~This Aug. 24 USA Today article about the recovery of the New Orleans school system doesn’t even acknowledge that there was a catastrophic engineering failure in addition to the weather event.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Can USAToday’s editors count to two?~Ray Lang
~This Aug. 24 USA Today article about the recovery of the New Orleans school system doesn’t even acknowledge that there was a catastrophic engineering failure in addition to the weather event.
~This Aug. 24 USA Today article about the recovery of the New Orleans school system doesn’t even acknowledge that there was a catastrophic engineering failure in addition to the weather event.
Say It Ain't So, Joe! VP Biden Sells The Katrina Fib, Steals Brad Pitt's "Make It Right"
~“The truth of the matter,” Biden said, “is for someone who lost their home, it is Katrina. For some in this shelter, it is Katrina.”
“Folks, we understand. We have a sense of what you're going through,” he said. “We know we can't make everything right. But we know we're going to do everything we can...
to make it all right.
~Editilla turns like a worm in a blender.
Here we go again!~Since we don't have the luxury of time on our side, let's make sure these fibbers get only one term for theirs.
I find it grotesquely ironic to have Never heard Brad Pitt utter those cursed words, as if Brad Pitt (the unabashedly liberal actor) knows why New Orleans flooded, and yet from our highest elected supposedly progressive officials we get more of the same galling Natural Disaster Misnomer: Katrina did it.
Oh Snap! Sorry Joe, all this time we thought it was the Corps of Engineers that flooded our City and killed over 12oo people with Bad Levees. Hell, they even Admitted to this in open Federal court and several studies --including their own.
While it is common practice to use The Flood of New Orleans as a Fool's Gold Standard for any catastrophe from earthquakes in China to our own Economic Meltdown, I can still understand that it is easier for most people to consider any devastation as "their Katrina", without considering the very human Civil Engineering of their disasters. Take the '08 floods in Iowa for example, where it was not Muskrats and farmers that flooded millions square acres, as Titan's Gerald Galloway of the Corps or Engineers was saying then, but that very same goddamn Corps Engineering of the Mississippi River System levees and dams.
I can even forgive the general public's ignorance of the roll of the Corps of Engineers in their own flood control in building these "systems in name only" which crisscross our entire Nation.
But I cannot accept this Public Relations Medicine Show from The Man Who Could Be President. He should know better.
Once again, before the flood waters have even begun to recede, we have our Federal Government telling us to look elsewhere.
Hey Look Everyone: It's Katrina!
~Standing Update~ Sterling Blogger Louisiana 1976 has composted your New Orleans Ladder over at Democratic Underground thank you very much! Check it out, as some of these babies think Editilla has misunderestimated Hey Joe Biden's dauntless grasp of these flood survivors' pain, so I ain't got no Compassion! HAHAHAHAHA Whew!
Compassion we got, but what I can't get is No... Sat-Is-Faction!
Six more Georgia counties added to federal disaster list
~Aaron Gould Sheinin
US lawmakers told: FEMA an 'army of bureaucrats'
~Juan A. Lazono
~Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas said the agency was friendly and helpful but also described it as "the nay-saying, penny pinching FEMA that stands in the way of all the help FEMA is supposedly there to provide."
Editilla gotta ax: What? You mean It's Not Katrina?
Lowering Expectations
~Clancy DuBos
Quiet on the Eastern Front
Group charges that historic Bourbon St. building is being damaged by new owners
~Dennis Woltering
N.O. Gas and Electric Lights overall Innovator of the Year
~NO City Business
GOOD LAWD! MoMo is on CNN!
~New Orleans Pet Care
That Stamp Will Cost You $23,000, Pal...if health insurance companies ran the mail service ~Daily Kos
Hat Tips & Editillos to Dangerblond
It all runs on gumbo
The New Orleans Seafood Festival
is on this weekend at Harrah’s Fulton Square.
Celebrate Cajun culture and the environment today~Enjoy Cajun music, food and crafts and check out a nutria fashion show this Saturday at the free annual festival La Fête d’Ecologie.
Hat Tip & Editillos~NOLA411
Architectural photography workshop with Richard Sexton ~NOPA
'New Literary History of America'
Tragically Hip Cool and Maw'Mawing the Flack Catchers After the Storm
~Up Through The Sidewalk
New Orleans Volunteers Making Progress~Preservation Nation
~Kevin Daniels is a preservationist and developer in Seattle, Washington. He currently serves on the National Trust’s Board of Trustees as vice chair of the Preservation Committee.
U2: coming for the music or the message? ~John Baiata
GOATWHORE To Perform At New Orleans' 'House Of Shock' ~Blabbermouth
Young Men Olympian 125th Anniversary Second Line Parade
~Red Cotton, Gambit
~Here’s a clip from Thursday’s YMO sponsored Peace Walk thru Central City – just a taste to tie you over till Sunday’s parade. THIS is why New Orleans didn’t die, aint never gonna die.
Mufkrz here are HARD CORE!
Editilla notices, ahem, so'z'da Big Red Cotton
~“The truth of the matter,” Biden said, “is for someone who lost their home, it is Katrina. For some in this shelter, it is Katrina.”
“Folks, we understand. We have a sense of what you're going through,” he said. “We know we can't make everything right. But we know we're going to do everything we can...
to make it all right.
~Editilla turns like a worm in a blender.
Here we go again!~Since we don't have the luxury of time on our side, let's make sure these fibbers get only one term for theirs.
I find it grotesquely ironic to have Never heard Brad Pitt utter those cursed words, as if Brad Pitt (the unabashedly liberal actor) knows why New Orleans flooded, and yet from our highest elected supposedly progressive officials we get more of the same galling Natural Disaster Misnomer: Katrina did it.
Oh Snap! Sorry Joe, all this time we thought it was the Corps of Engineers that flooded our City and killed over 12oo people with Bad Levees. Hell, they even Admitted to this in open Federal court and several studies --including their own.
While it is common practice to use The Flood of New Orleans as a Fool's Gold Standard for any catastrophe from earthquakes in China to our own Economic Meltdown, I can still understand that it is easier for most people to consider any devastation as "their Katrina", without considering the very human Civil Engineering of their disasters. Take the '08 floods in Iowa for example, where it was not Muskrats and farmers that flooded millions square acres, as Titan's Gerald Galloway of the Corps or Engineers was saying then, but that very same goddamn Corps Engineering of the Mississippi River System levees and dams.
I can even forgive the general public's ignorance of the roll of the Corps of Engineers in their own flood control in building these "systems in name only" which crisscross our entire Nation.
But I cannot accept this Public Relations Medicine Show from The Man Who Could Be President. He should know better.
Once again, before the flood waters have even begun to recede, we have our Federal Government telling us to look elsewhere.
Hey Look Everyone: It's Katrina!
~Standing Update~ Sterling Blogger Louisiana 1976 has composted your New Orleans Ladder over at Democratic Underground thank you very much! Check it out, as some of these babies think Editilla has misunderestimated Hey Joe Biden's dauntless grasp of these flood survivors' pain, so I ain't got no Compassion! HAHAHAHAHA Whew!
