Jefferson Parish Commandeers BP-Hired Boats~WDSU
~Jefferson Parish Emergency Management has commandeered all of BP's hired boats on Grand Isle, parish Councilman Chris Roberts confirmed in an e-mail to WDSU on Saturday.
BP has more than 40 boats sitting behind the island, waiting idly as oil rushed into the passes headed toward the Barataria estuaries, Roberts said. The Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office will escort the boats to the Bays, where Roberts said they should have been for days. Sinn Féin Louisiana!
State closes southwest portion of Barataria Bay to all fishing
Fishermen Report Illness From BP Chemicals
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Keith Olberman on BP Cover-up
much'mo worse than we thought
*It appears that our US Coast Guard sold us out to BP!
A human WTF: Spelling out the toll of the leak~Thanks Katrina
Stick a Fork in Me~NOLA Notes
~Hat Tip~NOLA Femmes
Pimp and the Peahen
~Bayou Child
much'mo worse than we thought
*It appears that our US Coast Guard sold us out to BP!
A human WTF: Spelling out the toll of the leak~Thanks Katrina
Stick a Fork in Me~NOLA Notes
~Hat Tip~NOLA Femmes
Pimp and the Peahen
~Bayou Child
Half of Terrebonne boom lays idle ~As oil from the BP Oil Disaster makes its way toward Terrebonne Parish, half the boom that is supposed to keep it at bay bakes on a dock. Nearby, two skimmer boats that could be protecting the coast sit idle on trailers. Parish President Michel Claudet and Gov. Bobby Jindal said Friday those and other spill-response efforts must change quickly. They spoke of difficulties in getting answers from BP about these and other issues.
First Atlantic Invest, 90L is here oil now 350 miles west of Key West~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~This low has the potential to develop into the season's first named storm--Alex--and could be a threat to the Southeast U.S. coast by Tuesday.
Hurricane, Oil Spill Could Be Troubling Mix~NPR
Experts testify on grim ecological fallout from BP Oil Disaster
~The damaging effects of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will be felt all the way to Europe and the Arctic, a top scientist told a congressional panel Friday.
Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible
~Hundreds of miles of bayous and man-made canals crisscross the coast's exterior, offering numerous entry points for the crude.
~Editilla Notellas~We posted that quote because AP is grossly incorrect here. Rather than "hundreds", there are currently 10 major navigation canals and 9,300 miles of pipelines in coastal Louisiana serving about 50,000 oil and gas production facilities. These canals, which are perpendicular to the coast, have created new open water areas, drowning wetlands and allowing salt-water intrusion into freshwater ecosystems. The result—land loss hot spots. “There is also evidence,” the report says, “that extraction of large volumes of oil and gas has exacerbated the problems of inundation and saltwater intrusion”—that is, withdrawing oil and gas along geologic faults seems to exacerbate subsidence in coastal Louisiana.
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Deeper Into Loop Current (??) ~SkyTruth

No Phil those are not lawn mower parts washing ashore in Biloxi ~slabbed
Nungesser says Corps has rejected state’s plea for dredged oil barriers ~The Lens
Sand barrier idea faces bureaucratic delays, ecological questions
30 Days After: BP flounders while local community takes action~Humid Beings
An Irreplaceable National Treasure~Paul Harrison
~Hat Tip~LaCoastPost
Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office LOSCO Data Catalog
We Love Garland, wear him out with Pride!
Rep. Ed Markey: BP’s lying
More Than Just an Oil Spill
~Bob Herbert
BP, the Oil Flow and the Public Trust~In a column on The Times Op-Ed page, four scientists from a team of specialists independently assessing the volume of oil gushing from BP’s destroyed seabed well provide more evidence that the company cannot be trusted to put the public interest ahead of its corporate interests as this disaster continues to unfold. Here’s the researchers’ bottom line, followed by the full list of those involved in this effort, all of whom said they endorse today’s column: …Our assessments suggest that BP’s stated worst-case estimate of 60,000 barrels [a day] has been occurring all along. What matters most is that we take the steps to find out if it has. Starting now, BP and the government must begin using the best possible means to measure this spill, while preserving all records of events. On the ocean floor, we recommend acoustic velocimeters, high-rate video cameras and imaging sonar. For the underwater oil, sonobuoys could detect layers of oil, and undersea gliders could follow them autonomously. On the surface, military drone aircraft could find and track patches of oil headed for shore as well as conduct surveillance over this now gigantic spill. Like the methods we have used, these are all readily available solutions. No surgeon in an operating room would neglect an unvarnished assessment of a bleeding patient. In this disaster, an accurate measurement of the oil spill is no less important.
~Editilla Notellas~You will not find one single person from LSU on this list of esteemed scientists who have stepped up to get the truth straight. We wonder why. Could it be the funding that LSU receives from BP? Oh Snap! We wondered where they got all those robot submarines: SERPENT (Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing iNdustrial Technology) is a unique collaboration between the oil industry and the world of science. Since inception in 2002 by founding partners National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Subsea 7, BP, and Transocean the working partnership has grown steadily to include a number of worldwide organisations including a large number of academic institutes. The latest being LSU (Louisiana State University) School of the Coast and Environment.
~Funding for ethanol research at Audubon Sugar Institute has come from several sources. This year, the U.S. Department of Energy provided a grant of $980,000, and BP has given an additional $400,000.
Now we start to see why scientists like Ivor van Heerden make Industry Think Tanks like LSU such a nervous dull boy.
LSU Hawking "Spill Go-To Guy"
Next Up: David Letterman Show
In a fit to distract from the Bad Publicity over their being sued this week for the Wrongful Termination of renowned coastal scientist and rurricane herollero Ivor van Heerden --complete with the Judge unhesitatingly issuing a Physical Restraining Order against the university-- LSU seems intent on Swinging Out the Counter-PR! Ashley Berthelot, science and research editor for LSU Media Relations, said her office has been inundated with requests for interviews with Ed Overton. “He’s the guy,” she said.
“The international media are coming to LSU researchers to explain this situation, which shows we have internally renowned experts.” On Monday, Overton is scheduled to be a guest on “Late Night with David Letterman.”
Oh now that will be so fun! What will LSU do to Overton if his research leads him to another Big Funding Source: BP?
Faggetaboutit.. given his own deptartement's funding sources. (Please search "Sponsors Alphabetical")
How'bout MMS: $13,283,730 or Corps of Engineers: $392,494?
Actually, the more I search this LSU site the sicker I get. You will also find Irv Mendelssohn, who was an absolute appeasement idiot this week on NPR. LSU is just rolling them out to the National Media. Everyone has wondered what "funding" was threatened by Ivor van Heerden nailing the Corps of Engineers. Here you have it in spades. No, the Corps "doesn't lobby"...
---but all their friends sure as hell do.
