Third fish kill reported in Plaquemines
~Parish leaders say relationship deteriorating with BP/Coast Guard.
NPR Censors The Big Uneasy, yet says it is Harry Shearer vs. NPR? WTF?
~Editilla Bitellas~Hey N-PR, FYYFFs.
Try to sew Harry's mouth shut and then try to say he's screaming at you? HA!
Do you seriously think that dog will hunt?
OK, if you don't want Harry's money to promote information of vital public safety, then you don't want mine either. N-PR, No $$$oup For Youz!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Corps of Engineers inspired Dark Tourism~Business is slowing for Isabelle Cossart's disaster tours.
Since October 2005, the New Orleans tour operator has put more than 20,000 visitors in vans and shown them the wreckage Hurricane Katrina [Federal Flood] left behind.
"After Katrina, the business was no more," Cossart said. "Who was going to be a tourist in New Orleans? Everybody in the media was saying you would be killed if you could get here."
But then she got a call from the Army Corps of Engineers asking her to take them to see levee breaches and other horrors. And her "Post-Katrina Tour" was born. "The Corps of Engineers showed me what to do," she said. "And I knew people were going to want to see this mess because I'm from northern Europe. And my parents took us to Auschwitz. So I've seen dark tourism."
BP holding back data on oil spill impact, Louisiana officials say
~Robert Travis Scott
SOTT FOCUS: The Day the Water Died: Detoxing after the Gulf Oil Spill
Tony Hayward Speaks at British Commons…and a response
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Pilots Offers Abandoned Pets Second Chance At Life~WDSU
In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan ~slabbed
A Question of Economics~dakinikat
Float Like Reggie Sting Like Brees! ~Dirty Coast
‘Twist' takes Dickens to New Orleans
Goodfellas 4th Annual Second Line Parade Sunday 1-5pm
~Big Red Cotton, Gambit
Jus'sayin, I had to put this somewhere! Special thanks PWALLY!
Louisiana Gator Fest, New Orleans Burlesque Festival happening today in New Orleans
~The Second Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival is devoted to classic and traditional burlesque. We’ve assembled the most glamorous and eye-popping burlesque dancers in the world to perform over three nights in sultry New Orleans. Comic emcees, singers, and variety acts flesh out the shows to provide the most entertaining, classy, and risqué showcases you’ll ever see. Fun and educational daytime activities for performers and enthusiasts of burlesque are spread over the three days. Celebrate this classic form of adult entertainment that made Bourbon Street famous worldwide!
~Editilla Strip'tellas~
Whatever Noooooola wants...
Noooooola Gets!
Louisiana native bringing his brand of music to free concert in Houma, La.
Grateful Dead Founder Teams With Papa Mali For 7 Walkers
~Grateful Dead co-founder Bill Kreutzmann has teamed up with guitarist Papa Mali in the new group 7 Walkers who will release their self-titled debut on November 2, 2010 via Response Records.
Together with legendary New Orleans bass man George Porter Jr. (The Meters, Funky Meters) and multi-instrumentalist Matt Hubbard (Willie Nelson, Fastball), the highly anticipated release features a batch of brand-new originals, a guest performance by Willie Nelson on "King Cotton Blues," and a few smokin' instrumentals. A self-proclaimed "open love letter" to the city of New Orleans, the end result is a fiery and funky collection of tunes that quite brilliantly capture a unique collaboration between these very different musical shamans.
New Orleans to host 2010 National Funeral Directors Assn International Convention & Expo October 10-13
~Editilla Crowtellas~Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
NOLA Road Home: Subdudes

"After Katrina, the business was no more," Cossart said. "Who was going to be a tourist in New Orleans? Everybody in the media was saying you would be killed if you could get here."
But then she got a call from the Army Corps of Engineers asking her to take them to see levee breaches and other horrors. And her "Post-Katrina Tour" was born. "The Corps of Engineers showed me what to do," she said. "And I knew people were going to want to see this mess because I'm from northern Europe. And my parents took us to Auschwitz. So I've seen dark tourism."
BP holding back data on oil spill impact, Louisiana officials say
~Robert Travis Scott
SOTT FOCUS: The Day the Water Died: Detoxing after the Gulf Oil Spill
Tony Hayward Speaks at British Commons…and a response
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Pilots Offers Abandoned Pets Second Chance At Life~WDSU
In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan ~slabbed
A Question of Economics~dakinikat
Float Like Reggie Sting Like Brees! ~Dirty Coast
‘Twist' takes Dickens to New Orleans
Goodfellas 4th Annual Second Line Parade Sunday 1-5pm
~Big Red Cotton, Gambit
Jus'sayin, I had to put this somewhere! Special thanks PWALLY!
Louisiana Gator Fest, New Orleans Burlesque Festival happening today in New Orleans

~Editilla Strip'tellas~
Whatever Noooooola wants...
Noooooola Gets!
Louisiana native bringing his brand of music to free concert in Houma, La.
Grateful Dead Founder Teams With Papa Mali For 7 Walkers
~Grateful Dead co-founder Bill Kreutzmann has teamed up with guitarist Papa Mali in the new group 7 Walkers who will release their self-titled debut on November 2, 2010 via Response Records.