Compassion we got, but what I can't get is No... Sat-Is-Faction!
Six more Georgia counties added to federal disaster list
~Aaron Gould Sheinin
US lawmakers told: FEMA an 'army of bureaucrats'
~Juan A. Lazono
~Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas said the agency was friendly and helpful but also described it as "the nay-saying, penny pinching FEMA that stands in the way of all the help FEMA is supposedly there to provide."
Editilla gotta ax: What? You mean It's Not Katrina?
Lowering Expectations
~Clancy DuBos
Quiet on the Eastern Front
Group charges that historic Bourbon St. building is being damaged by new owners
~Dennis Woltering
N.O. Gas and Electric Lights overall Innovator of the Year
~NO City Business
GOOD LAWD! MoMo is on CNN!
~New Orleans Pet Care
That Stamp Will Cost You $23,000, Pal...if health insurance companies ran the mail service ~Daily Kos
Hat Tips & Editillos to Dangerblond
It all runs on gumbo

is on this weekend at Harrah’s Fulton Square.
Celebrate Cajun culture and the environment today~Enjoy Cajun music, food and crafts and check out a nutria fashion show this Saturday at the free annual festival La Fête d’Ecologie.
Hat Tip & Editillos~NOLA411
Architectural photography workshop with Richard Sexton ~NOPA
'New Literary History of America'
Tragically Hip Cool and Maw'Mawing the Flack Catchers After the Storm
~Up Through The Sidewalk
New Orleans Volunteers Making Progress~Preservation Nation
~Kevin Daniels is a preservationist and developer in Seattle, Washington. He currently serves on the National Trust’s Board of Trustees as vice chair of the Preservation Committee.
U2: coming for the music or the message? ~John Baiata
GOATWHORE To Perform At New Orleans' 'House Of Shock' ~Blabbermouth
Young Men Olympian 125th Anniversary Second Line Parade
~Red Cotton, Gambit
~Here’s a clip from Thursday’s YMO sponsored Peace Walk thru Central City – just a taste to tie you over till Sunday’s parade. THIS is why New Orleans didn’t die, aint never gonna die.
Mufkrz here are HARD CORE!
Editilla notices, ahem, so'z'da Big Red Cotton
Friday, September 25, 2009
Vendredi~ RIP Times-Picayune
Saving newspaper industry or saving journalism?~Jon Donley
~Editilla Axes and Rotellas~
Is Nola.com gone'goning our Times-Picayune?
The realignment of that site by Advance Internet has denuded its News Content to mainly more ads with less and smaller words.
This new editor, O'Bryne, unlike the former founder and Editor in Chief, Jon Donley, seems to have No journalism experience, but lots in Online Sales like bloggy'cute "Online Content Providers".
And on that note: we tried to play it their way and navigate their ridiculous Social Networking Gauntlet to sign up for comments, but have forgotten our password and retrieving That has turned into a Kafka nightmare that we don't have time to figure out.
Oh, and has anyone tried to Cancel their Re-sign-in yet? Lookout.
~Jefferey at Library Chronicles put it more succinctly:
~I don't know what NOLA.com's actual business strategy looks like but my guess is that they're going after a niche audience similar to what most AM talk radio stations have owned for some time now. The highlighted headlines and photos tend to emphasize either sensational stories from the paper's crime reports or national political stories with a heavy red meat appeal to conservative commenters looking to tee off.
It's a ready-made template for building an audience to sell to advertisers but it doesn't make for the most constructive or thoughtful online community and it certainly doesn't make it easy to access the paper's content.
Rest assured we will try to follow what few of our favorite actual journalists are left at the Times-Picayune, but nola.com can go fork themselves because they are done, cooked, finished.
No Soup For Their Advertisers, steadily fewer eyes for their ads.
But of course this opens up a fresh base of customers to the online news media competition, ready-made looking for New Orleans Content that is about us. This is all about the hits. If you don't get the hits you don't get the MONEY. It's That Simple.
Jindal wants carbon bucks but bucks carbon regs. ~LaCoastPost
Late 20th Century Landcover Change in the Northern Gulf Coast ~USGS
Spatial analysis of Landsat data from 1970s to today will reveal the landscape-level impacts of hurricanes on coastal vegetation, from both short-term damages to long-term marsh loss and recovery. Please click to enlarge.
Corps awards stimulus contract to Texas company
~New Orleans City Business
~The New Orleans District of the Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a Cleburne, Texas, firm a $29,474,850 contract for the Baton Rouge to Gulf of Mexico Project.
What A Reasonable Request!
~Save Charity Hospital
Brad Pitt: Electric bills in New Orleans 'green' homes average $35 a month~Liz Barrett
James Gill: Swirling around the Louisiana brain drain
Ex-HANO financial chief pleads guilty~Katy Reckdahl
Current inspector general acknowledges rift in office~WWL
Liprap's Lament - The Line
~There are many, many people in this town who will not like the analogy I am going to put forth on the nature of the mayor's race in this town and on how reluctant possible candidates are to even dip their toes into the brackish waters of a possible campaign here. But hey, since I am a fan, and have been since '86, it's my blog and I'm gonna do what I want...even if it means putting the notion out there that this town's nonstarting mayoral race is akin to the '62 Mets 120-game losing season.
And then there were 3~ Perry on New Orleans mayoral race
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
Nola FeMMES Do Your Part
Breaking news from the Sun Herald! Warr pleads, charges against wife dropped ~slabbed
Many in Miss. still lack homes after '05 storms~Rick Jervis
Michoud's future rests on Space Study~Bruce Alpert
Perdue pushes for Savannah harbor deepening ahead of Panama Canal expansion in 2014
~Russ Bynum
Corps defends flood operations in Georgia
Family History 101:
Old School vs. New School
~Ancestry Magazine
New Orleans Finally Gets Over Katrina Hangover
New Orleans micro farmer grows relationship with Whole Foods ~Stephen Maloney
Eight Great Street-Food Vendors in New Orleans
~Jaquiline Terrebonne
Festivals, fetes and fairs~WWL
Maple Leaf Bar Debuts Web Site
~New Orleans Music
New Orleans Film Fest shows Clarence Laughlin Documentary
~New Orleans Photo Alliance
As the temperature cools in Nola, the traveling musician scene heat ups~Alison Fensterstock
~Editilla Axes and Rotellas~
Is Nola.com gone'goning our Times-Picayune?
The realignment of that site by Advance Internet has denuded its News Content to mainly more ads with less and smaller words.
This new editor, O'Bryne, unlike the former founder and Editor in Chief, Jon Donley, seems to have No journalism experience, but lots in Online Sales like bloggy'cute "Online Content Providers".
And on that note: we tried to play it their way and navigate their ridiculous Social Networking Gauntlet to sign up for comments, but have forgotten our password and retrieving That has turned into a Kafka nightmare that we don't have time to figure out.
Oh, and has anyone tried to Cancel their Re-sign-in yet? Lookout.
