New Orleans asks: Will the rebuilt levees hold? ~Cain Burdeau Editilla says don't bet your life on it! August 28th, 2008:I went again to the 17th Street Canal Levee Breach "Repair" and stuck my hands, this time wrist deep, down into the Leaking Flowing Water, right in the middle of the famous expensive T-Wall Repair, at sections 6-7. I had to stalk around in the Marsh Grasses covering up the wet ground. The "Wet Spot" had indeed shrunk some to a circle about 15 yards wide... right at the block of Belair and Spencer, 40 paces from the base of the levee toe in the middle of the "Repair". It is still leaking, brackish tasting water. Still. Leaking. But what concerns me most is the storm surge down the still failed MRGO and thus into the Industrial Canal and Gentilly Woods and beyond. Those levees were repaired using incorrect measurements and shoddy workmanship. Period.
Amazing Grace as the coffin passes on Canal Street at the Charity Hospital Cemetery during a Hurricane KatrinaMemorial service Friday August 29, 2008 for the third anniversary of Katrina. The coffins in the memorial contain unclaimed or unknown remains of Katrina victims. Photo from Getty Images No upset this time: No. 7 LSU pounds App State 41-13
Recovery Signposts Editilla notellas~My brain just t'rows da'link! Please try again. ~Thank you Gambit, More Soup For You!~ ~Editillero Award for "best of" watching our backs! Doubtless a tall order, coming through wit'da sub'emergent Nola blog'0'reamery vigilatin da'scene. However, Gambit has been swinging a file' pounder for a long time in this gumbo we call... Our Fabulous New Orleans. And since the flood, Ace Editor DuBos has marshaled quite a squad of young and vapid editeurilla to carry da'Word, da'Spice. They swingin'da ax, stirrin'da pot, thickenin'da plot!
Coast Guarding~Mollie Day ~On July 23, more than 20 state lawmakers from across the country gathered in Louisiana to listen to Louisiana's coastal wetlands czar, Garret Graves, chair of the state's Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority. "Take this message home: This is a nationally significant issue," Graves said. "You should care about it because of energy, maritime, agriculture, seafood and money." Katrina, PTSD Not Over For Louisiana, Mississippi ~Louisiana 1976
Bush aide: New Orleans City Hall is failing at recovery ~Bruce Nolan Douglas O'Dell, who consults with dozens of federal, state and local agencies and troubleshoots regulatory logjams, said Mayor Ray Nagin's recovery director, Ed Blakely, often does not return his calls and seems to be operating under the premise -- erroneous, O'Dell thinks -- that a new presidential administration next year "will reload the cannon and start shooting money down here." "I'm basically asking Blakely, who's probably getting paid a whole hell of a lot more money than I am, to do his damn job,"~Douglas O'Dell. ~Editilla gotta ax'ya~ Who'ya gonna call? "Digger" O'Dell!
Former Corps of Engineers Leader Appointed to Homeland Security Capital Corp. ~ In a significant move, former military officer Lieutenant Colonel David Diehl Ret. has been asked to head a prominent division of Homeland Security Capital Corporation (OTCBB: HOMS), focused on the environment and federal programs. HSCC is an international provider of specialized radiological, nuclear, environmental, disaster relief and security solutions for government and commercial customers. Other subsidiaries include Ploimatrix, Inc, and Nexus Technologies Group. A presence in the southeast allows HSCC to take advantage of increased contract opportunities at the Corps and the Army’s Redstone Arsenal facility, home to the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), and the Space and Missile Defense Command. (SMDEFCOM) ~Editilla bites a 9 penny nail, spits the point into the sun, screams "Double Jeopardy! What is an Orgy of Acronymic Porcine Enshrined Ziggurat Command (OAPEZCOM)?"
New Orleans still susceptible to Katrina-like damage spin cycle ~Editilla notellas~as this article circulates the country its title is usually, by the googol: "New Orleans Repeating Deadly Levee Mistakes". We do not have to imagine da'uptic or da'intake of how quickly the ubber'trolls feed on such galling non-sequiturial meme'ethic myth'nomer. As Gentle'rillas have drawn, quartered and tasted enough neocoward punk'bile over nailing the perps who flooded New Orleans we say Nevermore! Webeg to counter spin this latest cycle of dirty white'wash. Geld this One Trick Pony at birth.
New Orleans is Recovering fromDeadly Mistakes. The Exquixotic Corps is Repeating Deadly Mistakes.
At the risk of surpassing even Editilla's Insane Rudity, I must say we have enough to deal with in trying to deconstruct ASCECORPS' irreally sophisticated public relations machinery while nice, probably unwitting, smart men like levee board member, former CORPS tax-paid consultant and ASCE past presidentTom Jacksoncries wolf, "It's the Corps Fault," regarding their still suspect pumps --with which ASCECORPS would hold us down and waterboard us again.
This Ladder continues to demand Tom Jackson's resignation from the Levee Board due to corps conflicts of interests. Editilla will grant'ya that he is a nice guy. But NO NO NO! It is Not the Spin of the Storm, but the leveesleaking rightnow that screams ASCECORPS has not changed! They have NOT learned a damned thing.
Their 17th Street Canal Breech "Repair" LEAKS. Their levees in St Bernard have Newspaper in them. Newspaper for goddess sake. Paper Mache. They bloody stuffed NEWSPAPER in a flood wall! ~~I want that fakir's name! They dangerously miscalculated in Gentilly Woods. They continue to fuck'truple funding estimates like, bumping the price of these pumps up to a BILLION dollars or the Morganza Levee System up to $12 BILLION --that is with a" B" folks...that is this many zeros: 000,000,000,000. Quiche Capiche? Oh! Now they can complain about "Funding", eh? Want a cool number for the Corps? Try how many Tons of water this passing Tropical Storm Fay dropped on Florida.
Here are some water volume comparisons for the next time you hear of rainfall amounts in the 8-12 inch range. That is, in cubic inches: 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 128 fluid ounces = 231 cubic inches 1 liter = 0.2642 gallons = 1.0568 quart = 61.02 cubic inches 1 million gallons = 3.069 acre-feet = 133,685.64 cubic feet 62.416 pounds per cubic foot at 32°F 61.998 pounds per cubic foot at 100°F 8.33 pounds/gallon, 0.036 pounds/cubic inch Density: 1 gram per cubic centimeter (cc) at 39.2°F, 0.95865 gram per cc at 212°F
We cannot afford the benefit of doubt here, and if we give these crooked bastards even a thimbleful of it they will flood the city again, a thimbleful at a time.
Full-scale photo installation brings the wreckage of Katrina back to Nashville Thousands of photos have captured the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina after it hit New Orleans. But Immersion, a photographic installation that opens at the Parthenon on Wednesday, doesn't just depict scenes from what creator William Rosen calls "The Great Corps of Engineers Flood of 2005." Subtitled "A Katrina Room,"Rosen's photos bring the wreckage back to life through a life-size recreation of what he found a month after he returned to the home that he, his wife Eddy and their dog Sidney evacuated prior to the storm. "If the images overwhelm the visitor, if when people go through they are psychologically or emotionally or physically upset, then the exhibit will have been a success," said the fourth generation New Orleanian, an attorney who now makes his home in Franklin. After Hurricane Katrina struck, Elton Mabry used writing as a way to survive the storm ~Elisabeth Mullener