Together with legendary New Orleans bass man George Porter Jr. (The Meters, Funky Meters) and multi-instrumentalist Matt Hubbard (Willie Nelson, Fastball), the highly anticipated release features a batch of brand-new originals, a guest performance by Willie Nelson on "King Cotton Blues," and a few smokin' instrumentals. A self-proclaimed "open love letter" to the city of New Orleans, the end result is a fiery and funky collection of tunes that quite brilliantly capture a unique collaboration between these very different musical shamans.
New Orleans to host 2010 National Funeral Directors Assn International Convention & Expo October 10-13
~Editilla Crowtellas~Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
NOLA Road Home: Subdudes
Friday, September 17, 2010
Karl makes landfall near Veracruz; Igor slightly weaker ~Wunderblog
~Hurricane Karl as seen by the MODIS instrument on NASA's Terra satellite at 12:20 pm CDT on Thursday, September 16, 2010. Image credit: NASA.
Forget NPR, Shearer, The Big Uneasy, me: Maria Garzino still wants answers
Second big fish kill in less than week reported in Plaquemines Parish
~Bob Warren
Slabbed goes on assignment and strikes cyber gold
Sitting On My Porch Part Fifty Four ~Cliff's Crib

Forget NPR, Shearer, The Big Uneasy, me: Maria Garzino still wants answers
Second big fish kill in less than week reported in Plaquemines Parish
~Bob Warren
Slabbed goes on assignment and strikes cyber gold
Sitting On My Porch Part Fifty Four ~Cliff's Crib
Atlas shrugs~American Zombie
~I beg to differ
Changing Course in the Gulf: Bad Lessons in Money and Politics Pt. 3 – The Obama Administration and Business as Usual
~Disenfranchised Citizen
US Gulf spill judge says never too early to settle
Making it right, As long as it takes, yadda yadda~Library Chronicles
Bio-Remediation or Bio-Hazard? Dispersants, Bacteria & Illness in the Gulf~Riki Ott
Scientists investigating oil spill unsettled by calls from federal commission~Maya Rodriguez, WWL
Oil In The Gulf, Large Fish Kills, Disaster In Progress~FireDogLake
~Editilla Holatellas!~We got Hat Tipped here! In FireDogLake!
Badass MFKRs! Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
Atlantic bluefin tuna may become endangered, thanks to BP Oil Spill
~Mark Schleifstein
Roads, Railways, Runways…and Restoration: The Case for a Swamp Stimulus ~EDF
Whistleblower Group Sues To Find Out Why Administration Lowballed BP Oil Spill Estimates~Dan Froomkin
Study: Deep Water drilling job losses not large~Gerard Sheilds
Companies denied access to tamper, accuse gov't of bungling spill evidence
The Big Uneasy gets 5 Stars!~Filmshaft
~It becomes apparent that the Army Corps of Engineers are quite a cavalier group. A group who are more concerned with their public image than the work they actually do.~Hat
~Please also see Pop Matters
Corps of Engineers fields numerous questions over N.O. outfall canals work
LSU’s Official Arrogance
~Clancy DuBos, Gambit
Uptown Messenger
'Who Dat' warning letters sent to merchants yet again
Hark, did someone say Debbie Villio? ~slabbed
EIne — Alphabet Shutter Video
~Hookedblog ~Hat Tweet~Rexdingler
Fiesta Hispana, New Orleans Burlesque Festival all this weekend in N.O.
New Orleans Film Festival announces more key cogs in its 2010 lineup
$10K playwrights contest in NOLA
My favorite guitar player with my favorite trio...
~Part 2
~I beg to differ
Changing Course in the Gulf: Bad Lessons in Money and Politics Pt. 3 – The Obama Administration and Business as Usual
~Disenfranchised Citizen
US Gulf spill judge says never too early to settle
Making it right, As long as it takes, yadda yadda~Library Chronicles
Bio-Remediation or Bio-Hazard? Dispersants, Bacteria & Illness in the Gulf~Riki Ott
Scientists investigating oil spill unsettled by calls from federal commission~Maya Rodriguez, WWL
Oil In The Gulf, Large Fish Kills, Disaster In Progress~FireDogLake
~Editilla Holatellas!~We got Hat Tipped here! In FireDogLake!
Badass MFKRs! Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
Atlantic bluefin tuna may become endangered, thanks to BP Oil Spill
~Mark Schleifstein
Roads, Railways, Runways…and Restoration: The Case for a Swamp Stimulus ~EDF
Whistleblower Group Sues To Find Out Why Administration Lowballed BP Oil Spill Estimates~Dan Froomkin
Study: Deep Water drilling job losses not large~Gerard Sheilds
Companies denied access to tamper, accuse gov't of bungling spill evidence
The Big Uneasy gets 5 Stars!~Filmshaft
~It becomes apparent that the Army Corps of Engineers are quite a cavalier group. A group who are more concerned with their public image than the work they actually do.~Hat
~Please also see Pop Matters
Corps of Engineers fields numerous questions over N.O. outfall canals work
LSU’s Official Arrogance
~Clancy DuBos, Gambit
Uptown Messenger
'Who Dat' warning letters sent to merchants yet again
Hark, did someone say Debbie Villio? ~slabbed
EIne — Alphabet Shutter Video
~Hookedblog ~Hat Tweet~Rexdingler
Fiesta Hispana, New Orleans Burlesque Festival all this weekend in N.O.
