Live from City Park
~Editilla Notellas~
Just wondering folks...
Gift That Keeps on Giving Season and all...
I had the honor of meeting Ivor van Heerden, on the Anniversary
at the Levees.org premier of The Katrina Myth Documentary.
In the City of Living Metaphor, there I was talking with a Dutchboy who most assuredly has had his Finger in the Dike.
Huh! Go Figure. Go Fish! Go to Hell ASCECORPS!
But then again, he made me feel better, safer, for a number of reasons, but chiefly that he foresaw and knew exactly what went down in New Orleans on August 29th, 2005 and he can explain it. I gained another hero: Editillero.
~The Corps seems to be doing what it wants to New Orleans without regard to public input or past performance.
I see Us losing Them winning. Simple enough?
Floods are in essence very simple things, just like Death.
Oh, the causes of Death can be infinite --but once you meet Death, well, ain't a whole lot more to say, eh? Once you have flood on your hands the Existential Quantifier drops to One: The Reaper. While I have seen and Love the many successes and celebrations of Human Spirit of New Orleans over the past three years,
I have seen it all washed away in the blink of my own lyin'eyes.
Today I see our struggles to recover and shine as merely detritus,
flotsam in the 100 Years Score of the Corps.
Yeah, rarely one or two citizens like Matt McBride or Levees.org might catch them out every once in a while, but this is becoming a loosing game --as poignantly evidenced by the way the
Corps Stomped, totally Punk'Slapped, on the advocacy group "Pump to the River" this week...
--as evidenced by the stalled 8/29 Bill
--as evidenced by the continued Delay in Release of the IPET study of our levee failures --as evidenced by their position of power over the people of South Louisiana this past hurricane season. They have even bought out ads with the Times Picayune.
But, the Corps of Engineers has given us nothing to hang our hats on for the future. No Dirt. No levees. Only more Project Engineering Study of Bullshit for more Project Engineering Study, treading water until this current generation of citizens dies off and then the Corps can get on with the real job of Energy Infrastructure Building. The Corps has hired an Energy Company to rebuild the Wetlands which they have obliterated. The Corps has hired an Energy Company to protect it from the Mayhem caused by their obliteration of our wetlands and their crooked engineering in building our failed levees.
They hire Huge Marketing Corporations to spin'filtrate their responsibility for America's Greatest Civil Engineering Failure.
It appears that there is no longer Civil Engeneering in America
apart from ASCECORPS.
The Corps of Engineers is Greater than The People just as any Corporation is Greater than the sum of its Parts taken separately.
Hence, it would seem that We The People work for the Corps...
--not the other way around.
Is this Truth? Jus'axin...
A lot of The People, myself included, have made a grave mistake of misunderestimating their own relevance in the stinky milieu of
The New American Millennium post 9-11/8-29,
particularly the need for people or private property at all...
--in New Orleans or especially in South Louisiana.
Yeah'so, the Place here matters but no longer the people.
What do you need people for? We are just getting in the way.
Those oil rigs are in international waters so you don't even really need Louisianans working on them. They could be workers housed in Mexico just as easily, or on work barges in the Gulf.
All the Pipe line is laid, over 50,000 miles in Louisiana alone.
They will need a bit more and some maintenance and repair but not these towns full of People --who erroneously think they are so necessary to a functioning energy infrastructure. They are not.
Those jobs are gone, their homes no longer needed.
The people of South Louisiana are simply treading water.
The Port of New Orleans does not require a city in which to operate. That is what I am talking about. We can feast and sing and we can dance all night long, but how much longer can we tread water, fishing for seafood that no one actually gives a real damn where it comes from? Americans can and do simply get that from Vietnam or Chile now at half the price.
Welcome to the Future Shock Doctrine and Heavy Weather
Can we get a wit'naaas --or at least a little Faith?
Can We?
~Many T'anks Youz, Citizen K~
A big SLABBED welcome to Paul Volcker’s common sense comments ~"It seems to me what our nation needs is more civil engineers and electrical engineers and fewer financial engineers…"
So When Will Banks Give Loans? ~Joe Nocera ~In point of fact, the dirty little secret of the banking industry is that it has no intention of using the money to make new loans.
But this executive was the first insider who’s been indiscreet enough to say it within earshot of a journalist. (He didn’t mean to, of course, but I obtained the call-in number and listened to a recording.)
Who wants to take part in building New Orleans'
first culinary incubator?
~Editilla Notellas~These Cookin'Cats will also be 2nd Lining on All Saint Day, Nov 1st, from St Roch to'da School.
Do ax about that when making contact.
~From David Aman,
The Kitchen at Colton's... ~~click pics to enlarge~~

The fallout from having a kitchen full of local cooks is the knowledge and great food they can impart to the community.
From the after school cooking program 'Family Meal', to 'Chef Nights', to supervised 'Open Kitchen' time, the Kitchen at Colton is a cooperative of professional cooks making good food using local suppliers while educating their community.

And that is starting this Monday, October 27th.
<-{That, Gentle'rillas, is
One Honkin Gumbo Cooker!}
We have to move all the equipment out (so they can seal the cement floors), then move it back in 24 hrs. later.
We need Service Industry Volunteer Strong Backs!

Some of this equipment is Extremely heavy and will need several dedicated hands on deck.
Every Service Industry person who is part of this
1st move will have a stake in this kitchen (and I don't
just mean theoretically, I mean you will have dibs on
utilizing it for the 1st few months that it's usable).
Please spread the word and be part of this 1st phase of the Kitchen at Colton!
Contact me through this email:
Talk with you soon!
David Aman
Special Thanks to Ken at Food Music Justice
~Com'Posted at OpEd News
BANKSY gets Radtke(D) in
New Orleans~William Greiner