Scientists Find Giant Plumes of Oil Forming Under the Gulf
~Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given.
~Bayou Child said... Just got off the phone with a friend-oily shrimp found 20 MILES FROM HOUMA.
May 15, 2010 8:32 PM
Governor Perry says God's Wrath is 150 miles from Texas shore
NC oyster prices rise as result of BP Oil Disaster
Florida experts monitor manatees during BP Oil Disaster
~Digital Journal
NY Times shows Stupid Is As Stupid Editors
~Like it or not, “Katrina” has become shorthand for a lot: the hurricane itself, the failed levees, the neglect that followed. Maybe The Times should just call it a “disaster,” without modifiers, and be as specific as possible when needed
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ Oh yeah? Why, can't the Times show us how far one has to bend over before they see the backside of the Truf? Like when they sold us on the Iraq War for Bush, and especially in how they play the spit ball for this BP Oil Disaster, the NY Times is the Run And Hide Paper of Broken Record.
Yeah, they used our Man-made Disaster of 8/29/05 to enrich their readership, yet they still to this day will not admit to what actually factually caused the Flood of New Orleans?
Are these horn-rimmed Yankees out of their fucking minds?
~Joseph Treaster, now a professor at the University of Miami, was a Times reporter who was in New Orleans when Katrina hit. He said that mistakes by people made things worse, but,
“No hurricane, no damage.”
Yeah well, I was there too you truth bender, and it was Yes Hurricane, No Damage! Compared to Yes Engineering Failure, Yes Catastrophic Devastation. What "mistakes" by what "people" made what "things" worse, Treaster? Well? Would you like to slide that innuendo and out the other? What the hell did this liar just say? A Non Sequitur, a Memeish Half-Truf.
I was living in New Orleans when Katrina missed the city. Yes, it was a Rock'n'Rolling Storm, but without the Corps' Engineering Failures we would have cleaned that up in a couple of weeks, a month tops. But for the Exquisite Corps Failures, we would not be having this conversation. But for the Corps of Engineers, the NY Times would not have been able to capitalize on the disaster by spinning it wrong over and over and over.
And now they would admit, nay swill in the practice of Journalistic Shorthand? Not on my ground, Bras.
Not in the face of my New Orleans.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
First attempt to stop oil spill with insertion tube has failed, according to Ken Salazar
~Hat Tweet~HealthyGulf
It is time to take away their toys and place these bad boys into protective custody for some quiet time.
America needs to take control of this problem. NYTs calls it a "small setback". Arrest them too! They suck BP Ad Revenue!
Taking Perp Dough and Lying ain't hard, Hell Angolia!
--it ain't even like Rocket Surgery.
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Slick Getting Bigger? ~SkyTruth
~And we think we've discovered an unrelated leak from a nearby platform that was installed back in 1984. The MMS ID# for this platform is 23051 (look it up here). A small, dark slick appears next to this platform on radar satellite images from April 26, May 8, and May 13 as well as this May 14 image.
~The COSMO-SkyMed radar image taken yesterday is somewhat ominous - it shows nearly all of the slick from the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and at 4,922 square miles (12,748 km2) it's significantly larger than it appeared on May 13
Oil washes onto Mississippi, Louisiana coastal islands
Oil Spill T-Shirts Make Ecological Statement~"We want to help out the fishermen and their surrounding communities," said Georgia Boxer, of Dirty Coast. "It's affecting them the most. That's their livelihood, most of them. That's what they've done their entire lives."
Fear of Iced Tea is the Mindkiller
~Your Right Hand Thief
Toxic Chemical Fear Over BP’s Clean-Up Efforts
Phantom test
~Library Chronicles
Down Home Solution to Oil Absorption~You aint' gon'believe how well this works.
Crisis in the Gulf: Where were the watchdogs?
Benefit for Brandon Franklin’s Funeral at the Howling Wolf set for Next Thursday ~Gambit
DebCotton ~Uptown or Downtown - Two Second Line Parades Sunday: #neworleans #nola #thatgoodgood
~Hat Tweet~HealthyGulf
It is time to take away their toys and place these bad boys into protective custody for some quiet time.
America needs to take control of this problem. NYTs calls it a "small setback". Arrest them too! They suck BP Ad Revenue!
Taking Perp Dough and Lying ain't hard, Hell Angolia!
--it ain't even like Rocket Surgery.
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Slick Getting Bigger? ~SkyTruth
~And we think we've discovered an unrelated leak from a nearby platform that was installed back in 1984. The MMS ID# for this platform is 23051 (look it up here). A small, dark slick appears next to this platform on radar satellite images from April 26, May 8, and May 13 as well as this May 14 image.

