Levees.org is guest on NPR today! They beg to differ with recent Corps of Engineers' Awards for "protecting" New Orleans ~Members of the Army Corps of Engineers, the subject of emotional criticism after Hurricane Katrina, have won several agency awards. The corps in New Orleans says its team was given awards at an agency summer conference Monday. A corps news release said the team won the awards for the "hard work" and "professional excellence ... to reduce risk for the people of the Greater New Orleans area." New Orleans corps staff won awards for work done after Katrina. John Hess was honored as the program manager overseeing $14.6 billion in work and Kevin Wagner was honored as a project manager for his oversight of a massive floodgate and floodwall structure being built to protect New Orleans and the suburbs on the West Bank of the Mississippi. ~Editilla Gotta Toll'ya~BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~~~GET EM LEVEES.ORG! ~Special thanks for pic to The New Orleans Levee for Holding Nothing Back!
LSU rebuked for violating Ivor van Heerden's academic freedom ~Hat Tweet @LeveesOrg~Good news for Maria Garzino. Those blowing the whistle on Army Corps of Engineers can and do prevail See WaPo story. bit.ly/pDbbgw Government lawyers were also paid by construction firm Benetech ~Bennett's construction-management firm, Benetech, has raked in millions of dollars in public contracts across the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina doing everything from rebuilding pumping stations for the Army Corps of Engineers to overseeing a jail reconstruction project for Plaquemines Parish Sheriff Jiff Hingle.