I have not yet begun to fight~Tin Can Trailer Trash
After the Flood~A history of the 1928 Flood Control Act
Can't believe I forgot post this until now! Editor has delta relatives that went through the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. Lo'N'Behold! Progeny recapitulate phylogeny in the Great Deluge. Well, I'll Be Damned!
Friends of the Sunflower River
Edattila on the beat off the record~Please check out these folks who continue to carry the fight to the Corps to stop installation of the Largest Pump Known To Man~~and most expensive, dropping in at a cool $250,000,000~~~to drain the Great Mississippi Delta Dry. No lie. Nobody can make this stuff up! Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall.
Editor's own father, a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech Engineer and retired cotton farmer, nobly fought the Corps to a virtual standstill on this grand, uncle-daddy'd "flood control" project in the 90s as a member of this group, the MS Wildlife Federation, MS Sierra Club and others.
We must all get a sharper view of the Hydra, having already been shown its Fists, and now the door too!
Also very much on the ball: American Rivers.
And of course the horse's mouth of Apocalypse NO,
the woid ya'hoid: Levees.org
...and when in doubt~~NO IS HELL RAISING RISING TIDE!
We must get connected, feed the networks. Go Rhizomatic!
Why? Why not...just assume the position?
Stitch-hiking the Net Super High Ways fo'NO News to hang on Yo'Ladda, Ya'Editta Arrant finally had to cease counting articles, in excess of 100 yesterday morn, regarding the recent court ruling which dismissed the greatest Product Liability Case in history. (Hey its what I do:)(And you can too!)(I also study Corps' public relations contracting, read their resumes, follow their incestuous breeding patterns, watch them as any citizen would when confronted by a pack of feckless but rabid predators at large.)
Filed against the Corps in redress for the levee failures, this Case of the Self Admitted Loser's Defeat risks TransMorgustration into Victory (misnomeratatin' masqueration Batman!) by the "resistance is futile" replicant media. With insipid, vapid titration, the Big News of the Corps' "Win" over New Orleans continues to roil through this legal breach, virulently channeled off the wire by the same few AP, NYT, TP, head lines. These heralds continue to Borg-out across the world wide web, flooding the Blog'O'spheres, swamping the Brit'nay Spears~~nay even threatening to obscure the bang'a'gonged, mind-knashingly supercilious suspended-disbelievable Faux Presidential Campaign Debate Show. From my home-groan research, a good chunk of this press obfustructure seems eructed, regurgitated, regenerated, retried & retreaded by vast & hugemongously expensive
Exquixotic Corps Public Relations Networks.

(as che'say in de'gay bars)
here lies a big teaser.
Follow the money said Deep Throat. And make no mistake, do not misunderestimate the ASCE & USACE in the leagues of PR Media savvy.
We The People, in order to form a more perfect levee, to remain survivors, can ill afford urbane Naïvité when it is clearly time now to show the Corps
a bit of Bourgeois Nievete...
...or at least The Finger.
We must endeavor together, come much much more together to stop this out of control train known as: The Exquixotic Corps of Engineers.
Come early, come often, come alone or with a pad'na, but...
Come Together Right Now!
NO levees stand nothing to loose evermore
NO refuses to Assume the Position of the Corps
NO lives from the kindness of strangers at the door
NO gives a little somet'ing extra to the world
NO dances with the Reaper when the Reaper's keepin' score
NO loves, NO parades, NO cooks with the poor
NO waits at the crossroads evermourned
~Sinn Féin
Dead body found in FEMA trailer 3 months after residents complained
Edattila jus'Ax'in~How do You spell...Formaldehyde?
Special Thanks to jurrasicpork in Pottersville
Attacking Edwards, O'Reilly baselessly suggested New Orleans homeless encampment doesn't exist
Edattila schlaments~Will somebody please pie this forking ice'hole?
Judges may balk, but money still talks and BS runs for office~James Gill
Push to expand wetlands park stalls
Study: Sediment Makes New Orleans Sink
Edattila had this posted before noticing that the lead word here is actually Not "'Settlement' Makes New Orleans Sink". Whoa...still gotta wittle dain'bramage on that court ruling yester'dere, er'chere'.

~Oh this website rocks big'dogs!
• Iris - Uptown 11:00 a.m.
(2007 Pictures)
• Tucks - Uptown 12:30 p.m.
(2007 Pictures)
• Endymion - Mid City 4:30 p.m.
• Isis - Metairie 6:00 p.m.
• Corps de Napoleon - Metairie 6:30 p.m.
• NOMTOC - Westbank 10:45 a.m.
• Bush - Bush 9:00 a.m.
• Salt Bayou - Slidell 2:00 p.m.
• Mardi Gras - Houma 6:30 p.m.
Ruling clears way for Lundi Gras marchers
Celebrities descend on Big Easy for Carnival

Rows dog Rio carnival preparations
Weirdness, bad taste on parade at Rio's Carnaval
Go do it: Boise isn't New orleans, but there's plenty to do for Mardi Gras
Chattanooga 'New Orleans-Style' Parade With Judge Williams As King of Lundi Gras


Wonderful history of New Orleans 'From Spanish Silver to Congo Square'