Oil washes onto Mississippi, Louisiana coastal islands
Oil Spill T-Shirts Make Ecological Statement~"We want to help out the fishermen and their surrounding communities," said Georgia Boxer, of Dirty Coast. "It's affecting them the most. That's their livelihood, most of them. That's what they've done their entire lives."
Fear of Iced Tea is the Mindkiller
~Your Right Hand Thief
Toxic Chemical Fear Over BP’s Clean-Up Efforts
Phantom test
~Library Chronicles
Down Home Solution to Oil Absorption~You aint' gon'believe how well this works.
Crisis in the Gulf: Where were the watchdogs?
Benefit for Brandon Franklin’s Funeral at the Howling Wolf set for Next Thursday ~Gambit
DebCotton ~Uptown or Downtown - Two Second Line Parades Sunday: #neworleans #nola #thatgoodgood
Oil hits Fourchon Beach
NOAA/BP Oil Spill Forecast for Monday, May 17th puts huge oil suddenly heading for Barataria Bay.
Winds are forecast to be from the ESE to SE at 10-12 kts. into Monday. Ocean models show a west to southwest flow in the vicinity of the source - under these currents and winds the plume from the source will tend westward towards the Delta. However, Breton Sound and the Chandeleur Islands also have a potential for shoreline contacts throughout the forecast period. Very little oil was observed west of the Delta today on overflights.
~Please Note the difference in NOAA projections between today and what they have here coming into Barataria Bay just two days hence. Of course this blockish Rorschach projection doesn't account for ANYTHING going east of the 90th meridian north of the 30th, as if that stuff just disappears from day to day to pop up West of the MS River like magical turtle shit.
We have for now ceased posting the Governor's Office of Homeland Security Maps because they have become Dated and contain Even Less Information than these childish coloring books from NOAA/BP. Really it's embarrassing and we just have no time for the Shame of realizing that our own local leaders do not trust us enough to give us the Full Metal Jacket.
We Need Real Time Actionable Information.
We will give you all we can find, but we won't subject our readers to gentle propaganda designed to minimize panic.
~Gulf of Mexico - Visible Loop~Please note the actual weather forming over this BP Honky Fuck'Up.
BP Oil Disaster driven by complex ocean currents and eddies
~This NASA image shows a close up view of a massive oil slick (right) in the Gulf of Mexico as it continued moving close to shore, near Louisiana. Click to enlarge.
BP Oil Disaster–It Just Gets Worser and Worser
~Grant Lawrence~Yep, we are getting the equivalent of one Exxon Valdez every four days.
Officials discuss efforts to keep Gulf of Mexico oil leak out of Lake Pontchartrain
2 Louisiana oyster areas reopen in Gulf ahead of oil slick from BP Oil Disaster
'Damaged' brand? Seafood industry deals with image woes from oil spill
~Alexandria Town Talk
In Louisiana BP Oil Disaster Did State and Federal Agencies Drop the Ball?~Bayou Perspective
Never Give Up ~Bayou Child
~Editilla Con'suellas~ Cajun Folk really exist.
This Peacock really exists with the Alligator that will eat him quicker than lightning. Native Folk really exists too.
These people and things you know through song and books, documentaries and drama, these things are Real and hold true in the real world. And they will disappear, I sense deep into the Bayous, into the Swamp Way Back Into The Heart of Louisiana.
They gonna take it all with them too I hope, but we won't say where. I just remember in the late '70s getting lost in 10 seconds on the water outside of Pierre Part or Bayou Pigeon, and those were the busy times for me on the drilling barges.
This we hope, because This Thing Bigger Than Everything is coming ashore on the Pelican State.
We are thrown again to our Wit's End, Sinn Féin.
~Well dat's one way to face da'Slick --esp if you got no Ladder!
Oily pelican and more tar balls found on Louisiana shore
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries found an oily pelican on the rocks Thursday at Sand Dollar Marina on Grand Isle. The brown pelican is Louisiana’s state bird and was removed from the endangered species list in November of 2009.
~Veterinarians working for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services prepare to bathe a brown pelican at Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana on Saturday.
"They had to reconfigure, but they are back down again with the riser insertion tube trying to get it into the end of the riser pipe. They are hopeful that they will be able to make some progress on that today (Saturday)," Salazar told reporters during a visit to the Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana.
He did not elaborate on the problems involving the tube.
Editilla jus'loves Pelicans more than almost anything...
BP Oil Drilling Disaster: VIP Flyover of Threatend Rookery
~Gulf Restoration Network
Effects from Katrina different in New Orleans~Roy Arrigo
Tiniest victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may turn out to be most important
~Bob Marshal
BP chief backs oil drilling in wake of US disaster while we say bring in the US Navy and Seize the area and stop this flow by collapsing it shut with high explosives. At the same time, immediately, arrest BP Hayward and Seize All BP Assets in the Gulf, at least in the State of Louisiana and perhaps Texas, down to the butt'wipe in every gas station. Now We Pay The Cost To Be The Boss.
New BP Oil Disaster Metaphor! Houston Chronicle calls it: "Sewing", "Threading the Needle" BP'dazlin at the Friday Night Stitch!~BP worked on Friday to thread a mile-deep needle it hopes will help sew up a massive oil spill, and it received federal approval to inject chemical dispersants at the site of the leaking well in an attempt to dissolve the crude before it can rise and further threaten shorelines.
Back in Black – Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s: Thank God for Arizona Part Deux. ~slabbed
WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
On Sunday, May 16, WWOZ will present Gulf Aid,
a benefit concert to raise funds for efforts to stop the oil spill from destroying our wetlands, as well as for fishermen and their families. The concert runs from noon to 10 p.m.--rain or shine --at Mardi Gras World River City in New Orleans.
WWOZ will broadcast live from the concert, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
Tickets are $50, available exclusively via Elevate Tickets.
VIP packages will be available. All funds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery - the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.
You can also send donations to:
GULF AID P.O. Box 6917 Metairie, LA 70009
Follow on Twitter:
On Facebook: search "Gulf Relief"
Pennsylvania high school student holds fundraiser for
Wounded Warrior Project ~NPR
~PURPOSE: To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, To help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.
~Special Thanks Youz~ Citizen K!

Winds are forecast to be from the ESE to SE at 10-12 kts. into Monday. Ocean models show a west to southwest flow in the vicinity of the source - under these currents and winds the plume from the source will tend westward towards the Delta. However, Breton Sound and the Chandeleur Islands also have a potential for shoreline contacts throughout the forecast period. Very little oil was observed west of the Delta today on overflights.
~Please Note the difference in NOAA projections between today and what they have here coming into Barataria Bay just two days hence. Of course this blockish Rorschach projection doesn't account for ANYTHING going east of the 90th meridian north of the 30th, as if that stuff just disappears from day to day to pop up West of the MS River like magical turtle shit.
We have for now ceased posting the Governor's Office of Homeland Security Maps because they have become Dated and contain Even Less Information than these childish coloring books from NOAA/BP. Really it's embarrassing and we just have no time for the Shame of realizing that our own local leaders do not trust us enough to give us the Full Metal Jacket.
We Need Real Time Actionable Information.
We will give you all we can find, but we won't subject our readers to gentle propaganda designed to minimize panic.
~Gulf of Mexico - Visible Loop~Please note the actual weather forming over this BP Honky Fuck'Up.
BP Oil Disaster driven by complex ocean currents and eddies

BP Oil Disaster–It Just Gets Worser and Worser
~Grant Lawrence~Yep, we are getting the equivalent of one Exxon Valdez every four days.
Officials discuss efforts to keep Gulf of Mexico oil leak out of Lake Pontchartrain
2 Louisiana oyster areas reopen in Gulf ahead of oil slick from BP Oil Disaster
'Damaged' brand? Seafood industry deals with image woes from oil spill
~Alexandria Town Talk
In Louisiana BP Oil Disaster Did State and Federal Agencies Drop the Ball?~Bayou Perspective
Never Give Up ~Bayou Child
~Editilla Con'suellas~ Cajun Folk really exist.
This Peacock really exists with the Alligator that will eat him quicker than lightning. Native Folk really exists too.
These people and things you know through song and books, documentaries and drama, these things are Real and hold true in the real world. And they will disappear, I sense deep into the Bayous, into the Swamp Way Back Into The Heart of Louisiana.
They gonna take it all with them too I hope, but we won't say where. I just remember in the late '70s getting lost in 10 seconds on the water outside of Pierre Part or Bayou Pigeon, and those were the busy times for me on the drilling barges.
This we hope, because This Thing Bigger Than Everything is coming ashore on the Pelican State.
We are thrown again to our Wit's End, Sinn Féin.
Oily pelican and more tar balls found on Louisiana shore

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries found an oily pelican on the rocks Thursday at Sand Dollar Marina on Grand Isle. The brown pelican is Louisiana’s state bird and was removed from the endangered species list in November of 2009.
"They had to reconfigure, but they are back down again with the riser insertion tube trying to get it into the end of the riser pipe. They are hopeful that they will be able to make some progress on that today (Saturday)," Salazar told reporters during a visit to the Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana.
He did not elaborate on the problems involving the tube.
Editilla jus'loves Pelicans more than almost anything...
BP Oil Drilling Disaster: VIP Flyover of Threatend Rookery
~Gulf Restoration Network
Effects from Katrina different in New Orleans~Roy Arrigo
Tiniest victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may turn out to be most important
~Bob Marshal
BP chief backs oil drilling in wake of US disaster while we say bring in the US Navy and Seize the area and stop this flow by collapsing it shut with high explosives. At the same time, immediately, arrest BP Hayward and Seize All BP Assets in the Gulf, at least in the State of Louisiana and perhaps Texas, down to the butt'wipe in every gas station. Now We Pay The Cost To Be The Boss.
New BP Oil Disaster Metaphor! Houston Chronicle calls it: "Sewing", "Threading the Needle" BP'dazlin at the Friday Night Stitch!~BP worked on Friday to thread a mile-deep needle it hopes will help sew up a massive oil spill, and it received federal approval to inject chemical dispersants at the site of the leaking well in an attempt to dissolve the crude before it can rise and further threaten shorelines.
Back in Black – Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s: Thank God for Arizona Part Deux. ~slabbed
WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
On Sunday, May 16, WWOZ will present Gulf Aid,

