Tom, you ignorant slut! ~and~ Silly wabbit, looting charities is just for kicks: A Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update ~slabbed
Happy Birthday, Cayne Miceli. We all love you and miss you.
~Editilla Notellas~ We were reminded of the tragic loss of this beautiful soul in the comments section of one of The Lens' many articles on expansion of Sheriff Gussman's OPP <--arguably the man and institution at the heart of Cayne's negligent homicide while in their custody.
The title link is a blog post that I have gone to many times since her death.
I so appreciate The Lens and Matt Davis for doggedly getting to the bottom of Gussman's political manipulations and power plays he employs to grow his base at OPP at the expense of the human rights of our citizens and to the detriment of our nascent criminal justice system. Gussman should resign, or be fired, or taken out and shot. But personally, I would just like to have him in one of his own 5 Point Restraints at OPP for just 5 minutes.
End of daylight saving time dooms after- school practice at New Orleans playgrounds~Katy Reckdahl
AAUP to investigate more LSU firings
Robert Dudley – “Not going to shy away from the risk”~Disenfranchised Citizen
The Video NOAA and The FDA Are Afraid You’ll Watch. Lab Finds 193 ppm Oil in Gulf Shrimp~Project Gulf Impact
Oil Does NOT Vanish
~dakinikat, Sky Dancing
Malaka Of The Week: MSNBC
~Adrastos, First Draft
Dona Nobis Pacem ~NOLAFemes
Jackson Barracks back on guard
~Sandy Davis
Science, technology and robots the focus of today's competition in Marksville~Karina Vailes
Polymnia Street: Where poetry meets architecture~Stephanie Bruno
'Forbidden Broadway' opens at Le Petit Theatre~Ann Maloney
Eric Lindell, OK Go and more music in New Orleans tonight!~Keith Spera
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Smaller jail, revamped funding recommended by consultant
~Matt Davis, The Lens
Focus of Lens story gets demolished
~Karen Gadbois
So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten... ~slabbed
Hurricane Tomas lashing Haiti with torrential rains ~Wunderblog
Honoré focuses on Haiti~Sandy Davis
New Orleans, Netherlands, Fulbright, Miriam, Dry Feet, Droge Voeten, Blog
~Watershed NOLA
Making Plans; a Review of Clear as Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans~Frank Gruber
~Editilla Crowtellas~It is obvious that Urban Planners don't know shit from Shinola about Civil Engineering Failure and why New Orleans flooded on 8/29/05! They're first and apparently only concern is to justify their employment --even if it means misunderestimating the Twoof.
Corps to hold another PR-staged public meeting to discuss levee and floodwall remediation
Deepwater Doctor~Shelly Brown
Scientists find dead and dying coral covered with a brown substance 7 miles from BP oil spill site~Mark Schleifstein
About Oysters, Tidal Exchange, Fresh Water Diversions, and the BP Gusher in Barataria Basin and Breton Sound ~Quinta Scott
~Editilla Notellas~This is a dated post but still salient in its treatment of oyster production. We missed it then, but we got it now!
NOAA’s lead public affairs officer “demanded” website “withdraw its story” on Gulf~Florida Oil Spill Law
Corrosion Warnings at BP Facilities in Alaska: Here’s What the Data Means
~Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica
Burma's Checklist for a Bogus Election
~MAc McClelland
Sima Dives In ~dakinikat
War Paint~Kyle Cassidy
~Hat Tweet~JuliaPretus Does anyone know any veterans with tattoos? @kylecassidy is going to be in NOLA photographing his War Paint project.
Hey Weekend, You are Looking Good
~Blackened Out
Does New Orleans only have 100 great restaurants? Well, here's the thing...
~Brett Anderson
New Orleans Coffee Festival
~2nd Annual New Orleans Coffee Festival Teams With Local Indie Novel: The Coffee Shop Chronicles Of New Orleans
2010 Mirliton Festival
Got an appetite for books? Head to the New Orleans Book Fair
~Now in its ninth year, the New Orleans Book Fair celebrates independent, alternative, regional and self-published books. It draws vendors from as far away as California and Connecticut.
Rosanne Cash, Composed
~Myllyrd Fyllmore
Help keep music alive at James Singleton Charter School! ~WWOZ
Jazz concert tonight at Tulane tonight, music of Monk and Harold Batiste
~Hat Tweet~granzombi
This one goes out to those victorious Republicans who shall remain nameless.
---Ok, a few names: Dickerhead, Handmaiden, Flipwad, Orange Julius, Asshat..
