Drew Brees wants to wrap up long-term contract quickly and keep New Orleans Saints rolling ~"Really the sooner the better," Brees said Friday during a conference call with the New Orleans media. "Now here we are at the end of the season, and it's time to pick up discussions again, obviously once we all get a chance to step away and decompress and let this season kind of settle. But I've had conversations with (Saints General Manager) Mickey Loomis and my agent, and at some point very soon we're going continue to talk, and hopefully we will get a deal done very soon.
~Hat Tweet @LaSeafoodBoard~Happy National Popcorn Day! Try this Louisiana Crawfish Cake With Buttered Popcorn Purée and Green Tomato Jam! bit.ly/zYoFC4
Times-Picayune back-slides, uses Katrina Shorthand to mis-frame "The Great Corps of Engineers Levee Failure Event of 2005" ~Editilla Commentellas~In the face of such an insulting and self-aggrandizing, Katrina Shorthand attempt to continue to Lie about the cause of our devastating Federal Flood 8-29-05, we at Da Ladder find it quite gratifying that so many comments on this screed support the True Story. Over the diaspora we have screamed about this problem of mis-framing our man-made disaster as a natural one. I mean, yous guys have seen me lay down some pristine rant & retart as to the very real PR War waged by the Exquisite Corps and theys minions to spin'filtrate any other story about their criminal engineering to the American public --but da truf. Yet, it was always the T-P that sent poor Editilla over Niagara Falls with their Corps/OPP advertising contracts, "Shilla" Grissett's damn near laudanum infused coverage of levee leaks and tons of debris used in their new filling, and their incessant use of Katrina Shorthand. Hell, they would even attempt to Defend misstating actual facts! But, over time, some of their journalist came around to our view of Reality with a capital Rrrrrrr --due in no small measure to the Direct Actions of a tiny, local grassroots group to stay on top of this with editors and journalist across the country. It's true. Our friends and compadres at Levees.org deserve a big hand here as they have changed the entire narrative of our damn'nation simply by insisting that news media call it by its true name. Alas, we still have a few piglet dragons to slay right here in our own back yard. ~Special T'anks to Da Masqued E'vinga! for our snappy cartoon.
~Editilla Patronellas~My recently aquired, real life painting by Polly Jackson in early morning light: Elms of Atura Park, 22"X33" Acrylic. Don't know if a cellphone pic could do this justice, as the colors really seem to light themselves. I guess that is a difference for me between Art and anything else, to wit: live paintings like this don't need artificial light. Indeed, Polly's paintings seem to thrive in natural light. I also got 2 of her Chicken paintings (behind that one) --but before showing y'all will wait for a Chicken Day when we really need it. Click to enlarge
Monday, January 16, 2012
What a dilemma~ Kevin McGill ~What impressed me most as I read the state's latest plan to save its coast is the map. A sea of red, representing an encroaching Gulf of Mexico, consumes almost every inch of every inhabited community south of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes. And the parts that are left within 50 years look like they would flood so often it would make them impractical to inhabit. Dulac? Gone. Cocodrie: Underwater. Dularge? History. Montegut: A memory.
~Hat Tweet @Pierre_Thomas~Hey fans, just to let everyone know...I'm doing great...it was a nasty hit but this is the sport we play, can't... fb.me/1t1rr2XaM
~Editilla Lamentellas~ My thoughts on yesterday's loss are few, grief- stricken & simple: 1) Unbridled Love & Pride: for Our New Orleans Saints and our City of Whodats enough said. HIGH FIVE! 2) I've always found it difficult to criticize even Shockey, or anyone else remotely connected to Our New Orleans Saints at any time in their lives, let alone presume to 2nd guess our Coach Sean Payton WHODAT!, Drew Brees BREESUS! or even His Assholeness Greg Williams. Which brings us to... 3) I don't want to talk about Greg Williams, or his Rams-punking, no-catching, no-ball-stripping, no-interceptin, snuggy-wearin fat ass. 4) Aaand finally, I remember feeling this way on my knees in the water during the flood outside of WWOZ, buckled crying, in utter shock at the screaming silence the day the music died. I'm crying now, in a way simular yet honed, as then I truly thought it was all over. I never thought I'd ever see New Orleans do the things she has done in the 7 yrs hence. To imagine anything less from Our New Orleans Saints would be sheer blasphemy.