WWOZ will broadcast live from the concert, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
Tickets are $50, available exclusively via Elevate Tickets.
VIP packages will be available. All funds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery - the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.
You can also send donations to:
GULF AID P.O. Box 6917 Metairie, LA 70009
Follow on Twitter:
On Facebook: search "Gulf Relief"

Wounded Warrior Project ~NPR

~Special Thanks Youz~ Citizen K!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill Pictures:
Oil, Tarballs Hit Beaches
~National Geographic
~Reddish blobs of oil float on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, as seen on May 5 off the Louisiana coast.
Editilla jus'gotta axe, why don't we stop ignoring this world class disaster and get on the stick? Time for bold moves or bend over and take it like a Small Country. That's right, we need to take control of This Incident.
We The People.
What do you want? Death? What? Whoz'yer Daddy?
~The White House is asking Congress to approve $10 million for potential litigation costs arising from the BP Oil Disaster. Small Change got rained on...
~The collapse of the British Petroleum/Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico illustrates a variety of this form of magical thinking: if they can build it, it must be safe.
Legal Briefing: Transocean's Slippery BP Oil-Spill Maneuvers
~Editilla Tollin'Yaz!~ Seize them! Seize Them I Sayz!
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Image, May 13, 2010 ~SkyTruth
~NASA/MODIS images have been too cloudy to be much use for May 12 and 13 (see the most recent image we processed, for May 11). But a radar image taken by the Italian COSMO-SkyMed system clearly shows most of the slick in stark detail.
The slick covers 4,922 square miles (12,748 km2) on the radar image, and is within about 25 miles of the Delta shoreline.
Tell BP To Clean Up Its Act
~Gulf Restoration Network
BP Oil Disaster
~Google Crisis Response
BP oil spill sends oyster prices higher
A Slow-Motion Disaster: Photos From The Louisiana Oil Spill
~Field & Stream
DebCotton ~Free Agents Brass Band at Glasstone lounge tonight Delachaise and Dryades Start time 8:00pm 2 for1 drink specials all nite ~TBC Brass Band playing tonight to raise money for Brandon Franklin memorial service 8-10 c/o Canal & Bourbon. Bring donations, flowers, etc.
*Special Thanks Youz to Gambit
Stephen Forster: A New Orleans Eye Worthy To Watch
Oil, Tarballs Hit Beaches
~National Geographic

Editilla jus'gotta axe, why don't we stop ignoring this world class disaster and get on the stick? Time for bold moves or bend over and take it like a Small Country. That's right, we need to take control of This Incident.
We The People.
What do you want? Death? What? Whoz'yer Daddy?
~The White House is asking Congress to approve $10 million for potential litigation costs arising from the BP Oil Disaster. Small Change got rained on...
~The collapse of the British Petroleum/Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico illustrates a variety of this form of magical thinking: if they can build it, it must be safe.
Legal Briefing: Transocean's Slippery BP Oil-Spill Maneuvers
~Editilla Tollin'Yaz!~ Seize them! Seize Them I Sayz!
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Image, May 13, 2010 ~SkyTruth

The slick covers 4,922 square miles (12,748 km2) on the radar image, and is within about 25 miles of the Delta shoreline.
Tell BP To Clean Up Its Act
~Gulf Restoration Network
BP Oil Disaster
~Google Crisis Response
BP oil spill sends oyster prices higher
A Slow-Motion Disaster: Photos From The Louisiana Oil Spill
~Field & Stream
DebCotton ~Free Agents Brass Band at Glasstone lounge tonight Delachaise and Dryades Start time 8:00pm 2 for1 drink specials all nite ~TBC Brass Band playing tonight to raise money for Brandon Franklin memorial service 8-10 c/o Canal & Bourbon. Bring donations, flowers, etc.
*Special Thanks Youz to Gambit
Stephen Forster: A New Orleans Eye Worthy To Watch
2,352,000 Gallons of Oil/Day!
~National Public Radio asked Steven Wereley, an associate professor at Purdue University, to estimate the amount of oil leaking from a pipe on the Gulf floor viewed in video released by BP earlier this week. His computer program tracks particles on the tape and calculates how fast they are moving.
Wereley's estimates that anywhere from 56,000 to 84,000 barrels are leaking each day.
56,000 barrels/day X 42 gal/barrel=2,352,000 gal/day!
Light Crude Oil weighs appx 4lbs/gal, y'all finish this off.
Governors' Office of Homeland Security Losing Touch,
Stands By Inaccurate Coloring Book Forecast Maps!
We just got off the phone with the State Homeland Security Dept about their Forecast Maps not reflecting an accurate model. Frankly they look like Kindergarten Coloring Books. The NOAA maps are hardly any better.
This person on the phone doesn't see that their forecasts map not only do not change from day to day but do not seem to reflect even remotely where this oil actually already is after the flow estimate has been raised again to 2,352,000 Gal/Day. Map above-right is State's Saturday Forecast, Map below that is today.
Here is the NOAA Map forecast for today.
Bring them up side-by-side. Notice how crude they are and particularly how they don't change.
Can we stop covering for BP and their cronies here?
Can we Stop with the holding back of information here?
Oil slick winds and waves to ease early next week ~AccuWeather
Gulf Restoration Network Concerned With BP Controlled Sampling, Restrictions Of Independent Monitoring
Bob Marshall answers questions about fishing and the BP Oil Disaster
On BP Oil Disaster response, Mississippi and Louisiana governors show differences
Sell Transocean Puts, Buy BP’s on Gulf Oil Spill, Barclays Says
~Editilla Ravenellas~ People seem to think that Milton Friedman was simply academic in his advocacy of Shock as a means toward Economic Opportunity, so haha funny funny not really real. But as we can see, this Disaster Capitalism is Very Real and Working. When the fact of the matter is BP is in Barclay's portfolio, we can certainly understand their BUY Order.
They refer to this Man Made Disaster as "The Macondo Incident".
Another Fact of this Matter is that these people do not give a Rats Ass for the citizens of the United States.
We sit at the Far End of this Table, at the Dark End of the Street.
Stocks to watch: Gulf cleanup may be opportunity
Video: Poor Obama decries fingerpointing, 'cozy' oil links,
~Decides $74,000 in campaign contributions from BP just wasn't worth his giving them 2 wks head start on media spin machinery.
Obama slams oil companies over spill response BWAHAHAHAHA!
~Forgets he handed BP his Balls in Louisiana!
Yes He Did! Res Ipsa Loquitur America Sinn Féin!
~National Public Radio asked Steven Wereley, an associate professor at Purdue University, to estimate the amount of oil leaking from a pipe on the Gulf floor viewed in video released by BP earlier this week. His computer program tracks particles on the tape and calculates how fast they are moving.
Wereley's estimates that anywhere from 56,000 to 84,000 barrels are leaking each day.
56,000 barrels/day X 42 gal/barrel=2,352,000 gal/day!
Light Crude Oil weighs appx 4lbs/gal, y'all finish this off.
Governors' Office of Homeland Security Losing Touch,
Stands By Inaccurate Coloring Book Forecast Maps!