New Orleans Film Festival announces more key cogs in its 2010 lineup
$10K playwrights contest in NOLA
My favorite guitar player with my favorite trio...
~Part 2
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A rare triple threat: three simultaneous Atlantic hurricanes ~Wunderblog
~Triple trouble: From left to right, Hurricanes Karl, Igor, and Julia roil the Atlantic. Image credit: NASA/GSFC.
Losing My Religion~slabbed
Consultants at first questioned “urgent” tag of new hospital
~Ariella Cohen, The Lens

Losing My Religion~slabbed
Consultants at first questioned “urgent” tag of new hospital
~Ariella Cohen, The Lens
Corps of Engineers levee armoring plans have state officials concerned
~Mark Schleifstein
~New Orleans Needs Scenic Canals, Not Grim Levees~Bloomberg
Corps of Engineers' New Orleans remediation plan revives landowner protests~Sheila Grissett
Katrina: An Unnatural Disaster
~Costing the Earth BBC podcast
~Featuring Sandy Rosenthal of, Harry Shearer of The Big Uneasy
and Ivor van Heerden formerly of the former LSU Hurricane Center.
Mayor Blasts Corps of Engineers For "Not Being Accountable to the Citizens of Dallas" Regarding Trinity
Karl near hurricane strength; Igor intensifying again ~Wunderblog
JUST IN: EPA reveals high levels of cancer-causing heavy metal near area of massive fishkill — GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CONCERNS
~Florida Oil Spill Law
~PrjGulfImpact Oil 6"-12" thick washing up on Louisiana shores yesterday morning ...
LSU Libraries continues to centralize oil-spill resources ~Reveille
Demand for rig-worker financial aid stays low, exposing Big Oil PR efforts
Port of New Orleans is in position to have a record-setting year, CEO says
WEFTEC Special Sessions to Address National Environmental Priorities and the 2010 BP Oil Spill
~Dinner Benefiting P&J's Oyster Co. Shuckers
Haydel's plans to circle the Superdome with the world's largest king cake!
~Humid Beings
The New Orleans Burlesque Festival draws top performers ~Molly Reid
Waveland’s Michael Grimm wins a cool million singing his grandparents out of their Katrina trailer in America’s Got Talent ~slabbed
Goodreads vs. LibraryThing ~Hat Tweet~NOLAnotes
'Dude You Have No Quran' T-shirt!
~And who better than a 20-something to turn an example of the worst in America into old-fashioned American entrepreneurial spirit? Isom is now selling Dude You Have No Quran shirts in honor of the words he yelled as he ran into the fray. For just $15, you can be a hero too.
~Editilla Brotellas~ I give this effort the full endorsement of the recently congroovieated American Pie Party (they's always an APP fo'dat!:) Sinn Féin.
We believe in Just Desserts and the Inalienable Right of all Citizens to Fly Pie.
~This one goes out to captainsdead...jus'one o'dem days...
~Mark Schleifstein
~New Orleans Needs Scenic Canals, Not Grim Levees~Bloomberg
Corps of Engineers' New Orleans remediation plan revives landowner protests~Sheila Grissett
Katrina: An Unnatural Disaster
~Costing the Earth BBC podcast
~Featuring Sandy Rosenthal of, Harry Shearer of The Big Uneasy
and Ivor van Heerden formerly of the former LSU Hurricane Center.
Mayor Blasts Corps of Engineers For "Not Being Accountable to the Citizens of Dallas" Regarding Trinity
Karl near hurricane strength; Igor intensifying again ~Wunderblog
JUST IN: EPA reveals high levels of cancer-causing heavy metal near area of massive fishkill — GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CONCERNS
~Florida Oil Spill Law
~PrjGulfImpact Oil 6"-12" thick washing up on Louisiana shores yesterday morning ...
LSU Libraries continues to centralize oil-spill resources ~Reveille
Demand for rig-worker financial aid stays low, exposing Big Oil PR efforts
Port of New Orleans is in position to have a record-setting year, CEO says
WEFTEC Special Sessions to Address National Environmental Priorities and the 2010 BP Oil Spill
~Dinner Benefiting P&J's Oyster Co. Shuckers
Haydel's plans to circle the Superdome with the world's largest king cake!
~Humid Beings
The New Orleans Burlesque Festival draws top performers ~Molly Reid
Waveland’s Michael Grimm wins a cool million singing his grandparents out of their Katrina trailer in America’s Got Talent ~slabbed
Goodreads vs. LibraryThing ~Hat Tweet~NOLAnotes
'Dude You Have No Quran' T-shirt!
