Saturday, November 29, 2008
Preservation~Thanks, Katrina
Malik Rahim profiled in the San Francisco Bay View
~Independent Political Report
Hydropower Kinetic Technology
An Evening at Mosca's
~Letters in Bottles

Celebration in the Oaks Calendar of Events
MacCash misses the boat. Again.
~richard, Metblogs

The Midwest and Louisiana now share something in common ~People Get Ready
Artifact discovery delays Iowa levee repair
A Sneak Peek at the Scheme
Part 6~slabbed
Residents deciphering ominous NFIP letter~Sun Herald
~BAY ST. LOUIS, MS -- Hundreds of homeowners here are scratching their heads after receiving letters informing them they must either elevate, tear down or move their houses more than three years after Hurricane Katrina.
State insurer sheds more policies
~Rebecca Mowbray

Really, come on y'all... isn't this cool as all get out?
Storm planners reflect on busy hurricane season
Federal agency to study deepwater corals in Gulf
~Houma Today
~The U.S. Minerals Management Service has started a four-year study that’ll spend $3.7 million to research deepwater corals.
Submerged Celilo Falls still exist, new sonar maps show
Christmas Tree farm open for business despite Gustav impact
~Tyana Williams
Pontchartrain Vineyard
~Jessica Bride~Resveratrol found in grapes and red wine has anti-aging powers
Magazine Street, 6 miles of shopping, eating ~Laura Claverie
Santa Looks for Louie
at New Orleans Musicians Relief Fund (NOMRF)


Friday, November 28, 2008
Vendredi~Soirée Susan Cowsill Video Premier!
I feel like a kite without a string
Only my tail to guide me
Just paper and sticks and tattered sheets
Waiting on a friendly wind
Hold all our memories in one hand
So tight that you won't let them go
And in the other hand we pray
That the wind and the panic and the rain
Will all turn to a
Soft and quiet snow
A long time ago when I was young
I used to know everything
And now it's today and I am sure
That I don't know anything at all
Hold all our memories in one hand
So tight that you won't let them go
And in the other hand we pray
That the wind and the panic and the rain
Will all turn to a
Soft and quiet, gentle peaceful snow
When the Saints come marchin' in
I'll be walking to New Orleans
Eating beignets at DuMonde'
Singing Joni at the Carrollton Station
Hanging out at Jackson Square
12 o'clock I'll meet you there
Down on Frenchmen with Big Chief
Trying to find a place to eat
Tailgatin' at the Dome
Man I can't wait to go home
Our precious hearts are all shattered
Scattered across the land
But I know that I am going back
To the place where I know who I am
Holding all our memories in one hand
So tight that you can't let them go
And in the other hand we pray
That the wind and the panic and the rain
Will all turn to a
Soft and quiet, gentle peaceful, N-O-L-A,
Crescent City Snow
3 a.m. at the Circle Bar
Where the hell did we park the car
6 a.m. at the Christmas Lounge
Man we got a hell of a town
A town where you grandma tells my grandma
While they are sitting by the fire
And we all go down to the Audobon Zoo
Where they all ax for you
And they say
Who Dat
Who Dat
Who Dat say dey'gonna beat dem'Saints
Who Dat
Who Dat
Who Dat say dey'gonna beat dem'Saints
Oh when the Saints come marchin' in


