~Christi Parsons

Bwhahahahahahaaaa whew! Even Editilla can't field that one!
George H.W. Bush the Poor Community Activist! Hahahaha!
I mean...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA... I hafta go peeeee!
But, can somebody please tell us why the Big George has such a Boner standing next to His O'ner? Points of Light My Ass!
"There's no place for partisanship when a great American city is under water," Obama said. Riiiight, but there Was a place for it during his Tinkle-stop Tour(s) of New Orleans? Boo!
And with perfect damage control record spin: "He came without fanfare," Bush said of Obama's 2005 visit to the region.
"You might not always know it from watching the cable news shows or listening to folks on the radio," Obama said, but "I think we're standing in one of those moments."
We'll just let That one stand in it's own boots, since you all know by now in what Editilla thinks Obama is standing.
Perhaps some Gentle'rillas are too young to remember this Nazi-blooded Aristocrat's One Term in office. He lost re-election in no small measure due to his trickle-down barrel of voodoo dolls presidency, inaugurated with a speech written by Peggy Noonan known as 1000 Points of Light.
Perchance we may be witnessing less Irony here than Prophecy?
Hey Mr. President, IT'S THE LEVEES STUPID!
My God, is Obama really this far gone? Is this why he blew us with a 4hr Glory Hole, to go to Texas and suck off George Bush Sr?
Thus we see how this Commander in Chief can Lie with his Corps.
Hell, this Ho will Lie with Anybody for a little head!
In the interests of full disclosure (and to satisfy the requirements of my court-ordered aversion therapy) Editilla must remind our Gentle'rillas that I VOTED FOR THIS LIPSTICK PIG---the one on the left.
And lest anyone think Editilla is getting spooky now to question the veracity of Obama's grasp of the differences between Man Made and Natural Disaster, behold his man now running the war in Afghanistan. I'm not the one here talking to Spooks.
Obama Doesn't Get Katrina? ~The Atlantic
~It wasn't so much the brief duration of President Obama's trip to New Orleans that riled the Katrina-smarties -- the folks who've spent the past several years obsessing, healthily, about the destruction of an American city. It was that, when he spoke there, he got his facts wrong. And he got his facts wrong to such an extent that he convinced folks like Harry Shearer that Obama has no idea what really happened during Katrina.
"Hitting" New Orleans v. hitting Mississippi isn't a distinction without a difference. The truth seems to be that the hurricane devastated the region -- and the levees breached prematurely. The response was slow and inadequate, but the response was secondary, at least for New Orleans.
Barack Obama town hall speaker frustrated with pace of recovery from Hurricane Katrina
~Bill Barrow~More than four years after federal levees broke and one day after he pointedly questioned the president of the United States about what's happened since, Gabriel Bordenave said he remains frustrated with the pace of recovery in the city he has called home since childhood.
And the 29-year-old Lake Charles native said he is nothing short of amazed that he was the only person at a University of New Orleans town hall meeting Thursday who queried President Barack Obama directly about rebuilding issues.
"I thought the topic was recovery," he said of the town hall, which featured 1,500 people who won entrance through an online lottery --EXCEPT FOR THE LITTLE KID WHO "ASKED" THE VICTIM/HATE CARD QUESTION AT THE END.
"I'm glad for the attention my question has gotten, not for me but for the plight of this city.
I hope it's the beginning of a conversation -- no, I hope it's the beginning of a new action plan for New Orleans."

We were all set to see our Hope Vote validated this past 8/29 Anniversary, but His O'ner blew our Holy Day in The City The Corps Forgot to go on vacation after only 6 months on the job and play golf at a Rich People's Place. Thus we saw the 'Hope' first begin to uncoil.
Then we heard about the White House trip to the Gulf, a 3 Hour Tinkle-Stop Tour, to check on the status of Hurricane Katrina recovery by A) Not going to Mississippi where Katrina actually hit, causing total devastation, and B) Going to New Orleans where Katrina did not hit and did not cause our total devastation
--thence we saw the 'A' -hidden behind his back, a foreign object.
Then the Big Show finally arrives amidst obvious disregard and Presidential hubris that we should all be so grateful the president took the time to come and blow smoke up our asses and use our wounded city to Campaign for his Health Care/Economic Thingy.
Butt, it wasn't until His O'ner opened his mouth and out came the Wise Blood channeling Elmer Gantry (as a Yankee might think we southerners behave in "N'Awlins") that Editilla saw the scene completed, saw the 'Dope'. That is when I saw His O'ner "just getting started" on his wind-up to whip us with Hope'A'Dope.
I knew we were screwed by this President then, but having his Plants Boo Bobby Jindal so His O'ner could do his Fake Southern Accent Thing cinched it. He was ready for that scene and played it to the Hilt, not for We The People Who Needed Reassurance, but for the National Media Spin afterward, which was his intent.
Not only did we get the Sham'Wow, but free of charge we also got Tiny Tim to God Bless Us Every One on the last of his mere 7 questions (none of which he answered anyway), when he Played the Victim/Hate Card with that little Gary Coleman Kid --who his office had picked ahead of time and who did not have to Play the Ticket Lottery for Tickets to the event. That was when my heart began to turn to Stone and sink beneath the turgid flood waters of this Out-House Stump Speech.
He opened with Staged Division: Lets Boo Republican Jindal, and he closed with Staged Division: Lets Boo Anyone As Haters Who Think Obama Is Putting It In Our Mouth Today With This Presidential Glory Hole Bathroom Stall Town Hall.
In short, he Punted us as a political football and Punked us as a Tourette Syndrome Political Step-Child. "Feisty crowd," he said.
HA! Oh, Brutha, Where Art Thou? Et tu Barack?
Editilla needed Barack Obama to show he is paying attention himself. I needed him to Be Here Now --not on his Hope'float Campaign Parade. What I did not expect to find is that our Smart New Progressive President doesn't know the difference between Shit and ShiNola, thinks Katrina hit New Orleans and caused our devastation and thus is covering for the Corps of Engineers Bad Pumps, constant project delays, Options 1 or 2 Extortion, Not Repairing their Bad Flood Walls and Shifting Around Millions in Flood Funding --right now today. The Commander in Chief did NOT take Command here, he took to the Campaign Trail.
New Orleans did not need to hear about his problems perfecting his Legislative Golf Game or his misunderstanding of Tort Law.
New Orleans needed a Face to Face Patient/Doctor Consultation.
Soooo, we will hang various other people's posts and articles on this as they come about. What we will Not do is continue Obama's Media Blitz about how he "showed leadership in New Orleans" on his first visit as President. He did not. But I don't Hate him for it.
I just don't accept Disaster Capitalism --or it's Messengers.
We Will Not Bow Down Sinn Féin.
President Obama's visit to NOLA
~We Could Be Famous
Liprap's Lament - The Line
My Thoughts On The President's Visit~Cliff's Crib
On the bumpy road to President Obama's visit to New Orleans
~Kevin Allman, Gambit
President Obama: VA Will Build Hospital Downtown
~Save Charity Hospital