Professor swept up in oil disaster
James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'~"I think they actually believe that BP has some kind of a good motivation here," he said.
"They're naive! BP is trying to save money, save everything they can... They won't tell us anything, and oddly enough, the government seems to be going along with it! Somebody has got to, like shake them and say, 'These people don't wish you well! They're going to take you down!'"
Month after oil spill, why is BP still in charge?
~"Still, as simple as it may seem for the government to just take over, the law prevents it." ~Double Triple Rear Admiral Incident Commandant Thad "All Hands"Allen fey demurred.
Perhaps Big Thad should read his Coast Guard's Mission Statement, before he tries to wash his hands like Pontius Pilate:
"The United States Coast Guard is the nation's primary maritime operating agency. We protect life and property at sea, enforce federal laws and treaties, preserve marine natural resources, and promote national security interests. Well?
As one of the nation's five Armed Forces, it is our military character--our organization and discipline, our command, control and communications structure, and our multi-mission surface and air capabilities-- which enables us to perform our civil duties within the Department of Transportation, as well as function in the Department of the Navy when Congress or the President so directs. The Coast Guard hallmark is quality service to the public." Well?
The Coast Guard carries out that mission statement in the performance of four main roles: maritime safety, maritime law enforcement, marine environmental protection, and national defense. Well?
What part of Fey Demure do you not understand, Admiral?
~Limits to government on plugging Gulf oil leak
BP Tells EPA No New Dispersant says to Feds Go Suck Yourselves
~Company wants to stay with its own product, COREXIT 9500 and COREXIT 9527A, though more toxic and less effective than safer alternatives. Basically BP feels it must show the US Government that its Preter'National Corporation is Beyond US Law, and as such is not required to take our representative demands seriously. Indeed, just see how they command our US Coast Guard to protect them and their run-a-way oil well --while they threaten to arrest our US Journalists covering BP's Oil Crime on our US Soil and ripping off our American Fishing Industry all along our US Coasts. Thanks US Coast Guard!
Why not change the name to BP Right Guard?
BP rejects EPA ban on 2-butoxyethanol; Imprison them
~Coto Report
EPA Officials Weigh Sanctions Against BP’s U.S. Operations ~ProPublica
BP not named to task force that will figure Gulf oil spill's size
Graham, Reilly to lead investigation of oil spill
~Oh, Reilly was head of GHW Bush's EPA! Holy Roller, Batman!
News of the appointments came late in a day when a senior official of the BP oil company said that it was siphoning far less oil from the Gulf of Mexico than other officials had said a day earlier, while Louisiana officials gave voice to rising frustration over the pace of the cleanup operation.
Collecting Data Before BP Oil Spill Hits~Brian Piazza
~Bryan Piazza is the Atchafalaya program manager for The Nature Conservancy in Louisiana. He is a wetland ecologist with a Ph.D. in oceanography and coastal sciences from Louisiana State University; his specialties are coastal wetland ecology and restoration as well as the ecology of large river systems.
Exxon Valdez Chief Litigant Brian O’Neill Considering Taking On BP Gulf Spill... not jumping up and down about it either
What’s your take on criminal prosecutions in these kinds of cases? “Nothing serious happens,” O’Neill says.
Could it have been different on the criminal side with Exxon?
“Not with that administration. Those were the Dan Quayle years.
They didn’t have the stomach for it.”
Gulf Aid concert was a huge success, raising $300,088.65 for the Gulf Relief Foundation!
Tim Robbins joins Roots of Music ~Gambit
Bayou Boogaloo!
Brandon Franklin's Homegoing RIP Tribute ~Red Cotton
~There is a reason that people Live and Die in New Orleans. But that reason is rarely evidenced until you watch and hear their friends say good bye when they send their loved ones home.
First Atlantic Invest, 90L is here oil now 350 miles west of Key West~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~This low has the potential to develop into the season's first named storm--Alex--and could be a threat to the Southeast U.S. coast by Tuesday.
Hurricane, Oil Spill Could Be Troubling Mix~NPR
Experts testify on grim ecological fallout from BP Oil Disaster
~The damaging effects of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will be felt all the way to Europe and the Arctic, a top scientist told a congressional panel Friday.
Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible
~Hundreds of miles of bayous and man-made canals crisscross the coast's exterior, offering numerous entry points for the crude.
~Editilla Notellas~We posted that quote because AP is grossly incorrect here. Rather than "hundreds", there are currently 10 major navigation canals and 9,300 miles of pipelines in coastal Louisiana serving about 50,000 oil and gas production facilities. These canals, which are perpendicular to the coast, have created new open water areas, drowning wetlands and allowing salt-water intrusion into freshwater ecosystems. The result—land loss hot spots. “There is also evidence,” the report says, “that extraction of large volumes of oil and gas has exacerbated the problems of inundation and saltwater intrusion”—that is, withdrawing oil and gas along geologic faults seems to exacerbate subsidence in coastal Louisiana.
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Deeper Into Loop Current (??) ~SkyTruth

No Phil those are not lawn mower parts washing ashore in Biloxi ~slabbed
Nungesser says Corps has rejected state’s plea for dredged oil barriers ~The Lens
Sand barrier idea faces bureaucratic delays, ecological questions
30 Days After: BP flounders while local community takes action~Humid Beings
An Irreplaceable National Treasure~Paul Harrison
~Hat Tip~LaCoastPost
Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office LOSCO Data Catalog
We Love Garland, wear him out with Pride!
Rep. Ed Markey: BP’s lying
More Than Just an Oil Spill
~Bob Herbert
BP, the Oil Flow and the Public Trust~In a column on The Times Op-Ed page, four scientists from a team of specialists independently assessing the volume of oil gushing from BP’s destroyed seabed well provide more evidence that the company cannot be trusted to put the public interest ahead of its corporate interests as this disaster continues to unfold. Here’s the researchers’ bottom line, followed by the full list of those involved in this effort, all of whom said they endorse today’s column: …Our assessments suggest that BP’s stated worst-case estimate of 60,000 barrels [a day] has been occurring all along. What matters most is that we take the steps to find out if it has. Starting now, BP and the government must begin using the best possible means to measure this spill, while preserving all records of events. On the ocean floor, we recommend acoustic velocimeters, high-rate video cameras and imaging sonar. For the underwater oil, sonobuoys could detect layers of oil, and undersea gliders could follow them autonomously. On the surface, military drone aircraft could find and track patches of oil headed for shore as well as conduct surveillance over this now gigantic spill. Like the methods we have used, these are all readily available solutions. No surgeon in an operating room would neglect an unvarnished assessment of a bleeding patient. In this disaster, an accurate measurement of the oil spill is no less important.