The Times Picayune has Wiped Their Ass with the US Constitution and breached the public trust by abusing their Freedom of the Press in favor of Profit
Despite Rising Conflicts of Interest!
Rotten to the Corps!!!
There you have it, Gentle'rillas, from a page of an online article today about death in Central Lock'up. How bloody apropos.
God only knows where they'll turn up next in a newspaper which is so ethically challenged that they cannot even Print the word Gambit, let alone properly hide their hand when cheating! HA!
What Jerk Off Patsy Media! Hahahaha...
Are we going to have to bump this up a notch to a Full Boycott of the Times Picayune? I have real trouble with the notion of chancing the subjugation of our Valued Gentle Readers to such Random Garish Corps Public Relations Marketing --especially in the face of their imminent appearance before a Court of Law.
I suppose this is what it has come to...
the TP simply decided to follow the money and support only the Corps of Engineers over the citizens' of New Orleans need to know who screwed them and how.
Deepthroat was correct:
"Oo0h is that a Telephone Pole, or are you just glad to see me?!?"
Follow the Money...
After my questioning them of this and their lack of a Published Company Ethics Policy they have decided to have No substantive articles on the Corps, but instead these Ugly Advertisements by the Corps PR Dept. It has been 2 weeks and nothing.
Perhaps there is no news on the Corps.
Editilla doubts it.
But when we get no answers we are left with only actions...
--which speak so much louder than words.
This Expensive Flash Ad (EFA)(paid to the TP with Your Tax Dollars) leads the unsuspecting viewer to think that the Corps is actually Reducing Risk by having these "public discussions" and moving projects along, congroovient with wonderful in/out, give/take type of community involvement between the survivors in St Bernard and the Corps.
This is a Lie, as the intent of these ads is not true of these meetings noted in the Ad. You can't get the information from this website.
The intent here by Advertising in the largest daily News paper in the Jury Pool Demographic is to Be Seen...Reducing Risk...
--not different Risk(s) plural, but Risk Proper, Big Risk.
Everyone knows about Big Risk, to wit: FEAR.
There is a Real difference between Risk (general) and Risks (particular), just as there is a difference between Fear (general) (of Terrorism, rabid nutria, Heavy Weather) and Fears (particular) (of Corps of Engineers Incompetency, other crime in New Orleans, Editilla's rational phobia of corrupt local media).
This is not to be "discussion" of 1000s of pages of Individual Environmental Reports, but announcements.
These meetings noted in the EFA are to allegedly discuss Individual Environmental Reports IERs 8 - 11 according to the calendar on the slick, expensive, tax-paid "nola environmental" website. You don't of course see that in the ads, and you also don't see that no one is going to Meet together for just a few hours to "disscuss" over 1000 pages of IERs.
No. What you will be tasked to doing is learning about the decisions are already made by the Corps. If you do go to the Corps Expensive Website (CEW) from the Expensive Flash Ad (EFA) you cannot find info on the topic to be "discussed", IERs 8 - 11. You can find a link to the one below but I tried twice and it just won't load the pdf. ~The Decision Record for IER 11 Tier 2 Borgne has been signed by the District Commander (October 21, 2008)~ but that is the way the Corps plays this.
They are not interested in the public input of data.-
They mainly just want you to see the FANCY ADVERTISMENT about how they are REDUCING RISK.
That is their Catch-22 Phrase.
Reducing Risk, Their Army Word. Hooah!
Reducing Risk. Building Strong.
Bulling Shit.
So if you actually Use this Ad you Get Nothing.
What you do have here is a Failure to Communicate. Spin'filtration. Baby Food.
We have the Times Picayune engaging in Jury Tampering.
The Corps is Not Reducing Risk in St Bernard.
The Corps is due in Court over this Fact in 173 Days, in a case to be decided by a Jury picked from the TP readership.
So now, early, the Corps is running EFAs to distort their image in the eyes of the public. This is wrong and should be illegal.
The Times Picayune is worse than UnEthical for engaging in this practice at the Payment of the Corps of Engineers.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Bad Times Picayune! No Soup For You!
You simply cannot accept money for Advertising from a News Source of such proven Deadly Import before their Billion $$ Product Liability Trial by Jury. Come on, Y'all!
This is not someone running for office, Editor Kovacs.
This is the Federal Government who flooded our city.
This will be one of the greatest Trials of the 21st Century.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Jeudi~Happy Thanksgiving One & Y'all
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