~Jefferey at Library Chronicles put it more succinctly:
~I don't know what NOLA.com's actual business strategy looks like but my guess is that they're going after a niche audience similar to what most AM talk radio stations have owned for some time now. The highlighted headlines and photos tend to emphasize either sensational stories from the paper's crime reports or national political stories with a heavy red meat appeal to conservative commenters looking to tee off.
It's a ready-made template for building an audience to sell to advertisers but it doesn't make for the most constructive or thoughtful online community and it certainly doesn't make it easy to access the paper's content.
Rest assured we will try to follow what few of our favorite actual journalists are left at the Times-Picayune, but nola.com can go fork themselves because they are done, cooked, finished.
No Soup For Their Advertisers, steadily fewer eyes for their ads.
But of course this opens up a fresh base of customers to the online news media competition, ready-made looking for New Orleans Content that is about us. This is all about the hits. If you don't get the hits you don't get the MONEY. It's That Simple.
Jindal wants carbon bucks but bucks carbon regs. ~LaCoastPost
Late 20th Century Landcover Change in the Northern Gulf Coast ~USGS

Corps awards stimulus contract to Texas company
~New Orleans City Business
~The New Orleans District of the Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a Cleburne, Texas, firm a $29,474,850 contract for the Baton Rouge to Gulf of Mexico Project.
What A Reasonable Request!
~Save Charity Hospital
Brad Pitt: Electric bills in New Orleans 'green' homes average $35 a month~Liz Barrett
James Gill: Swirling around the Louisiana brain drain
Ex-HANO financial chief pleads guilty~Katy Reckdahl
Current inspector general acknowledges rift in office~WWL
Liprap's Lament - The Line
~There are many, many people in this town who will not like the analogy I am going to put forth on the nature of the mayor's race in this town and on how reluctant possible candidates are to even dip their toes into the brackish waters of a possible campaign here. But hey, since I am a fan, and have been since '86, it's my blog and I'm gonna do what I want...even if it means putting the notion out there that this town's nonstarting mayoral race is akin to the '62 Mets 120-game losing season.
And then there were 3~ Perry on New Orleans mayoral race
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
Nola FeMMES Do Your Part
Breaking news from the Sun Herald! Warr pleads, charges against wife dropped ~slabbed
Many in Miss. still lack homes after '05 storms~Rick Jervis
Michoud's future rests on Space Study~Bruce Alpert
Perdue pushes for Savannah harbor deepening ahead of Panama Canal expansion in 2014
~Russ Bynum
Corps defends flood operations in Georgia
Family History 101:
Old School vs. New School
~Ancestry Magazine
New Orleans Finally Gets Over Katrina Hangover
New Orleans micro farmer grows relationship with Whole Foods ~Stephen Maloney
Eight Great Street-Food Vendors in New Orleans
~Jaquiline Terrebonne
Festivals, fetes and fairs~WWL
Maple Leaf Bar Debuts Web Site
~New Orleans Music
New Orleans Film Fest shows Clarence Laughlin Documentary
~New Orleans Photo Alliance
As the temperature cools in Nola, the traveling musician scene heat ups~Alison Fensterstock
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Civil Engineering Brass Balls
~Editilla Herolleros Matt McBride for continuing to Step Up And Defend New Orleans by solidly bitch-slapping Nameless Corps of Engineers Astro-turfers--with their own Corps data! Hahahahahaha!
Nothing clarifies the mind like bad pumps during a hurricane, eh?
Editillos as well to NOLA-Dishu for opening the "discussion" with this fine post and Crescent City Ray for joining in the partay!
Engineers who can turn the screw?
~Welcome to the Editilla's BRASS BALLS Award!
We shall hang this award for Real Engineers who Defend NOLA.
While it is fitting for Matt McBride to be the first, we would be remiss to ignore the contributions of Maria Garzino, the Corps engineer who blew the whistle on our Bad Outfall Canal Pumps. The Lady's Got OVA. So we Award them both Brass Balls for Testicular Fortitude and Engineering Acumen.
That includes Crescent City Ray and H.J. Bosworth.
One of the biggest problems for me regarding the worst civil engineering failure in the history of our country, the Flood of New Orleans by the Corps of Engineers, is the incredulously small number of real engineers who have stepped into the face of industry intimidation to refute the Corps Lies.
These brave engineers stand to loose much given the Exquisite Corps of Engineers' contracting reach.
Corps of Engineers awards St. Bernard Parish levee contract~Bob Warren
Green Patriarch~Bruce Nolan
Jim Letten declines to investigate Robert Cerasoli's management ~Bruce Eggler
Senator David Vitter (R-Pamp) takes "Head In Ass" approach to Louisiana Coastal Restoration

~It was a juxtaposition that nicely captured the complicated politics of coastal restoration in Louisiana.
"It's a sad contrast,"
said Adam Kolton,
senior director for congressional and federal affairs for the National Wildlife Federation. Kolton was referring specifically to a couple of amendments Vitter, R-Pamp, had wanted to attach to the Senate Interior-Environment bill.
The amendments, which did not make it to the floor Wednesday, were intended to thwart efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to develop regulations for carbon dioxide emissions.
One amendment would have prevented the EPA from writing those regulations until China and India have signed international agreements to make commensurate reductions in their carbon dioxide emissions. Unilateral action by the United States, Vitter argued, would cripple our economy.
But Kolton characterized Vitter as taking a "head-in-the-sand" approach to global warming, its potential for strengthening hurricanes, and the dire threat it poses to his home state.
"Louisiana is on the front lines of climate impact and this is a pro-hurricane amendment," said Kolton.
Kolton also said Vitter's stance hurts Louisiana's credibility in demanding federal help for coastal restoration efforts.
T-P Editorial: Iowa Congressman Steve King is heartless, ignorant bastard and proud of it
~NO Ladder Editilla'rial~ Allow us to rewind...
~Rep. King: "I’d say one of the best things (about being elected to Congress) is that the cream of the crop — and it isn’t all of the cream of the crop, but it’s some of the cream of the crop — comes to Washington, D.C., and that’s a very good thing. As we say in farm country, when you cull a herd, you kick those out; there’s hardly a cull in the bunch in Congress."
~Editilla eats an H-Bomb~That stands for Hate Bomb.
We Hate Creepy Legislators and the horse shit they rode in on.
What an arrogant Son of a Bitch who has No Idea what he reveals in his pusillanimous pontifications. The man likes his cream.
I mean, there are the assholes at the Exquisite Corps,
assholes in the media, assholes about New Orleans everywhere.
But then there are Special Assholes like this congressional anomaly who should be tarred and feathered in the public square, before we crucify them on the Neutral Ground and drag their sorry haunted souls to the river in chains. Grrrrrrrrr!
~Update from the Des Moines Register
Conference on coastal insurance issues.
