The Times Picayune cries to wipe its ass
of its own Conflicts of Interests
with the Corps of Engineers
with a new Advertorial
on Corps Conflicts of Interests!
"Any corps employee, especially in New Orleans, who thinks that residents here are to blame for their homes being flooded shouldn't be a corps employee. "
Editilla wants to know if they are talkin'bout the entire staff of the Times Picayune?
~Editilla Crowellas~
Abbey Hoffman might be dead...
--but we stole that book!~These egregious offenses against the Public Trust didn't happen on just " blog".
They happened on the Times Picayune blog!
Now the Times Picayune is trying to distance itself (wipe its ass) from the fallout of this Breach of the Public Trust in the veracity, or even "truthiness", of their advertorial journalism.
The Times Picayune is NOT watching our backs, but stabbing.
Like Carney Barkers straight out of the PT Barhnam School of Shameless Self Promotions PR 101: When caught Red-Handed then issue a statement of plausible deniability, as ASCECORPS on WWL:
to nip it in the Rosary Bud, let the story quietly die,
attempt to "own the story instead of it owning you" so to speak:
the Times Picayune is stuck on stupid, #1: Plausible Denial.
It was on their own TP/ website that this started!
Once you spot the smell you can find it on the shoes of comments with every article they publish on the Corps. PR Flash Ads or not!
Next, the Times Picayune will try to spin this that they are not the same as, and those ads are on not the TP.
Editilla say suck my toe!
A difference that makes no difference is no difference!
As an experiment, try to flush the Times Picayune down your toilet and then try to flush the Corps of Engineers IPET Report on their Failures in building our levees.
Same result and they both mean more flooding!
ASCECORPS also came onto the blog proper.
And, Not Only There but we've already shown Gentle'rillas how these Creepo'Nawlins fakirs like "Stevo" and Nameless Tim Ruppert have come onto this Ladder to spew their bile and attempt to misinform the public.
And Ruppert spoke fo'da ASCECORPS at Rising Tide?
Using what Ms Rosenthal refers to as "Internet Caller ID for IP addresses", Editilla also has reams of screen shots and what'nots of my stats pages showing them (CORPS), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) all over the Ladder, (ASCECORPS).
We maintain that this Counter Insurgency Tactic is not about intimidating Sandy Rosenthal. HA! They should know better. Poor is simply the easiest target because Sandy Rosenthal is Always In Their Face making the Corps Face Facts.
This is a blatant attempt to Re-Frame, Re-Tell and Basically Lie the Story of the Catastrophic Failures of the Corps of Engineers' Flood Control Structures on August 29th, 2005.
This is about Hearts & Minds, Gentle'rillas...
...winning back Hearts & Minds...
--both of which Editilla lost that first week of the Corps' Flood.
Hearts & Minds.... (Oh, and the MRGO lawsuit April 20th!:)

As bloggers and news outlets around the country begin to study their own stats, they are beginning to realize that the Exquisite Corps truly is...
Every Where We Want To Be.
If/when any'youz Gentle'rillas finds these creepo ASCECORPS cronies skulking around your own sites, then please by all means take a screen shot of your stat page and send it to:
WWL first broke this story so we reward them with our patronage, love and affection! And they also do not run any Goddamned Expensive Tax-Funded Corps PR Flash Ads.
Please click on the commemorative flag poster
Editilla watchin'youz!
The Times Picayune cries to wipe its ass
of its own Conflicts of Interests
with the Corps of Engineers
with a new Advertorial
on Corps Conflicts of Interests!
"Any corps employee, especially in New Orleans, who thinks that residents here are to blame for their homes being flooded shouldn't be a corps employee. "
Editilla wants to know if they are talkin'bout the entire staff of the Times Picayune?

