In a high-stakes legal drama that stretches from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., federal prosecutors are poised to file criminal campaign finance charges against prominent L.A. attorney, Peirce O'Donnel, but his lawyers are fighting back, questioning whether his outspoken criticism of the Bush administration has made him the target of a political prosecution.
The current investigation involves $28,000 in contributions (chump change) to Edwards.
According to sources close to O'Donnell, the lawyer has told prosecutors that he would be willing to admit to arranging for the contributions and reimbursing his employees if he was allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, which would allow him to retain his law license.
In their bid to persuade prosecutors that filing a felony would be unfair, they have identified 21 cases since 2000 in which people or businesses accused of similar or worse offenses were fined by the Federal Elections Commission as opposed to being prosecuted.
In some of those (and similar cases) the defendants tried to conceal their conduct by making cash reimbursements or disguising the payments as phony bonuses, salary increases or reimbursement for legitimate work-related expenses.
O'Donnell wrote personal checks to his employees to reimburse them and turned over all of his records to the government when he learned he was under investigation, a source close to the lawyer said.
Editilla notes (emphasis all mine) that even Bush's own attorney during the Coup d'etat in the theft of our 2000 Presidential Election thinks that this is extreme behavior for the Gonzales/Rove Justice Deptartment:
"There are very legitimate questions as to how one can justify imposing a professional death penalty (Felony) over this type of conduct,"O'Donnell's attorneys are not the first to raise questions about politically motivated prosecutions by the Justice Department under George W. Bush.
said George Terwilliger III, a high- powered Republican attorney who served as the No. 2 official in George H.W. Bush's Justice Department and played a key role on George W. Bush's legal team during the Florida election recount.
Lawyers across the country began making such arguments after then-Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales was accused of terminating eight U.S. attorneys on political grounds in 2006. Such claims are hard to prove and have had mixed results.
~Editilla tollin'yaz~
The US Corps of Engineers is...
Everywhere you want to be!
~Rest uneasy Gentle'rillas as the Exquixotic Corps IS everywhere. Shit in one hand half a dozen in the other. On one hand we have Private First Class Fuck'mouths like past LA ASCE President, Nameless Tim Ruppert,
anonymously attacking this local blogger in my own comment section like a phantom Rovian Corps'whisperer, innuendo and out the other.
His attempt to publicly smear real engineer Robert Bea as a paid litigant failed upon the evidence, like oil on a laughing duck's back. But Poor Tim's real target is of course the $1/4M, ILIT study performed, finished and released shortly after the flood which contradicts much of the Corps-directed ASCE $30M, IPET study--yet to be released due to Corps intransigence. He learned this tactic from ASCE PR seminars and watching Carl Rove,
to wit: misdirection from the facts with whisper innuendo, so as to marginalize the lead opposing Engineer, and by implication this blog <--which considers the Corps guilty of negligent homicide at best and pukes every time we consider the ASCE's Project Engineering Incestuous Relationship (PEIR) with the Corps, or and the establishment of the 8/29 Investigation or anyone else clamoring for independent redress on the federal flooding of our city, the sub-standard building of our failed levee system and the unsafe, unsound faux repair job on those levees.
Anything else but the engineering of those levees, eh Nameless Tim Ruppert?
Then on another hand we also have Gerald Galloway, Ruppert's fellow ASCE President (National), former Corps Commander, board member of Titan Corporation and lead author of the non-peer reviewed 1993 Midwestern Flood Report (interesting to see where these assholes turn up, eh, as a rising tide floats all goats?) going around the country spin'filtrating to every major media outlet from the NY Times to the LA Times the story that everyone but the Corps is responsible for their Catastrophic Engineering Failures in 1993, this past summer and of course, by implication and misdirection, the Flood of New Orleans in 2005.
And now on the Third Hand Path we must add to the match of this American Battle Royal the Rove/Gonzales Political Machine as they go after whoever dares to take on this Corps malfeasance in Federal court.
(Get ready Insurance lawsuit attorneys.)
But yer oh'so humble Editilla travels the Back Hand Path
and we refuse to take this shit Sinn Féin. Nevermore!
Who will be the next contestants on The Vice is Right?
Rep. Melancon files bill that would authorize 8/29 Investigation Team
Midwest flood relief must wait
Put Army Base On New Britain Brownfield~It seems everyone has gotten the message about smart growth planning these days — except the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Exqixotic Corp's attempts to locate a new reserve training center in Middletown, CT have gone from one bad site to another. Unless someone intervenes, this will be a disaster.
KBR Corps Concentration Camps
On January 24, 2006, KBR, which was still a subsidiary of Halliburton at the time, got a contract from the Department of Homeland Security, “to support the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities in the event of an emergency.” The press release on KBR’s website further stated that the contract has a “maximum total value of $385 million over a five-year term, consisting of a one-year based period and four one-year options, the competitively awarded contract will be executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District.
Fuck you you fucking fucks.

Go home, and quit looking at my home as simply a chance to line your wallets.
Fuck you Army Corps of Engineers. You are so full of yourself, and you don’t have clue fucking one. Building levees on jello. You should be tried and convicted of treason, or mass murder. Fuck you all, let’s give our money to the Dutch – they seem to have this shit figured out.~Dr. Ashley Morris~Herolero
Get your stylee FYYFF t'shirts at Dirty Coast.
Update Art Action fo'da Auction from Nola Rising.