Oh my God! State Farm files motion to compel New Light Baptist Church to supplement discovery ~slabbed
Louisiana far behind Florida on Property Insurance~Jim Brown
More than 14,000 flood-related claims filed in Atlanta area
~Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Why Is Water Being Released From Buford Dam?~Renee Starzyk
~LAKE LANIER, Ga. -- Those who use Lake Lanier are questioning why the Army Corps of Engineers continues to release water downstream when many are still dealing with the effects of devastating floods.
Peace Rally in Central City today
~Red Cotton, Gambit
FEMA to give millions to rebuild Hynes Elementary in Lakeview, build Holy Cross gym~Sarah Carr
Being Ugly For No Damn Reason ~Cliff's Crib
Oh Comma, Comma~Citizen K
Arbeit Macht Frei~Paul Perkins, who owns Louisiana Workforce, said the inmate escaped by climbing over a 10-foot fence enclosing the Savanne Road property.
Claiborne Ave. It’s a drive thru World~Squandered Heritage
Shabbat Of Unity In New Orleans
Volunteers in New Orleans Get Drenched, Remain Undaunted
~Kevin Daniels
What to do with bananas?
~Judy Walker
Pork Scratchings~Serious Eats
Nic Cage drops Green Hornet because of lack of acting skills
In Pursuit of Bo-Consciousness, Part 4~Home of the Groove
~Editilla Herolleros Matt McBride for continuing to Step Up And Defend New Orleans by solidly bitch-slapping Nameless Corps of Engineers Astro-turfers--with their own Corps data! Hahahahahaha!
Nothing clarifies the mind like bad pumps during a hurricane, eh?
Editillos as well to NOLA-Dishu for opening the "discussion" with this fine post and Crescent City Ray for joining in the partay!
Engineers who can turn the screw?

We shall hang this award for Real Engineers who Defend NOLA.
While it is fitting for Matt McBride to be the first, we would be remiss to ignore the contributions of Maria Garzino, the Corps engineer who blew the whistle on our Bad Outfall Canal Pumps. The Lady's Got OVA. So we Award them both Brass Balls for Testicular Fortitude and Engineering Acumen.
That includes Crescent City Ray and H.J. Bosworth.
One of the biggest problems for me regarding the worst civil engineering failure in the history of our country, the Flood of New Orleans by the Corps of Engineers, is the incredulously small number of real engineers who have stepped into the face of industry intimidation to refute the Corps Lies.
These brave engineers stand to loose much given the Exquisite Corps of Engineers' contracting reach.
Corps of Engineers awards St. Bernard Parish levee contract~Bob Warren
Green Patriarch~Bruce Nolan
Jim Letten declines to investigate Robert Cerasoli's management ~Bruce Eggler
Senator David Vitter (R-Pamp) takes "Head In Ass" approach to Louisiana Coastal Restoration

~It was a juxtaposition that nicely captured the complicated politics of coastal restoration in Louisiana.
"It's a sad contrast,"
said Adam Kolton,
senior director for congressional and federal affairs for the National Wildlife Federation. Kolton was referring specifically to a couple of amendments Vitter, R-Pamp, had wanted to attach to the Senate Interior-Environment bill.
The amendments, which did not make it to the floor Wednesday, were intended to thwart efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to develop regulations for carbon dioxide emissions.
One amendment would have prevented the EPA from writing those regulations until China and India have signed international agreements to make commensurate reductions in their carbon dioxide emissions. Unilateral action by the United States, Vitter argued, would cripple our economy.
But Kolton characterized Vitter as taking a "head-in-the-sand" approach to global warming, its potential for strengthening hurricanes, and the dire threat it poses to his home state.
"Louisiana is on the front lines of climate impact and this is a pro-hurricane amendment," said Kolton.
Kolton also said Vitter's stance hurts Louisiana's credibility in demanding federal help for coastal restoration efforts.
T-P Editorial: Iowa Congressman Steve King is heartless, ignorant bastard and proud of it
~NO Ladder Editilla'rial~ Allow us to rewind...
~Rep. King: "I’d say one of the best things (about being elected to Congress) is that the cream of the crop — and it isn’t all of the cream of the crop, but it’s some of the cream of the crop — comes to Washington, D.C., and that’s a very good thing. As we say in farm country, when you cull a herd, you kick those out; there’s hardly a cull in the bunch in Congress."
~Editilla eats an H-Bomb~That stands for Hate Bomb.
We Hate Creepy Legislators and the horse shit they rode in on.
What an arrogant Son of a Bitch who has No Idea what he reveals in his pusillanimous pontifications. The man likes his cream.
I mean, there are the assholes at the Exquisite Corps,
assholes in the media, assholes about New Orleans everywhere.
But then there are Special Assholes like this congressional anomaly who should be tarred and feathered in the public square, before we crucify them on the Neutral Ground and drag their sorry haunted souls to the river in chains. Grrrrrrrrr!
~Update from the Des Moines Register

Oh my God! State Farm files motion to compel New Light Baptist Church to supplement discovery ~slabbed
Louisiana far behind Florida on Property Insurance~Jim Brown
More than 14,000 flood-related claims filed in Atlanta area
~Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Why Is Water Being Released From Buford Dam?~Renee Starzyk
~LAKE LANIER, Ga. -- Those who use Lake Lanier are questioning why the Army Corps of Engineers continues to release water downstream when many are still dealing with the effects of devastating floods.
Peace Rally in Central City today
~Red Cotton, Gambit
FEMA to give millions to rebuild Hynes Elementary in Lakeview, build Holy Cross gym~Sarah Carr
Being Ugly For No Damn Reason ~Cliff's Crib
Oh Comma, Comma~Citizen K
Arbeit Macht Frei~Paul Perkins, who owns Louisiana Workforce, said the inmate escaped by climbing over a 10-foot fence enclosing the Savanne Road property.
Claiborne Ave. It’s a drive thru World~Squandered Heritage
Shabbat Of Unity In New Orleans
Volunteers in New Orleans Get Drenched, Remain Undaunted
~Kevin Daniels
What to do with bananas?
~Judy Walker
Pork Scratchings~Serious Eats
Nic Cage drops Green Hornet because of lack of acting skills
In Pursuit of Bo-Consciousness, Part 4~Home of the Groove
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"This is disturbing"
~Your Right Hand Thief
Isle de Jean Charles tribe pursues relocating from island
~Cain Burdeau
Georgians Faced with Flood Toll
~State Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine toured flooded areas Tuesday and estimated damage at $250 million.
“It’s terrible,” he said. “It just devastated families. Your home is your largest asset, and some families are in danger of being bankrupted.”
At the Cureton Woods subdivision in Austell, Shawndra Williams, 36, was waiting for a boat ride to survey damage at her house. She said she had no flood insurance, and that was a big concern for her and other residents. “None of us in this subdivision have flood insurance because they told us we were not in a flood plain,” Williams said. “A lot of us are really worried about that now. Whose responsibility is that?”