Abbey Hoffman might be dead...
--but we stole that book!~These egregious offenses against the Public Trust didn't happen on just " blog".
They happened on the Times Picayune blog!
The Times Picayune is NOT watching our backs, but stabbing.
Like Carney Barkers straight out of the PT Barhnam School of Shameless Self Promotions PR 101: When caught Red-Handed then issue a statement of plausible deniability, as ASCECORPS on WWL:
“There are over 1,600 people working at the Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District to reduce risk for the metro New Orleans area. As each day passes, we are reducing risk. This isolated incident involved one person out of 1600 people that make up the New Orleans District."Then OK, when that doesn't work, when this story makes it out of the bag across the nation to places like Michael Moore's website, InfoWars, top 5 You tube, various and sundry other blogs, the Abbey's bathroom wall and even a tiny site in Mongolia, then it is time to #2: Issue the Apology to Ms Rosenthal and,
Cocky Bastards, Them!
to nip it in the Rosary Bud, let the story quietly die,
attempt to "own the story instead of it owning you" so to speak:
On Thursday, Dec. 18, Colonel Alvin Lee sent a formal apology to Ms. Rosenthal: “Please accept my apology for the unprofessional comments someone in my District posted to your web site,” said the letter. “I have reinforced with my entire staff that this was an inappropriate and unacceptable use of our computers and time."It appears that, with today's advertorial, potential cover-up,
Oh? Not so full of Hubris now are we?
"Inappropriate and Unacceptable use?"
How about a punishable violation of the US code:
the Times Picayune is stuck on stupid, #1: Plausible Denial.
It was on their own TP/ website that this started!
Once you spot the smell you can find it on the shoes of comments with every article they publish on the Corps. PR Flash Ads or not!
Next, the Times Picayune will try to spin this that they are not the same as, and those ads are on not the TP.
Editilla say suck my toe!
A difference that makes no difference is no difference!
As an experiment, try to flush the Times Picayune down your toilet and then try to flush the Corps of Engineers IPET Report on their Failures in building our levees.
Same result and they both mean more flooding!
ASCECORPS also came onto the blog proper.
And, Not Only There but we've already shown Gentle'rillas how these Creepo'Nawlins fakirs like "Stevo" and Nameless Tim Ruppert have come onto this Ladder to spew their bile and attempt to misinform the public.
And Ruppert spoke fo'da ASCECORPS at Rising Tide?
Using what Ms Rosenthal refers to as "Internet Caller ID for IP addresses", Editilla also has reams of screen shots and what'nots of my stats pages showing them (CORPS), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) all over the Ladder, (ASCECORPS).
We maintain that this Counter Insurgency Tactic is not about intimidating Sandy Rosenthal. HA! They should know better. Poor is simply the easiest target because Sandy Rosenthal is Always In Their Face making the Corps Face Facts.
This is a blatant attempt to Re-Frame, Re-Tell and Basically Lie the Story of the Catastrophic Failures of the Corps of Engineers' Flood Control Structures on August 29th, 2005.
This is about Hearts & Minds, Gentle'rillas...
...winning back Hearts & Minds...
--both of which Editilla lost that first week of the Corps' Flood.
Hearts & Minds.... (Oh, and the MRGO lawsuit April 20th!:)

As bloggers and news outlets around the country begin to study their own stats, they are beginning to realize that the Exquisite Corps truly is...
Every Where We Want To Be.
If/when any'youz Gentle'rillas finds these creepo ASCECORPS cronies skulking around your own sites, then please by all means take a screen shot of your stat page and send it to:
But tell them...tell everyone! hahhahahahaha!
WWL watches NOLA's Back so NOLA watches WWL back!WWL first broke this story so we reward them with our patronage, love and affection! And they also do not run any Goddamned Expensive Tax-Funded Corps PR Flash Ads.
But Editilla gots one thing to say to all this Boo'Rah, (HA!)

Special Thanks, Illustrations by The Masqued E'vinga!
stevo, I deleted your comment because no one is allowed to insult our valued readers on this blog.
This ain't just child's play --and 120+ hits/day (and growing) proves that our Gentle'rillas appreciate that.
They are welcome to go watch you make a fool of yourself in the Times Picayune but not here.
I am the only person allowed that privilege on this Ladder.
Show some balls, stevo, and comment on the blog where you have already shown your ass.
Thus spake Editilla.
And stevo, you engineering suit freaks can't even spell Statcounter?
Stupid Stupid Stupid.
Plodding, predictable pricks.
You really should be more careful with our tax-paid government property.
You told me that you do not work for the Corps of Engineers, yet you seem to have no problem using their computers, which might be a felony for this type of activity --especially if, as you allege, you do not work for the Corps of Engineers.
My attorney is looking into it.
Or, perhaps you just suck Corps over at ASCE:
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS UU-65-210-114-D6 (NET-65-210-114-0-1) -
Which is it, dogo?
Either way this is why I refer to you assholes as ASCECORPS.