~Special Thanks~Veracity Stew
~Matt Davis, The Lens
Focus of Lens story gets demolished
~Karen Gadbois
So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten... ~slabbed

Honoré focuses on Haiti~Sandy Davis
New Orleans, Netherlands, Fulbright, Miriam, Dry Feet, Droge Voeten, Blog
~Watershed NOLA
Making Plans; a Review of Clear as Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans~Frank Gruber
~Editilla Crowtellas~It is obvious that Urban Planners don't know shit from Shinola about Civil Engineering Failure and why New Orleans flooded on 8/29/05! They're first and apparently only concern is to justify their employment --even if it means misunderestimating the Twoof.
Corps to hold another PR-staged public meeting to discuss levee and floodwall remediation
Deepwater Doctor~Shelly Brown
Scientists find dead and dying coral covered with a brown substance 7 miles from BP oil spill site~Mark Schleifstein
About Oysters, Tidal Exchange, Fresh Water Diversions, and the BP Gusher in Barataria Basin and Breton Sound ~Quinta Scott
~Editilla Notellas~This is a dated post but still salient in its treatment of oyster production. We missed it then, but we got it now!
NOAA’s lead public affairs officer “demanded” website “withdraw its story” on Gulf~Florida Oil Spill Law
Corrosion Warnings at BP Facilities in Alaska: Here’s What the Data Means
~Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica
Burma's Checklist for a Bogus Election
~MAc McClelland
Sima Dives In ~dakinikat
War Paint~Kyle Cassidy
~Hat Tweet~JuliaPretus Does anyone know any veterans with tattoos? @kylecassidy is going to be in NOLA photographing his War Paint project.
Hey Weekend, You are Looking Good
~Blackened Out
Does New Orleans only have 100 great restaurants? Well, here's the thing...
~Brett Anderson
New Orleans Coffee Festival
~2nd Annual New Orleans Coffee Festival Teams With Local Indie Novel: The Coffee Shop Chronicles Of New Orleans
2010 Mirliton Festival
Got an appetite for books? Head to the New Orleans Book Fair
~Now in its ninth year, the New Orleans Book Fair celebrates independent, alternative, regional and self-published books. It draws vendors from as far away as California and Connecticut.
Rosanne Cash, Composed
~Myllyrd Fyllmore
Help keep music alive at James Singleton Charter School! ~WWOZ
Jazz concert tonight at Tulane tonight, music of Monk and Harold Batiste
~Hat Tweet~granzombi
This one goes out to those victorious Republicans who shall remain nameless.
---Ok, a few names: Dickerhead, Handmaiden, Flipwad, Orange Julius, Asshat..
~Special Thanks~Veracity Stew
AAUP wants LSU to reinstate instructors~Reveile
~The letter is the third such complaint this year. The AAUP, American Association of University Professors, blasted the administration in February for not renewing Ivor van Heerden, the marine sciences professor who made national headlines for his post-Katrina criticisms of the Army Corps of Engineers' maintenance of the New Orleans levees. The group claimed the administration had Ivor van Heerden fired because those criticisms could have endangered federal funding funneled to the University through the Corps.
Current Saints better than '09 Super Bowl champs~John Marcas
No contest: Sheriff snags ankle- monitoring contract
~Matt Davis, The Lens
Real estate agents and title attorneys warn of chaos in the New Orleans market ~WVUE~While on the 4th floor of the Amoco building in Downtown New Orleans, Lapeyre tried searching through mortgage records on Wednesday so his clients have the documents needed to officially close on the sale of their homes. Lapeyre, however, says he can't finish, and adds neither can any other title attorney in the city, because the electronic database with the information is down--more than a week now and counting. "Real estate is on hold,” Lapeyre said. “Until the system gets fixed."
Slabbed Jefferson Parish news Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law
Checking wit ~American Zombie
Terrebonne levee director heads to the Netherlands ~Daily Comet
Times-Picayune returns to 1-sided PR "journalism" for the Corps of Engineers
The Tiger Oil Memos~Letters of Note
~Special Hat Tweet~afrodyte
This citizen is officially on overload… Barton potentially chairs house energy panel, and more!
~Disenfranchized Citizen
~You know that post I wrote yesterday? That whole outreach to your community thing cause its important to know your neighbors in these economic and political times? Yeah, I still agree with what I wrote – even more now because not even on my most cynical day could I have expected the fantastic amounts of utter shit I had to deal with in the headlines throughout yesterday. I know I’m not alone in this, but man, how’s a guy supposed to do his job when every time he glances at his computer screen he sees a headline like: LAWMAKER WHO APOLOGIZED TO BP MAY CHAIR HOUSE ENERGY PANEL. Nope, not kidding at all.