~Editilla Notellas~You will not find one single person from LSU on this list of esteemed scientists who have stepped up to get the truth straight. We wonder why. Could it be the funding that LSU receives from BP? Oh Snap! We wondered where they got all those robot submarines: SERPENT (Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing iNdustrial Technology) is a unique collaboration between the oil industry and the world of science. Since inception in 2002 by founding partners National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Subsea 7, BP, and Transocean the working partnership has grown steadily to include a number of worldwide organisations including a large number of academic institutes. The latest being LSU (Louisiana State University) School of the Coast and Environment.
~Funding for ethanol research at Audubon Sugar Institute has come from several sources. This year, the U.S. Department of Energy provided a grant of $980,000, and BP has given an additional $400,000.
Now we start to see why scientists like Ivor van Heerden make Industry Think Tanks like LSU such a nervous dull boy.
LSU Hawking "Spill Go-To Guy"
Next Up: David Letterman Show
In a fit to distract from the Bad Publicity over their being sued this week for the Wrongful Termination of renowned coastal scientist and rurricane herollero Ivor van Heerden --complete with the Judge unhesitatingly issuing a Physical Restraining Order against the university-- LSU seems intent on Swinging Out the Counter-PR! Ashley Berthelot, science and research editor for LSU Media Relations, said her office has been inundated with requests for interviews with Ed Overton. “He’s the guy,” she said.
“The international media are coming to LSU researchers to explain this situation, which shows we have internally renowned experts.” On Monday, Overton is scheduled to be a guest on “Late Night with David Letterman.”
Oh now that will be so fun! What will LSU do to Overton if his research leads him to another Big Funding Source: BP?
Faggetaboutit.. given his own deptartement's funding sources. (Please search "Sponsors Alphabetical")
How'bout MMS: $13,283,730 or Corps of Engineers: $392,494?
Actually, the more I search this LSU site the sicker I get. You will also find Irv Mendelssohn, who was an absolute appeasement idiot this week on NPR. LSU is just rolling them out to the National Media. Everyone has wondered what "funding" was threatened by Ivor van Heerden nailing the Corps of Engineers. Here you have it in spades. No, the Corps "doesn't lobby"...
---but all their friends sure as hell do.
Professor swept up in oil disaster
James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'~"I think they actually believe that BP has some kind of a good motivation here," he said.
"They're naive! BP is trying to save money, save everything they can... They won't tell us anything, and oddly enough, the government seems to be going along with it! Somebody has got to, like shake them and say, 'These people don't wish you well! They're going to take you down!'"
Month after oil spill, why is BP still in charge?
~"Still, as simple as it may seem for the government to just take over, the law prevents it." ~Double Triple Rear Admiral Incident Commandant Thad "All Hands"Allen fey demurred.
Perhaps Big Thad should read his Coast Guard's Mission Statement, before he tries to wash his hands like Pontius Pilate:
"The United States Coast Guard is the nation's primary maritime operating agency. We protect life and property at sea, enforce federal laws and treaties, preserve marine natural resources, and promote national security interests. Well?
As one of the nation's five Armed Forces, it is our military character--our organization and discipline, our command, control and communications structure, and our multi-mission surface and air capabilities-- which enables us to perform our civil duties within the Department of Transportation, as well as function in the Department of the Navy when Congress or the President so directs. The Coast Guard hallmark is quality service to the public." Well?
The Coast Guard carries out that mission statement in the performance of four main roles: maritime safety, maritime law enforcement, marine environmental protection, and national defense. Well?
What part of Fey Demure do you not understand, Admiral?
~Limits to government on plugging Gulf oil leak
BP Tells EPA No New Dispersant says to Feds Go Suck Yourselves
~Company wants to stay with its own product, COREXIT 9500 and COREXIT 9527A, though more toxic and less effective than safer alternatives. Basically BP feels it must show the US Government that its Preter'National Corporation is Beyond US Law, and as such is not required to take our representative demands seriously. Indeed, just see how they command our US Coast Guard to protect them and their run-a-way oil well --while they threaten to arrest our US Journalists covering BP's Oil Crime on our US Soil and ripping off our American Fishing Industry all along our US Coasts. Thanks US Coast Guard!
Why not change the name to BP Right Guard?
BP rejects EPA ban on 2-butoxyethanol; Imprison them
~Coto Report
EPA Officials Weigh Sanctions Against BP’s U.S. Operations ~ProPublica
BP not named to task force that will figure Gulf oil spill's size
Graham, Reilly to lead investigation of oil spill
~Oh, Reilly was head of GHW Bush's EPA! Holy Roller, Batman!
News of the appointments came late in a day when a senior official of the BP oil company said that it was siphoning far less oil from the Gulf of Mexico than other officials had said a day earlier, while Louisiana officials gave voice to rising frustration over the pace of the cleanup operation.
Collecting Data Before BP Oil Spill Hits~Brian Piazza
~Bryan Piazza is the Atchafalaya program manager for The Nature Conservancy in Louisiana. He is a wetland ecologist with a Ph.D. in oceanography and coastal sciences from Louisiana State University; his specialties are coastal wetland ecology and restoration as well as the ecology of large river systems.
Exxon Valdez Chief Litigant Brian O’Neill Considering Taking On BP Gulf Spill... not jumping up and down about it either
What’s your take on criminal prosecutions in these kinds of cases? “Nothing serious happens,” O’Neill says.
Could it have been different on the criminal side with Exxon?
“Not with that administration. Those were the Dan Quayle years.
They didn’t have the stomach for it.”
Gulf Aid concert was a huge success, raising $300,088.65 for the Gulf Relief Foundation!
Tim Robbins joins Roots of Music ~Gambit
Bayou Boogaloo!
Brandon Franklin's Homegoing RIP Tribute ~Red Cotton
~There is a reason that people Live and Die in New Orleans. But that reason is rarely evidenced until you watch and hear their friends say good bye when they send their loved ones home.
Friday, May 21, 2010
LSU Dean Confirms Cyanide Pill for Ivor van Heerden! Can We WTF'ing Believe This?
~David Constant, the former interim dean of the College of Engineering, told LSU attorney Richard F. Zimmerman Jr. he felt threatened after he told van Heerden in April 2009 his contract would expire as of today. “He made a remark … ‘What are you going to do when Anderson Cooper shows up at your door and sticks a microphone in your face?’,” said Constant, (BWAHAHAHAHAHA)(Anderson Cooper! This wussie is afraid of Anderson Cooper! Yaaaaaaa!) who is scheduled next month to become dean of LSU’s graduate school.
But LSU would fire Ivor van Heerden FOR GETTING IT RIGHT?
He also said a pair of administrators once engaged in e-mail exchanges in which they suggested Van Heerden was crazy and possibly should receive a cyanide pill. (Uumm do we have a hole in the think tank here?)
But Constant repeatedly stated Thursday that the decision not to renew van Heerden’s contract became necessary after state budget cuts forced LSU to eliminate non-tenure track positions.