and New Orleans Ladder!
~Louisiana's Super Station LCN-TV will air the exclusive Network Premiere of Susan Cowsill's "Crescent City Snow" Video this Friday,
November 28th at 8:30pm on LCN's "The Vault"
--and right heah on our New Orleans Ladder!
Y'all please drop by and check it out! It is such a beautiful video from the Saints to the Sinners.
Editilla is of course jaw'dropping slabbed with glee and beside myself in stuttering amazement, damn near dumpstruck speechless that Susan Cowsill would premier on Our Ladda!
Get Down! Get Back Up Again!
Please go to Susan's site, read the lyrics and listen to the song, read the lyrics in the upper right masthead here, Gentle'rillas... and then look at the map... and then think back on your own road home, or especially some of you who have read me screaming here from this Ladder over the darkhole wilderness of post K diaspora. I have trouble making it through this song, but the Video makes it all Way'Mo'Betta lemme'tollyaz. Whew!
Goddess takes care of Fools and Errant Troubadours No Lie.
South Louisiana man brings visionof theater to bayou
~Thad Angelloz
Reality hits Texas “…quick to take your payment but very slow to pay your claim ~slabbed
Sanitation Contract Audits
~We Could Be Famous
Turkey Du Jour~Humid City
Library Chronicles
Petition To Remove Warren Riley NOW!~Gentilly Girl
Confederacy of Dunces
at Le Chat~Gambit Daily
Ex-Bush Aide Stole Because He ‘Internalized’ Hurricane Katrina Disaster ~Jason Leopold
~Christopher Tidmore, BBuzz
~For the homeowners in the historic neighborhood that will soon face bulldozers, the state is expected to pay fair market value for property owners in the area. The state is also expected to help with relocation expenses. The full reaction by property owners is certainly now unknown. It might be necessary for the government to exercise eminent domain powers.
The Mayor and fellow city leaders described the 27 block area as a center “of blight”, worthy of destruction. However as author Jennifer Farwell has noted, “Despite the perception by many that the area is filled with largely blighted homes and run-down commercial structures, residents say it just isn't so. In fact, they say their neighborhood is better since Katrina than ever before, and they're mystified as to why the complex couldn't have been built somewhere else.”
~Historical Org Opposses Louisiana/VA Plan For New Orleans
New Orleans Election Battle a Test for Black Voters
~Earl Ofari Hutchinson
State of the Black World:
Accepting our responsibility
~Ashahed M. Muhammad
~After a stirring introduction by long-time activist and displaced Katrina survivor Mtangulizi Sanyika who described Min. Farrakhan as a global evangelist, a theo-centric global humanist and a Muslim extraordinaire who loves Jesus profoundly, the Minister immediately addressed the recent historic presidential election of Barack H. Obama and what it means to Black America.
National Day of Mourning ~Affrodite's Adventures in Nappy Hair
The Left Embracing the Shock Doctrine?~CenLamar
Community-Based Progress in Post-Katrina New Orleans
~Roberta Gratz, Planetizen
~With names like Save Our Schools,, Squandered Heritage, TREE, Get It Done, Latinola, Beacon of Hope and the usual assortment of neighborhood associations with terms like “empowerment”, “environment” and “faith-based” included, this untrained but virtual civilian conservation corps has learned more on the job than they could have in a classroom
-- and quicker. The Squandered Heritage database on the condition and status of properties all over the city is so complete that city officials call these citizen experts to find out what they in the city government are doing.
Lower Mid City has one minute to speak~Squandered Heritage
Parishioners occupying Uptown churches prepare for the long haul~Bruce Nolan
Showing Some Spine
~Noah Bonaparte Pais
~Independent booksellers keep a wary eye on 'the 500-pound-gorilla' Borders opening on St. Charles Avenue.
~Borders off 40% on wider loss, narrowed options
Homeowners need a silver bullet in the war against repair fraud ~Sun Herald

The big dig: Dredging on upper Saginaw River set to begin
~Bay City Times
~Sentimental Value
Americans' Food Stamp Use Nears All-Time High ~Jane Black
‘Everybody’s Kitchen’ delivers meals in Louisiana bayou country~Bill Sasser

Honey-Brined and Smoked Turkey~Serious Eats
Doing the Dozens~Ian McNulty
~Scouting out the options along the French Quarter's "oyster alley."
Call on President-Elect Obama to prioritize Gulf Coast recovery efforts~GDPR
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Story here.
Fixing The Responder, Ignoring the Cause?~Harry Shearer
Prevent disaster at FEMA: Push “hell no button” on Witt and Merritt with email to Obama and Members of Congress~slabbed
Plan for New Orleans Hospitals Draws Outcry~Adam Nossiter
Red Streetcars Return For First Time Since Katrina

The late
Al Copeland’s famous Christmas
display will its final appearance,
Copeland Family To Hold Last Christmas Display Lighting on Saturday, November 29. Photo: NODP
Family shocked by cemetery destruction~Paul Gates

Call to action~Clair Taylor
Imagery courtesy of Wikimapia and WAVCIS.
La. grapples with fresh pot of hurricane logistics
~Cain Burdeau
Corps Trying To Prevent Termite Damage On Levees ~WDSU
~Editilla Notellas~ I pulled all that beautiful tilla'rant posted earlier, after getting off the phone with a nice civil engineer (whom I trusts)(HA!)(Getta load'a'dat!:) who, out of concern for my own credibility, informs me: that I may be falling for an InCredible Story pitched by the Exquixotic Corps; that this Termite Story is just more of the Corps Media Candy and that the Termite Story is not an Engineering Story but a Red Herring Look At What We're Doing type of story and Termites won't hungrily undermine the levees' bottom line...
--that perchance Editilla stalks faux nanomeme? Moi no'meme???
While ever gratified to have Smart People watching Our Dumb Ass, said engineer has assured me that we shall meet on the neutral ground, after the next flood, should they prove wrong
--as silly engineers are sometimes wont to prove-- HA!
and allow me choice of weapon. And I shall pick Deadly Irony.