Local doctor links spill to symptoms
~Stuart Smith Blog ~Hat Tip~ Beyond Katrina
~oilflorida Kindra Arnesen: November 2 "my body felt like it was attacking itself"... "There's people sick everywhere"; Vicki sa #oilspill
Tomas' rains reach Haiti and Jamaica ~Dr. Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Santa Fe Redux~Blackened Out
Festival offers tastes of Scandanavian and much more~Judy Walker
LadyFest New Orleans~Humid Beings
2010 New Orleans Po-Boy Preservation Festival~WWOZ
Wizard World Absorbs NOLA Comic- Con into New Orleans Comic Con
~Comic Book Bin
IT'S YOURS, TAKE IT - NoLA 4 (Four / quattro / τέσσερις / أربعة / quatre / cztery / четыре / cuatro / 4)~NOLA RISING
Julia Pretus Photographs Voodoo Fest!
An Open Letter To Dwayne Carter
~Cliff's Crib
~The letter is the third such complaint this year. The AAUP, American Association of University Professors, blasted the administration in February for not renewing Ivor van Heerden, the marine sciences professor who made national headlines for his post-Katrina criticisms of the Army Corps of Engineers' maintenance of the New Orleans levees. The group claimed the administration had Ivor van Heerden fired because those criticisms could have endangered federal funding funneled to the University through the Corps.
Current Saints better than '09 Super Bowl champs~John Marcas
No contest: Sheriff snags ankle- monitoring contract
~Matt Davis, The Lens
Real estate agents and title attorneys warn of chaos in the New Orleans market ~WVUE~While on the 4th floor of the Amoco building in Downtown New Orleans, Lapeyre tried searching through mortgage records on Wednesday so his clients have the documents needed to officially close on the sale of their homes. Lapeyre, however, says he can't finish, and adds neither can any other title attorney in the city, because the electronic database with the information is down--more than a week now and counting. "Real estate is on hold,” Lapeyre said. “Until the system gets fixed."
Slabbed Jefferson Parish news Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law
Checking wit ~American Zombie
Terrebonne levee director heads to the Netherlands ~Daily Comet
Times-Picayune returns to 1-sided PR "journalism" for the Corps of Engineers
The Tiger Oil Memos~Letters of Note
~Special Hat Tweet~afrodyte
This citizen is officially on overload… Barton potentially chairs house energy panel, and more!
~Disenfranchized Citizen
~You know that post I wrote yesterday? That whole outreach to your community thing cause its important to know your neighbors in these economic and political times? Yeah, I still agree with what I wrote – even more now because not even on my most cynical day could I have expected the fantastic amounts of utter shit I had to deal with in the headlines throughout yesterday. I know I’m not alone in this, but man, how’s a guy supposed to do his job when every time he glances at his computer screen he sees a headline like: LAWMAKER WHO APOLOGIZED TO BP MAY CHAIR HOUSE ENERGY PANEL. Nope, not kidding at all.
Local doctor links spill to symptoms
~Stuart Smith Blog ~Hat Tip~ Beyond Katrina
~oilflorida Kindra Arnesen: November 2 "my body felt like it was attacking itself"... "There's people sick everywhere"; Vicki sa #oilspill
Tomas' rains reach Haiti and Jamaica ~Dr. Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Santa Fe Redux~Blackened Out
Festival offers tastes of Scandanavian and much more~Judy Walker
LadyFest New Orleans~Humid Beings
2010 New Orleans Po-Boy Preservation Festival~WWOZ
Wizard World Absorbs NOLA Comic- Con into New Orleans Comic Con
~Comic Book Bin
IT'S YOURS, TAKE IT - NoLA 4 (Four / quattro / τέσσερις / أربعة / quatre / cztery / четыре / cuatro / 4)~NOLA RISING
Julia Pretus Photographs Voodoo Fest!
An Open Letter To Dwayne Carter
~Cliff's Crib
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Senator Landrieu plans trip to study Dutch flood control founder to be guest on international panel
George W. Bush recalls 'disgusting' Kanye West moment, doesn't as much recall suffering flooded New Orleans
S&WB votes to boost drainage taxes by 6.16 mills; council approval needed
~Michelle Krupa~Mayor Mitch Landrieu blindsided by S&WB proposed property tax rate increase
~Editilla doesn't buy this one for a split gnat's ass second!
