The Mormons Are Upset?
~Gentilly Girl~"Fuck those Magic Underwear idiots. You fuckmooks, you create your own paranoias.
The 'white powder attacks' are probably from your own in a blatant attempt to poison the feelings about those who oppose your actions. Having lived in 'Mormon-held territory',
I wouldn’t put it past you."
Jury awards $2.5 million to teen beaten by mentally challenged KKK Gimperial Wiz'rd'Brains
Jindal Ethics~C.B. Forgotston
~Your Right Hand Thief
City Council president supports colleague in war of words with Mayor Recall Ray Nogin
~Frank Donze and Bruce Eggler
As a matter of fact,
Veronica White is a liar.
~Mouldy City
Coming up in this week’s Gambit: The Stacy Head- Veronica White Tag-Team
Talk to the Hand Edition
Welcome to the petition forum Recalling Mayor C. Ray Nogin
~Recall Ray Nogin~People Get Ready
~Recall Ray Nogin MySpace
In Defense of Mayor Nogin
(Part II)~We Could Be Famous
Unreviewed Demolition
~Squandered Heritage
Land-use anxieties simmer in east N.O.~Michelle Krupa
Some officials question impact of diversions on coastal efforts
~Amy Wold

~The Thibodaux-based estuary program started
La Fête d’Écologie 12 years ago as a fun way to educate participants about the rich resources and heritage of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary.
Atchafayala Basin Festival
Working for Uncle Sam'Daddy ~BBuzz ~“The Industry Day event will promote an open dialogue between the Corps and industry leaders on design considerations, construction techniques, and material availabilities that will expedite construction of
the Western Tie In,” said Mike Stack, project manager.
“The event’s presentation will address specific challenges related to the project due to its proximity to the Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion project, such as dewatering procedures and limited construction access.”
For those interested in attending the forum, please register for the event at
The solicitation number is W912P8-09-SN-0004.
Non-registered guests are also welcome to attend.
KBR's Convenient Contract
~Citizens for Legitimate Gov.
Halliburton's offshoot, KBR, is awarded a $75 million U.S. Army Corps contract to provide emergency power to Western states days before a wildfire sweeps California, 'threatening the power of the city of Los Angeles. Now, that's what I call a coincidence!
Tarp trouble?~Koran Addo
~Parishes participating in the federal Operation Blue Roof repair program after Hurricane Gustav slammed into Louisiana could be on the hook to pay back millions of dollars to the federal government, a cost many officials say caught them off guard.
Army Corps: Rural water system 'looks like a go'~Drew Pierson
~Caddo Parish, Bossier Parish and the city of Shreveport have formed a regional water initiative to build two water treatment plants on the Red River, intended to create the first parishwide water system in the area.
A Pirate Map for Future Water Wars~Annalee Newitz
New La. refinery slated
~Gary Perilloux
Blind Faith, Sea of Joy
~Blind Faith utilizes a deep-draft semi-submersible hull located about 160 miles southeast of New Orleans, La., on Mississippi Canyon block 650. Chevron’s deepest offshore production facility, Blind Faith is located in 6,500 feet of water, and with sub-sea systems located in 7,000 feet of water in Mississippi Canyon blocks 695 and 696.
Cities, Schools & States Send Over 87 Million "Blackboard Connect" Messages During Hurricane Season
Random thursday night at the Gold Mine ~Louis Maistros
Rope-a-Dope does the Big Apple

Terence Blanchard completes score for 'Cadillac Records'
~Urban Music Scene
Movie role hardly a stretch for jazz musician~Larry Blumenfeld