Leslie Jacobs enters Mayor's race in New Orleans
Make levees, not war
~~An unsigned editorial from New Orleans City Business~Editilla Hmmmmellas~ Given the rhetorical holes in this editorial, big enough to suck a train through, we have to wonda what in the world is this "editor" doing here? Since when did the difference between Civil Engineering Failure (the flooding of New Orleans 8/29/05) and Natural Disaster (hurricane Katrina striking MS 8/29/05) become a "simple matter of semantics"??? Right off the bat I'd say when the Corps tried to tell the world news --not a week after they flooded the City-- that our flood walls were "over-topped" by Storm Surge, when In Fact they failed from beneath, below design spec, at half load capacity.
The difference between Man Made Civil Engineering Disaster and Natural Disaster is a non-simple, non-semantic Difference that makes a Difference --indeed
has made an Incredible Difference in the way we view our recovery from either, locally and nationally.
In drive-by talk-radio commentary, NO City Business attempts to label an organization like
levees.org that is trying to spread the truth
as one that is dabbling in semantics.Isn't that kinda semantic booger'flick on its own?
NO City Business apparently doesn't
DO the
Accuracy and Accountability Thingy in Journalism, or they would
disclose the owner's Conflict of Interest in his board activities with LSU Medical et al, their coverage and
dismissive, derisive blog postings on Rebuilding Charity Hospital.
Their editorially compromised position
there begs the question
here as to what foreskin they have in the Corps' shell-game.
There is a salient difference (that makes a difference) between Public Relations "News" Media and Actual Journalism, as is apparently aptly illustrated by NO City Business. But, Editilla is beyond fed-up with a "news" media that Fails To
Get It, that continues to Pee Down Our Leg and tell us It Was Katrina.
Fletcher Mackel says he 'can be objective and also enjoy the ride' when it comes to New Orleans Saints~Dave Walker~Editilla Crow'tellas~ Here is a Pristine Example of how it is done, how one Journalist Editillero Gumshoe
GETS IT!And as well, here is also why it matters...
"The birthday jersey – a treasured keepsake, a survivor of the post-Katrina London Avenue Canal levee failure that flooded Mackel’s childhood home in Gentilly with 9 feet of water – represents a challenge to anyone covering the Saints in New Orleans this season."The MRGO Monster Mash ~slabbed
Crime-camera vendors win $16.3 million from Dell, Greg Meffert, others in civil trial
~David HammerRecord rainfall made October one of the wettest months on record
~Mark "Big Schleif" Schleifstein
Women gaining ground in the oilfield~Kathrine Schmidt~In oil production and exploration, women make up 7.2 percent of the workforce in Terrebonne and 15 percent in Lafourche compared with 10 percent statewide, according to the Louisiana Workforce Commission.
~In manufacturing, which in Houma often means oilfield components, women make up 13 percent of the workforce in Terrebonne and 20 percent in Lafourche compared with 19 percent statewide.
~In transportation and warehousing, the category that includes marine occupations common in Houma-Thibodaux, Terrebonne and Lafourche lag behind the rest of the state in terms of female workers, with 12 and 10 percent respectively. Statewide, the average is 16 percent, but the numbers also include clerical and administrative positions.
~The situation is equally disparate when it comes to pay.
Musician Sonny Landreth 'sliding' around the world ~Steven K LandryBy early 2010, Sonny Landreth will have his own signature slide-guitar Stratocaster series, an honor normally reserved for the Eric Claptons and Jeff Becks of the world. But, around Acadiana, fans knew of 58-year-old Landreth’s genius since the early 1970s when he first jammed with zydeco king Clifton Chenier.
His hard-to-describe style will be on display Friday and Saturday at Rock’n’Bowl in New Orleans.