Points of Distribution; by Parish
Nagin says residents need to prepare for Ike
~"Our citizens are weary," says mayor Baby'head. "They're tired and they have spent a lot of money evacuating from Gustav. My expectation this time is that it will be very difficult to move the kind of numbers out of the city that we did with Gustav."
BWHAHAHAHA... Jeez Louie!!!
~Maybe this time we can get da'Chocolate Don to ride the Cuntraflow his'honer self!
Return of the Blue Tarps
Welcome To PBJ's Occupation ~ABRASTOS

Red Cross Hurricane Family Kits
~Editilla Tags~
America's New Captive Advertising Target Demographic (CATDEMO): "The Evaculture"
Russel L. Honore Effloresces on Culture of Preparedness,
Asks "What is your Why?"
" My why is preparedness. What is your why?The Evacutation Diet
The purpose of democracy is to create jobs. People who don’t have jobs don’t care for preparedness. Thirty percent of kids in Louisiana go to college,
in California 90 percent of kids go to college.
In Baltimore only 30% of minority males graduate from high school! In 9th and 10th grades, they disengage from society. They grow up to be takers, not givers. Unless you fix that, the problems in Iraq don’t mean shit."
~Kevin Allman

Louisiana SPCA- Gustav Update
~The LA/SPCA is the only organization authorized to be in Orleans Parish and is currently handling Animal Control in the same manner as prior to Hurricane Gustav. If you see anyone entering your or your neighbor’s property that is not with the Louisiana SPCA and are attempting to remove an animal from its property it should be immediately reported to the police. Please check the LA/SPCA website at www.la-spca.org for continual updates.
“The LA/SPCA will not allow any of our residents to have their pets stolen,”
says LA/SPCA director Ana Zorrilla.
In months following Hurricane Katrina the LA/SPCA received countless reports of residents having their pets stolen after they had returned home.
“We do not want our residents to go through this intrusion and essentially criminal activity from these unauthorized and overly zealous groups that have taken it upon themselves to remove residents' animals from the city."
Fort Chaffee : 800 board buses for trip home to New Orleans
Hospitals' Lessons From Hurricane Gustav
MARS meets Gustav
Schools asked to feed the powerless masses
Shelley Midura Threatens Legal Action If Entergy Raises Rates Too High ~South Coast Solar
Lower 9th Ward 'dodged a punch'~Pam Dashiell, an activist in the Holy Cross section of the Lower 9th Ward, said surviving Gustav unscathed could encourage Katrina victims to return home.

However, they should still remember they live next to levees, she said.
Special thanks
~New Orleans Levee

New Orleans when Hurricane Gustav struck.
Photo: Stephen Morton -Getty Images~How Engineers Stop Floods: High-Tech Solutions to Flood Control
~Gentle'rillas may duly wonda~
...at Editilla's tongue'twisted lip'biting reticence at ranting on ASCECORPS during this busy season.
Well, we have it there in the photo above, and in comparison to the others in that slide'show we have it pretty bad indeed! Everyone in the nation is well aware now that the only question facing the rebuilding of New Orleans is staring us right in the face:
BAD ENGINEERING. And it appears that we still do not have an Answer to that Question.
Much is going on beneath the surface at ASCECORPS that may not be so obvious to those of us fretting over their bad engineering at the water's edge.
Take the 24,250,000 Dollar Gorrilla: the IPET Study. We can see how badly this boon'fuck is going to collapse upon valid peer review because of the recent
ASCE Crocodile Tears about the Corps' meddlesome role in the study. OK, but ASCE wrote most of the Study for the Corps, soooo who is zooming who here? ASCECORPS investigating itself, hence we got the ERP study which, after the Corps awarded ASCE medals for it as other engineers trashed ASCECORPS' conflict of interests, was to be re-released today (my sources say) but where is it?
And of course this is all terribly wrapped up in the upcoming MRGO lawsuit which will hold the Corps (finally) liable for documented unecessary bad engineering which flooded our city in 2005.
That is a Big Uncle Sam'Daddy Issue.
The Corps has Never lost. Ever. Not until after Katrina.
Not until after the 2nd Great Midwest Levee Failures this summer. Not until after their border fence turned into a dam and flooded the city it was built to protect.
Perchance the Worm is truly turning in its grave as all of this puts into stark relief the very walls in that photograph above. They are touted as engineering fixes when that is the very design originally called for but better, and the Corps chose not build it according to the original designs. Why? This is the Question.
Why did they build this wall so wrong in the first place?
And then, why did they continue to widen and deepen the Canals but not do anything to strengthen these walls over the decades? Why all of this obfuscation?
To build safe levees, or Not Build Safe Levees...
That Is The Question.
As no one can decide to move back to New Orleans until that question is answered --and answered honestly--
no one will consider locating any business larger than a bait shop in New Orleans until that safety is secured...
of, by and for We The People.
And everyone who has returned after running from one hurricane only to find another about to enter the Gulf must ask themselves this same Question every night.
They deserve answers...as do all Americans.
Catastrophe "Cat" Bonds Fall for First Time Since March on Hurricanes
Do We Really Want Actuarially Sound Insurance Rates? Let’s Go Ask the Wizard ~slabbed
Gustav’s Big Impact on Oil Production
Nexen Reports Only Minor Damage From Hurricane Gustav
Unleashing Their Inner Children to Rock the World