~Free to the public, this first annual festival to celebrate all things "Gentilly," includes continuous live music, sumptuous food from a variety of local restaurants and caterers, fine art and crafts for sale, activities for children and a variety of practical recovery information. More from Maria Montoya.
FEMA to pay some Hurricane Ike costs
Houma company will receive state aid~Gary Perilloux
La. coastal hazard workshops slated ~The workshops are based on the “Louisiana Coastal Hazard Mitigation Guidebook,” which will be available for free at the workshop locations.
Hurricane shelter summit planned in Shreveport
Area Hospitals Handle Hurricanes
Three years later, 6,500 subsidized apartments fester ~Tenants facing uncertain future ~Katy Reckdahl~First they came for...
New Orleans student sues police over beating
~Based on the lawsuit, here is Rocha's account of what happened: As the cab neared his home, Rocha pulled out his wallet to pay the fare, by then more than $15, only to discover he had just $3. Shortly thereafter, an NOPD officer arrived in a marked car and questioned Rocha, who assured him he intended to pay the driver. The officer allowed Rocha to go into his house to search for cash. But when Rocha returned a few minutes later saying he found no money there, the officer gave the law student "the option of going to jail or allowing the cab driver to
'beat the fare out of him."'After Rocha, concerned about his finances and future legal career, elected not to go to jail,
the policeman "supervised" as the driver repeatedly beat Rocha with his fists. Then the officer let the cab driver borrow his billy club and watched as he used it to beat Rocha further.

~The ongoing financial meltdown is just the latest example of a disturbing trend that, to this adoptive American, threatens to put the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave on a par with Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Equatorial Guinea.
Privatization an option for New Orleans airport
Public Transportation: Is this Freedom? ~Daneeta Loretta
LEAP strategy will get review
~Lagniappe from Da'Liptrap...
Record number of fleas attacking pets following Hurricane Gustav
Coast is fertile ground for malls ~Mary Perez ~Jacques Pucheu, director of acquisitions for Tellus Development, is bullish on the Coast economy, with the company's Acadian Plaza just complete on U.S. 49 and two more shopping centers to come. The world is going to Mall in a Hand Basket.
'Blessing' for Pass: $25 million going to fund harbor rebuild
Public meetings set for proposed Miss. port plan
~The state would use $575 million in Katrina recovery funds to begin the restoration, which is expected to create more than 6,000 new jobs.
The money initially had been earmarked for housing, and the diversion by Gov. Haley Barbour's office drew rebukes from advocacy groups and some congressional leaders who said too many housing needs had been neglected. The federal government approved the diversion earlier this year.
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. Estimates Impact $15B
Aspen Insurance hurricane losses reach $155M
Interactive graphic of Paulson’s Wall Street network ~slabbed
U.S. Army Corps awards over $125M to Hawaii firms

In this week’s Gambit:
Palin-Free Edition
Twitter World~MoM
~Kate Brodock on September 4, 2008 wrote that as Hurricane Gustav threatened the New Orleans area at the end of August 2008, Twitter users from the region mobilized themselves to offer a way of quickly disseminating the information via tweets.
DVD Review - Antonio Sanchez ~drummertalk.org
~Please make sure to check out these ones too.
Randy Newman talks about his music, politics and New Orleans