~And who better than a 20-something to turn an example of the worst in America into old-fashioned American entrepreneurial spirit? Isom is now selling Dude You Have No Quran shirts in honor of the words he yelled as he ran into the fray. For just $15, you can be a hero too.
~Editilla Brotellas~ I give this effort the full endorsement of the recently congroovieated American Pie Party (they's always an APP fo'dat!:) Sinn Féin.
We believe in Just Desserts and the Inalienable Right of all Citizens to Fly Pie.
~This one goes out to captainsdead...jus'one o'dem days...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Army Corps of Engineers contractor not immune in flood-related suit, appeals court rules ~Mark Schleifstein
Plan to fortify 17th Street, London and Orleans canals is meeting topic Thursday~Sheila Grissett
Engineering Terror
~Editilla isn't really connecting this article with the Corps of Engineers' Criminally Negligent Homicide of 8/29/05... but well, yeah we are.
Sacramento-area levees technically fail Corps of Engineers inspections
IDA's "Doc U" Session: Harry Shearer's The Big Uneasy @ The Cinefamily 611 N. Fairfax Ave.; L.A. CA
Some Mississippi shrimpers refuse to trawl, lining up with environmentalists
~Grand Isle, BP's Ground Zero
Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana
~Blog Talk Radio
Questions surrounding massive fish kill in Venice
Gone, Baby, Gone ~Louisiana Weekly
Help for Gulf Coast Homeowners? ~bayougirl
Restoration projects announced for Gulf coast~Sun Herald
Rig workers have two weeks to apply for reimbursement
La. AG sues Transocean over oil spill
Obama administration to require all idle wells in Gulf to be plugged
“That’s NOT a tar ball, that’s A LAYER OF PETROLEUM” — “It’s in every bit of this water in Gulf Shores” (VIDEO)
~Florida Oil Spill Law
Hump Day Slabbed
Karl hits the Yucatan; two simultaneous Cat 4s in the Atlantic for 2nd time in history ~Wunderblog
Nations organize to help Haiti restore weather warning system ~GHN
HUD Releases First Comprehensive Housing Survey of New Orleans Metropolitan Area Since '05 Flood
Hurricane Ike Awakened Region to Dire Flooding Threats
~Brian Thevenot
Blackwater's Black Ops~Jeremy Scahill
The Extraordinary vs. the Everyday Catastrophe: Part 3 ~Archinect
~"But fundamental to the whole “Gutter to Gulf “and “Dutch Dialogues” enterprises I personally think can be traced back to one simple thing – ALL of New Orleans before the late-19th century was at or above sea level. I will say it again – at or above sea level."
Green Collaborative of New Orleans Meeting, Sept. 29, 2010 from 3-5pm
~Watershed NOLA
WEFTEC 2010 Just Around the Corner
~Held this October 2–6 in New Orleans, WEFTEC 2010 offers 112 technical sessions, 34 workshops, six facility tours, and access to the largest annual water quality exhibit in the world: 1,000 exhibitors covering 270,000 square feet of exhibit space.
~'Water For People's Big Easy Bash at WEFTEC
Dat's Dat
Harvest The Music!
I mean...Get Down! Get Back Up Again! Every Week!
~Lafayette Square~Sept. 15-Nov. 3~Wed. 5pm
Plan to fortify 17th Street, London and Orleans canals is meeting topic Thursday~Sheila Grissett
Engineering Terror
~Editilla isn't really connecting this article with the Corps of Engineers' Criminally Negligent Homicide of 8/29/05... but well, yeah we are.
Sacramento-area levees technically fail Corps of Engineers inspections
IDA's "Doc U" Session: Harry Shearer's The Big Uneasy @ The Cinefamily 611 N. Fairfax Ave.; L.A. CA
Some Mississippi shrimpers refuse to trawl, lining up with environmentalists
~Grand Isle, BP's Ground Zero
Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana
~Blog Talk Radio
Questions surrounding massive fish kill in Venice
Gone, Baby, Gone ~Louisiana Weekly
Help for Gulf Coast Homeowners? ~bayougirl
Restoration projects announced for Gulf coast~Sun Herald
Rig workers have two weeks to apply for reimbursement
La. AG sues Transocean over oil spill
Obama administration to require all idle wells in Gulf to be plugged
“That’s NOT a tar ball, that’s A LAYER OF PETROLEUM” — “It’s in every bit of this water in Gulf Shores” (VIDEO)
~Florida Oil Spill Law
Hump Day Slabbed
Karl hits the Yucatan; two simultaneous Cat 4s in the Atlantic for 2nd time in history ~Wunderblog
Nations organize to help Haiti restore weather warning system ~GHN
HUD Releases First Comprehensive Housing Survey of New Orleans Metropolitan Area Since '05 Flood
Hurricane Ike Awakened Region to Dire Flooding Threats
~Brian Thevenot
Blackwater's Black Ops~Jeremy Scahill
The Extraordinary vs. the Everyday Catastrophe: Part 3 ~Archinect
~"But fundamental to the whole “Gutter to Gulf “and “Dutch Dialogues” enterprises I personally think can be traced back to one simple thing – ALL of New Orleans before the late-19th century was at or above sea level. I will say it again – at or above sea level."
