Not so fast
~ReTweet @karldschott: It looks like this on both sides of the Hwy. No stopping, lots of law enforcement. #Morganza http://lockerz.com/s/103561246
CoreLogic releases Morganza Flood Data
~The analysis from CoreLogic shows that many homes in otherwise low-risk zones are in the path of floodwaters and that a total of 21,272 homes are at risk of being fully or partially inundated by the floodwaters flowing down from the Atchafalaya Basin. Those homes represent 11 percent of the total homes in the nine parishes most directly impacted by the opening of the spillway. The CoreLogic analysis revealed Terrebonne Parish could suffer the highest potential loss with 10,324 homes at risk for flood damage, followed by Saint Mary Parish with 3,777 homes at risk and Assumption Parish with 2,899 homes in the path of spillway floodwaters. Of the more than 20,000 homes located in the overall potential Atchafalaya flood area, 4,528 homes are located outside of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defined flood zones and are therefore not required to maintain flood insurance policies.
Atchafalaya crest revised down 2 feet
Lower flood projections in Butte LaRose prompt delay of evacuation order
Future uncertain for the uninsured
~ReTweet @ NolaDefender~RT by skooks~In addition to Morganza and Bonnet Carre, another unopened spillway lurks at Caernarvon. Find out its mysteries http://bit.ly/mcBjhX
High water makes Mississippi River dangerous to navigate
Mississippi River water in Missouri being tested for contaminants
Corps Watching Lakes Closely as Weekend Rain Approaches
~It's advising people in flood plains downstream of Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals and Norfork dams in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri to keep an eye on lake levels ahead of this weekend's rains.

Hurricane prep rally today~Gambit
New command center, new Jefferson Parish administration prepare for hurricane season
Port bill seeks broader powers for director, but scraps plan for more clout in land-taking~Matt Scallan
I get by with a little help...
~American Zombie
Yes! Well! Ahem! Anadarko shares up on speculation of BP settlement
Gulf Coast lawmakers split over BP oil spill money
Healing Center Unwrapped
~Ian Koch, NOLA Defender
Trains!!~Judyb54, NOLAFemmes
The Divine Comedy~NolaRisingArts

Rockabilly pioneer Wanda Jackson still rockin' at 73~Alison Fensterstock