~Stephen Sabludowsky
~Isn’t it interesting that US Senator David Vitter (R-Pamp) is quick to blast those who question his own ethics yet he is off and running, strongly insinuating that one of the most respected Louisiana Republicans --former Governor Dave Treen-- has attempted to engage in a quid pro quo deal with Vitter’s rival US Senator Mary Landrieu.
Nagin, Riley: New Orleans Keystone Cops ~Jeff Crouere
A petition to ‘Dismiss Veronica White Now’~City Business Blog
~In the wake of a heated exchange in City Council Chambers between the city’s head of sanitation, Veronica White, and Councilwoman Stacy Head, some in the public are trying to gather enough signatures to get White removed from her job.
White House approves increase in Gustav funding
Successive Hurricanes: Potential Windfall for Insureds?
~Robert Redfearn Jr
Memorandum of understanding
~Ducks Unlimited and the Mississippi Valley Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cemented an enduring partnership by signing a memorandum of understanding on Nov. 24
Corps of Engineers forced to reveal appraisal of NGIC site
~Our New Orleans Saints
Deuce gives New Orleans, himself a night to remember ~WWL
Tim's Place~Kevin Allman
~In 1987, CBS debuted a situation comedy about a Creole restaurant, set in the Tremé, that remains one of the best portraits of New Orleans ever captured on film. Despite critical acclaim and a slew of trophies, including three Emmys and an NAACP Image Award, it was canceled after 22 episodes. Then it vanished.
A Fine Line~Alex Rawls, offbeat
~You don't expect to hear Mr. Quintron discuss a water pump. The world of Quintron and his wife/percussionist/puppeteer Miss Pussycat is rarely so mundane, but while in New York City for a show featuring his new album Too Thirsty 4 Love and an art show of Pussycat's puppets, the van broke down...
Meet The Radiators, Feel Their Energy~Daniel Lehrman
Monday, November 24, 2008
Disasters, Recoveries and FEMA
~Al Kamen~The Federal Emergency Management Administration, a tragicomic disaster since Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 -- and even before that -- looks to be getting a facelift under the Obama administration, sources tell us.
Rents up in New Orleans while $846m sits unclaimed
~John Moreno Gonzalez
Seabees to open new Disaster Recovery Training Facility
NolaFunk Lagniappe

~Louisiana's Super Station LCN-TV will air the exclusive network premiere of Susan Cowsill's "Crescent City Snow" video this Friday, November 28th at 8:30pm on LCN's "The Vault".
Building a time bomb
~Much concern should be given to the planned building of the New Orleans Cold Storage warehouse at the foot of Esplanade, right next to the US. Mint, at the Governor Nichols St Wharf. Why? Because of their Blast Freezers which are anhydrous ammonia refrigerant systems!!!!
~Editilla would like to Remind Everyone that 50,000 gallons of Anhydrous Ammonia ain't nothing to sneeze at and it is the Stupid Shit that will Kill You Every Time! This would make the Produce Company Propane Exposions and Fire during the Federal Flood of '05 look like a leisurely stroll through the Valley of the Shadow of Death by comparison. By the way, don't these fools need to get Permitting from the Corps of Engineers? Uh Oh...
Hospital plans worry New Orleans neighborhood
~Becky Bohrer~Residents worry hospital plans will raze their homes, neighborhood in New Orleans
Jindal, NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, speaks at Iowa banquet~Michelle Millhollon
~Despite repeated denials that he is interested in the top job, nearly a thousand conservatives ventured out on a cold night after a day of snow flurries to hear what Jindal had to say at the Iowa Family Policy Center’s annual banquet.
Obama names Allstate official as social secretary?
From "No Doubt" to "Is That a Yes?"~Harry Shearer
Few in Louisiana have close ties to Obama~Jonathan Tilove
As Katrina Legal Work Dries Up, Firms Scrambling~Julie Kay
Thousands in Texas wait for FEMA to put a roof overhead ~Mike Snyder
Cenla residents can still get federal help from Gustav, Ike ~The Town Talk
Aid for local farmers stalled in Congress~ Vershal Hogan
Impact of Earthquakes on the Central USA~Bon Schmidt
Call Me Up In Dreamland
~Citizen K
Marigny grocery waits on insurance~Emilie Bahr
~Robert’s wants to reopen but it could be another year before business resumes