Here is the NOAA Map forecast for today.
Bring them up side-by-side. Notice how crude they are and particularly how they don't change.
Can we stop covering for BP and their cronies here?
Can we Stop with the holding back of information here?
Oil slick winds and waves to ease early next week ~AccuWeather
Gulf Restoration Network Concerned With BP Controlled Sampling, Restrictions Of Independent Monitoring
Bob Marshall answers questions about fishing and the BP Oil Disaster
On BP Oil Disaster response, Mississippi and Louisiana governors show differences
Sell Transocean Puts, Buy BP’s on Gulf Oil Spill, Barclays Says
~Editilla Ravenellas~ People seem to think that Milton Friedman was simply academic in his advocacy of Shock as a means toward Economic Opportunity, so haha funny funny not really real. But as we can see, this Disaster Capitalism is Very Real and Working. When the fact of the matter is BP is in Barclay's portfolio, we can certainly understand their BUY Order.
They refer to this Man Made Disaster as "The Macondo Incident".
Another Fact of this Matter is that these people do not give a Rats Ass for the citizens of the United States.
We sit at the Far End of this Table, at the Dark End of the Street.
Stocks to watch: Gulf cleanup may be opportunity
Video: Poor Obama decries fingerpointing, 'cozy' oil links,
~Decides $74,000 in campaign contributions from BP just wasn't worth his giving them 2 wks head start on media spin machinery.
Obama slams oil companies over spill response BWAHAHAHAHA!
~Forgets he handed BP his Balls in Louisiana!
Yes He Did! Res Ipsa Loquitur America Sinn Féin!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Where's The Oil? Your Government Doesn't Really Know~What's in the Air Along the LA Coast?
~Editilla desperellas~ Why can't we place charges around this thing and collapse the well? It's 18,000 ft down from the bottom. Come on, y'all!
Seven hours of data missing from Deepwater Horizon operations just prior to explosion
LA Gov Bobby Jindal Cites More Oil Findings, Boom Problems
Size of Oil Spill in Gulf Underestimated, Scientists Say
~D'OH! Not by SkyTruth the first week of this debacle.
It Lost an Oil Rig, but Transocean May Easily Ride Out the Gulf Oil Spill
Revelations of Multiple Deepwater Horizon Failures; Criminal Charges Coming? ~FDL
Less Toxic Dispersants Lose Out in BP Oil Spill Cleanup
They are using the wrong kind of sweetener on the iced tea
~Library Chronicles
Bluefin tuna particularly vulnerable to BP Oil Disaster ~Mark Schleifstein
Shrimpers, fishermen, hotels feel oil spill's trickledown effect
MS Gov. Barbour Seeks Help For Gulf Coast Businesses
Gulf Oil Spill Tracker ~SkyTruth
~Earth Observatory~An image from the MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite on Tuesday afternoon, May 11, shows that the damaged Deepwater Horizon oil well continued to leak significant amounts of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.~Additional Images
~Editilla desperellas~ Why can't we place charges around this thing and collapse the well? It's 18,000 ft down from the bottom. Come on, y'all!
Seven hours of data missing from Deepwater Horizon operations just prior to explosion
LA Gov Bobby Jindal Cites More Oil Findings, Boom Problems
Size of Oil Spill in Gulf Underestimated, Scientists Say
~D'OH! Not by SkyTruth the first week of this debacle.
It Lost an Oil Rig, but Transocean May Easily Ride Out the Gulf Oil Spill
Revelations of Multiple Deepwater Horizon Failures; Criminal Charges Coming? ~FDL
Less Toxic Dispersants Lose Out in BP Oil Spill Cleanup
They are using the wrong kind of sweetener on the iced tea
~Library Chronicles
Bluefin tuna particularly vulnerable to BP Oil Disaster ~Mark Schleifstein
Shrimpers, fishermen, hotels feel oil spill's trickledown effect
MS Gov. Barbour Seeks Help For Gulf Coast Businesses
Gulf Oil Spill Tracker ~SkyTruth

Environmentalist speaks up with a strong 'Oh NOOOOO'
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
~This isn't an interview to read if you hope to have an appetite for the rest of the day, but it's important. Creator of Saturday Night Live's Mr. Bill and longtime environmental filmmaker Walter Williams answered my questions about what has happened and where we're at now, as millions of gallons of oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico.
Jim Brown on BP’s mess:
Who dropped the ball? ~slabbed
David Vitter, Jeff Sessions offer bill to raise liability cap after BP Oil Disaster to $20B
This catastrophe will easily pass the Trillion Dollar threshold, so $20 Billion ain't Spit. Think about that folks. $1,000,000,000/20,000,000 oh yeah no wonder BP is salivating. Come on you Senators, get wit'it and Take Off The Cap.
Rep. Bart Stupak: BP "Doesn't Have a Real Plan"
~Also~Says blowout preventer was modified
Deepwater Horizon owner Transocean scurrilously, scrofulously seeks liability limit
~Hat Tweet~facingsouth
State tells oil industry spill could halt production
BP Releases First Video of Oil Volcano (Update with leak estimations, new video) ~Beholderseye
Long-term effects on Gulf sea life unknown
Solar impacts on hurricanes ~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Governor's Office of HSEP ~Please click to enlarge map.
~Editilla Notellas~ These maps are taking on a Scantness, that is to say they are looking Cut-up and Compartmentalized as if holding back. In short, they do not look like the whole show.
We understand they are projections, yet we know there is oil on the land and we very much need to know what is coming.
These maps are drawn as if the authorities do not want us to Panic. We strongly suggest they drop that idea.
Nothing Panics the Public Like UPPER LEVEL IGNORANCE.
Here is the NOAA Projection of the same day. Load them up side/side and tell me we couldn't use a Tad More Detail?
'It Was Kind of a Black Rain Coming Down on My Boat'
It is actually like when The Raven comes home to Roost...
Why do we send our sons and daughters to kill or be killed in foreign lands, when the very para-national corporations we fight to defend prove that They Will Risk The Lives Of Our Babies Now and Future Families --and KILL US RIGHT HERE ON US SOIL?????
Why are we There if the War is actually Here Now?
Can somebody answer that for me?
Louisiana using Mississippi River diversions in BP Disaster oil spill battle
NASA Deploys Planes, Targets Satellites to Aid in Oil Spill Response
CA Oil Spill Clean Up Experts to Aid Gulf Coast Response
Blogging the BP Disaster
A small group of volunteer writers documents ecological tragedy in the Gulf
Head of EPA Shows Up in NOLA
~Gulf Restoration Network
~HealthyGulf -Pissed off about BP's oil drilling disaster?
Creative? Design a tee shirt!
And in the midst of it all...
An amazing song for New Orleans as oil stands at its doorway~Carol Forsloff
Editilla is learning this one in Drop-D tuning...Jus'sayin...
~Karen Dalton-Beninato

