Somali pirates drown with ransom ~"There has been human and monetary loss but what makes us feel sad is that we don't still have the dead bodies of our relatives. Four are still missing and one washed up on the shore," Abukar Haji, the uncle of one of the dead men, said. Editilla can't hold it~Aaaaawww poor Pirates!
Savannah's Port: Corps foot-dragging~The Savannah River deepening is one of the most studied projects in U.S. history. It's had input from the U.S. departments of Commerce and the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency and Georgia and South Carolina resource agencies - not to mention environmental groups and concerned citizens. Still, the Corps announced in October that it wants another six months of economic impact study, followed by an additional six months to deliberate over the findings of the new research. That means we're still up to 10 months away from a resolution. Area to miss deadline to certify Big Ditch levees ~The Wichita Eagle
Eli, Eli lama sabachthani? Three arrested as New Orleans police remove parishioners keeping vigil at closed Uptown churches~At least three people have been arrested today after the Archdiocese of New Orleans sent police to two occupied Catholic churches to remove parishioners who for more than nine weeks have participated in a vigil in resistance to a closure plan. Police were instructed to arrest occupiers if they continue to resist, with Archbishop Alfred Hughes deciding "It's time to bring this to a close," spokeswoman Sarah Comiskey said.
NOLA Crime Watch: Citizens as “co-creators rather than subjects.”~Humid City Topics covered in this Citizen Crime Watch letter: 1~We could use some more of that sunshine disinfectant around here. 2~When the police respond to your 911 call, they’re already too late. 3~Strike Against Crime. 4~Police Violence? 5~Remembering Ja’Shawn Powell. We could use some more of that sunshine disinfectant around here. Lessons learned. Painful lessons learned. That’s one way to characterize the experience of living in post-Katrina New Orleans.
Getting our housing in order ~slabbed Port of New Orleans, city spar over future of wharves. Riverfront could get park, or poultry firm~Jen DeGregorio ~Editilla Notellas~ There is Clear and Present Dangers in placing and transporting Anhydrous Ammonia for refridgerant, over 50,000 pounds of it, right in the middle of our World Class Tourist Center right next to the US Mint, the French Market, current river park benches, future park, Washington Park, Frenchman Street, established NOCCA High School and the very neighborhood where Editilla did the Federal Flood of '05. Special thanks for lede photo from this Website: Building a time bomb~Best site for This Info. ~video here~Editilla would like to Remind Everyone that 50,000 pounds of Anhydrous Ammonia ain't nothing to sneeze at, and it is the Stupid Shot that will Kill You Every Time! This unbelievable discussion should not even be happening. We started posting on this Dangerous Issue back in the summer, then again in December, and again today. Same issue. At no time has the Times Picayune reported one single word on these inherent dangers of this Anhydrous Ammonia... ---despite our continued pleading with them to do so. Thank youz Sean Cummings for opposing this. As we redesign our riverfront, the Freight system along this stretch of river will have to move to accommodate our safety. That is really the 600 Godzillian Pound Gorrilla in this discussion. Those Train Tracks will have to be dealt with eventually. The day before Katrina we counted over 75 Tank Cars of Extremely Dangerous Materials parked all along the flood wall for their safety --not our safety. There were dozens of these tank cars filled with Sulfuric Acid, Anhydrous Ammonia and other stuff that kills on contact. Still Responding to UNO engineering professor's Folsehoods ~Editilla gotta toll'yaz~ We always enjoy moving a post from day to day (composting) if their comments section stays as active on an Issue as this one. Damn Rollicking I'd say! Corps of Engineers to survey Metairie side of 17th Street Canal ~Sheila Grissett
Why I’m Here ~Michael Patrick Welch ~Editilla Crow'ellas~ Hey y'all, I have gotten myself wrapped up in a tilla'rant & dust'up with a real Music Writah over on THE Gambit! Hahahaha... come on over and join the partay! Gentle'rillas know well how Po'Editilla can stick my foot in it! Hahahaha.... really though, THE Gambit always does that to me. I often end up saying more there, on the Blog of New Orleans, than I would here --or in more polite company. It is like they have some mysterious, ho'jo boo'rah animagnatizm spell'checkah goin'on or some'ting. But then again, much of the Nola Blog'0'reamery seems like an open savanah complete with wild animals and hunters and everything you need to survive. They often will write these little posts and have comments post the post post post... HA! But yesterday on THE Gambit I found one of those Petulant Feudalist Tart Mall Rat'fink Music Writahs bitching about New Orleans. So about 1 in the morning I let him have it. Hehehe. An 8 YEAR VETERAN of the city (yawn) and NOVELIST to boot! If you don'beeleeve me then jus'ax'im. Hesayz New Orleans music needs to do this, New Orleans music needs to do that.... --like (get ready you know it's coming) like Austin. Well, Gentle'rillas may well imagine the flea that jumped up Editilla's Ass upon hearing such a piece of co-dependent Beotchwolfery! Slooooowly I toin! Step By Step, Inch By Inch, Miiiilllle By Mfkn Texas Mile! And I pick up a Rock... Album! I have been watching Music Mavens circling New Orleans for longer than 8 years. Circling like blinded vultures. The Crucifixion of August 29th, 2005 gave them all easy pickins. They land. Editilla pounce. Dat'who'dat in da'bayou state. Sinn Féin. He may be a Music Writah, but I. Am. A. Magazine.Readah!!!
Katrina Denial Has Already Begun~Pierce O'Donnell New Orleans City Council approves recovery money for hospitals, park, arts projects ~Bruce Eggler ~The total includes $75 million to prepare the site for the planned new Veterans Affairs hospital, $25 million to acquire the site for a hospital in eastern New Orleans, $70 million for New Orleans Redevelopment Authority property acquisitions and blight reduction programs, $30 million for a riverfront park in Bywater and Faubourg Marigny, and $15 million for a Canal Street "performing arts district. "Together with $102 million in LRA-financed programs approved for 2008, the 2009 recovery budget provides money for plenty of what Recovery Director Ed Blakely, almost two years ago, famously predicted would be a proliferation of "cranes on the skyline." But No Soup for Charity! Get'em Grrrrrillas! T&I Committee Tabs $85B for Infrastructure
A bit more on defensive blogging ~Major Jacob Bruhl ~Editilla Notellas with Extreme Prejudice~ This officer in Army Public Affairs has misunderestimated the difference between what he is attempting to sell as "Defensive Blogging" and the commentary of the survivors of his Corps' catastrophic failures, which I prefer to call "Offensive Blogging".
Restless Souls of the Irrawaddy Delta If you found a friend in God please ask them for direction to the places they left the restless souls to drown in their own damn'nation.