Green Collaborative of New Orleans Meeting, Sept. 29, 2010 from 3-5pm
~Watershed NOLA
WEFTEC 2010 Just Around the Corner
~Held this October 2–6 in New Orleans, WEFTEC 2010 offers 112 technical sessions, 34 workshops, six facility tours, and access to the largest annual water quality exhibit in the world: 1,000 exhibitors covering 270,000 square feet of exhibit space.
~'Water For People's Big Easy Bash at WEFTEC
Dat's Dat
Harvest The Music!
I mean...Get Down! Get Back Up Again! Every Week!
~Lafayette Square~Sept. 15-Nov. 3~Wed. 5pm
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reggie Bush to forfeit Heisman
For the rest of my days, I will continue to strive to demonstrate through my actions and words that I was deserving of the confidence placed in me by the Heisman Trophy Trust. I will forever appreciate the honor bestowed upon me as a winner of the Heisman. While this decision is heart-breaking, I find solace in knowing that the award was made possible by the support and love of so many. Those are gifts that can never be taken away.
~ Editilla #ReggieBush is my stand up mfkr Champion Hero! Go Reggie! #saints #whodat #nola #NFLChampions #heroes #badass #GetDown
Sucks to be you (but it rocks to be me) ~moosedenied
Bay For the Bayou~Humid Beings
Gulf Coast Restoration: Where Does Obama Stand?~Harry Shearer
For the rest of my days, I will continue to strive to demonstrate through my actions and words that I was deserving of the confidence placed in me by the Heisman Trophy Trust. I will forever appreciate the honor bestowed upon me as a winner of the Heisman. While this decision is heart-breaking, I find solace in knowing that the award was made possible by the support and love of so many. Those are gifts that can never be taken away.
~ Editilla #ReggieBush is my stand up mfkr Champion Hero! Go Reggie! #saints #whodat #nola #NFLChampions #heroes #badass #GetDown
Sucks to be you (but it rocks to be me) ~moosedenied
Bay For the Bayou~Humid Beings
Gulf Coast Restoration: Where Does Obama Stand?~Harry Shearer
Sean Payton, Manning family, other celebrities part of shrimp boot auction
~Sheila Stroup
~How would you like to have your own Lombardi Trophy, signed by Saints Coach Sean Payton? You could, if you're the lucky person who wins it -- or at least a version of it.
It's one of 30 decorated shrimp boots being raffled at the New Orleans Home + Interior Design Show this weekend -- designed, decorated and autographed by local and national celebrities -- to raise money for Catholic Charities' Oil Spill Relief Fund.
Dead whale and thousands of dead fish found near Venice, La shipping canal ~WWL
What's Really Going On In SW Pass? ~Gulf Restoration Network
Sen. Mary Landrieu, Rep. Steve Scalise unite behind coastal restoration strategy~Mark Schleifstein
"Red Herrings" in the Gulf of Mexico – Part 2: Key Ocean Ecosystems at Risk
The great Gulf offshore drilling jobs hoax~Facing South
Only 160 deepwater rig workers have applied for aid from $100 million fund
U.S.: hundreds of levees no longer safe
U.S. Sugar files lawsuit against Army Corps of Engineers
Union in the works for LSU professors
Igor turns west-northwest; Julia a hurricane; 92L growing more organized~Wunderblog
~Hurricane Igor as seen by the MODIS instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite at 12:40 pm EDT Monday, September 13, 2010. Image credit: NASA.
Martial law? There's no such thing:
A guest column by Billy Sothern
Library Chronicles
Oil, Health, Environment & Bloggers ~NOLAFemmes
Revisiting Sacred New Orleans Funerary Grounds
At this time we'd like to do a bit of shredding. The late, very great Terry Kath
~Editilla's Rocker Room Shoutout~Weeeeee seeee Drake and Cliff, Polly the Chicken Painter, Beauty Jackson and Fleurty Girl the Hola Maker, lunanola and Bella Luna, the American Zombie, Whodat35 and Nola Notes...
Cao and Richmond contest will get ugly ~Clancy DuBos
Heroin~Matt Davis, Gambit
Who Should Run The School System ~Cliff's Crib
What if Opes was one of us?
~Wreckless Engdangerment
~2010 marks the 21st Annual New Orleans Film Festival, October 14-21, which will take place at various venues city wide. Please check back in the coming weeks as we will be adding more information about the 2010 festival.
Sex, Drugs and Nuclear Physics
~Kim Boekbinder
Apollo 11 Launch at 500 Frames per Second
~Sheila Stroup

It's one of 30 decorated shrimp boots being raffled at the New Orleans Home + Interior Design Show this weekend -- designed, decorated and autographed by local and national celebrities -- to raise money for Catholic Charities' Oil Spill Relief Fund.
