~Joy Hirdes
Development of a Multiscale Monitoring and Health Assessment Framework for Effective Management of Levees and Flood-Control Infrastructure Systems
County urged to join effort to require Corps to certify river levees~Saying that property values are at stake, state Rep. Bob Mehlhoff of Great Falls urged Cascade County commissioners Tuesday to get behind a local push to require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to resume certifying river levees. New federal flood map rules being created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency require local levees to be certified, but the Corps of Engineers is no longer doing the certifications, Mehlhoff said.
Corps trying to kill viable flood control~Wyatt Emmerich
Insurance Department sues Metairie bond firm
~Rebecca Mowbray
La rice may rival Thai jasmine grain in US~The label of
LSU's Jazzmen rice features Louis Armstrong.
State ag department organizes shipments of hay to stranded cattle in St. Charles Parish
Relocated Cajuns get homesick during Christmas
Who Dat? New Orleans in Lights ~Jason Perlow
Carol of the Who'dats
~Dat'Family SpudFree Saints~offBeat'Shotgun' nominated for best new American play
NewOrleans.com contributing photographer Jeffrey Dupuis is proud to announce the publication of the
2010 New Orleans Music Festival Calendar. The calendar features the photography of Dupuis, whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone magazine, An Honest Tune magazine, Jambands.com and Jambase.com. Included are shots of George Porter Jr, Art Neville, Ivan Neville, Ian Neville, The Bingo Show, and more. Calendars are available locally at Louisiana Music Factory, Blue Cypress Books, and through
Local delivery and shipping are available.
Woodenhead - The Big Picture [1992]~Fusion Jazz And Something Else