My letter to the President @ @ 1 in the forking AM...
Dear Mr. President.
when you meet with PM Cameron on Tuesday please let's not do the reverse bend-over Lord Chamberlain thing, ok?
BP has completely controlled this situation, which has lost you the next election. Yet, if you bow down to this oil crime, as it seems your every action indicates, you can forget about another term in office.
Americans have watched you defer to British Petroleum at every turn of BP's self-created disaster. We are at the mercy of unfathomable threats to our shores. And you have given BP every opportunity to profit at our expense.
But if you bend over and take it from Cameron, then I won't have any respect left for you, and shall fear for the soundness of our democracy.
You have somehow believed your advisers and felt it was OK to go on vacation while the Gulf Coast of Your Country is dying. Wrong. Bad Move that one.
No Golf. No pretty pictures for you until your Nation is protected and healed.
I mean, come on.
You are losing Afghanistan.
You are losing the Gulf of Mexico.
You don't seem to be on the ball with infrastructure jobs either. So, what else do you have to offer but salvation for Wall Street?
What? I'm genuinely confused here.
No Space Program.
No National Rail System.
No Infrastructure Investment to speak of, so what will you do in the next 2 years to salvage your squandered presidency? What?
This oil crime is ridiculous and you need to land on it. Failure here will doom your chances for a 2nd term. Nobody will vote for your handing us over to the British.
Sounds simple, because it is simple. You have nothing else really working for the people. Nothing.
I'm just wondering why you haven't fired these people who have completely ruined your presidency.
If you come down to the Gulf just to SQUAT ON THE BEACH one more time, then I will know you did not receive this letter.
Thank you,
Editilla the Pun