Yeah...this makes perfect sense...
~American Zombie
...because the arena kind of looks like a toilet anyway?~
Louisiana seafood marketing group says it may buy naming rights to New Orleans Arena.Ohhhhhhh....yeah....I know....that was really nasty. But you know what? I'm not going to back off until these morons realize they have a serious fucking problem instead of taking BP's hush cash and spending it on stupid shit like this. This is a slap in the face to all the sick men, women and children along the Gulf Coast.

If the Louisiana Seafood Marketing Group is going to spend that amount of money on buying naming rights to the New Orleans Arena....I think we should change the Hornets mascot to the "dead dolphins".
That picture above (taken on Grand Isle...
.last week (by Mac Mackenzie) should be plastered across the front of the arena.
BP: Cleanup, restoration and data-tampering lawsuits…
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Gulf of Mexico oil and gas lease sale plans fail to impress industry critics~Hat Tweet Scientific American hahahaha! Dayum! You folks still think Katrina flooded New Orleans? cc-
Corps of Engineers facing a late start on independent levee review: An editorial
~Editilla pops a blood vessel all over the Times-Picayune~That at right btw is Your newspaper embedded literally in an Exquisite Corps funereal floodwall.
You guys are a real piece of work down here at the T-P Editorial office.
Y'all remember that one? I mean really, you don't seem to remember Shilla Grissetts milktoast reportage on the levee debris later either.
You further insult us with this "editorial" on the Corps forming their own "Independent Levee Investigation"? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I cannot accurately describe my abject horror at your Alligator Tears.
Remember when this all started. I remember how Sandy Rosenthal asked 1 simple question: "If we allow the Corps to investigate itself, what do you think they'll find?" And thus was born the movement to establish an 8/29 Independent Levee Review. You can find all this on the website.

Since then, we've had to deal with untold heinous astroturf trollers on these very pages, in addition to battling the T-P to just stop calling it Katrina --let alone for y'all to do any valid reporting on the Corps total domination of our flood control recovery. At every step of the way, the T-P dropped the ball.
In fact, y'all accepted over $100,000 in Ad Revenue from the Corps Succubus PR Mavens at
Optimal Process Partners ---and
laughed at us for caring enough to call you on it thank you very much! So we will get what we deserve from the Corps of Engineers, and we will not like it.
Tiger Team My Ass.
Damage from 2011 floods could mean worse in 2012The Lens & University of Oxford to launch #trailertrack search through the Southeast Tonight: Sewage & Water Board to Hold Public Hearing on Rate Doubling~Editilla Brotellas~ Seriously, everyone should attend these meetings, if anything just to show S&WB that we are not going to take this
Corps Extortion.
Fitch Affirms New Orleans, LA Sewerage & Water Board Bonds; Outlook Stable~Hat Tweet ~In sweeping reform, Landrieu appends the suffix "stat" to regular city functions
New Orleans Residents Want National Guard Help
They left the one legged crack whore outta the story ~Slabbed
Former Senator and Son No Longer Lobby for New Orleans SuburbJindal unveils pension plans
~Marsha SchulerSt. Charles Parish west bank levee omitted from state's coastal restoration plan
~Matt Scallon
Swampy fires festering on New Orleans' edge may take months to lay low14 billion-dollar weather disasters for the U.S. in 2011~Dr. Jeff Master's Wunderblog
New USDA plant zone map reflects warmer temperatures in south Louisiana
Brad Pitt to attend 'Make It Right' gala~WWL
5 spring festivals you can’t miss~With many popular festivals stretching from March through May, here are several well-known ones that dot Terrebonne and Lafourche on a yearly basis.
Carousel Bar grand re-opening, new restaurant to open in Hotel Monteleone
~Colleen Rush, New Orleans.comDelachaisin!~Blackened Out
J'Anita's Closes After 5 Years, 3 Moves
~Brad Rhimes, NOLA DEFENDERBig Freedia Brought The Booty-Shakin’ To ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Last Night~Cajun Boy~What’s the over/under on how many workplace water-cooler conversations today are going to start with, “Did you see Jimmy Kimmel’s show last night?” and end with “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” It’d have to be pretty high, I think.After being birthed in ramshackle bars in the seventh ward and Bywater areas of New Orleans, Big Freedia was presented to America last night on a big stage, and it will never be the same.