~Hat Tip~Levees.org!~AP Video
The Army Corps of Engineers can be held liable for flood damage caused by a "hurricane highway," a navigation channel that is believed to have funneled Hurricane Katrina's storm surge into the city, a federal judge ruled Friday.
The Corps of Engineers had argued that it was immune from liability because the channel is part of New Orleans' flood control system. The law says the federal government cannot be sued if something goes wrong with a flood control project such as a levee, reservoir or dam.Judge Stanwood Duval dismissed that argument, saying the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, or MRGO, was clearly a ship channel and not a flood control project.

~Serious Eats
Today's Fess'chedule
~Jazz Fest OZ'Blog
Jazzfest: In New Orleans, a Tendency Toward Heritage
~Jon Parales - NY Times
Police break up Treme
jazz funeral!
Last Saturday, Jodelle Quinn, 14, spent her morning dancing behind the casket of Tyrone Wilson, her track coach. Then a New Orleans Police Department squad car, sirens and bullhorn blaring, halted the brass band tribute. "Move it along," the police loudspeaker blared, Quinn and others in the post-funeral parade recalled. "Disperse."~Editilla laments~Who, and more poignantly from where are these police officers with the Bad Manners to disrupt a funeral? What officer on this force has never seen a funeral in New Orleans? From whence has such evil come? No self respecting Louisianan I have ever met would speak that way to a funeral mourner--I don't care what color they are or where the funeral is happening.
The order was given as mourners marched, without impeding traffic, in the pedestrian path underneath the Claiborne Avenue overpass.
Who are these people? Thank you, Times Picayune. This article is welcome --but sorely fruitless without calling out da'evil in das'boots on our Neutral Grounds.
By not giving us the names of these perps,
you encourage the Procedures of da'Culture'fornicators,
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
trespassers up'on our Faith.
Who was the Cop on the Bull Horn? Who are these thugs?
Who is giving this Order for the Police to Enforce?
Who will be "just following orders" when the NOPD Tasers parade mourners? This will happen. So, can we stop it now before it happens this time? What will the cops actually do if a second line parade refuses to disperse? Gas them like the Nazis did to those who did not opposed them? Will they use batons on citizens dancing to New Orleans Music?
Why do they want to hurt us?
Who will be the one to say in court, as at Nuremberg:
"I was just following orders."?
We cannot allow the Police to hide behind Policy. Nein!
Ve vant the Names of every Officer who is involved vith this.
The Nazis hid their mass murder genocide behind procedure and it took humanity years to hunt down those fuckless yella'cowards
--despite congenitally apathetic major press media!
BlackWater is hiding their murders behind proceedure. We are begining to hide the entire War in Iraq behind Procedure.
We need to know the names of the Officials behind this assfuck
--especially those who have yet to oppose such Hieneous Policy.
Please do not get used to mercenary rape as Public Policy as it only encourages the rapists to believe that we like getting punked.
Please find out the very cops on this beat. Who is making this call?
New Version of 'Blackwater'
to Be Released in late May 2008
~Jeremy Scahill
The rocket scientists in the State Capital voted to allow college students to bear arms on campus~Mosquito Coast
New Orleans Nagin Responds To Television Newscast 3-1-1 Calls
Can Nagin Just Say Yes?
~Clancy DuBos
Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

Sean Penn's Activist Caravan On the Road to New Orleans
~Editilla gotta tol'yaz~Why the hugemoungous picture?
Weeellll...I jus'wanna know two things:
1-Is that really my boy Sean, standing there so Sean Penn'sively by the bus and looking out at America ahead of him, and hence New Orleans in the distance, both all languished'up in da'haze of our flooded cookie'crumbled civilization? Or, as yer Editeurilla oh'so paranoidickally opindas, not God but Bono trying to look like Sean Penn, or an individualist "Sean Penn-Lookin'Guy", sans'cigarello?
Young Pat says it is "Mr.Penn" but Iiiiii don'know...
amongst all'dat it's hard to tell which one is da'real Lomax.
2-are all the guys actually wearing similar, easy'ridin
Sean Pennsal Shades of Hades to view said Glaring Damn'Nation,
wit'Sean Penn'sational Heart'O'Dark T's and Populists Dungarees
in which to mark da'stations of da'nation?
And'a 3- Who'gonna tell Lady about bare feetses in New Orleans?
And'a...4-Y'all suuuurrre got'some puuuurrr-tee lips, ain't ya?
Dirty Hands Caravan Diary
Bush's Incompetence on Film
"By chance this week, I watched When the Levees Broke in my Hurricane Katrina in Historical Perspective class and then No End in Sight at home. These two films are great documents to show the historical incompetence of the Bush administration."
Gideons take another judicial whuppin’~Defeasance
Magazines still covering Katrina recovery efforts
Drummer Stanton Moore Puts Music in Parentheses:
Second Line (Strut)
And Grace Will Lead Me Home: Aaron Neville Returns to New Orleans Jazzfest
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
~Editilla thanks'ya, Ms. D-B. Sometimes it just hurts, still pointing in the turning world.
CBC 77: Dave Anderson interview part 2
~Contrabass Conversations