~Kevin Allman
<~That’s Gambit intern Bryan Davis, "volunteering" at the New Orleans Po-Boy Preservation Festival.
{Editilla Notellas da'Gambit-Enforcer in Shades, shadowing our Po'Brian with obvious arm'twisting intent:}
It was a great day to be on Oak Street, eating Vaucresson’s hot sausage and roast beef and banh mi and just about anything that could be dressed between two pieces of French bread.
HMS Bounty docks in B.R.
~Sonia Smith
Frenchmen Street
~John Bordsen~Please also read
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dimanche~Soirée, 8/29 Commission Investigation get mentioned on Huff Post!
In New Orleans, beyond black and white politics
~Richard Fausset ~Anh 'Joseph' Cao, a Vietnamese American, is running for Congress.
Anyone Else Remember Maria Brown? Let’s catch up shall we ~slabbed
Liz McCartney is CNN’s Hero of the Year~Kevin Allman
Shopping, Art, Coffee
~Daneeta Loretta
Art everywhere~rayna
Donald Harrison with the Willie Pickens~Jazz Police
Jindal touts values in Iowa (Opens Presidential Run on Louisiana's Dime -ssssshhhh)
~Michelle Millhollen
~Gov. Bobby Jindal told a “family values” crowd Saturday night that he came to Iowa to talk about the American culture,
~Editilla Dixspellas the New Not Campaign~
Can we getta'witnass fo'da Dingle Berry Dunko?
Yeah we heah Ya'Mouf Talking, Monsignor Bobby J!
We also have 4 Hurricane Seasons between you and the White House, BOBBY J.
This must be a Christian thing:
Lie like a Dog on the Tax-Payers' Dime,
and using the Hard Recovery Work and Resources (and recovery money?) of the State's Citizens to back a Presidential Run. At least an Atheist admits it.
It is a real shame that The Govorcists can use our experiences with hurricanes and our State Tax Funds to Run for President
--by Not Running For President.
Mike Huckabee is loping around saying and doing the same thing.
"My Iowa stop has nothing to do with Running for President!" crooed The Huckster to Rachel Maddow, "I am actually just doing a Book Tour --just trying to sell my book (about running for president)-- and it happens to stop in 2 Iowa locations...
(whilst the PBJ Tour Rocks the Midwest)
--and, by the way, have we talked yet about how the Republican Party is really just looking to 2012 for competent governors...
(articulate fundamentalist conservative christian)
--Governors who DO things!"--(like ME ME ME..)
or P. Bobby Jindal (The Exorcist Hurricanator)
...or Barbour (Haley Jabba no Jesus but he still Big Jabba)
Criminals ‘commuting’
~Allan Johnson Jr.
~Following a recent drugs-and-guns bust in St. Bernard Parish, narcotics officers asked a suspected drug dealer why he moved from eastern New Orleans to the suburbs. “He said he felt safer outside the city,” Warren Rivera, a spokesman for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Metairie, said, repeating reports by the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office. “It’s pretty bad when the drug dealers are saying that.”
~Please see also~La. ‘drug game’ complex
The Petition To Remove the Trash Queen From Her Trash Heap ~Gentilly Girl
~The petition still moves forward in an attempt to have Mayor Nagin remove his over-educated, incompetent and incoherent Head of our Department of Sanitation for her complete inability to tell the truth about her department and her total disdain for any who question her.
It's time for New Orleans to admit it's a shrinking city,
~Gordon Russell
Local Community
Katrina Kids: Sickest Ever
~Mary Carmichael
Dry land's wet fate
~Janine Zuniga
South Padre Island's beaches get much needed sand
How To Deal With Pirates
(American, not Somalian)
~Rob Kall

Retracing Nikolay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine
~Gary Nabhan
~Special Thanks! ~Splendid Table
and Locavore Nation,
a year-long effort to discover what it takes to obtain, prepare and eat a sustainable, regionally based diet.
New Orleans cooking up a storm in Katrina aftermath
~Scott Vogel
New Orleans Museum of Art free to all till Jan. 18

Joyful Music is Powerful Heart Medicine, Researchers Find
~Sherry Baker
Singing: The Key To A Long Life ~Brian Eno~I believe in singing.
I believe in singing together.
~Le Blog du Festival Country Rendez-Vous
<~Luderin Darbone, the acclaimed Cajun-swing fiddler who co-founded The Hackberry Ramblers in 1933, passed away on November 21, at Calcasieu-Cameron Hospital in Sulphur, Louisiana.