Editilla can't believe this Stunning Stupidity!~
What a Freaking Weirdo is this Constant Fellow? Hahahaha! This is getting like Tom Clancy on Ridlen! Oh Do Keep This Clown.
These are the type of people LSU wants to Dean their Students, when they should Fire this Stupid Dumbass instead who probably couldn't engineer his own way out of a toppled outhouse.
We have serious problems with the way the Corps of Engineers is Shafting the State of Louisiana on Over Priced Bad Engineering and yet LSU would fire the smartest men in the room because they Pointed To The Bad Engineering. And in the meantime, another major funding source, British Petroleum, is killing our state. Soooo, LSU wants to fire all the Smart People when they do the Smart Things and promote the Stupid People when they say such Stupid Things. Am I getting this correctly?
~Ivor Van Heerden keeps job for another week
Sen. David Vitter drops hold on promotion of Disgraceful Corps of Engineers commander Michael "Mr. Facebook" Walsh
~Slicked and SLABBED and “Spooky at a distance”
~Why the Crafty Bastard is called: Facebook Walsh.
~This BP Oil Disaster is of course Prime Time for the Corps to put the Screw on Louisiana. We have no doubt that White Walsh swung the card here.
If Editilla could be a bird...
Oil Threatens Brown Pelican Off Of Louisiana Coast
~Coast Guard Admiral Mary Landry just said on NPR that they don't need to think out of the box, don't need to entertain novel or inventive ideas to deal with her company's, BP, oil laying all over Louisiana Shores, that dredging up boom-dikes is a "nice idea" but... but what? WHAT? What the Hell is Admiral Mary Landry talking about? What is she saying? In the midst of US Coast Guard BP Ass-covering, We Can't Do What We Have To Do?
I am one tax-payer who is SICK of the US Coast Guard Covering BP's ASS on this Oil Disaster. Hell, you'd thing Landry is Sleeping With The Enemy! This is the person who gave everyone the first 2 BAD WRONG FLOW ESTIMATES IN THE FIRST 2 WEEKS OF THE BP FUCK UP. This is the person who has driven our US Coast Guard's Credibility into the Muck because she seems almost Emotionally Caught Up in Defending BP. No More! Arrest This Hooligan who cares not for Louisiana or anything but her BPimps!
Wetlands restoration project in Lacombe shows promise
~David Constant, the former interim dean of the College of Engineering, told LSU attorney Richard F. Zimmerman Jr. he felt threatened after he told van Heerden in April 2009 his contract would expire as of today. “He made a remark … ‘What are you going to do when Anderson Cooper shows up at your door and sticks a microphone in your face?’,” said Constant, (BWAHAHAHAHAHA)(Anderson Cooper! This wussie is afraid of Anderson Cooper! Yaaaaaaa!) who is scheduled next month to become dean of LSU’s graduate school.
But LSU would fire Ivor van Heerden FOR GETTING IT RIGHT?
He also said a pair of administrators once engaged in e-mail exchanges in which they suggested Van Heerden was crazy and possibly should receive a cyanide pill. (Uumm do we have a hole in the think tank here?)
But Constant repeatedly stated Thursday that the decision not to renew van Heerden’s contract became necessary after state budget cuts forced LSU to eliminate non-tenure track positions.
Editilla can't believe this Stunning Stupidity!~
What a Freaking Weirdo is this Constant Fellow? Hahahaha! This is getting like Tom Clancy on Ridlen! Oh Do Keep This Clown.
These are the type of people LSU wants to Dean their Students, when they should Fire this Stupid Dumbass instead who probably couldn't engineer his own way out of a toppled outhouse.
We have serious problems with the way the Corps of Engineers is Shafting the State of Louisiana on Over Priced Bad Engineering and yet LSU would fire the smartest men in the room because they Pointed To The Bad Engineering. And in the meantime, another major funding source, British Petroleum, is killing our state. Soooo, LSU wants to fire all the Smart People when they do the Smart Things and promote the Stupid People when they say such Stupid Things. Am I getting this correctly?
~Ivor Van Heerden keeps job for another week
Sen. David Vitter drops hold on promotion of Disgraceful Corps of Engineers commander Michael "Mr. Facebook" Walsh
~Slicked and SLABBED and “Spooky at a distance”
~Why the Crafty Bastard is called: Facebook Walsh.
~This BP Oil Disaster is of course Prime Time for the Corps to put the Screw on Louisiana. We have no doubt that White Walsh swung the card here.
If Editilla could be a bird...

~Coast Guard Admiral Mary Landry just said on NPR that they don't need to think out of the box, don't need to entertain novel or inventive ideas to deal with her company's, BP, oil laying all over Louisiana Shores, that dredging up boom-dikes is a "nice idea" but... but what? WHAT? What the Hell is Admiral Mary Landry talking about? What is she saying? In the midst of US Coast Guard BP Ass-covering, We Can't Do What We Have To Do?
I am one tax-payer who is SICK of the US Coast Guard Covering BP's ASS on this Oil Disaster. Hell, you'd thing Landry is Sleeping With The Enemy! This is the person who gave everyone the first 2 BAD WRONG FLOW ESTIMATES IN THE FIRST 2 WEEKS OF THE BP FUCK UP. This is the person who has driven our US Coast Guard's Credibility into the Muck because she seems almost Emotionally Caught Up in Defending BP. No More! Arrest This Hooligan who cares not for Louisiana or anything but her BPimps!
Wetlands restoration project in Lacombe shows promise
Oil reaches Grand Isle day after "officials" said it "may never hit there", NOAA/LA Spill Forecast Maps Prove Inaccurate
~See the Little Oil Spill. See the Oil Spill Kill Louisiana.

~Workers build a dam Thursday to keep oil, bottom left, from entering wetlands on Elmer’s Island in Grand Isle as thick, heavy oil and tar balls flowed onto Louisiana soil on Thursday, covering a four-mile stretch of beach while residents woke up to oil washing over rock jetties near the town’s fishing pier.
“We’re in awe, we just can’t believe it,” said Jan Scardino, who works in Grand Isle’s City Hall. Grand Isle Mayor David Camardelle said he met with BP officials Wednesday to discuss the chances of oil striking the town’s coastline. “They said it may never hit us, and 24 hours later, it’s here,” he said.
Wanna'Bet "They" also said it wouldn't come in his mouth?
SkyTruth BP #oilspill: It's Day 31 of the spill- let's do some math. At 4 M gallons/day that's a total spill of 124 MILLION GALLONS. Exxon Valdez x10
Obama now wants daily reports from his BP Shoogha Daddies BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Government takes back seat to BP on spill response
Outrage over BP Oil Fail grows as
do calls to Arrest, Tar'n'Feather British Petroleum Executives
~Thick, sticky oil crept deeper into delicate marshes of the Mississippi Delta, an arrival dreaded for a month since the crude started spewing into the Gulf, as anger and frustration mounted over BP's non-efforts to plug the gusher from a blown-out well in order to capture the Oil For Its Profits.
