Tennessee Williams Fest - STEEEEELLLLLLAAA!!!
~NOLA radfem
4 Pilings of the Nola House
~Humid Haney
Mr "No Regrets" Busby,
I just finished your article today in the WP:
"Insecure About Climate Change".
Your insightful opening thesis caused me to research your background in the hopes of finding any hard experience with civil engineering.
No. Too bad. You have none. You have credentials.
So your lack of any knowledge of how levees are actually built or misbuilt might explain your inaccurate, misleading, down-right misdirecting pretense that New Orleans was flooded by hurricane Katrina, which had passed the city as a much weakened though still dangerous Cat 2 storm. What you profer is known today as it was discovered after the holocaust of WW2: The Tiny Lie, child of the Big Lie, told over and over and over. So while the levees fail in Missouri this week we are to believe that it is due to amorphous "Global Warming", rather than the Corps of Engineers who designed and built the entire flood control system?
This of course throws into doubt the intellectual foundation of the rest of your report, though not perchance your motivation in writing it for the Council of Foreign Relations. Fear. Fear the unpredictable sky full of bad weather and hijacked airliners. Fear hysterical, ungovernable Naked Mother Nature--not the Uniformed Government Man who built the levees.
Why or how else could you make such an egregious mistake of perception? Medication or the lack therof? Prehistoric global flash-freezing and/or, of late, thawing of your brain? Were you friggin' born last night? Given the mountain of engineering evidence that the levee system was not topped but failed, and the Corps of Engineers own admission that the city flooded due to breeches in the levee system which were themselves the result of failed design, execution and maintenance by the US Army Corps of Engineers, I find myself completely stunned and amazed by your ignorance. Please at least review some of the more topical engineering questions surrounding this criminal negligence.
By refusing to acknowledge the Corps of Engineers' failed levees, your report does more damage by leaving our country unaware and hence unprepared for the next real catastrophy--as happened in New Orleans--as is happening this very moment in Missouri. By hiding the bad seed in the heart of our waterways infrastructure, your report does nothing to mitigate this glaring broken bone in the body politic. And the fact that you are published in National Media makes this threat to our welfare even more insidious and strange.
So what is your point, Mr Busby? Why in the world would anyone want to publish such glaring inacuracy? Profit perhaps? Who paid for this study? I certainly hope that I don't find tax dollars behind it. Oh no, but I feel that I must search for that too. Who funds these excercises in miss-information? Yikes! For whom da'hell does yo'bell toll?
You cannot expect me to trust the veracity of the rest of your article. You killed the truth in the opening paragraphs. So it doesn't matter whether you answer me, though I would very much worry about your lonely conscience.
We survived the hurricane that fateful August (of course I was there) but not the US Corps of Engineers.
But we survive the Corps today as we will survive you tomorrow.
Sinn Féin,
Editilla d'Aphasia
New Orleans News Ladder
Missourians hope levees can contain rain-swollen rivers

Families from across St. Louis County have swarmed Valley Park, Mo., to help their neighbors prepare for floodwater from the Meramec River.
Army Corps of Engineers Public Relations Specialist George Stringham (not an engineer) said some water had seeped through the levee, but the leakage was not unusual and posed no danger to the levee’s structural integrity.
FEMA Offers Help to Missouri, Other Flooded States
Exquixotic Corps of Engineers To Help Build $23 Million Border Fence--In Egypt?
Exquixotic Corps 'Building it Right'---In IRAQ?
Report: Dredging not cause of erosion, others beg to differ
More Awards for a Corps Job Well Done~Matt McBride
Insurance issues hindering Gulf Coast recovery

~Kiss My Gumbo
I was just gonna say, don’t get hung up about Easter~Toulouse Street
Happy Easter~But don't forget, the Easter Bunny still hates you~Ashley Morris
Liptrap Say Hoppy Easter, all!
Student Volunteers Make a Break for N.O.~Cain Burdeau
Gross students head to New Orleans
A steady storm of volunteers
~College students are flocking to Lake Charles to help hurricane victims restore lives
Students volunteer on Miss. coast during spring break
Senn Penn Plays Harvey Milk
~Gentilly Girl
Walking The Fault - A Journal

Singer/songwriter Tift Merritt in New Orleans for Tennessee Williams Festival