Dead whale and thousands of dead fish found near Venice, La shipping canal ~WWL
What's Really Going On In SW Pass? ~Gulf Restoration Network
Sen. Mary Landrieu, Rep. Steve Scalise unite behind coastal restoration strategy~Mark Schleifstein
"Red Herrings" in the Gulf of Mexico – Part 2: Key Ocean Ecosystems at Risk
The great Gulf offshore drilling jobs hoax~Facing South
Only 160 deepwater rig workers have applied for aid from $100 million fund
U.S.: hundreds of levees no longer safe
U.S. Sugar files lawsuit against Army Corps of Engineers
Union in the works for LSU professors
Igor turns west-northwest; Julia a hurricane; 92L growing more organized~Wunderblog

Martial law? There's no such thing:
A guest column by Billy Sothern
Library Chronicles
Oil, Health, Environment & Bloggers ~NOLAFemmes
Revisiting Sacred New Orleans Funerary Grounds
At this time we'd like to do a bit of shredding. The late, very great Terry Kath
~Editilla's Rocker Room Shoutout~Weeeeee seeee Drake and Cliff, Polly the Chicken Painter, Beauty Jackson and Fleurty Girl the Hola Maker, lunanola and Bella Luna, the American Zombie, Whodat35 and Nola Notes...
Cao and Richmond contest will get ugly ~Clancy DuBos
Heroin~Matt Davis, Gambit
Who Should Run The School System ~Cliff's Crib
What if Opes was one of us?
~Wreckless Engdangerment

Sex, Drugs and Nuclear Physics
~Kim Boekbinder
Apollo 11 Launch at 500 Frames per Second
Noisician Coalition and MarchFourth Marching Band at Voodoo Fest from David S. White on Vimeo. ~Hat Tweet~craftylildevil
Monday, September 13, 2010
AP: Some contracts given by feds after oil spill could raise eyebrows
~The federal government hired a New Orleans man for $18,000 to appraise whether news stories about its actions in the Gulf oil spill were positive or negative for the Obama administration, which was keenly sensitive to comparisons between its response and former President George W. Bush's much-maligned reaction to Hurricane Katrina.
Igor is one bad Som'bitch!
~Latest from Wunderblog
Do Not Fucking Fuck With Us
~"When NBC talked about the last combat troops are gone, they made it sound like everything is basically over," he said, after escorting a 19-truck convoy through a part of northern Iraq where roadside bombs and mortar attacks are still a danger."To us it was like a slap in the face, because we are still here ... we are still going in harm's way every time we leave out of the gate," Manuel said at a U.S. military base, Camp Speicher, near Saddam Hussein's home town of Tikrit.
~Make no mistake~ Editilla stands behind those who would give their lives for me because our Constitution impels them. I stood in New Orleans during the Flood of 8/29/05 when they would have rather been there... and they were deployed elsewhere. When they finally came, I escaped to safety. Do not confuse our citizens with our soldiers --because they had no such distinction. Sinn Féin.
"We have authority by martial law to shoot looters"~Billy Southern
~Hat Tweet~erster
Colorado is burning
Watch historic impeachment hearings on Judge Thomas Porteous
Guest Opinion: Law & Grace calls for Judicial Reform in response to the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous ~slabbed
Landrieu relents, and opens jail- advisory meetings
~Matt Davis, The Lens
French Quarter/Marigny to hire Private Security Force

~Dog Flora and I were aimlessly wandering into the Quarters to get away from the acrid smell of poison which still blanketed the hood like a rat bag. Nearly everyone we knew had gone by then. It is hard to describe the bleakness. It was just hard.
No cell phone towers within a hundred miles yet these old pay phones that Huey P Long installed still worked. So I called home.
After getting the rest of the screaming family off the phones, I began to broach the issue with my father of my last wishes etc.
It took a second, since Pop was still under the impression that "this can't be happening in America".. that people wearing a uniform meant something and I just needed to go find them and get out of there.. that our country, his country.. well whateva...
About that moment a NOPD car drove by full of BlackWater Mercenaries, all the windows gone with their little rifles sticking out, ball caps on jar heads...
I really remember the tiny sunglasses when they looked Directly At Me.
"No, Pop. America doesn't DO uniforms any longer," I said.
President Barack Obama endorses Cedric Richmond, the corrupt Non'Profit King, in congressional race
~Just to let you know how stupid clueless our President has become...
~Just a reminder: The Big Uneasy has extra showings and Oscar Chance!
Video: Restoration Systems’ Jesuit Bend Wetland Mitigation and Coastal Protection Bank
“Red Herrings” in the Gulf of Mexico
– Part 1: It Ain’t the Oil
~Doug Rader, EDF
Government Hiding B.P. Oil Spill Data From Independent Scientist!
CSPAN: Report of suspicious new “monitors” put on life vests by BP — “Nobody really knows what they are, they’re not telling” (VIDEO)
~Florida Oil Spill Law
Buried in the Outdoor section.. ~American Zombie
BP's oil continues to wash ashore in Louisiana~Facing South
Huge fish kill reported in Plaquemines Parish ~Bob Warren
Scientists Find Oil On The Gulf's Seafloor, In Least Surprising News Of 2010~Jason Linkins
Exclusive Photos: Aerial Search for Whale Sharks Both Troubling and Uplifting; Dispersant Foam Visible on Surface~Stuart Smith
~Special Hat Tweet~judyb1954
~"Hamburg Chicken", acrylic on board~Polly Jackson
~This one goes out to the Masqued E'Vinga!