~Editilla jus'sayin: We grab these Perps, cover them in their own hot oil and tar, feather them and hang their Preternational Asses from the lamp posts on Canal Street in New Orleans. What?
~The executive heading up BP's sham to stop a massive underwater oil spill says he's very optimistic that the Gulf of Mexico will recover.
~Beyond a piece of broken boom was another marsh,
oily stalks glistening from the falling sunlight.
"Look, the boom is clean, but the cane is covered in oil. It took hundreds of years to create this, and it's gone just like that."
~Former Louisiana Fisherman Ron Price
~"If we are only beginning to understand that we can’t trust BP, we’ve been much too slow."
BP Accounts for Most "Willful" Violations Among Refineries, Regulator Says
Rand Paul Sucks BP Cockneed
~This Ubber Tea Party Manchild would have America Bow To The British, Stick Their Pump All The Way Up Our Body Politic.
Like so many of that Constitutionalexic Berzerker Brood, poor Randy was born with an odd Hook'down to his Accent that leaves one wondering: "Who'z Yer'Daddy?" And, like so many others of that Drive-through Political Bowel Movement, Wittle Wandy thinks accidents "just happen", like Shit and Self Rule, like the American Revolution when the British just folded up and went home after we showed'em who's Boss at our Tea Party in Boston!
Oh, and all youz gimps, queers, dikes, kikes, dagoes, niggers, chinks, beaners, sand jockeys, gypsies, retards, clever women, single men, baby killers, comedians, artists and smartasses...
{Apologies if we left anyone out above. You know who you are.}
The Rand Paul Quote Everybody's Ignoring
~Harry Shearer
Which side of the lying face is showing today?~Just ME in T
CNN Spins BP/Coast Guard PR: "Oil leak could be stopped by next week," as Feds form Spesh'l Glory Hole Flow Committee
~CNN today rolls out a couple of new spokers from BP to tell us they could have this nipped in the bud by next week oh snap! And! And! And, after shoveling out 2 or 3 Big BP Flow Estimate LIES, our punked and BP-slapped US Coast Guard is assembling a (wait lemme go read this again...) Flow Rate Technical Group. You mean... the FRTG? Can we say Glory Hole Fool's Banquet on the air? Meanwhile, BP Executives remain at large and in full tactical command and control of this out of control situation.
~Spinner-bait Coast Guard Commandant Dbl Trip Rear Adm. Thad "All Hands" Allen will continue to serve as President Obama's point man on the BP Oil Fail after he retires this month, said the fey, BP-slapped, oil-handed administration on Thursday.
~President B.P. Obama has prevented the BP Oil Fail from becoming his own Katrina/9-11-like nightmare ---so far--- but his flaccid, pusillanimous, Brit-licking appeasement renders his chances for another term moot scoot wit'da boot.
Oil Keeps Gushing From Well, as Feds Study Size of BP Phallus
~Oil is still gushing from a damaged Gulf of Mexico well as BP Plc continues the charade of catching 5,000 imaginary barrels a day. Meanwhile scientists with the Flow Rate Technical Group FRTG are assessing how much crude is spilling into its mouth.
How much oil is leaking determines BP Profit/Loss
No exact measurements are being taken and a low oil-spill estimate could save BP Pirates millions, if not billions, of dollars in court, not to mention nearly inevitable Public Lynching.
~BP Exec Knows Public Reads His Staff Emails
~In an interview with Forbes last week, Hayward called BP's response "extraordinarily successful." He apparently fancies himself a general, marshalling forces to defend the beaches. He even quoted Churchill: "When in hell, keep going."
~Editilla Hell'Yellas~ After this Idiot Bastard CEO Hayward passes through Hell, Bhopal'Mall, he will reach Louisiana, where our Catahoula can make fine sport of his scrawny British Accent Crying Churchill over our Dead Wet Badlands.
What caused the Deepwater Horizon disaster?~The Oil Drum
~Hat Tweet~John McQuaid
Scientists worry storm season may make BP Oil Disaster worse
Here's a Real Appollo 13 Quote: "Let's work the problem, people."
~Hat Tip~Fire Dog Lake
“My science was very good…My position at LSU was in jeopardy.” Court now hearing Ivor van Heerden’s Motion for Injunctive Relief ~slabbed
Geaux Mayor Mitch'Mo Gutso!
~New Orleans Real Mayor Mitch Landrieu demands, and gets, apology from Fox sportscaster.
We Might Forgive Chris Myers But We Won’t Forget ~NOLAFemmes
Orleans Levee District asset management addressed by measure going before Senate
USM seminar examines aftermath of Katrina
Can anyone believe this Pig? Since his Race Dog won't hunt, James Perry resorts to Painful Smear and Vicious Innuendo
~Editilla Jim Crowtellas~The only thing I hate worse than a White Cracker Racist or a Black Scammer Racist is a Sadist.
James Perry has shown himself to be a Sadist of the Worst Sort.
We normally don't get into this sort of thing, but he really ticked our ass when he Smeared the Eagle Scouts with his Potty'Mouth Mayoral Ad saying basically, "I'm an arrogant Dick that did Not Deserve My Boy Scout Eagle Award." Oh Yeah! Vote for That.
But now, as it is obvious that Perry wasn't running to Win Mayor as much as Increase His Public Profile On The Electorate's Dime, in his latest campaign, in order to WIN, James Perry thinks nothing of slandering the impact of a deadly car accident on his opponent who hit someone Who Had Run A Red Light. Boy, this creepo slimeball must really have some big plans for the city.
"More important ... than what Miss Moreno is disputing is what she is not disputing," said Perry, who is executive director of a fair (HA!)-housing agency. "She's not disputing the fact that she has no relevant experience or achievements with regards to contributions to our community."
What? What, you useless gregarious wild swine? What? Wanna prove that negative? We all can't be Al Sharpton. You know what they say about assholes: color doesn't matter, they All Stink!
I don't know anything about Helena Moreno, but I do know an asshole when it farts in my face, having had to deal with Ray Nagin for 8 years. Aren't we done with that divisive horse shit?
What the Hell does James Perry have on his mind? James Perry!
Better question: Who in Hell would support such a Cruel, Shiftless Asshole for Any Elected Office? Well?
~See the Little Oil Spill. See the Oil Spill Kill Louisiana.

“We’re in awe, we just can’t believe it,” said Jan Scardino, who works in Grand Isle’s City Hall. Grand Isle Mayor David Camardelle said he met with BP officials Wednesday to discuss the chances of oil striking the town’s coastline. “They said it may never hit us, and 24 hours later, it’s here,” he said.