Jim Brown on BP’s mess:
Who dropped the ball? ~slabbed
David Vitter, Jeff Sessions offer bill to raise liability cap after BP Oil Disaster to $20B
This catastrophe will easily pass the Trillion Dollar threshold, so $20 Billion ain't Spit. Think about that folks. $1,000,000,000/20,000,000 oh yeah no wonder BP is salivating. Come on you Senators, get wit'it and Take Off The Cap.
Rep. Bart Stupak: BP "Doesn't Have a Real Plan"
~Also~Says blowout preventer was modified
Deepwater Horizon owner Transocean scurrilously, scrofulously seeks liability limit
~Hat Tweet~facingsouth
State tells oil industry spill could halt production
BP Releases First Video of Oil Volcano (Update with leak estimations, new video) ~Beholderseye
Long-term effects on Gulf sea life unknown
Solar impacts on hurricanes ~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog

~Editilla Notellas~ These maps are taking on a Scantness, that is to say they are looking Cut-up and Compartmentalized as if holding back. In short, they do not look like the whole show.
We understand they are projections, yet we know there is oil on the land and we very much need to know what is coming.
These maps are drawn as if the authorities do not want us to Panic. We strongly suggest they drop that idea.
Nothing Panics the Public Like UPPER LEVEL IGNORANCE.
Here is the NOAA Projection of the same day. Load them up side/side and tell me we couldn't use a Tad More Detail?
'It Was Kind of a Black Rain Coming Down on My Boat'
It is actually like when The Raven comes home to Roost...
Why do we send our sons and daughters to kill or be killed in foreign lands, when the very para-national corporations we fight to defend prove that They Will Risk The Lives Of Our Babies Now and Future Families --and KILL US RIGHT HERE ON US SOIL?????
Why are we There if the War is actually Here Now?
Can somebody answer that for me?
Louisiana using Mississippi River diversions in BP Disaster oil spill battle
NASA Deploys Planes, Targets Satellites to Aid in Oil Spill Response
CA Oil Spill Clean Up Experts to Aid Gulf Coast Response
Blogging the BP Disaster
A small group of volunteer writers documents ecological tragedy in the Gulf
Head of EPA Shows Up in NOLA
~Gulf Restoration Network
~HealthyGulf -Pissed off about BP's oil drilling disaster?
Creative? Design a tee shirt!
And in the midst of it all...
An amazing song for New Orleans as oil stands at its doorway~Carol Forsloff
Editilla is learning this one in Drop-D tuning...Jus'sayin...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Oil on shore of barrier island off Terrebonne Parish, state reports
Bohemia Spillway in Plaquemines Parish might be put to use to help flush oil from wetlands
No Line on the Horizon
~American Zombie
Fly Time~Bayou Child
Somebody recently compared this to a siege
~Library Chronicles
BP Oil Disaster Could Reach Mexico Through Changing Currents
Exquisite Corps of Engineers Now Defending Itself In Nashville Flood, Oh Snap!
Bohemia Spillway in Plaquemines Parish might be put to use to help flush oil from wetlands
No Line on the Horizon
~American Zombie
Fly Time~Bayou Child
Somebody recently compared this to a siege
~Library Chronicles
BP Oil Disaster Could Reach Mexico Through Changing Currents
Exquisite Corps of Engineers Now Defending Itself In Nashville Flood, Oh Snap!
Rep. Henry Waxman focuses on Halliburton cementing job
~Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) started his inquiry into the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Wednesday with sharp words for BP, the well owner; Transocean, which owned the drilling rig; and Halliburton, which cemented the well:
"This catastrophe appears to have been caused by a calamitous series of equipment and operational failures. If the largest oil and oil services companies in the world had been more careful, 11 lives might have been saved and our coastlines protected."
Criminal charges likely from Gulf oil spill, legal experts say
~Interior Department Continues to Issue “Categorical Exclusions” for Oil Drilling...
~Obama's Oil Exec Friends (OOEFs) remain at large, get congressional safety quiz, BP tries catchy name for new well fix: Top Hat. -Editilla say Yeah We Got Yo'Top Hat Swangin, Brudda
~Skull Daddio courtesy of
SkyTruth's John Amos talks about spill on Bloomberg TV
~Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) started his inquiry into the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Wednesday with sharp words for BP, the well owner; Transocean, which owned the drilling rig; and Halliburton, which cemented the well:
"This catastrophe appears to have been caused by a calamitous series of equipment and operational failures. If the largest oil and oil services companies in the world had been more careful, 11 lives might have been saved and our coastlines protected."
Criminal charges likely from Gulf oil spill, legal experts say

~Obama's Oil Exec Friends (OOEFs) remain at large, get congressional safety quiz, BP tries catchy name for new well fix: Top Hat. -Editilla say Yeah We Got Yo'Top Hat Swangin, Brudda
~Skull Daddio courtesy of
SkyTruth's John Amos talks about spill on Bloomberg TV
Riveting testimony on oil rig rescue effort~Also see this hard piece by Mark Schleifstein and Bob Bea
Tight Security at Oil Spill Hearing in New Orleans
~Rep. Henry Waxman says that his committee's investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill reveals that a key safety device, the blowout preventer, had a leak in a crucial hydraulic system.
The California Democrat said in a hearing Wednesday that the investigation also discovered that the well had failed a negative pressure test just hours before the April 20 explosion. He cited BP documents received by the Energy and Commerce Committee that showed there was a breach in the well integrity that allowed methane gas and possibly other hydrocarbons to enter the well.
Bayou Buzz BP Oil Spill Update:
New Orleans Port, MS River, Fishing Open, LA Business
Bird’s Eye View: Another GRN Flyover BP Disaster Site
~Gulf Restoration Network
~NW photog in New Orleans snaps shots of birds threatened by BP Oil Disaster Crime
Tar balls reported in at South Pass in Plaquemines Parish
Lafourche oyster harvesting area one of 2 closed
~Oil cleanup supplies needed west of Mississippi River, Gov. Bobby Jindal says
BP Disaster Begins To Affect Anglers~Each year 3.2 million recreational anglers make about 24 million fishing trips out into the Gulf of Mexico, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition, commercial fishermen take a billion pounds of finfish and shellfish annually from the gulf, says NOAA. All of that is in severe jeopardy these as the BP drilling disaster worsens. Already tar balls have washed up on Alabama beaches. Florida boaters are preparing for the worse, as the USCG says that the oil slick could make its way there in 10 days with the right weather patterns.
Governor's Office of HSEP ~Please click to enlarge map.
BP Oil Disaster affects local economy ~St Tammany News
Federal hearings on blast open in Kenner
Polluters have had enough of law clinics ~James Gill
'Cleanup is not rocket surgery'
Lawrence firm monitors safety in oil spill cleanup~A Lawrence-based engineering firm is busy helping a multinational petroleum company clean up — safely — after one of the world’s largest and ongoing oil spills. EMR Inc., 3200 Haskell Ave., is providing dozens of safety monitors to observe and advise hundreds of workers who are struggling to contain, clean up after and otherwise deal with massive amounts of oil spewing daily from an underwater well that’s been leaking since an explosion April 20.
Make Wetlands Not Oil on'da Dirty Coast
WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
Musicians Respond to Gulf Oil Spill with Texting Campaign, Benefit Concert
~"Music for Relief is working with Voice of the Wetlands on a response encouraging people to make donations now for wetlands restoration that will take place later, after the cleanup," according to MFR's Whitney Showler.
In the midst of it all, Jefferson Parish President Steve TheRIOT gets Penis Envy
~Files Lawsuit -on Tax-Payers dimes- against 100 JOHN D'OHs who have offended his manhood such as it is ahem!
Offended Is TheRIOT! Embarrassed Is TheRIOT!
What a Fuckless Corrupt Self-Centered Useless RIOT Is TheRIOT!!!
Tight Security at Oil Spill Hearing in New Orleans
~Rep. Henry Waxman says that his committee's investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill reveals that a key safety device, the blowout preventer, had a leak in a crucial hydraulic system.
The California Democrat said in a hearing Wednesday that the investigation also discovered that the well had failed a negative pressure test just hours before the April 20 explosion. He cited BP documents received by the Energy and Commerce Committee that showed there was a breach in the well integrity that allowed methane gas and possibly other hydrocarbons to enter the well.
Bayou Buzz BP Oil Spill Update:
New Orleans Port, MS River, Fishing Open, LA Business
Bird’s Eye View: Another GRN Flyover BP Disaster Site
~Gulf Restoration Network

