said Katrina's flooding would have been minimal if the 76-mile
Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet had not been built or if the Army Corps of Engineers had maintained it properly.

"This was not a natural disaster, this was a man-made disaster," said Bea, who specializes in studying engineering disasters and risk management and who, by his own account, has spent about 10,000 hours studying the levee failures of Katrina.
~The New Orleans Hurricane Protection System: Assessing Pre-Katrina Vulnerability and Improving Mitigation and Preparedness
~Independent Levee Investigation Team Final Report
American civil engineering cannot be trusted says
Nat. Academy of Engineering
~Sandy Rosenthal, levees.org
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Jus'sayin... anyone wanna put a SLAP on ol'Editilla can come on!
How would you invest $242 million on the coast? ~lacoastpost
Will The Re-Flooding Of New Orleans Be Another Predictable Surprise... Again?~Roger Pippin
The Confederate States of the GOP~We Could Be Famous

~Ashley Morris

<~Photo by: Ray in New Orleans
Hasta la victoria siempre.
New Orleans über alles.
Levee board OKs confiscating Waggaman land for clay pit despite neighbors, owner protests~Paul Rioux~The corps estimates it needs 75 million cubic yards of clay -- enough to fill 16 Super- domes -- to raise more than 300 miles of levees by 2011 to protect the area from a so-called 100-year storm, defined as one that has a 1 percent chance of hitting in any given year.
'Save Charity Hospital' reports: Questions go unanswered in frustrating New Orleans Master Plan meeting
N.O. area's March unemployment rate remains unchanged~Christian Moises
Earth from Space: Vietnam’s ‘rice bowl’

David Duke, Former KKK Leader, Ordered To Leave Czech Republic
New Orleans Museum Aids In Recovery Of Aviation Artifact ~WDSU

'Little Dog Laughed' brings laughter to New Orleans' Le Petit
Lost Characters Of New Orleans
~Zack O'Malley Greenburg
2009 Jazz Fest opens to sunny skies, expectations
~Lolis Eric Elie
~Ediditlla Cam'rillas!~Liuzza's Cam