Wanna'Bet "They" also said it wouldn't come in his mouth?
SkyTruth BP #oilspill: It's Day 31 of the spill- let's do some math. At 4 M gallons/day that's a total spill of 124 MILLION GALLONS. Exxon Valdez x10
Obama now wants daily reports from his BP Shoogha Daddies BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Government takes back seat to BP on spill response
Outrage over BP Oil Fail grows as
do calls to Arrest, Tar'n'Feather British Petroleum Executives

~Editilla jus'sayin: We grab these Perps, cover them in their own hot oil and tar, feather them and hang their Preternational Asses from the lamp posts on Canal Street in New Orleans. What?
~The executive heading up BP's sham to stop a massive underwater oil spill says he's very optimistic that the Gulf of Mexico will recover.
~Beyond a piece of broken boom was another marsh,
oily stalks glistening from the falling sunlight.
"Look, the boom is clean, but the cane is covered in oil. It took hundreds of years to create this, and it's gone just like that."
~Former Louisiana Fisherman Ron Price
~"If we are only beginning to understand that we can’t trust BP, we’ve been much too slow."
BP Accounts for Most "Willful" Violations Among Refineries, Regulator Says
Rand Paul Sucks BP Cockneed
~This Ubber Tea Party Manchild would have America Bow To The British, Stick Their Pump All The Way Up Our Body Politic.
Like so many of that Constitutionalexic Berzerker Brood, poor Randy was born with an odd Hook'down to his Accent that leaves one wondering: "Who'z Yer'Daddy?" And, like so many others of that Drive-through Political Bowel Movement, Wittle Wandy thinks accidents "just happen", like Shit and Self Rule, like the American Revolution when the British just folded up and went home after we showed'em who's Boss at our Tea Party in Boston!
Oh, and all youz gimps, queers, dikes, kikes, dagoes, niggers, chinks, beaners, sand jockeys, gypsies, retards, clever women, single men, baby killers, comedians, artists and smartasses...
{Apologies if we left anyone out above. You know who you are.}
The Rand Paul Quote Everybody's Ignoring
~Harry Shearer
Which side of the lying face is showing today?~Just ME in T
CNN Spins BP/Coast Guard PR: "Oil leak could be stopped by next week," as Feds form Spesh'l Glory Hole Flow Committee
~CNN today rolls out a couple of new spokers from BP to tell us they could have this nipped in the bud by next week oh snap! And! And! And, after shoveling out 2 or 3 Big BP Flow Estimate LIES, our punked and BP-slapped US Coast Guard is assembling a (wait lemme go read this again...) Flow Rate Technical Group. You mean... the FRTG? Can we say Glory Hole Fool's Banquet on the air? Meanwhile, BP Executives remain at large and in full tactical command and control of this out of control situation.
~Spinner-bait Coast Guard Commandant Dbl Trip Rear Adm. Thad "All Hands" Allen will continue to serve as President Obama's point man on the BP Oil Fail after he retires this month, said the fey, BP-slapped, oil-handed administration on Thursday.
~President B.P. Obama has prevented the BP Oil Fail from becoming his own Katrina/9-11-like nightmare ---so far--- but his flaccid, pusillanimous, Brit-licking appeasement renders his chances for another term moot scoot wit'da boot.
Oil Keeps Gushing From Well, as Feds Study Size of BP Phallus
~Oil is still gushing from a damaged Gulf of Mexico well as BP Plc continues the charade of catching 5,000 imaginary barrels a day. Meanwhile scientists with the Flow Rate Technical Group FRTG are assessing how much crude is spilling into its mouth.
How much oil is leaking determines BP Profit/Loss
No exact measurements are being taken and a low oil-spill estimate could save BP Pirates millions, if not billions, of dollars in court, not to mention nearly inevitable Public Lynching.
~BP Exec Knows Public Reads His Staff Emails
~In an interview with Forbes last week, Hayward called BP's response "extraordinarily successful." He apparently fancies himself a general, marshalling forces to defend the beaches. He even quoted Churchill: "When in hell, keep going."
~Editilla Hell'Yellas~ After this Idiot Bastard CEO Hayward passes through Hell, Bhopal'Mall, he will reach Louisiana, where our Catahoula can make fine sport of his scrawny British Accent Crying Churchill over our Dead Wet Badlands.
What caused the Deepwater Horizon disaster?~The Oil Drum
~Hat Tweet~John McQuaid
Scientists worry storm season may make BP Oil Disaster worse
Here's a Real Appollo 13 Quote: "Let's work the problem, people."
~Hat Tip~Fire Dog Lake
“My science was very good…My position at LSU was in jeopardy.” Court now hearing Ivor van Heerden’s Motion for Injunctive Relief ~slabbed
Geaux Mayor Mitch'Mo Gutso!
~New Orleans Real Mayor Mitch Landrieu demands, and gets, apology from Fox sportscaster.

Orleans Levee District asset management addressed by measure going before Senate
USM seminar examines aftermath of Katrina
Can anyone believe this Pig? Since his Race Dog won't hunt, James Perry resorts to Painful Smear and Vicious Innuendo
~Editilla Jim Crowtellas~The only thing I hate worse than a White Cracker Racist or a Black Scammer Racist is a Sadist.
James Perry has shown himself to be a Sadist of the Worst Sort.
We normally don't get into this sort of thing, but he really ticked our ass when he Smeared the Eagle Scouts with his Potty'Mouth Mayoral Ad saying basically, "I'm an arrogant Dick that did Not Deserve My Boy Scout Eagle Award." Oh Yeah! Vote for That.
But now, as it is obvious that Perry wasn't running to Win Mayor as much as Increase His Public Profile On The Electorate's Dime, in his latest campaign, in order to WIN, James Perry thinks nothing of slandering the impact of a deadly car accident on his opponent who hit someone Who Had Run A Red Light. Boy, this creepo slimeball must really have some big plans for the city.
"More important ... than what Miss Moreno is disputing is what she is not disputing," said Perry, who is executive director of a fair (HA!)-housing agency. "She's not disputing the fact that she has no relevant experience or achievements with regards to contributions to our community."
What? What, you useless gregarious wild swine? What? Wanna prove that negative? We all can't be Al Sharpton. You know what they say about assholes: color doesn't matter, they All Stink!
I don't know anything about Helena Moreno, but I do know an asshole when it farts in my face, having had to deal with Ray Nagin for 8 years. Aren't we done with that divisive horse shit?
What the Hell does James Perry have on his mind? James Perry!
Better question: Who in Hell would support such a Cruel, Shiftless Asshole for Any Elected Office? Well?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gulf oil spill may be 19 times bigger than originally thought
~The latest glimpse of video footage of the oil spill deep under the Gulf of Mexico indicates that around 95,000 barrels, or 4 million gallons, a day of crude oil may be spewing from the leaking wellhead, 19 times the previous estimate, an engineering professor told Congress Wednesday.
