~Editilla Dixclosures~ My writing studio of many years was located at that 2nd floor fire escape to the left above the Iron Rail/ARK. It was here that I rode out Katrina and then the Federal Flood for 7 days. To say this is personal would be the misunderstatement of the fucking century. I was the only person in that building for the latter part of that 1st week of the Flood.
I loved the Iron Rail not only for who they were but for who they weren't. Yet, they were merely a flick in the history of that building and the artists who it (and its old school real deal landlord Julian Mutter) facilitated for so many years.
This article is inadequate, alas the journalist should have done background, a background for which there isn't enough room here to describe. The place was never a sophomoric dormitory for the Bourgeois Naivete, but an enclave of professionals, Artist kicking their own asses to the limit in New Orleans.
Cop School - For You, Not Them - Really ~Lord David, Truth and other Lies
UNO Charter Network making moves to get every education major into classrooms ~Naomi Martin, The Lens
Obama ordered Oil Spill Commission 32 days later, not 84 days, or 5 years later ~Levees.org
BP Sustainability Report Ignores Oil Spill, and Tony Gets a Bonus!
~Disenfranchised Citizen
~ReTweet !WhoDat35~ RT @bayougirlblog Sign petition by #Louisiana Sen. A.G. Crowe demanding proven, non-toxic solutions 2 restore #Gulf j.mp/etwlvz #oilspill
Sen. David Vitter's allegations about oil spill claims are empty, Kenneth Feinberg responds
LSU Agricultural Center is closing three of its research stations~Jordan Blum
The Road to Reef Recovery
Fête Française ~Blackened Out

Deacon John waltzing through time ~Jason Berry
Eric Lindell enjoyed calling the shots on his new CD, 'Cazadero'~Keith Spera