The GAO does some more cussin’ and discussin’ on the National Flood Insurance Program ~slabbed
Settlement reached in WWL-TV lawsuit over Nagin's e-mail
~Chris Slaughter
OIG office in crisis
~We Could Be Famous
World-Renown Architecture Firm Makes The Case
Willard-Lewis letter to Nagin expresses concerns about mall project ~Deon Roberts
SDT, Torres to be subject of TLC reality show ~Stephen Maloney
Tips & Editillos to Humid Beings.
Child-Governor Jindal urges expansion of offshore drilling
HUD funds built new NYC piers
~Clarion Ledger
Top 5 Submissions For The Texas Republican Party Logo
~snitched to us by the efflorescent Agent Doucy.
Guinness' 250th anniversary celebrated at Nola pub
Cassandra Wilson takes Jazz into the classroom
New Orleans Jazz Musicians Perform at G-20 to Highlight Climate Change in Pittsburgh
~All About Jazz
Notes on recent Chicago Jazz Festival 2009~Sandy Ingram
~Your Right Hand Thief
Isle de Jean Charles tribe pursues relocating from island
~Cain Burdeau
Georgians Faced with Flood Toll
~State Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine toured flooded areas Tuesday and estimated damage at $250 million.
“It’s terrible,” he said. “It just devastated families. Your home is your largest asset, and some families are in danger of being bankrupted.”
At the Cureton Woods subdivision in Austell, Shawndra Williams, 36, was waiting for a boat ride to survey damage at her house. She said she had no flood insurance, and that was a big concern for her and other residents. “None of us in this subdivision have flood insurance because they told us we were not in a flood plain,” Williams said. “A lot of us are really worried about that now. Whose responsibility is that?”
The GAO does some more cussin’ and discussin’ on the National Flood Insurance Program ~slabbed
Settlement reached in WWL-TV lawsuit over Nagin's e-mail
~Chris Slaughter
OIG office in crisis
~We Could Be Famous
World-Renown Architecture Firm Makes The Case
Willard-Lewis letter to Nagin expresses concerns about mall project ~Deon Roberts
SDT, Torres to be subject of TLC reality show ~Stephen Maloney
Tips & Editillos to Humid Beings.
Child-Governor Jindal urges expansion of offshore drilling
HUD funds built new NYC piers
~Clarion Ledger
Top 5 Submissions For The Texas Republican Party Logo
~snitched to us by the efflorescent Agent Doucy.
Guinness' 250th anniversary celebrated at Nola pub
Cassandra Wilson takes Jazz into the classroom
New Orleans Jazz Musicians Perform at G-20 to Highlight Climate Change in Pittsburgh
~All About Jazz
Notes on recent Chicago Jazz Festival 2009~Sandy Ingram
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fuck You You Fucking Fuck,
Rep. Steve King: “The Best Vote” I Cast Was Against Katrina Relief
~Alan Colme's Liberaland
~Rep. King: "I’d say one of the best things (about being elected to Congress) is that the cream of the crop — and it isn’t all of the cream of the crop, but it’s some of the cream of the crop — comes to Washington, D.C., and that’s a very good thing. As we say in farm country, when you cull a herd, you kick those out; there’s hardly a cull in the bunch in Congress."
~Editilla eats an H-Bomb~That stands for Hate Bomb.
We Hate Creepy Legislators and the horse shit they rode in on.
What an arrogant Son of a Bitch who has No Idea what he reveals in his pusillanimous pontifications. The man likes his cream.
I mean, there are the assholes at the Exquisite Corps,
assholes in the media, assholes about New Orleans everywhere.
But then there are Special Assholes like this congressional anomaly who should be tarred and feathered in the public square, before we crucify them on the Neutral Ground and drag their sorry haunted souls to the river in chains.
During the Flood, creepy people like this Did Not Last.
Y'all should know that despite the news footage you were flooded with of BLACK PEOPLES, Editilla's own lyin'eyes saw more worry and danger from WHITE PEOPLES just like this Freak'0'Lay NeoCoward Machiavelli-wannabee Mac'Limbaudian Syllodomite.
They just cannot hang and will only hang should I find them in front of me like that again. Take them out First because Yellow Vermin like this Will try you from behind every time.
Men like Steve King would rather shoot small birds and animals than have sex with their wives, the lowest of the lowest of male chromosome ass-fucks. Grrrrrrrrr!
Calling all Metairie preservationists
~Your Right Hand Thief
La. board backs $112M in hurricane recovery plans for first responders, businesses, fisheries
~Melinda Deslatte
Ya'think Tennessee Ernie Ford was a customer of State Farm Bank? ~slabbed
The Five Dollar Jazz Fest
Special thanks Stratcat!
Making Boudan
Rep. Steve King: “The Best Vote” I Cast Was Against Katrina Relief
~Alan Colme's Liberaland
~Rep. King: "I’d say one of the best things (about being elected to Congress) is that the cream of the crop — and it isn’t all of the cream of the crop, but it’s some of the cream of the crop — comes to Washington, D.C., and that’s a very good thing. As we say in farm country, when you cull a herd, you kick those out; there’s hardly a cull in the bunch in Congress."
~Editilla eats an H-Bomb~That stands for Hate Bomb.
We Hate Creepy Legislators and the horse shit they rode in on.
What an arrogant Son of a Bitch who has No Idea what he reveals in his pusillanimous pontifications. The man likes his cream.
I mean, there are the assholes at the Exquisite Corps,
assholes in the media, assholes about New Orleans everywhere.
But then there are Special Assholes like this congressional anomaly who should be tarred and feathered in the public square, before we crucify them on the Neutral Ground and drag their sorry haunted souls to the river in chains.
During the Flood, creepy people like this Did Not Last.
Y'all should know that despite the news footage you were flooded with of BLACK PEOPLES, Editilla's own lyin'eyes saw more worry and danger from WHITE PEOPLES just like this Freak'0'Lay NeoCoward Machiavelli-wannabee Mac'Limbaudian Syllodomite.
They just cannot hang and will only hang should I find them in front of me like that again. Take them out First because Yellow Vermin like this Will try you from behind every time.
Men like Steve King would rather shoot small birds and animals than have sex with their wives, the lowest of the lowest of male chromosome ass-fucks. Grrrrrrrrr!
Calling all Metairie preservationists
~Your Right Hand Thief
La. board backs $112M in hurricane recovery plans for first responders, businesses, fisheries
~Melinda Deslatte
Ya'think Tennessee Ernie Ford was a customer of State Farm Bank? ~slabbed
The Five Dollar Jazz Fest
Special thanks Stratcat!
Making Boudan
9 Southeast storm deaths as floodwaters linger
~Kate Brumback~So far, at least nine deaths in Georgia and Alabama were blamed on the torrential downpours in the Southeast. The storms finally relented and relief was in sight with just a slight chance of rain overnight, but the onslaught left many parts of the region in stagnant water.
Mississippi River Delta reconstruction for sale?
~Cain Burdeau~Louisiana, scene of one of the biggest environmental reconstruction projects in U.S. history, could become a major player in emerging cap-and-trade markets by selling "carbon credits" tied to the restoration of its Mississippi River delta. At least that's the hope of Republican Child-Governor Bobby Jindal.