BP Admits to Screwing Truth, placing entire US Gulf Coast in Danger, Executives Still At Large

“Embedded Media” Only Allowed to Cover BP Oil Disaster?
Has Our US Coast Guard Gotten Too Chummy with BP Perps?
~Should a person have to be embedded with authorities, corporations or organizations at the center of a disaster in order to document a disaster? Must a person be with a recognized news organization that regularly gets into press conferences in order to film critical events like the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico right now?
~Editilla gotta axe~ At what point to we decide that our Armed Forces Do Not Work For A Foreign Corporation Against US Citizens??? What am I missing here? Why is Our US Coast Guard Working For British Petroleum Instead of the American Taxpayers? Why have they been Covering for BP this past month with Bad Flow Estimates, Admiral Mary Landry?
Given the Strands of Lies put forth to date, the Coast Guard can take their Embedding Reporters Program and shove it up their ass. Yeah, what dif does it make how many reporters you take to bed if you tell them LIES ALL NIGHT LONG?
Thank You US Coast Guard! Thank You for Selling Out America to these Limey Pigs!
Thank You For Giving BP Your Ass!
Why hasn't President Obama Taken Control of This Disaster, instead of giving BP Free Reign on Every Aspect?
Come on, Mr President, BP has made you look like a jail house punk. You are not BP's little Organ Grinder Monkey. Stop It. Put away the Campaign Cup.
Pull yourself together, Mr President, No More Mr Nice Guy.
Get on the Dip Stick Here or Go Home because no one will vote for the man who allowed a foreign corporation to kill us.
Will that be your Legacy? BP Obama? Barrack Pussin Obama?
Show Some Guts, Mr President! Bring in the Navy and Collapse this Well. Stop THAT Problem. Then Nationalize every BP Asset in the Nation to pay for the Recovery. Take Charge here..
--or jus'go home. Who needs'ya, who needs less than nothing?
Feds order BP to put all spill data on Internet BWAHAHAHAHA
Oil continues impacting Louisiana coast; storms for Caribbean and SE U.S. waters?
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of the oil spill taken at 7:56am EDT May 20, 2010, by the Canadian Space Agency’s (CSA) RadarSat-1 satellite. Image credit: Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Image, May 18 ~SkyTruth
~This Envisat ASAR radar satellite image taken on May 18 shows oil slick entrained in the Loop Current and spreading out to the southeast. Slick and sheen covers 15,976 square miles (41,377 km2), about 50% larger than seen in yesterday's MODIS image and about twice the size of New Jersey.
~The latest glimpse of video footage of the oil spill deep under the Gulf of Mexico indicates that around 95,000 barrels, or 4 million gallons, a day of crude oil may be spewing from the leaking wellhead, 19 times the previous estimate, an engineering professor told Congress Wednesday.
BP Admits to Screwing Truth, placing entire US Gulf Coast in Danger, Executives Still At Large

“Embedded Media” Only Allowed to Cover BP Oil Disaster?
Has Our US Coast Guard Gotten Too Chummy with BP Perps?
~Should a person have to be embedded with authorities, corporations or organizations at the center of a disaster in order to document a disaster? Must a person be with a recognized news organization that regularly gets into press conferences in order to film critical events like the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico right now?
~Editilla gotta axe~ At what point to we decide that our Armed Forces Do Not Work For A Foreign Corporation Against US Citizens??? What am I missing here? Why is Our US Coast Guard Working For British Petroleum Instead of the American Taxpayers? Why have they been Covering for BP this past month with Bad Flow Estimates, Admiral Mary Landry?
Given the Strands of Lies put forth to date, the Coast Guard can take their Embedding Reporters Program and shove it up their ass. Yeah, what dif does it make how many reporters you take to bed if you tell them LIES ALL NIGHT LONG?

Thank You For Giving BP Your Ass!
Why hasn't President Obama Taken Control of This Disaster, instead of giving BP Free Reign on Every Aspect?
Come on, Mr President, BP has made you look like a jail house punk. You are not BP's little Organ Grinder Monkey. Stop It. Put away the Campaign Cup.
Pull yourself together, Mr President, No More Mr Nice Guy.
Get on the Dip Stick Here or Go Home because no one will vote for the man who allowed a foreign corporation to kill us.
Will that be your Legacy? BP Obama? Barrack Pussin Obama?
Show Some Guts, Mr President! Bring in the Navy and Collapse this Well. Stop THAT Problem. Then Nationalize every BP Asset in the Nation to pay for the Recovery. Take Charge here..
--or jus'go home. Who needs'ya, who needs less than nothing?
Feds order BP to put all spill data on Internet BWAHAHAHAHA
Oil continues impacting Louisiana coast; storms for Caribbean and SE U.S. waters?
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog

BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Image, May 18 ~SkyTruth

Weird but True: LSU officials discussed giving CYANIDE PILL to Ivor van Heerden?
~It ain't often you can leave Editilla SPEECHLESS!
Our Herolleros at have snagged another quick interview with our Esteemed yet Embattled Hurricane Hero
and lemme toll'ya... jus'when you think you've heard it all,
LEVEES.ORG: Can you share any details about the trial that are not already published in media outlets?
VAN HEERDEN: Yes. It seems that upper level administrators at LSU discussed whether or not to give me a cyanide pill.
LEVEES.ORG: Wow! Do you have a copy of the correspondence?
VAN HEERDEN: Yes, we have a copy of the email exchange.
Ivor Van Heerden testifies in job dispute with LSU
~Coastal researcher Ivor van Heerden testified Wednesday that LSU officials destroyed his reputation after he blamed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the levee failures that allowed Hurricane Katrina to flood New Orleans in 2005.
“My science was very good,” van Heerden told U.S. District Judge James J. Brady during questioning by attorney Jill Craft. “My position at LSU was in jeopardy.” Van Heerden is asking Brady for an injunction that would prohibit LSU from allowing his contract to expire on Friday. Testimony in the case is scheduled to resume at 6:30 p.m. today in U.S. District Court.
Yikes! Geauxjira!
~Your Right Hand Thief
Yeah the timing is just about right~American Zombie
~It ain't often you can leave Editilla SPEECHLESS!
Our Herolleros at have snagged another quick interview with our Esteemed yet Embattled Hurricane Hero
and lemme toll'ya... jus'when you think you've heard it all,
LEVEES.ORG: Can you share any details about the trial that are not already published in media outlets?
VAN HEERDEN: Yes. It seems that upper level administrators at LSU discussed whether or not to give me a cyanide pill.
LEVEES.ORG: Wow! Do you have a copy of the correspondence?
VAN HEERDEN: Yes, we have a copy of the email exchange.