Tar balls reported in at South Pass in Plaquemines Parish
Lafourche oyster harvesting area one of 2 closed
~Oil cleanup supplies needed west of Mississippi River, Gov. Bobby Jindal says
BP Disaster Begins To Affect Anglers~Each year 3.2 million recreational anglers make about 24 million fishing trips out into the Gulf of Mexico, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition, commercial fishermen take a billion pounds of finfish and shellfish annually from the gulf, says NOAA. All of that is in severe jeopardy these as the BP drilling disaster worsens. Already tar balls have washed up on Alabama beaches. Florida boaters are preparing for the worse, as the USCG says that the oil slick could make its way there in 10 days with the right weather patterns.

BP Oil Disaster affects local economy ~St Tammany News
Federal hearings on blast open in Kenner
Polluters have had enough of law clinics ~James Gill
'Cleanup is not rocket surgery'
Lawrence firm monitors safety in oil spill cleanup~A Lawrence-based engineering firm is busy helping a multinational petroleum company clean up — safely — after one of the world’s largest and ongoing oil spills. EMR Inc., 3200 Haskell Ave., is providing dozens of safety monitors to observe and advise hundreds of workers who are struggling to contain, clean up after and otherwise deal with massive amounts of oil spewing daily from an underwater well that’s been leaking since an explosion April 20.
Make Wetlands Not Oil on'da Dirty Coast
WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
Musicians Respond to Gulf Oil Spill with Texting Campaign, Benefit Concert
~"Music for Relief is working with Voice of the Wetlands on a response encouraging people to make donations now for wetlands restoration that will take place later, after the cleanup," according to MFR's Whitney Showler.
In the midst of it all, Jefferson Parish President Steve TheRIOT gets Penis Envy
~Files Lawsuit -on Tax-Payers dimes- against 100 JOHN D'OHs who have offended his manhood such as it is ahem!
Offended Is TheRIOT! Embarrassed Is TheRIOT!
What a Fuckless Corrupt Self-Centered Useless RIOT Is TheRIOT!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Louisiana lawmakers:
BP can't handle Gulf oil spill cleanup anymore~Calls are mounting for the state of Louisiana and the federal government to wrest control of the Gulf oil spill cleanup from BP. Two lawmakers say BP seems 'overwhelmed.'
~Editilla Crotellas~ We should have done this beginning of last week. I am hoping as well that we seize BP Executives, their passports and all BP assets in the state.
Do it now, before they have a chance to run.
Companies' Disaster Perps appear before US lawmakers, blame one another
Finger-pointing all around at Senate hearings on oil spill
~"I hear one message, and the message is 'Don't blame me,' " Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said.
"Well, shifting this blame does not get us very far."
"Each one of you must feel terrible torment," said Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who homed in on the issue of responsibility for the April 20 accident that is believed to have spewed at least 4 million gallons of oil into the gulf. He asked each of the parties in turn if they were responsible for the spill.
And when each failed to take responsibility, he noted,
"There is a bit of a hand-off that is taking place."
BP jackals want their Disaster Fail lawsuits consolidated in Houston Yessir Ya'betcha
~Why not try the Perps in New Orleans where you can clearly smell this Bull Shit?
BP makes enough profit in four days to cover the costs of the spill cleanup thus far~Think Progress
Obama Seeks to Split Agency That Monitors Oil Drilling
From Steve TheRoit to the NOLA area Blogosphere. You hurt my Fee-Fee!
BP can't handle Gulf oil spill cleanup anymore~Calls are mounting for the state of Louisiana and the federal government to wrest control of the Gulf oil spill cleanup from BP. Two lawmakers say BP seems 'overwhelmed.'
~Editilla Crotellas~ We should have done this beginning of last week. I am hoping as well that we seize BP Executives, their passports and all BP assets in the state.
Do it now, before they have a chance to run.
Companies' Disaster Perps appear before US lawmakers, blame one another
Finger-pointing all around at Senate hearings on oil spill
~"I hear one message, and the message is 'Don't blame me,' " Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said.
"Well, shifting this blame does not get us very far."

And when each failed to take responsibility, he noted,
"There is a bit of a hand-off that is taking place."
BP jackals want their Disaster Fail lawsuits consolidated in Houston Yessir Ya'betcha
~Why not try the Perps in New Orleans where you can clearly smell this Bull Shit?
BP makes enough profit in four days to cover the costs of the spill cleanup thus far~Think Progress
Obama Seeks to Split Agency That Monitors Oil Drilling
From Steve TheRoit to the NOLA area Blogosphere. You hurt my Fee-Fee!
Vandals took the Handles
*Oil and Water don'mix. Really. Shake it how'eva you want.
Updates from oil rig explosion hearings: MMS engineer admits he approved blowout preventer without assurances it would work
Rig workers in BP Oil Disaster were told to sign statements,
'or they can't go home'
Latest BP Oil Disaster forecast:
Edging nearer Mississippi,
Alabama coastlines on Thursday
The latest 72-hour Gulf of Mexico oil spill forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows the spill further encroaching on Louisiana as it edges closer to Mississippi and Alabama. The forecast, which extends until Thursday evening, is based on National Weather Service data, overflight observations, current observations and modeling, and other data. Click to enlarge.
Louisiana fishermen say media, not oil, killing trade
Terrebonne, Lafourche face different challenges
NOAA: Fishing Ban Extended West As Gulf Spill Spreads
NOAA’s Fisheries Service has modified the area closed to fishing in the Gulf of Mexico due to the BP oil spill, which will include federal waters seaward of Louisiana state waters in the vicinity of Timbalier Island to waters off Florida’s Choctawhatchee Bay.
In Limbo In Louisiana: Birds on Pelican Island Engaged in a Waiting Game~Audubon
~Brown pelican on nest, by David J. Ringer.
~Photos from the oil disaster~ SOBs Blog
Veterinarians ready to help
Louisiana Guardsmen Continue Oil Spill Response
Flood Protection and Coastal Restoration Transition Task Force Report~Watershed NOLA
Rut'Row, they're finally starting to use the 'S'-Word
*Oil and Water don'mix. Really. Shake it how'eva you want.
Updates from oil rig explosion hearings: MMS engineer admits he approved blowout preventer without assurances it would work
Oil spill video: Times-Picayune Tuesday update |
Rig workers in BP Oil Disaster were told to sign statements,
'or they can't go home'
Latest BP Oil Disaster forecast:
Edging nearer Mississippi,
Alabama coastlines on Thursday

