~Katy Reckdahl
Editilla T'n'T~New Orleans Can Thrive
Gaza Protest in New Orleans Tomorrow!~My Private Casbah
New Documentary About NOLA ...and Katrina...
~Watergate Summer

Corps officials say it is impossible for them to build a complete levee given time and money constraints.
“So we’ll have a super-strong six-mile section of levee with four no-work zones.

~Special thanks~ Illustration above left: New Orleans Levee
Illustration middle right: da'Masqued E'vinga!
Photo bottom left: Daily Comet
Levees.org responds to UNO engineering professor's Christmas Day letter
~Editilla Notellas~ Re-posted due to continued Rock'N'Rollicking Commentary on this issue of Slight-of-Hand and just how a Civil Engineering Professor from UNO could say such stupid and erroneous things in defense of the Corps of Engineers and get his ass handed to him by levees.org. Y'all come join the fun!
Erin Brockovich To Visit TN Coal Ash Spill Site
Housing demolition suit set back by appeals court
~Allen M. Johnson Jr.

~"Is this some hilarious WSJ New Year’s joke?
Because there is no evidence we can locate, outside of some obviously photoshopped images of Ratzi in a cloud of cancer, to suggest our crappiest pope indulges in this particular variety of sucking on cylindrical objects."
-Best British English expression EVAR: “Can I bum a fag?”
-Smoke without sex?
-next thing you know, you are gonna tell me that he gets plastered off the communion wine!
-Holy smokes?
-I heard he butts them with his tongue, just to show the Cardinals what a major bad ass he is.
Still Waiting for the Recession in New Orleans ~Steven Gray
Gov't resumes oil purchases for stockpile
Food Storage Basics - Getting Started~Leaving Excess
Biloxi stamp will light the way
Persona: Bryan Batt
~Sue Strachan, NO Magazine
Jazz on the Tube
The Internet's jazz video jukebox
~Editilla Chin'Chillaaaaasss!~ This is one of those Ideas what should'a happened a long time ago! Y'all please go check them out and sign up fo'da Jazz Tube! Here is just a sample:
Special T'anks to Our Friends at Food Music Justice!