We need pumps that work.... Please support the 8/29 Investigation Act
Dutch help Bay Area plan for sea level rise~Julia Scott
St. John the Baptist Parish President Bill Hubbard the target of federal probe, sources say
Stephanie Grace: Creating a culture of ethical behavior in New Orleans
Inspector general's office will find success through good work, ethics board chairman says
~Frank Donze
Gusman's response to DOJ report ~WWLTV
Report: Jail conditions violate inmates' rights
~Michael Kunzelman
West Bank and Vicinity, New Orleans, LA, Hurricane Protection Project, WBV-20 Fronting Protection Westwego 2 Pump Station, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Giant squid caught off Louisiana
~Janet McConnaughey
Williams Plum Street Snowball in New Orleans~Laney Taylor
Growth Potential: The Edible Schoolyard New Orleans
~Noah Bonaparte Pais
A Paradise Built in Hell:
The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
New Orleans Poet Mark Yakich
Some New Kind of Slaughter
~Review by Ed Sizemore
~or Lost in the Flood (and How We Found Home Again): Diluvian Myths From Around the World retells twelve ancient flood myths and one original story set in modern times.
The book uses the earliest known flood myth as the narrative frame to tell the other stories.
Nicole Cifax-Garner,
Book Signing Fri. Sept 25, 7-9pm
~Good Nola
A Memorial for Hart McNee
~Jay Mazza
Interview: Mark Mullins of Bonerama~Hidden Track
~Kate Brumback~So far, at least nine deaths in Georgia and Alabama were blamed on the torrential downpours in the Southeast. The storms finally relented and relief was in sight with just a slight chance of rain overnight, but the onslaught left many parts of the region in stagnant water.
Mississippi River Delta reconstruction for sale?
~Cain Burdeau~Louisiana, scene of one of the biggest environmental reconstruction projects in U.S. history, could become a major player in emerging cap-and-trade markets by selling "carbon credits" tied to the restoration of its Mississippi River delta. At least that's the hope of Republican Child-Governor Bobby Jindal.
We need pumps that work.... Please support the 8/29 Investigation Act
Dutch help Bay Area plan for sea level rise~Julia Scott
St. John the Baptist Parish President Bill Hubbard the target of federal probe, sources say
Stephanie Grace: Creating a culture of ethical behavior in New Orleans
Inspector general's office will find success through good work, ethics board chairman says
~Frank Donze
Gusman's response to DOJ report ~WWLTV
Report: Jail conditions violate inmates' rights
~Michael Kunzelman
West Bank and Vicinity, New Orleans, LA, Hurricane Protection Project, WBV-20 Fronting Protection Westwego 2 Pump Station, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Giant squid caught off Louisiana
~Janet McConnaughey
Williams Plum Street Snowball in New Orleans~Laney Taylor
Growth Potential: The Edible Schoolyard New Orleans
~Noah Bonaparte Pais
A Paradise Built in Hell:
The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
New Orleans Poet Mark Yakich
Some New Kind of Slaughter
~Review by Ed Sizemore
~or Lost in the Flood (and How We Found Home Again): Diluvian Myths From Around the World retells twelve ancient flood myths and one original story set in modern times.
The book uses the earliest known flood myth as the narrative frame to tell the other stories.
Nicole Cifax-Garner,
Book Signing Fri. Sept 25, 7-9pm
~Good Nola
A Memorial for Hart McNee
~Jay Mazza
Interview: Mark Mullins of Bonerama~Hidden Track
Monday, September 21, 2009
Corps still at odds with state and city officials~Katie Moore
NOLA-Dishu on Maria Garzino
~Editilla Bo'tellas da'ProIntella~Composted and carried over for the ongoing commentary. We already liked this blogger for a number of reasons, least of all a truck named "Patches".
But, it is his engineering temperance towards addressing the Exquisite Corps which often carries our terms of endearment. Such is the case here with his treatment of the Corps engineer who blew the whistle on these criminally insane bad pumps --that she said she was forced to install by the New Orleans District of the Corps of Engineers. Gentle'rillas are well aware my view and tack on The Line and anyone who would stand anywhere near those idiot bastard engineers of Leake Street --one of whom happens to be soft-handing Nameless Astro-turf onto this discussion.
~"The best account yet of why the levees failed.
The authors also warn of more disasters to come if politicians and government agencies continue to promote huge engineering project along unstable coastlines."
--Bruce Babbitt, former Secretary of the interior.
Octavia Books hosts talk and book signing with co-authors Shirley Laska and Robert Gramling.
Time: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:00 p.m.
Location: Octavia Books, 513 Octavia St.
~Hat'tip and Editillos~Levees.org
Levees.org goes Big Apple!
Monitoring Water Use and Managing Water Rights from Space
~A video describes how NASA scientists can use the thermal wavelengths from Landsat data to estimate how much water is being used on a field-by-field basis.
Endangered species on oil and gas companies' Red River watch list
~Vickie Welborn
~Brought to the attention of the various companies in recent weeks by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are three federally threatened and endangered species — a plant, bird and fish — that could be found along the massive waterway.
Criteria has been put in place recently to help the operators identify the species and to make sure the water pumping process does not disturb or destroy the natural habitats of the earth fruit, pallid sturgeon and interior least tern.

It’s going to happen – update on O’Keefe v State Farm
~Nowdoucit slabbed
Miss Piggy reported missing
~The New Orleans Levee
~Muppet last seen near Warehouse District eatery, chefs questioned.
215 lots auctioned in Lakeview ~C.J. Lin
Editing the evidence in NOPD beating case ~Terri Troncale
~Graphic videotapes that showed New Orleans Police Department officers beating a retired schoolteacher during a 2005 arrest were key to the firing of two officers and the Civil Service Commission’s decision to uphold that action.
But that same evidence was not viewed by a state appeals court, which last week overturned the firing of Robert Evangelist. That ruling cleared the way for the former officer and racist thug to be reinstated with full back pay.
With an Evangelist who needs a Witnaaasss?
New Orleans, Senator, Mayor Hopeful Urges Louisiana Child-Governor Jindal On Rail~BBuzz
Katrina-related projects in Jackson County, MS under review~Harlan Kirgan
~Eight Hurricane Katrina revitalization projects in Jackson County are at risk of losing funding because of a missed deadline to begin construction, according to the MDA.
Mississippi’s Failure~NYTimes
~While many Mississippians languished without help, the Bush administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development allowed the state to shift $600 million of the recovery money to the refurbishment and expansion of the Port of Gulfport—a pet project of local politicians that was conceived long before Katrina.
As Galveston Recovers From Hurricane Ike, Some Residents Feel Left Behind
~James C. McKinley Jr.
~By most accounts, the pace of recovery here has been much better than in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, a more powerful storm.
~Editilla turns like a Worm in a Shotgun~
Yeah well...perhaps their recovery went better because it wasn't Katrina that devastated New Orleans on 8/29 --it was the Goddamned Corps of Engineers. And, poor Galveston didn't have Standing Water over 80% of the city for nearly a month.