Louisiana fishermen say media, not oil, killing trade
Terrebonne, Lafourche face different challenges
NOAA: Fishing Ban Extended West As Gulf Spill Spreads

In Limbo In Louisiana: Birds on Pelican Island Engaged in a Waiting Game~Audubon

Veterinarians ready to help
Louisiana Guardsmen Continue Oil Spill Response
Flood Protection and Coastal Restoration Transition Task Force Report~Watershed NOLA
Rut'Row, they're finally starting to use the 'S'-Word
Gas surge shut well a couple of weeks before Gulf oil spill
~Mark Schleifstein
This is a riveting piece of reporting and testimony.
~Shortly before the accident, engineers argued about whether to remove heavy drilling mud that acted as a last defense against such catastrophic kicks, and the decision to replace the mud with much lighter seawater won out.
Those are some of the new details gathered by Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineering professor better known in New Orleans as co-leader of an independent team of scientists that conducted a forensic investigation of the causes for the failure of levees and floodwalls during Hurricane Katrina.
Bea said that the first explosion occurred in the mud pit room, a room where drilling mud is mixed and stored in big bins. The two engineers responding to requests for more mud in an attempt to control the runaway well were killed instantly, he said.
That explosion also blew out the wall leading to the galley, where a party was being held.
"The party is to celebrate the Transocean Deepwater Horizon going for seven years without an accident," Bea said. Present were several BP engineers or executives, who traveled to the rig for the celebration, he said.
Oil safety agency scrutinized
~Gerard Shields
~Official: Safety ‘secondary’ to Minerals Management Service
Not Quite "Beyond Petroleum"
~Harry Shearer
Governor's Office of HSEP Please click to enlarge pdf.
How bad can the BP Failure get?
Brownie sets out to rewrite the history of Katrina
~Jarvis DeBerry
~Mark Schleifstein
This is a riveting piece of reporting and testimony.
~Shortly before the accident, engineers argued about whether to remove heavy drilling mud that acted as a last defense against such catastrophic kicks, and the decision to replace the mud with much lighter seawater won out.
Those are some of the new details gathered by Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineering professor better known in New Orleans as co-leader of an independent team of scientists that conducted a forensic investigation of the causes for the failure of levees and floodwalls during Hurricane Katrina.
Bea said that the first explosion occurred in the mud pit room, a room where drilling mud is mixed and stored in big bins. The two engineers responding to requests for more mud in an attempt to control the runaway well were killed instantly, he said.
That explosion also blew out the wall leading to the galley, where a party was being held.
"The party is to celebrate the Transocean Deepwater Horizon going for seven years without an accident," Bea said. Present were several BP engineers or executives, who traveled to the rig for the celebration, he said.
Oil safety agency scrutinized
~Gerard Shields
~Official: Safety ‘secondary’ to Minerals Management Service
Not Quite "Beyond Petroleum"
~Harry Shearer

How bad can the BP Failure get?
Brownie sets out to rewrite the history of Katrina
~Jarvis DeBerry
BP Rig Perps Pointing Fingers for World's Greatest Failure
~Executives from BP PLC, Transocean Ltd. and Halliburton Co. began pointing fingers on Monday over who bears ultimate responsibility for the April 20 oil-rig explosion that took 11 lives and is spilling oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
The question will loom large at a Senate hearing Tuesday that will hear from executives of the three companies.
~Editilla Capturellas~ Grab'em when we get these punks all in one place! Bring them to Louisiana, or New Orleans tonight!
Hold them in Chains with their clean faces to the wind!
~Executives from BP PLC, Transocean Ltd. and Halliburton Co. began pointing fingers on Monday over who bears ultimate responsibility for the April 20 oil-rig explosion that took 11 lives and is spilling oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
The question will loom large at a Senate hearing Tuesday that will hear from executives of the three companies.
~Editilla Capturellas~ Grab'em when we get these punks all in one place! Bring them to Louisiana, or New Orleans tonight!
Hold them in Chains with their clean faces to the wind!
Monday, May 10, 2010
WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
On Sunday, May 16, WWOZ will present Gulf Aid,
a benefit concert to raise funds for efforts to stop the oil spill from destroying our wetlands, as well as for fishermen and their families. The concert runs from noon to 10 p.m.--rain or shine --at Mardi Gras World River City in New Orleans. WWOZ will broadcast live from the concert, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
Tickets are $50, available exclusively via Elevate Tickets.
VIP packages will be available. All funds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery - the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.
You can also send donations to:
GULF AID P.O. Box 6917 Metairie, LA 70009
Follow on Twitter:
On Facebook: search "Gulf Relief"

a benefit concert to raise funds for efforts to stop the oil spill from destroying our wetlands, as well as for fishermen and their families. The concert runs from noon to 10 p.m.--rain or shine --at Mardi Gras World River City in New Orleans. WWOZ will broadcast live from the concert, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
Tickets are $50, available exclusively via Elevate Tickets.
VIP packages will be available. All funds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery - the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.
You can also send donations to:
GULF AID P.O. Box 6917 Metairie, LA 70009
Follow on Twitter:
On Facebook: search "Gulf Relief"

General Michael Walsh of the Corps of Engineers goes all Betty White with Facebook to harass La. Senator Vitter and lobby public for his own promotion!
~Editilla Co'tellas~ What a typical USACE Back Stabber!
After Disgracing the uniform of the United States Army before Congress, bereft of Merit for his service to the Citizens of our nation in New Orleans with the Corps of Engineers, this sly bastard has now enlisted the emotions of Military Mothers to work the Social Networks to bypass Congress. Please watch the video of the Senate Hearings linked above under "Disgracing the Uniform" and see this man in action as he slits his eyes and begs off to the Corps Lawyers, never has a straight answer and tries to Whine On His Military Service. WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.
~Editilla Co'tellas~ What a typical USACE Back Stabber!
After Disgracing the uniform of the United States Army before Congress, bereft of Merit for his service to the Citizens of our nation in New Orleans with the Corps of Engineers, this sly bastard has now enlisted the emotions of Military Mothers to work the Social Networks to bypass Congress. Please watch the video of the Senate Hearings linked above under "Disgracing the Uniform" and see this man in action as he slits his eyes and begs off to the Corps Lawyers, never has a straight answer and tries to Whine On His Military Service. WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.
Spilltracker - Show Us What's Happening On Your Beach ~SkyTruth
MODIS/Terra satellite image taken May 10, 2010.
Clouds, haze, and turbidity again may be obscuring portions of the slick. Observable slick and sheen covers 4,683 square miles (12,129 km2). Thicker, fresh-looking oil is apparent in the vicinity of the leaking well, and still appears to be entrained in a counterclockwise gyre. ~SkyTruth Flikr
~kareng Lot's of people complaining about petro-chemical smell in New Orleans, so far hearing from Mid-City, Uptown and Carrollton #oilspill #nola Pathetic response from City of New Orleans meanwhile half the city can not breathe
Oil’s effects on wetlands could be dire~Brentin Mock, The Lens
Birds In The Crosshairs: GRN Finds Oil In Refuge
~Gulf Restoration Network
US oil spill: fishermen raise alarm over chemical dispersants
Oil Spill Seafood: Is Wild Gulf Shrimp Better Than Farmed?
Gulf coast restaurants file lawsuits as result of oil spill
A Strike Against Oil Spill Lawsuits ~Mother Jones