~With special thanks to captainsdead
Waiting Here For Everyman
~Citizen K
Red Beans and Rice Makes All Things Nice ~Humid Beings
~The federal government hired a New Orleans man for $18,000 to appraise whether news stories about its actions in the Gulf oil spill were positive or negative for the Obama administration, which was keenly sensitive to comparisons between its response and former President George W. Bush's much-maligned reaction to Hurricane Katrina.
Igor is one bad Som'bitch!
~Latest from Wunderblog
Do Not Fucking Fuck With Us

~Make no mistake~ Editilla stands behind those who would give their lives for me because our Constitution impels them. I stood in New Orleans during the Flood of 8/29/05 when they would have rather been there... and they were deployed elsewhere. When they finally came, I escaped to safety. Do not confuse our citizens with our soldiers --because they had no such distinction. Sinn Féin.
"We have authority by martial law to shoot looters"~Billy Southern
~Hat Tweet~erster
Colorado is burning
Watch historic impeachment hearings on Judge Thomas Porteous
Guest Opinion: Law & Grace calls for Judicial Reform in response to the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous ~slabbed
Landrieu relents, and opens jail- advisory meetings
~Matt Davis, The Lens
French Quarter/Marigny to hire Private Security Force

No cell phone towers within a hundred miles yet these old pay phones that Huey P Long installed still worked. So I called home.
After getting the rest of the screaming family off the phones, I began to broach the issue with my father of my last wishes etc.
It took a second, since Pop was still under the impression that "this can't be happening in America".. that people wearing a uniform meant something and I just needed to go find them and get out of there.. that our country, his country.. well whateva...
About that moment a NOPD car drove by full of BlackWater Mercenaries, all the windows gone with their little rifles sticking out, ball caps on jar heads...
I really remember the tiny sunglasses when they looked Directly At Me.
"No, Pop. America doesn't DO uniforms any longer," I said.
President Barack Obama endorses Cedric Richmond, the corrupt Non'Profit King, in congressional race
~Just to let you know how stupid clueless our President has become...
~Just a reminder: The Big Uneasy has extra showings and Oscar Chance!
Video: Restoration Systems’ Jesuit Bend Wetland Mitigation and Coastal Protection Bank
“Red Herrings” in the Gulf of Mexico
– Part 1: It Ain’t the Oil
~Doug Rader, EDF
Government Hiding B.P. Oil Spill Data From Independent Scientist!
CSPAN: Report of suspicious new “monitors” put on life vests by BP — “Nobody really knows what they are, they’re not telling” (VIDEO)
~Florida Oil Spill Law
Buried in the Outdoor section.. ~American Zombie
BP's oil continues to wash ashore in Louisiana~Facing South
Huge fish kill reported in Plaquemines Parish ~Bob Warren
Scientists Find Oil On The Gulf's Seafloor, In Least Surprising News Of 2010~Jason Linkins
Exclusive Photos: Aerial Search for Whale Sharks Both Troubling and Uplifting; Dispersant Foam Visible on Surface~Stuart Smith
~Special Hat Tweet~judyb1954

~This one goes out to the Masqued E'Vinga!
~With special thanks to captainsdead
Waiting Here For Everyman
~Citizen K
Red Beans and Rice Makes All Things Nice ~Humid Beings
Sunday, September 12, 2010
For Your Review: FQMHAMD Management & Operations Plan as approved on 9/7/10
~Lower Quarter Citizens Against Crime
~Editilla cracks a toof and gnashes nails~This is an abject move to expensive private security by the French Quarter/Marigny Gentry. This is why they didn't release this to the public. Bullshit. Thank you Lunanola for keeping The Faith! Do we want the French Quarter and Marigny as a Gated Community? Well? I mean really, Private Security instead of the cops is how this will shake out, and Private Security protects ONLY the Stakeholders who pay their salary.
We just don't need Private Security in times of disaster. That's a fact. They don't give a shit. Protecting one's neighborhood is one thing, but using Private Security to secure you're Time-share Condos is another thing all together. We don't need to be wasting Hard Earned Taxes for such Bourgeois Naviete.
~Lower Quarter Citizens Against Crime
~Editilla cracks a toof and gnashes nails~This is an abject move to expensive private security by the French Quarter/Marigny Gentry. This is why they didn't release this to the public. Bullshit. Thank you Lunanola for keeping The Faith! Do we want the French Quarter and Marigny as a Gated Community? Well? I mean really, Private Security instead of the cops is how this will shake out, and Private Security protects ONLY the Stakeholders who pay their salary.
We just don't need Private Security in times of disaster. That's a fact. They don't give a shit. Protecting one's neighborhood is one thing, but using Private Security to secure you're Time-share Condos is another thing all together. We don't need to be wasting Hard Earned Taxes for such Bourgeois Naviete.
Protests force Corps of Engineers to overhaul hurricane protection contracts~Sheila Grissett
Just a reminder: This website is still hot with news and extra showings.
