Rangoon In the Eye of the Storm as Cyclone Nargis Rips Ancient City of Burma~Pan Bay Dah
Observers here estimate that it needs years of endeavors to rebuild the city. Winds of 130-150 mph recorded as storm is expected to linger into days.
Burma damage will take days to assess - UN
Local residents complains for no help after deadly cyclone~"These people only know how to beat up people".Judge rejects Army Corps of Engineers immunity over Katrina
~Editilla schillas~Just as we have show Gentle'Rillas in
posts past... to wit: how news moved around the Internet about the Corps' January legal victory over New Orleans in Judge Duvall's court, over responsibility for their failures,
this article today is also all over the place in a hundred different posts on aggregate search engines. How aggregratifying is that, eh? So I will go ahead and post it from time to time. Basically the same article but in different media. Nice to know the Internet cares not for whom da'Bell tolls.
Now we need to get ready, mark our calendars for the
SEPTEMBER 8th, 2008 Trial!When the Court case happens--which also happens to be right after the 3rd Anniversary of the Federal Flood.
--Editeurilla wondas what will come from the
Rising Tide 3/?
Anyone else up fo'little ass'kickin on'da Corps? Hmmmm?
We must get on top of this court case and promote the world's focus. What else is happening that month in New Orleans?
Why, the major Great Google/YouTube Presidential Forum!
Who'dat Gon'beat da'Saints Today? Editilla begs ta'diffa!
We stay on the Exquixotic Corps
~like sweat from'da Reaper's brow,
~like red rain on'da sacred cow,
~like file' in'da bowl,
~like water in'da hole,
we do gris gris fo'da soul!H/TnT-
Michael RiveroA Short Geologic History of New Orleans~Eric WilderUPDATE THINGY!
~Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia really schillan and crowin now~
Thank you, Noble'Rillas! The Ladda, just this moment, passed 6000 hits! Wow! That is a thing to me, though we know it ain't mosquito flatulence to yer dedidedly NOT average
Nola Blogger.
There are people all over da'woilt watching out for our Fair City from this Ladder--and they will be there in New Orleans for the 3rd Anniversary if yer oh'so humble Editeurilla has a say in da'matter!
Next week (11th of May) will mark 6 months since we launched this stray puppy and, wit'yer help Ladda'Rillas, our Little Lady seems to be growing into quite da'Funky Bitch!
Dem Wins Long-Held Louisiana Republican Congressional Seat~OpEd News
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band Enters Into Distribution Agreements with Wolfgang's Vault
Day 2, May 2nd - 2nd Weekend
~Thanks Mel, Music Road Man
Editilla is lovin this site for photo coverage of Jazz Fest. It is the easiest and quickest to navigate with each pic leading to more pics, all notated--and nary a mike stand in a performers face! Mel gets Editlilla's
Yowzah Bowzah Award for for Rockin'da'Rollin!Today's Fess'chedule~Jazz Fest OZ'BlogWWOZ ~WTUL