Editor of Times Picayune replies to readers on Corps Internet Scandal ~Levees.org~T-Ps down the public's leg like punk'dog with bad Amoss.
~Editilla bites da'billet wit'a 50lb rat'bat~ T-P Editor Jim Amoss responded to these questions with no response, which is still possible these days with the invention of
the non sequitur. What gets Editilla's Goat is the way Poor Amoss shows the unmitigated gall to play the
Victim Card in a fey attempt to trump the
Survivor Card, to wit: the
"We stayed for the Storm so How Dare you think We would "coddle" the Corps" misnomer. I am assured by former employees that this Editor is much much smarter than this.
Yeah, so Jim Amoss saw dead people too, eh?
Different ghosts for different boasts I suppose, but...
The problem here is not one of insult, but of Corps' violation of Federal Code governing Computer Fraud on Federal Property.
It would be way'mo'betta if Editor Amoss could suck it up and answer Questions of Culpability and Conspiracy After The Fact,
--rather than crying Mommy over Spilled Lake Water.
I'm sorry, but it just makes me Tremble when people try to pull that logic'rape equivalency horse shit.
I too survived that Flood in the City, and in fact laid eyes on the T-P headquarters building. That is precisely why they don't get the benefit of the doubt when they take
Corps Flood Funding for Advertisements and yet seem to miss things like the Big Leak at the 17th Street Canal (
until we raised Hell) or how they have admittedly catered to the
Article Placement Whims of the Corps $5 Million PR firm: OPP, or
became goddamn flood wall filler for the Corps of Engineers!In the interest of Full Dixcloz'ya, Editilla wanna'tollya...
WE LOVES the journalists at the T-P/nola.com, and spend an inordinate amount of time following them throughout each and every day. No Lie. Gentle'rillas find their names hung all over this Ladder with Honor and Affection. I could list them all or just the few who really put a Flea Up Editilla's Bum, but suffice to tag the one I follow the most and who is absent from Poor Amoss' links:
Mark Schleifstein.
I call him Big Schleif.
He walks
The Line.
He is for me Editillero Gumshoe, Gonzo Gold Standard,--real beat reporting the way they used to do it.
Mark Schleifstien is Better than Pulitzer.
The men and women of the T-P reporters are definitely top of the pack nationally regarding covering our fare city.
it appears that their feckless editors have corps issues.
Talk about the Death of Gutenberg, Press Rolling in his Grave!
How Ironic that Poor Amoss failed to mention that he, the boss, was busted by the city's preeminent TV station: WWLTV,
--or even that they got to
bust him again, when former nola.com Founding Editor Jon Donley came out with his sworn affidavit citing over 700 instances of Federal Code violation at the T-P AFTER Col Alvin Lee publicly apologized claiming to stop it.
WWL performs Real Journalism.
They do things like Follow-Up, Context. They ask their Own Questions. And, WWL watches our Friggin'Backs thank you.
WWL also
does not carry Any Corps Adverts --either on the tube or on their website. Editilla asked them many times lemme toll'ya.
WWL politely demurred, "No. We don't do
That Sort of Thing," while the T-P/nola.com laughed at yer'oh'so humble Editilla --and yet is up to their ass in COPPPR (Corps OPP Public Relations) money. So is it true or not, do you really get what you pay for?
Poor Amos forgets that Reckdahl tried to portray her former editor Donley as an "internet consultant". Editor Schmeditor.
How quaint, disarming. Y'all remember that, right? Grrr...
The T-P tried to pitch a
Grease Ball Slider. Oh silly Editilla!
Poor Amoss links to the very faux journalist's redirect below!
...after two editorial opinions and a letter to the editor...
Yeah, right... coverage my ass, covered like a Rat Bag Diaper!
We can see who stands on which side of the failing levees.
How dare James Amoss insult us with such Schoolyard Peccary.
It is my deep admiration for the Craft of Journalism and the People who practice it at the Times-Picayune that drives this issue home for me, makes Editilla crazier than a Drunken Hornet!
This is important. Our major local news paper does not need to sell out its journalists to the Corps of Engineers.
These days of crumbling print media business models offer a stark choice to any Editor, to wit: Are they part of the problem or part of the solution? Very simple, Get Clear Or Die.
InFormation is Artifacts not Politics. We can handle da'truf!
would like to thank Editor Amoss for deigning to respond to literally hundreds of letters asking WTF,
but WTF difference does it make if he just wants to
Blow More Smoke Up Our Ass?If this is James Amoss' idea of Editorial Leadership, then we can certainly understand why former Editor in Chief Jon Donely would prefer to go milk real goats!
Indeed, here we can separate the Goats from the Sheepfakirs.
Here is Poor Amoss' retart, (with
special thanks to Jay).
But I must correct this "editor" on his portrayal of T-P
"coverage of this story" to more of
Response to Getting Busted --hardly Coverage of possible Corps Felony at the T-P.
Editilla would also like to see Mr Amoss give the
"the person who is spreading those allegations."Come on, Jim, you know that dog don't hunt! HA! Really.
I mean, for me, the thing about
"Allegations" is this: If you've got the
balls (or
ova) then you need to
Put Up or Shut Up,
Pull Out or Get Out, Get Down or Sit Down!
Dear readers who have written to me in the past several days,
I am the editor of the 172-year-old daily newspaper of New Orleans. We pride ourselves on intensely local coverage of the New Orleans metro area. Most of us, myself included, stayed in our New Orleans newsroom during Hurricane Katrina. All of us were deeply and personally stricken as we watched the floodwalls of the drainage canals, shoddily engineered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collapse and inundate our city. We were and continue to be in the vanguard of coverage of what went wrong, who was responsible and how a recurrence can and should be prevented. When an aspect of that story broke last fall -- Corps employees sending negative comments about stories critical of the Corps posted on NOLA.com, our affiliated web site -- we covered it. Please see the list of related stories at the end of this message.
I am a native New Orleanian. I deeply love my city. My parents and my brother lost their houses in Katrina. It took my wife and me two years to restore ours, in the Bayou St. John area. The editor of NOLA.com, James O'Byrne, had to have his Lakeview house demolished after it sat, inundated, for weeks.
The notion that either James or I or anyone in our news operations would deliberately withhold information lest it upset the Corps is both preposterous and deeply offensive. Therefore, please forgive me if I choose not to respond to or engage in dialog with the person who is spreading those allegations.
However, you who have written and who are readers of The Times-Picayune deserve to hear back from me. For those who know our newspaper only from a distance, I hope to acquaint you better with who we are and what we stand for. The following are links to material we've published relating to the Corps emails:
If this story develops further, we will cover it, though, like most newspapers I'm familiar with, we don't discuss in advance what stories we're working on or what issues we're investigating.
If any of you wish to follow up on this message, I'll do my best to reply.
Thank you for your abiding interest in New Orleans and in The Times-Picayune.
Jim Amoss, editor
The Times-Picayune
3800 Howard Ave.
New Orleans LA 70125
Special thanks fo'da paper~Masqued E'vinga!
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George Russell, 1923-2009