Mitch'mo should have seen this one coming given the council was debating --back in Dec of last year (please suffer through the opening Corps PR Boo'rah, they get to the meat after that) $10 Million/year for 10 years for maintenance on these Corps Pumps for Option 1 on the outfall canals. Mitch should have seen this coming. Blindsided my eye. Special Thanks for blogging on this to Fix the Pumps.
That’s One More for the Bad Guys ~moosedenied
Budget talks focus on transparency, expansion of open-government budget
~Matt Davis, The Lens
ACLU questions spending on New Orleans jail addition ~WVUE
Freret property campaign launches anti- blight effort~Uptown Messenger
You gotta give a little to get a little. This is what the coast lost in last night’s election ~slabbed
Crawling From The Wreckage
~Adrastos, First Draft
Real Politics…elections come, elections go ~Disenfranchized Citizen
Regarding the Midterms, Part 1: Allow Yourself to Despair Today
~The Rude Pundit
Kindra: BP worker with “brown spots all over his arms” — “Everybody’s getting that out there”
~Florida Oil Spill Law
For Jumpy Gulf Residents, a Trust Gap on Oil ~John Collins Rudolf
Firm that certified safety of BP oil rig in Gulf of Mexico to do blowout preventer autopsy
Pipeline Safety Conference 2010 this week in New Orleans ~Hat Tweet~SkyTruth
Oil & Water Do Not Mix~Humid Beings
A weakened Tomas still a grave danger to Haiti ~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Tomas Puts Haiti on Red Alert
~Mac McClelland
Katrina commander Russell Honore to visit Houma to raise money for Haiti
Thanksgiving is Coming
~Blackened Out
Football pro-turned-chef delivers meals with a punch~Kandace Power Graves
Pete Vazquez, former chef-owner of Marisol, resurfaces in River Ridge
~Brett Anderson
Abita Brewing Co., New Orleans
~Beer Blotter
The “Green Streetcars” of St. Charles Avenue~GO NOLA
New York street artist Swoon speaks at Tulane tomorrow night
~We Are Constance
Wednesday Reads ~dakinikat
Arts Council seeks Development Intern
Verite documentary 'Last Train Home' is simple but searing stuff~Mike Scott
~irenekato Award winning documentary "The Sound After Storm" premieres 2nite in NOLA Check it out Video
Happy Post Election Blues founder to be guest on international panel
George W. Bush recalls 'disgusting' Kanye West moment, doesn't as much recall suffering flooded New Orleans
S&WB votes to boost drainage taxes by 6.16 mills; council approval needed
~Michelle Krupa~Mayor Mitch Landrieu blindsided by S&WB proposed property tax rate increase
~Editilla doesn't buy this one for a split gnat's ass second!
Mitch'mo should have seen this one coming given the council was debating --back in Dec of last year (please suffer through the opening Corps PR Boo'rah, they get to the meat after that) $10 Million/year for 10 years for maintenance on these Corps Pumps for Option 1 on the outfall canals. Mitch should have seen this coming. Blindsided my eye. Special Thanks for blogging on this to Fix the Pumps.
That’s One More for the Bad Guys ~moosedenied
Budget talks focus on transparency, expansion of open-government budget
~Matt Davis, The Lens
ACLU questions spending on New Orleans jail addition ~WVUE
Freret property campaign launches anti- blight effort~Uptown Messenger
You gotta give a little to get a little. This is what the coast lost in last night’s election ~slabbed
Crawling From The Wreckage
~Adrastos, First Draft
Real Politics…elections come, elections go ~Disenfranchized Citizen
Regarding the Midterms, Part 1: Allow Yourself to Despair Today
~The Rude Pundit
Kindra: BP worker with “brown spots all over his arms” — “Everybody’s getting that out there”
~Florida Oil Spill Law
For Jumpy Gulf Residents, a Trust Gap on Oil ~John Collins Rudolf
Firm that certified safety of BP oil rig in Gulf of Mexico to do blowout preventer autopsy
Pipeline Safety Conference 2010 this week in New Orleans ~Hat Tweet~SkyTruth
Oil & Water Do Not Mix~Humid Beings
A weakened Tomas still a grave danger to Haiti ~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Tomas Puts Haiti on Red Alert
~Mac McClelland
Katrina commander Russell Honore to visit Houma to raise money for Haiti
Thanksgiving is Coming
~Blackened Out
Football pro-turned-chef delivers meals with a punch~Kandace Power Graves
Pete Vazquez, former chef-owner of Marisol, resurfaces in River Ridge
~Brett Anderson
Abita Brewing Co., New Orleans
~Beer Blotter
The “Green Streetcars” of St. Charles Avenue~GO NOLA
New York street artist Swoon speaks at Tulane tomorrow night
~We Are Constance
Wednesday Reads ~dakinikat
Arts Council seeks Development Intern
Verite documentary 'Last Train Home' is simple but searing stuff~Mike Scott
~irenekato Award winning documentary "The Sound After Storm" premieres 2nite in NOLA Check it out Video
Happy Post Election Blues
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I'm Voting Today and I Am Not Excited About It~Cliff's Crib
~Special Thanks The Lens!