Igor is now Cat 4
~wxchannel #Hurricane #Igor now has max. sustained winds of 140 mph. Could be the first Cat. 5 in 3 years soon. Models:
New wave of oil comes ashore west of Mississippi River~Bob Marshal
~Loyola law school symposium to focus on BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
~Louisiana politicians unite behind using BP money for coastal restoration
Is our local "" copyrighted?
~Editilla crowtellas~ After following the group linked above for over a year now, and discovering that their contracted stakeholder is FEMA/NFIP, this seems like a valid question to me.
2010 New Orleans Saints Odds and Ends ~Canal Street Chronicles
Property insurance assessments sitting unclaimed~Louisiana Weekly
Will Jindal endorse Vitter?
Who cares?~James Gill
New and Old Media in Post-Katrina New Orleans~On The Media
~Editilla Notellas~ Not only is this a Very good treatment, they have a picture of The Lens on the page!
Mother Jones’ move into social media ~Socialbrite
Louisiana Writers' Associations
A Well Raised Southern Girl Always Says Her Thank You’s ~NOLAFemmes
Champ Superstar
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
YMO Jr. 126th Anniversary Parade Today at 1pm~Red Cotton, Gambit
This Machine Surrounds Hate…
~Robert Frost's Banjo
Gonzo on September 12, 2001
~Hat Tweet~Noladishu
Cooking made us Human?
~Splendid Table
Changing Course in the Gulf: Bad Lessons in Money and Politics Pt. 2 – Bobby Jindal, Sand Berms and the Shaw Group
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Orange Beach pulling EMS staff from BP sites because 'BP won't pay their bills,' mayor
~Tired of waiting for millions in lost tax revenue and expense claims, Orange Beach officials are packing up staff and medical equipment and moving out of BP PLC contractor work sites on Monday, Mayor Tony Kennon said Saturday.
"We’re going to pull out all of our firemen and paramedics because BP won’t pay their bills,” Kennon said. “We have a multibillion-dollar, multinational corp having a town of 5,000 people in Alabama front the money for their emergency medical response, and I’m tired of it. We’re not going to do it anymore."
~GulfOilCleanup Ixtoc spill still contaminates coastlines; is that northern Gulf's fate? #oilspill
Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects (2005)
~Speaktruthnow1 More Truth on Corexit: Why lower ppm is more dangerous than high ppm @Speaktruthnow1 #corexit #oilspill
~Libertana Monsanto EVP and Nalco (Corexit) Director are the same person #monsanto #evil #corexit #boycottbp #bpoilspill #bp #oil
~Joan still has the chops and is touring!

Igor is now Cat 4

New wave of oil comes ashore west of Mississippi River~Bob Marshal
~Loyola law school symposium to focus on BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
~Louisiana politicians unite behind using BP money for coastal restoration
Is our local "" copyrighted?
~Editilla crowtellas~ After following the group linked above for over a year now, and discovering that their contracted stakeholder is FEMA/NFIP, this seems like a valid question to me.
2010 New Orleans Saints Odds and Ends ~Canal Street Chronicles
Property insurance assessments sitting unclaimed~Louisiana Weekly
Will Jindal endorse Vitter?
Who cares?~James Gill
New and Old Media in Post-Katrina New Orleans~On The Media
~Editilla Notellas~ Not only is this a Very good treatment, they have a picture of The Lens on the page!
Mother Jones’ move into social media ~Socialbrite
Louisiana Writers' Associations
A Well Raised Southern Girl Always Says Her Thank You’s ~NOLAFemmes
Champ Superstar
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
YMO Jr. 126th Anniversary Parade Today at 1pm~Red Cotton, Gambit
This Machine Surrounds Hate…
~Robert Frost's Banjo
Gonzo on September 12, 2001
~Hat Tweet~Noladishu
Cooking made us Human?
~Splendid Table
Changing Course in the Gulf: Bad Lessons in Money and Politics Pt. 2 – Bobby Jindal, Sand Berms and the Shaw Group
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Orange Beach pulling EMS staff from BP sites because 'BP won't pay their bills,' mayor
~Tired of waiting for millions in lost tax revenue and expense claims, Orange Beach officials are packing up staff and medical equipment and moving out of BP PLC contractor work sites on Monday, Mayor Tony Kennon said Saturday.
"We’re going to pull out all of our firemen and paramedics because BP won’t pay their bills,” Kennon said. “We have a multibillion-dollar, multinational corp having a town of 5,000 people in Alabama front the money for their emergency medical response, and I’m tired of it. We’re not going to do it anymore."
~GulfOilCleanup Ixtoc spill still contaminates coastlines; is that northern Gulf's fate? #oilspill
Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects (2005)
~Speaktruthnow1 More Truth on Corexit: Why lower ppm is more dangerous than high ppm @Speaktruthnow1 #corexit #oilspill
~Libertana Monsanto EVP and Nalco (Corexit) Director are the same person #monsanto #evil #corexit #boycottbp #bpoilspill #bp #oil
~Joan still has the chops and is touring!
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