Clouds, haze, and turbidity again may be obscuring portions of the slick. Observable slick and sheen covers 4,683 square miles (12,129 km2). Thicker, fresh-looking oil is apparent in the vicinity of the leaking well, and still appears to be entrained in a counterclockwise gyre. ~SkyTruth Flikr
~kareng Lot's of people complaining about petro-chemical smell in New Orleans, so far hearing from Mid-City, Uptown and Carrollton #oilspill #nola Pathetic response from City of New Orleans meanwhile half the city can not breathe
Oil’s effects on wetlands could be dire~Brentin Mock, The Lens
Birds In The Crosshairs: GRN Finds Oil In Refuge
~Gulf Restoration Network
US oil spill: fishermen raise alarm over chemical dispersants
Oil Spill Seafood: Is Wild Gulf Shrimp Better Than Farmed?
Gulf coast restaurants file lawsuits as result of oil spill
A Strike Against Oil Spill Lawsuits ~Mother Jones
BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters, Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned with 100 John Doe-s
What few hairs I had on my head, I just pulled out
~American Zombie
Well, I guess I underestimated Steve Theriot.
Aside from the fact that this is an enormous waste of taxpayer's dollars, his sense of timing is impeccable.
Steve...I want you to get up out of your air conditioned office in the Jenni building and step outside. Oh, and on your way down the elevator, take your head out of your ass. Now, inhale a flared-nostril breath into your you smell that? Do you smell that nauseating, burning, diesel aroma? Do you know what that is? No, it's not the sewage plant on Earhardt. That smell, sir, is the largest ecological disaster in the history of this country and it's currently making it's way into your parish and up into the waterways of Barataria and Lafitte. That smell is the distinct bouquet of economic expiry for thousands of people in your governmental province.
Louisiana leaders asking BP about dispersant risks in Gulf oil spill, day late and dollar short
They asked for details on the short-term and possible long-term health risks for people and wildlife and on BP's plans to track the chemical dispersant's effects on people, wildlife and the environment over time. They also questioned whether BP will pay to restore the wetlands and fisheries damaged by the dispersants.
~Editilla gotta axe~ Does this sound like leaders with their hand on the ball or their thumb up their Butts?
BP Oil Spill Update: New Orleans Port, MS River, Fishing Open, Louisiana Business~BBuzz
GULF AID Benefit Concert to Support Gulf Relief Efforts
I can't help that much...
~American Zombie~But those of you with full heads of hair...summer is upon us and what better time to bald?
Lincoln Mitchel and Democratic Party Jack Off on Louisiana BP Oil Spill Disaster for Politics
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ These are the kind of people who Yes We Shit-Can real Progressive Values. I just don't get it.
The Democratic Party STOOD DOWN when George Bush stole the election in 2000. I watched it. Reichstag in Slow Motion.
They had their chance but they sold us out to what they thought was politics rather than fascism. They gave us George Bush.
They could have stopped it in Congress but they sought to play the game and became ass-fucked jailhouse punks.
And now with an even worse disaster than the Corps' Flood of New Orleans 8/29 --which this same Democratic Party DID NOT confront as a man-made disaster-- they would rip on our Governor in the midst of it the Oil Hitting The Fan.
Why don't they just tell the American Voter that they are Repugnant Opportunists who don't have the Balls or Ova to confront Corporate America without taking their money?
I've picked on him, called him names, didn't vote for him... but our Governor Bobby Jindal is On The Ground Kicking Ass.
I voted for Obama and he Handed Us Off To BP!
Fuck Them! Fuck these Political Hacks and the Hubris they rode in on. Fuck their Faux-Progressive Boo'rah! They can kiss my Lily White Independent Progressive Southern Ass!
What few hairs I had on my head, I just pulled out
~American Zombie
Well, I guess I underestimated Steve Theriot.
Aside from the fact that this is an enormous waste of taxpayer's dollars, his sense of timing is impeccable.
Steve...I want you to get up out of your air conditioned office in the Jenni building and step outside. Oh, and on your way down the elevator, take your head out of your ass. Now, inhale a flared-nostril breath into your you smell that? Do you smell that nauseating, burning, diesel aroma? Do you know what that is? No, it's not the sewage plant on Earhardt. That smell, sir, is the largest ecological disaster in the history of this country and it's currently making it's way into your parish and up into the waterways of Barataria and Lafitte. That smell is the distinct bouquet of economic expiry for thousands of people in your governmental province.
Louisiana leaders asking BP about dispersant risks in Gulf oil spill, day late and dollar short
They asked for details on the short-term and possible long-term health risks for people and wildlife and on BP's plans to track the chemical dispersant's effects on people, wildlife and the environment over time. They also questioned whether BP will pay to restore the wetlands and fisheries damaged by the dispersants.
~Editilla gotta axe~ Does this sound like leaders with their hand on the ball or their thumb up their Butts?
BP Oil Spill Update: New Orleans Port, MS River, Fishing Open, Louisiana Business~BBuzz
GULF AID Benefit Concert to Support Gulf Relief Efforts
I can't help that much...
~American Zombie~But those of you with full heads of hair...summer is upon us and what better time to bald?
Lincoln Mitchel and Democratic Party Jack Off on Louisiana BP Oil Spill Disaster for Politics
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ These are the kind of people who Yes We Shit-Can real Progressive Values. I just don't get it.
The Democratic Party STOOD DOWN when George Bush stole the election in 2000. I watched it. Reichstag in Slow Motion.
They had their chance but they sold us out to what they thought was politics rather than fascism. They gave us George Bush.
They could have stopped it in Congress but they sought to play the game and became ass-fucked jailhouse punks.
And now with an even worse disaster than the Corps' Flood of New Orleans 8/29 --which this same Democratic Party DID NOT confront as a man-made disaster-- they would rip on our Governor in the midst of it the Oil Hitting The Fan.
Why don't they just tell the American Voter that they are Repugnant Opportunists who don't have the Balls or Ova to confront Corporate America without taking their money?
I've picked on him, called him names, didn't vote for him... but our Governor Bobby Jindal is On The Ground Kicking Ass.
I voted for Obama and he Handed Us Off To BP!
Fuck Them! Fuck these Political Hacks and the Hubris they rode in on. Fuck their Faux-Progressive Boo'rah! They can kiss my Lily White Independent Progressive Southern Ass!
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