Is your neighborhood an "opportunity zone" in BioDistrict New Orleans? Meetings this week
New Orleans building-code enforcement sweeps set to begin
~Michelle Krupa
Blight in New Orleans
~Whalehead King
Agencies pledge blight fight, but City Council skeptical~Karen Gadbois
~Rebuilding New Orleans Together
Jefferson Parish starts designing 27 neighborhood drainage projects
Without doubt one of the bigger sacks of shit we’ve run across: A Gretna Mentality Update ~slabbed
New Orleans leads U.S. in enrollment in charter schools~Will Sentell
Jindal to beef up berms
~Mark Moseley, The Lens
BP may pay for saltwater hatchery to breed, restock fish~Nikki Buskey
The Myth of Charter Schools
~Diane Ravitch
'John Boehner: Stop Using My Dad's Name as a Punchline, You Asshat.'
First Look: Dominique's on Magazine
~Blackened Out
~"Datura", 30 x 40", acrylic on canvas, Polly Jackson
New Orleans R&B Performance Nov. 16
Daniel Lanois' new Black Dub

Is your neighborhood an "opportunity zone" in BioDistrict New Orleans? Meetings this week
New Orleans building-code enforcement sweeps set to begin
~Michelle Krupa
Blight in New Orleans
~Whalehead King
Agencies pledge blight fight, but City Council skeptical~Karen Gadbois
~Rebuilding New Orleans Together
Jefferson Parish starts designing 27 neighborhood drainage projects
Without doubt one of the bigger sacks of shit we’ve run across: A Gretna Mentality Update ~slabbed
New Orleans leads U.S. in enrollment in charter schools~Will Sentell
Jindal to beef up berms
~Mark Moseley, The Lens
BP may pay for saltwater hatchery to breed, restock fish~Nikki Buskey
The Myth of Charter Schools
~Diane Ravitch
'John Boehner: Stop Using My Dad's Name as a Punchline, You Asshat.'
First Look: Dominique's on Magazine
~Blackened Out

New Orleans R&B Performance Nov. 16
Daniel Lanois' new Black Dub
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy 44th Birthday to the 44th Superbowl Champion N.O. Saints!
11TH Annual All Saints Day Jazz Funeral Second Line Today, 3 P.M.
Why All Saints' Day Means More in New Orleans~Errol Laborde
Gusman’s courthouse threat looms as he awaits payment~Matt Davis
I love this blog~American Zombie
For some homeowners, disputes with lenders over flood insurance proceeds lead to foreclosure~Rebecca Mowbray
Upper Hurstville lowers security fee as election nears~Uptown Messenger
Nagin-era records continue to muddy city loan account
~Ariella Cohen, The Lens
Between a crook and a hard place: A Louisiana Lite Gov election update ~slabbed
Louisiana Green Corps November 5th Outreach Party~Watershed NOLA
LSU professor: Crude oil in seafood NOT detectable by ‘smell test’ — “We are being lied to”~Florida Oil Spill Law
BP Oil Spill Taking Toll on Louisiana Indian Tribe~Joshua Philipp
‘Uncertainty’ Leads to Next Wave of Economic Fallout~Veronica Del Bianco
~“People talk about the Gulf Coast economy like it’s a homogenous thing,” says Dr. William Barnett II, a professor of economics at Loyola University’s College of Business in New Orleans. “It’s not,” he adds.
