~ReTweet @RebirthFinance @humidbeings See how we help NOLA business get affordable financing using crowdfunding. Don't forget to follow us back http://cot.ag/hWr8QB
City Council zaps ‘aggressive’ panhandlers in New Orleans business district~Karen Gadbois, The Lens
Slabbed visits the “secret garden” of River Birch’s Fred Heebe and his wife Jennifer Sneed Heebe: Our business stinks and we live it up!
Study Projects Louisiana Pension Funds To Run Dry in 2017
~The Pelican Post ~Hat Tweet @ Noladishu

NPR, Bill Moyers Pining for Bygone Faux News Days~Take Zwerdling's investigations as just one example: Over the years, he has sorted out the complexities and secrets of the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster and the warnings that preceded it, dangers posed to humans by the plant pesticide Chlordane (it eventually was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency) and the failures of the Corps of Engineers to maintain safely the dikes and dams around New Orleans -- among many other stories.
~Editilla Notellas~ Emphasis mine. Forgive me, but I'd like a list of News Stories where NPR framed the Destruction of New Orleans as a Man-Made Disaster, or Federal Flo0d as a result of Engineering Misfeasance (Federal Judge Duvall's word in Court Ruling) by the Corps of Engineers.
If Gentle'rillas know anything about me and this Ladder, y'all know that covering the coverage of the Crucifixion of New Orleans 8/29/05 remains one of our main raison d'etres. As this has been more-or-less what I do every day and late into the evening, to wit: scouring the Internets for News on Nola and the Federal flood, I haven't seen NPR on "our side" of those levee failures. Indeed, given the way they shat in the mouth of long-time supporter and Editilla Herolero Harry Shearer over the release of his copiously factual documentary, The Big Uneasy ---even going as far as to require that he ReFrame his own words to SAY KATRINA DID IT--- begs the question of NPR's impartiality regarding their Corporate Sponsors who are also major stakeholders in Corps Projects across the country.
A family, not a statistic…
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Third drilling permit issued
~Kathrine Schmidt
Oil Spill Reported Near Deepwater Drilling Site in Gulf
10,000 cypress goal~Richard Burgess
Gumbo and Sunshine~NOLAFemmes
Abita Beer's Top Of The Hops Beer Fest TODAY, Fontainebleau State Park
Cajun Claws in Abbeville just might have the best crawfish around
~Bret Anderson
Mardi Gras Indians, New Orleans police meet to avoid conflicts on St. Joseph's Night