Galveston did, however, have a biosafety level 4 laboratory in which infectious agents are exotic with potential for aerosol transmission and for which no vaccine or therapy currently exists. These agents pose a high risk of exposure and infection to laboratory personnel, the community, and the environment.
I mean, other than vulnerability to hurricanes, floods and earthquakes, the idea of locating a BSL-4 laboratory on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico is just fucking brilliant, right?
Come on Mr. NYT "Reporter", Get Your Ass In Gear!
Help Us Stop and Correct this Katrina Shorthand!
Video: designer and HIV/AIDS activist Jack Mackenroth in
New Orleans, 9-19-09~Richard
Home for Sublette,
Ned Sublette's new book examines New Orleans before Federal Flood of '05
~Will Coviello, Gambit
National Book Festival:
Author Douglas Brinkley on Teddy Roosevelet, Katrina, Hunter Thompson, More
The Holy Grail of the Unconscious~Sara Corbett
~This is a story about a nearly 100-year-old book, bound in red leather, which has spent the last quarter century secreted away in a bank vault in Switzerland. The book is big and heavy and its spine is etched with gold letters that say “Liber Novus,” which is Latin for “New Book.” Its pages are made from thick cream-colored parchment and filled with paintings of otherworldly creatures and handwritten dialogues with gods and devils.
If you didn’t know the book’s vintage, you might confuse it for a lost medieval tome.
Some people feel that nobody should read the book, and some feel that everybody should read it. The truth is, nobody really knows. Most of what has been said about the book — what it is, what it means — is the product of guesswork, because from the time it was begun in 1914 in a smallish town in Switzerland, it seems that only about two dozen people have managed to read or even have much of a look at it.
~Editilla's punching tickets at the Magic Theater~
While Gentle'rillas may wonda what the above story has to do with New Orleans, they can try to imagine watching their own psychiatrists breakdown in front of them.
The one in this story did it on purpose, thereby saving my ass from almost certain suicide many times, 90 years later, both during and especially after The Corps' Flood of New Orleans.
"So It Goes: An Evening With Kurt Vonnegut"~Todd Grove
~At the Southern Rep, Free admission.
New Orleans Canal Place 3rd Floor.
Monday, September 21st at 7:00 pm.
I was initially confused as to the status of Canal Place, but Todd Grove reports that tonight will still be Southern Rep's "Theater Lab" night of informal readings by several local writers.
Editillos to our friend Ken McCarthy at Food Music Justice for emailing us about this reading (Hence the lack of links in the lede. Y'all knows how we likes LINKS for our LEDES :-)
Buddy Guy, Irma Thomas among headliners of Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival~Buddy Guy, Bobby Rush, Irma Thomas, Sonny Landreth, T-Model Ford and many other greats in blues and R&B will perform at the fourth annual Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival, a free event presented by the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation.
Jazz lovers groove to Big Easy flair at second Manoa Jazz Festival~Cindy Cha
NOLA-Dishu on Maria Garzino
~Editilla Bo'tellas da'ProIntella~Composted and carried over for the ongoing commentary. We already liked this blogger for a number of reasons, least of all a truck named "Patches".
But, it is his engineering temperance towards addressing the Exquisite Corps which often carries our terms of endearment. Such is the case here with his treatment of the Corps engineer who blew the whistle on these criminally insane bad pumps --that she said she was forced to install by the New Orleans District of the Corps of Engineers. Gentle'rillas are well aware my view and tack on The Line and anyone who would stand anywhere near those idiot bastard engineers of Leake Street --one of whom happens to be soft-handing Nameless Astro-turf onto this discussion.

The authors also warn of more disasters to come if politicians and government agencies continue to promote huge engineering project along unstable coastlines."
--Bruce Babbitt, former Secretary of the interior.
Octavia Books hosts talk and book signing with co-authors Shirley Laska and Robert Gramling.
Time: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:00 p.m.
Location: Octavia Books, 513 Octavia St.
~Hat'tip and Editillos~Levees.org
Levees.org goes Big Apple!
~A video describes how NASA scientists can use the thermal wavelengths from Landsat data to estimate how much water is being used on a field-by-field basis.
Endangered species on oil and gas companies' Red River watch list
~Vickie Welborn
~Brought to the attention of the various companies in recent weeks by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are three federally threatened and endangered species — a plant, bird and fish — that could be found along the massive waterway.
Criteria has been put in place recently to help the operators identify the species and to make sure the water pumping process does not disturb or destroy the natural habitats of the earth fruit, pallid sturgeon and interior least tern.

It’s going to happen – update on O’Keefe v State Farm
~Nowdoucit slabbed
Miss Piggy reported missing
~The New Orleans Levee
~Muppet last seen near Warehouse District eatery, chefs questioned.
215 lots auctioned in Lakeview ~C.J. Lin
Editing the evidence in NOPD beating case ~Terri Troncale
~Graphic videotapes that showed New Orleans Police Department officers beating a retired schoolteacher during a 2005 arrest were key to the firing of two officers and the Civil Service Commission’s decision to uphold that action.
But that same evidence was not viewed by a state appeals court, which last week overturned the firing of Robert Evangelist. That ruling cleared the way for the former officer and racist thug to be reinstated with full back pay.
With an Evangelist who needs a Witnaaasss?
New Orleans, Senator, Mayor Hopeful Urges Louisiana Child-Governor Jindal On Rail~BBuzz
Katrina-related projects in Jackson County, MS under review~Harlan Kirgan
~Eight Hurricane Katrina revitalization projects in Jackson County are at risk of losing funding because of a missed deadline to begin construction, according to the MDA.
Mississippi’s Failure~NYTimes
~While many Mississippians languished without help, the Bush administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development allowed the state to shift $600 million of the recovery money to the refurbishment and expansion of the Port of Gulfport—a pet project of local politicians that was conceived long before Katrina.
As Galveston Recovers From Hurricane Ike, Some Residents Feel Left Behind
~James C. McKinley Jr.
~By most accounts, the pace of recovery here has been much better than in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, a more powerful storm.
~Editilla turns like a Worm in a Shotgun~
Yeah well...perhaps their recovery went better because it wasn't Katrina that devastated New Orleans on 8/29 --it was the Goddamned Corps of Engineers. And, poor Galveston didn't have Standing Water over 80% of the city for nearly a month.
Galveston did, however, have a biosafety level 4 laboratory in which infectious agents are exotic with potential for aerosol transmission and for which no vaccine or therapy currently exists. These agents pose a high risk of exposure and infection to laboratory personnel, the community, and the environment.
I mean, other than vulnerability to hurricanes, floods and earthquakes, the idea of locating a BSL-4 laboratory on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico is just fucking brilliant, right?
Come on Mr. NYT "Reporter", Get Your Ass In Gear!
Help Us Stop and Correct this Katrina Shorthand!
