Deconstruction New Orleans: From Waste to Wealth
Repodeconstuction Man's life is never boring!
Exquixotic Corps releases levee height needs
FEMA Plans Trailer Exodus Over Chemicals
In a file photo FEMA trailers that are being used for housing for University of New Orleans students and faculty are shown early Monday Morning in New Orleans, Aug. 28, 2006. U.S. health officials Thursday Feb. 14, 2008, are urging that Gulf Coast hurricane victims be moved out of their government-issued trailers as quickly as possible after tests found toxic levels of formaldehyde fumes. ~AP Photo/Alex Brandon
FEMA ready to roll trailer residents again,
Kafka rolls in grave
Criminal Negligence Anyone?
Dept. Of Homeland $ecurity
Big $heik (DOH$B$),
Michael "Jack'ya" Chertoff,
raps disaster law
Remarks by DOHSBS Michael "Jack'ya" Chertoff at Harvard University
Photo of New Orleans Mayor Playing With Gun Sparks Debate
~Picayune Assumes Position, apologizes for photograph of Stupid, Clueless Clown Mayor, Ray "Chocolate Don" Nagin, as he waves assault rifle at Sheepish Looking Police Chief during Press Conference On Public Safety.
Edittila cares little for whateva BSPR the T. Picayune and the mayor's office may try to spin here. Who you gonna believe a photograph or yer own lyin'eyes? ~Caught again with his fist stuck in a tight place the mayor says "What?"
Edittila would like to note as well that we spared you, gentle reader, all of this...hosery yesterday--on Love Day. But today is another story all together. And that story is this story all over the Forking Internet! Thanks again Ray, you icehole. Soooo, as this story is going to cycle and refuse to die for the next week or more, then your pissed-off vigilant Edittila d'Aphasia will make sure it does so with Ray "Baby-Head" Nagin's face on it--not New Orleans. Thank'ya...Thank'ya very much.
Gettin’ serious about crime in New Orleans~Undercover Black Man
New Orleans: 'The Vagina of America'~Eve Ensler: "You know what? The Mayor of New Orleans (the notorious Ray Nagin) just declared himself one of the first vagina friendly mayors."
Pastor and author Rick Warren to buy Saints, build Purpose-
Driven Field
Celibate Bishops Retool Marriage Program
Lawmakers start kicking the tires on ethics bills?
Former levee chief, employer fined