SkyTruth-MCBI Study Looks Back at BP / Gulf Spill, Looks Forward With Recommendations
Number of residents denied BP money up sharply
Trying to gauge a Louisiana recovery
Monday Reads~dakinikat
Book of Rocks, Flowers and Birds and Precious Horshes~Gambit
~Voodoo Hash House Harriers
New Orleans Coffee Festival coming up this weekend ~Bouille
Goodrich to Showcase Geospatial Capabilities at GeoInt 2010 Symposium in New Orleans
From car bodies to guitar bodies
Kermit Ruffins: He's just not about the music Happy Talkin', Cookin' and Swingin' ~Geraldine Wyckoff
11TH Annual All Saints Day Jazz Funeral Second Line Today, 3 P.M.
Why All Saints' Day Means More in New Orleans~Errol Laborde
Gusman’s courthouse threat looms as he awaits payment~Matt Davis
I love this blog~American Zombie
For some homeowners, disputes with lenders over flood insurance proceeds lead to foreclosure~Rebecca Mowbray
Upper Hurstville lowers security fee as election nears~Uptown Messenger
Nagin-era records continue to muddy city loan account
~Ariella Cohen, The Lens
Between a crook and a hard place: A Louisiana Lite Gov election update ~slabbed
Louisiana Green Corps November 5th Outreach Party~Watershed NOLA
LSU professor: Crude oil in seafood NOT detectable by ‘smell test’ — “We are being lied to”~Florida Oil Spill Law
BP Oil Spill Taking Toll on Louisiana Indian Tribe~Joshua Philipp
‘Uncertainty’ Leads to Next Wave of Economic Fallout~Veronica Del Bianco
~“People talk about the Gulf Coast economy like it’s a homogenous thing,” says Dr. William Barnett II, a professor of economics at Loyola University’s College of Business in New Orleans. “It’s not,” he adds.
SkyTruth-MCBI Study Looks Back at BP / Gulf Spill, Looks Forward With Recommendations
Number of residents denied BP money up sharply
Trying to gauge a Louisiana recovery
Monday Reads~dakinikat
Book of Rocks, Flowers and Birds and Precious Horshes~Gambit
~Voodoo Hash House Harriers
New Orleans Coffee Festival coming up this weekend ~Bouille
Goodrich to Showcase Geospatial Capabilities at GeoInt 2010 Symposium in New Orleans
From car bodies to guitar bodies
Kermit Ruffins: He's just not about the music Happy Talkin', Cookin' and Swingin' ~Geraldine Wyckoff
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Takin’ care of business in the Gulf ~bayougirl
The Same Thing For Every Child
~Cliff's Crib
Iberville housing complex area: the next Lakeside Shopping Center?
~Katy Reckdahl
Netanyahu, Biden to meet on GA sidelines~JTA
Danziger Bridge case rife with pretrial publicity~James Gill
Louisiana oyster industry struggles to cope with oil spill, coastal restoration efforts ~Chris Kirkham
State still owes most of judgment from 1983 flood~Michelle Millhollon
Elitism or Elite? Quelle Difference! ~dakinikat
USS Kidd~NOLA-dishu
Tomas significantly weaker; damage very heavy on St. Lucia and neighboring islands~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Team Sanity numbers more than 200,000, by some estimates
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
Checking Wit Robert Frost's Banjo
Roundtable on Art and Anthropology in New Orleans~Robert Willim
New Orleans 2010 'Top 10' places to dine in New Orleans~Brett Anderson
11th Annual All Saints Day Tribute to Jazz Funerals
~This one goes out to all New Orleans Saints players and fans. Let's Do Halloween!
~Special thanks Gambit and Voodoo Fest!
The Same Thing For Every Child
~Cliff's Crib
Iberville housing complex area: the next Lakeside Shopping Center?
~Katy Reckdahl
Netanyahu, Biden to meet on GA sidelines~JTA
Danziger Bridge case rife with pretrial publicity~James Gill
Louisiana oyster industry struggles to cope with oil spill, coastal restoration efforts ~Chris Kirkham
State still owes most of judgment from 1983 flood~Michelle Millhollon
Elitism or Elite? Quelle Difference! ~dakinikat
USS Kidd~NOLA-dishu
Tomas significantly weaker; damage very heavy on St. Lucia and neighboring islands~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Team Sanity numbers more than 200,000, by some estimates
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
Checking Wit Robert Frost's Banjo
Roundtable on Art and Anthropology in New Orleans~Robert Willim
New Orleans 2010 'Top 10' places to dine in New Orleans~Brett Anderson
11th Annual All Saints Day Tribute to Jazz Funerals
~This one goes out to all New Orleans Saints players and fans. Let's Do Halloween!
~Special thanks Gambit and Voodoo Fest!
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