Video: designer and HIV/AIDS activist Jack Mackenroth in
New Orleans, 9-19-09~Richard
Home for Sublette,
Ned Sublette's new book examines New Orleans before Federal Flood of '05
~Will Coviello, Gambit
National Book Festival:
Author Douglas Brinkley on Teddy Roosevelet, Katrina, Hunter Thompson, More
The Holy Grail of the Unconscious~Sara Corbett
~This is a story about a nearly 100-year-old book, bound in red leather, which has spent the last quarter century secreted away in a bank vault in Switzerland. The book is big and heavy and its spine is etched with gold letters that say “Liber Novus,” which is Latin for “New Book.” Its pages are made from thick cream-colored parchment and filled with paintings of otherworldly creatures and handwritten dialogues with gods and devils.
If you didn’t know the book’s vintage, you might confuse it for a lost medieval tome.
Some people feel that nobody should read the book, and some feel that everybody should read it. The truth is, nobody really knows. Most of what has been said about the book — what it is, what it means — is the product of guesswork, because from the time it was begun in 1914 in a smallish town in Switzerland, it seems that only about two dozen people have managed to read or even have much of a look at it.
~Editilla's punching tickets at the Magic Theater~
While Gentle'rillas may wonda what the above story has to do with New Orleans, they can try to imagine watching their own psychiatrists breakdown in front of them.
The one in this story did it on purpose, thereby saving my ass from almost certain suicide many times, 90 years later, both during and especially after The Corps' Flood of New Orleans.
"So It Goes: An Evening With Kurt Vonnegut"~Todd Grove
~At the Southern Rep, Free admission.
New Orleans Canal Place 3rd Floor.
Monday, September 21st at 7:00 pm.
I was initially confused as to the status of Canal Place, but Todd Grove reports that tonight will still be Southern Rep's "Theater Lab" night of informal readings by several local writers.
Editillos to our friend Ken McCarthy at Food Music Justice for emailing us about this reading (Hence the lack of links in the lede. Y'all knows how we likes LINKS for our LEDES :-)
Buddy Guy, Irma Thomas among headliners of Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival~Buddy Guy, Bobby Rush, Irma Thomas, Sonny Landreth, T-Model Ford and many other greats in blues and R&B will perform at the fourth annual Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival, a free event presented by the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation.
Jazz lovers groove to Big Easy flair at second Manoa Jazz Festival~Cindy Cha
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Plaquemines Parish residents plead for levee protection
~"But we don’t have authorization and funding from Congress to do that," Col. Alvin Lee told hundreds of Plaquemines residents Saturday in the Belle Chasse High School auditorium.
~Editilla Beotchwolfs Crow Pie at the Colonel~
We just want this stupid thug gang leader of Leake Street to stop misstating our Congressional Mandate and FOLLOW HIS BOSSES' ORDERS. And who da'Boss here?
Brigadier General Michael Walsh? Commander, Division Engineer, Mississippi Valley Division USACE? Noooo.
The Corps of Engineers Lawyers who decided that Walsh would not formally investigate those Bad Outfall Canal Pumps? Hell'No!
The Commander in Chief? Really? Ya'think?
But, considering Obama has had the Office of Special Counsel Report on those Worthless Pumps since JUNE, don't hold your breath on our Flood safety as it appears our young President is too busy working the lobby right now to stop this out-of-control military unit from further attacking New Orleans.
We The People? DING! DING! DING! DING!
LSU project seeks solutions for coastal areas~Amy Wold
~Come up with a plan that integrates economic development, neighborhood rebuilding, green energy, coastal restoration, federal and state agencies, a host of nonprofit organizations and community involvement. And have it done by May. That’s the task the relatively new Coastal Sustainability Studio at LSU has set for itself with a focus on the Bayou Bienvenue area and Lower 9th Ward neighborhood in New Orleans.
~Bayou Sauvage site slated for restoration
Residents weigh in on city's proposed master plan
~Ramon Antonio Vargas
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
Inside Art New Orleans
Business slumping for French Quarter restaurants
~Maya Rodriguez
La Fromagerie d' Acadiana cheese baron talks expansion
~Cheré Coen

Dana A. Romero loves cheese.
So much so he will deliver gourmet cheeses not easily found in Acadiana straight to your home.
It’s all part of his new site, AcadianaCheese.com, which sells international cheeses, as well as the award-winning goat cheese of Wanda Barras of St. Martinville’s Belle Ecorce Farms. Barras won two Red Ribbon awards out of 1,300 entries at the American Cheese Society Awards, held in Austin last month — second place for the Tuscan Party Disk in the marinated cheese category and second place for Sweet Home Jalapeno in the cheese spread category.
Valve chooses New Orleans for video game, Left 4Dead 2~vg247
New Orleans Singer Songwriter Andrew Duhon~Organic Groove
~"But we don’t have authorization and funding from Congress to do that," Col. Alvin Lee told hundreds of Plaquemines residents Saturday in the Belle Chasse High School auditorium.
~Editilla Beotchwolfs Crow Pie at the Colonel~
We just want this stupid thug gang leader of Leake Street to stop misstating our Congressional Mandate and FOLLOW HIS BOSSES' ORDERS. And who da'Boss here?
Brigadier General Michael Walsh? Commander, Division Engineer, Mississippi Valley Division USACE? Noooo.
The Corps of Engineers Lawyers who decided that Walsh would not formally investigate those Bad Outfall Canal Pumps? Hell'No!
The Commander in Chief? Really? Ya'think?
But, considering Obama has had the Office of Special Counsel Report on those Worthless Pumps since JUNE, don't hold your breath on our Flood safety as it appears our young President is too busy working the lobby right now to stop this out-of-control military unit from further attacking New Orleans.
We The People? DING! DING! DING! DING!
LSU project seeks solutions for coastal areas~Amy Wold
~Come up with a plan that integrates economic development, neighborhood rebuilding, green energy, coastal restoration, federal and state agencies, a host of nonprofit organizations and community involvement. And have it done by May. That’s the task the relatively new Coastal Sustainability Studio at LSU has set for itself with a focus on the Bayou Bienvenue area and Lower 9th Ward neighborhood in New Orleans.
~Bayou Sauvage site slated for restoration
Residents weigh in on city's proposed master plan
~Ramon Antonio Vargas
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
Inside Art New Orleans
Business slumping for French Quarter restaurants
~Maya Rodriguez
La Fromagerie d' Acadiana cheese baron talks expansion
~Cheré Coen

Dana A. Romero loves cheese.
So much so he will deliver gourmet cheeses not easily found in Acadiana straight to your home.
It’s all part of his new site, AcadianaCheese.com, which sells international cheeses, as well as the award-winning goat cheese of Wanda Barras of St. Martinville’s Belle Ecorce Farms. Barras won two Red Ribbon awards out of 1,300 entries at the American Cheese Society Awards, held in Austin last month — second place for the Tuscan Party Disk in the marinated cheese category and second place for Sweet Home Jalapeno in the cheese spread category.
Valve chooses New Orleans for video game, Left 4Dead 2~vg247
New Orleans Singer Songwriter Andrew Duhon~Organic Groove
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