July 4th, Ani DiFranco, Blue Nile, British Petroleum, Barack Obama
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Happy Birthday Mominem!
~Hat Tweets ~Today's Events: America parties in Broadmoor, Bywater, Algiers and da Quarters
~: Celebrate With A Bang: Fireworks Schedule For New Orleans Area ~ Happy 4th, New Orleans
The American Cajun~Wendy Rodrigue
~George Rodrigue also uses his portraits of politicians to reinforce this Cajun American pride, such as this campaign painting of former Governor Edwin Edwards, a Cajun from Crowley, Louisiana.
1987~Editilla Beautellas~ We know some folks get weird about his Blue Dog all over the place, but I've loved Rodrigue's paintings for years and have no problem with the man making it big. He paid his dues and continues to give back to the state and New Orleans. I'm particularly into his swamp works.
His home in the Marigny is near my former writing studio, where I rode out the storm and Federal Flood for 7 days. About a year before that, we met one morning on the banquette, dog walking. My Flora just loved him immediately. I didn't find out until later who we'd met. That's still cool enough for me. Dogs know...
High River Journey~Nola Defender~This spring, Brett Ciccotelli set out from Pittsburgh in a kayak. He was headed for New Orleans via the Mississippi River, chronicling the communities and adjacent industry along the way. On the day we celebrate America, Ciccotelli recounts his southward paddle, reminding us of the many ways the country is connected.
Complex Systems Engineering Principles-Active Response and Soft Failure: A visit to the US Army Corps of Engineers in New Orleans
~New England Complex Systems Institute
Katrina-like chaos may be avoided by new military command~The Defense Department is grooming a new type of commander to coordinate the military response to domestic disasters, hoping to save lives by avoiding some of the chaos that plagued the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort.The officers, called dual-status commanders, would be able to lead both active-duty and National Guard troops -- a power that requires special training and authority because of legal restrictions on the use of the armed forces on U.S. soil.
Oysters may survive river flooding
~Nikki Buskey
Video: Montana Oil Spill in Yellowstone River
~Deja Vu All Over Again: The state's governor says ExxonMobil is guessing about extent of damage.