CCCC 2008 Blogging New Orleans: Locals Creating Reality Online~Doctor Daisy
"But There Was a Catch"
~Harry Shearer
New Orleans Faces A Storm Of Foreclosures
Correction to This Article~Because of incorrect information from a company spokesman, a Sept. 6, 2005, Business article about Wal-Mart's hurricane relief efforts misstated the number of trucks filled with donated merchandise the chain sent to the Gulf Coast. It was about 100, not 1,500.
Debunking Wal-Mart's Hurricane Relief Efforts
~Philip Mattera
Editorilla rebellas~I
n posting the two articles above, though dated, we hope to confront and counter the recent surge upon the News Loa of articles
(including a surprisingly thorough one from our own TP) and particularly
conservative blog posts in response to this
recently published study by economist
Steven Horwitz--which itself presents a Disaster Tour de Force.
This recent inundation of publicity serves to redirect public view and refocuses the
framing of the issue of Walmart,
from that of a billion dollar baby of local-tax subsidization, labor exploiting, outsourcing, asphalt global bemouth
to a Freidmaniacal pro-鸡
农场工人母亲笨蛋 / Private Sector~vs~ Federal / Public Sector "discussion" of the sterling efficiency sans efficacy of the overall
Shock Doctinair response to the wake of Katrina's devastation of the Gulf coast and subsequent Federal flood of New Orleans--and by extension the devastating
Tsunami of just 8 months previous. (Whew! Long one there, folks. Sorry. I know there is a prescription to treat "Foot-In-Mouth Disease", but I cant deal wit'da residule special effects, such as...mamalian protruberances, aka: man'breasts.) The study rightly focuses on local networking and response, but it lenses a bit too far to'da Dark Side around questions of accountability--ergo~Corps issues of liability--fo'ya poor Editorilla.
母亲肛门笨蛋 is coming up for reelection in Federal Court regarding
disability discrimination and
criminal labor practices.
To quote Mr Horwitz:
"Disaster response happens at the local level. FEMA is not local to anyone except people who live in Washington, D.C." And,
沃尔玛 拘谨的世界肯玩偶 is...what? Follow the money, Speedo. This is an effort to further blur the
legal distinctions of liability between pursuit of corporate profits
vs inalienable rights, public interest
vs private greed, subsidy via tax loopholes
vs disaster recovery aid, perpetual war
vs lasting peace...the industry of habitual conflict and contradiction
vs the Art of Paradox instilled in our evolutionary tendency towards novelty.
In short (HA!), like other Corps issues, Editorilla has come to know this overt Public Relations Tactical Leakage (P.R.T.L) as Organizing da'Public Parydigm (O.d'P.P), in advance of the
纷乱长卷毛狗监狱猫 lawsuits, as if sewing the killing fields of
Disaster Capitalism with pretty flowers for the eponymous New World Order. See the pretty flowers? We have already paid
沃尔玛 googallons more money than we have invested in FEMA since the Bush Ubbernazi'conservatilexic Business State (B.U.B.S.) began dismantling it and Santoramoniously drount'dat Baby in da'bat water, or hurricane --which'eva comes foist ya'know. Soooo they damn well better get ready to step up when Goddess comes again, a'knockin with an eye for distraction, ready to dance on the Eve of Destruction...or go figure where we gonna go make our groceries, eh---which'eva comes foist ya'know?
Sinn Féin~
新芬党~Hat/T'n'T to
Lee In China for the translation site link. However the characters may come onto other's computers printed as "???" is hoped that the links will still take you there as well.
SPP groupies launch public relations assault prior to New Orleans summit~Integrate This~With three weeks to go until the Security and Prosperity Partnership leaders summit in New Orleans, the usual suspects have launched a barrage of policy papers to try and sway the public agenda towards even deeper economic and security integration than has been proposed to date.
Editilla sphinxters da'Sphingomyelin~Security and Prosperity Partnership???. Brrrr...this is beginning to sould like the a page out of the Myanmar Times or a script from some Kafka Rock Opera: "The Sibling Butchers of Beijing and Rangoon!" But hey, if das'boot fits (their O.P.P) we always Bear (Sterns) it?
'Disaster Tour' of Beauvoir grounds now openLa. Supreme Court upholds Katrina flood exclusions
LA Supremes drive their “chevy to the levee” - Sher comes up dry (Updated)~Slabbed
Insurers Racking Up the Wins in Katrina-Homeowner Litigation
State Farm wants damages from sisters who took Hurricane Katrina records
Corps, state watching river levels, levee stress~Current levels here.
Conflicting priorities snare ‘Big Muddy’ restoration
~EarthNews~The Army Corps of Engineers has been working since 2004 to dismantle a century’s worth of damming and ditching that cut off about 72 miles of the meandering Missouri River that was once the longest in North America.~Gentlilla readers might reasonably ask what damn foolery originated all of this infrustructure that now must be removed? You guessed it: our beloved Exquixotic Corps of 'Engineers'--everywhere you want to be! Remember the Corps Creed: Two wrongs may not make it right--but they damn sure make more project engineering work.New Orleans Archdiocese Releases Church Plans~View Map of Closings and Mergers
A Prayer for New Orleans from ASB ‘08
"Aid did not come from the national commonwealth
Aid came from the hearts of ordinary citizens like you and me.
If patriotism does not exist
In the passion of the steadfastness and commitment to duty we exhibited;
We bear no nationality"
The rebuilding of a city called New OrleansEagle Rock makes service trip to New Orleans
Spring Break ’08: Helping out in New Orleans~"Someone needs to step up to the plate. If 20 students from every university went to the Lower Ninth Ward, it could be rebuilt in a matter of months.”~Rachel Craig, a Mount Vernon High School alum among 57 Marquette students who spent a week there drywalling and doing ceiling work in what was left of the home of a 100-year-old woman.
WA Volunteers moved by work in New Orleans~"I don't think any of us will ever be the same. I don't think any of us will think of that region the same again," Don Backman told the congregation.
~Editilla humbly asks that our gentle readers take the time (as have I) to contact these volunteers we hang onto da'Ladda--AND THANK THEM? Many of them are on their 3rd and 4th or more trips to help rebuild our fair City That Care Forgot NOT! Many are planning even more work trips. Aside from just basic manners, they deserve our gratitude for their efforts to understand and help our city, despite the breadth of its uniqueness and strangness to anything they may have ever imagined possible. These tens of thousands of volunteers deserver applause as they illustrate the continuation--nay, the creative insurrgence--of our national cultural narrative.
When they go back to their own hometowns to tell their stories, show their pictures, these citizens not only manifest the joy and pain of bearing witness to our damnation, but they also thusly expose the perpetrators of this crime against humanity while presenting a just cause for its soulution without absolution. This is why we have begun to try to post their stories more often, especially the ones they tell their neighbors back home in da'heartland. As with all good things I have heard said about New Orleans, the word Enjoy remains a moving verb after all.
Walking Distance in Garden District~Chowhound
Making of Glass Houses: New Orleans post #1
French Quarter Festival This Weekend Yea!!!
New HowlPop! OOOH'YEAH!!!