From inspiration comes action, so we want to give you, our loyal FilmBuffs an unique opportunity: write a letter to your state senator and discuss what measures need to be taken to protect your community and prevent devastating natural disasters like this (here Editilla gotta axe: do they mean the US Army Corps of Engineers?) from crippling your town. Submit your letter to both your senator and also, via our team here, to Harry Shearer. Harry, the director of the The Big Uneasy, will personally select the best letter. Should that letter be yours, you will win a trip to New Orleans where Harry himself will guide you on a exciting tour of this great city and together you will witness first hand some of the renewal areas.
~Editilla Parentheticates~ We're a fan of this writer and follow him on Twitter. But, I don't care if you are Elvis' little brother, New Orleans was not flooded by a Natural Disaster named Katrina but by a man-made civil engineering failure named the US Army Corps of Engineers.
In the real world, we call such a miss-framing of the man-made Federal Flood that devastated New Orleans as "Katrina the Natural Disaster": Katrina Shorthand. In the 5 years I've watched battle this misconception in the American Press, it seemed to have slackened to a trickle due to that group's unrelenting efforts to correct editors and journalists. Yet, here we are after the 6th Anniversary of that Man Made Disaster, and we find a local journalists/content writer doing it like they're some jail-punk at the AP. I don't even need to mention how antithetical this is to the entire premise of The Big Uneasy. They should watch the movie before trying to Katrina Shorthand it.
Roll on Red Bull!
~Hat Tweet @humidhaney
We Are Not Ready For Some Football...
~Library Chronicles
Concern in crisis adds to stress: human impact of oil leak studied~Jordan Blum
~Having strong roots and community commitment can actually lead to more stress and health problems, especially in times of crisis, according to a new LSU study.

Army Corps Bribe Case Includes Alleged Threat to Kill Witness ~Bloomberg