Ivor Van Heerden testifies in job dispute with LSU
~Coastal researcher Ivor van Heerden testified Wednesday that LSU officials destroyed his reputation after he blamed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the levee failures that allowed Hurricane Katrina to flood New Orleans in 2005.
“My science was very good,” van Heerden told U.S. District Judge James J. Brady during questioning by attorney Jill Craft. “My position at LSU was in jeopardy.” Van Heerden is asking Brady for an injunction that would prohibit LSU from allowing his contract to expire on Friday. Testimony in the case is scheduled to resume at 6:30 p.m. today in U.S. District Court.
Yikes! Geauxjira!
~Your Right Hand Thief
Yeah the timing is just about right~American Zombie
Cyril Neville Joins Native Voices Crying From the Louisiana Delta
~Georgianne Nienaber
~Editilla Crowtellas~ She's Back and dove deep beneath the story into the bayous to cover The People. After reporting on Real Armed Guerrilla Madmen Thugs in the Congo, and tracking down lost orphans in Haiti, we suspect these BP/Coast Guard Media Police Goon-Squads now patrolling our Louisiana Delta will not Catch our Intrepid Correspondent --won't even See Her.
But, what they will see is Louisiana. Everyone is going to see Louisiana --before She's Gone. Thanks Georgianne.
Guess who's watching Big Oil? Answer: Big Oil
~Editilla Rotellas~Has anyone called Big Admiral Thad Allen Out on the BP Coast Guard Media Goon Squads threatening our Constitutional Rights to Protect Our Country?
I just got off the phone with Coast Guard HQ in Washington.
They do not have a Freaking Clue about these BP Thugs.
Nobody knows a Damn Thing about this BP Media Harassment.
The US Coast Guard States Ignorance of BP Media Control.
Here is their Official Policy Statement:
No Rules are in place for News Media Access in Impacted Areas except for Safety Concerns or Interference With Response Operations.
The Lt. then went on to Rhetorically Imply that this must've been the case at South Pass (Oh? So Y'all have heard of the place after all?) when the BP Coast Guard Punk (in a little boat) stuck his finger at the US Journalists from CBS (standing on US Soil)
This Ladder has gained so many faithful readers and we hope you all can pick up the phone and call the US Coast Guard asap and ask them WHO'Z YER'DADDY? THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND?
Or just be nice and ask them Who Is In Charge of This Operation?
BP Executives or Admiral Thad Allen? Simple Question.
Now they will try to shoot shit about Embedding Hundreds of Reporters --and we have seen how far that has floated.
They will say Of Course We Are In Control...What?
--yet the reality in Real Time on the ground says differently.
Call the Admiral, Call the President. Call Them All! Let's Partay!
Because if we can no longer trust our own US Coast Guard then This Game Is Over and We The People will be forced by Law to Take Matters Into Our Own Hands. By Who's Law, You Ask?
The Goddamn Law of the Land that is Still Louisiana, Sinn Féin.
US Coast Guard Headquarters-Wash. DC
CG-00 Commandant 202-372-4411
CG-09 Vice Commandant 202-372-4422
CG-00J Chief Administrative Law Judge 202-372-4440
CG-092 Director of Governmental and Public Affairs 202-372-4600
CG-0931 Office of Performance Mgmt. & Decision Support
CG-094 Judge Advocate General 202-372-3726
CG-01 Chief of Staff 202-372-4546
CG-2 Assistant Commandant for Intelligence & Criminal Investigations 202-372-2700
CG-ACO Assistant Commandant for Operations 202-372-2000
CG-ACO-I Director, International Affairs & Foreign Policy Advisor 202-372-4450
CG-5 Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security & Stewardship 202-372-1001
CG-6 Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT) 202-475-3500
CG-7 Assistant Commandant for Capabilities 202-372-2020
CG-8 Assistant Commandant for Resources 202-372-3470
HSC Commanding Officer, Headquarters Support Command and Headquarters Staff 202-372-4000
GMSA Global Maritime Situational Awareness 202-372-3055
Jindal says dredging can’t wait
~After inspecting thick oil-covered wetlands in Plaquemines Parish on Wednesday, Gov. Bobby Jindal renewed his plea for approval of an emergency dredging plan that could keep the oil out of Louisiana’s marshes. “This isn’t oil sheen or tar balls we’re seeing,” Jindal said. “This is the heavy oil we’ve all been worried about. Let me be clear, it’s here.”
A visibly frustrated Jindal said he has asked the U.S. Corps of Engineers to expedite its approval process for an emergency permit that would allow an aggressive dredging project to begin. The plan calls for dredging sand and using it to fill gaps in the barrier islands, which Jindal said serve as a natural protection for the wetlands. “I would much rather clean up a beach than the wetlands,” he said.
More oil hits Fourchon Beach
Thick oil washed up on about 6 to 8 miles of Fourchon Beach Wed. afternoon, a Lafourche Parish spokesman said.
NOAA Surpasses Its BP-Biased Information Management With Even More Simpleton Forecasts Map Uncertainty Boundries
Scientist: BP's Oil Spill Estimates Improbable~NPR
BP's Greenwashing Can't Clean Up Their Spill~Andy Stepanian
Credential plan proposed for BP Oil Disaster cleanup workers
Congress shouldn't rely only on Corps of Engineers for decision on outfall canals: an editorial
~Georgianne Nienaber
~Editilla Crowtellas~ She's Back and dove deep beneath the story into the bayous to cover The People. After reporting on Real Armed Guerrilla Madmen Thugs in the Congo, and tracking down lost orphans in Haiti, we suspect these BP/Coast Guard Media Police Goon-Squads now patrolling our Louisiana Delta will not Catch our Intrepid Correspondent --won't even See Her.
But, what they will see is Louisiana. Everyone is going to see Louisiana --before She's Gone. Thanks Georgianne.
Guess who's watching Big Oil? Answer: Big Oil
~Editilla Rotellas~Has anyone called Big Admiral Thad Allen Out on the BP Coast Guard Media Goon Squads threatening our Constitutional Rights to Protect Our Country?
I just got off the phone with Coast Guard HQ in Washington.
They do not have a Freaking Clue about these BP Thugs.
Nobody knows a Damn Thing about this BP Media Harassment.
The US Coast Guard States Ignorance of BP Media Control.
Here is their Official Policy Statement:
No Rules are in place for News Media Access in Impacted Areas except for Safety Concerns or Interference With Response Operations.
The Lt. then went on to Rhetorically Imply that this must've been the case at South Pass (Oh? So Y'all have heard of the place after all?) when the BP Coast Guard Punk (in a little boat) stuck his finger at the US Journalists from CBS (standing on US Soil)
This Ladder has gained so many faithful readers and we hope you all can pick up the phone and call the US Coast Guard asap and ask them WHO'Z YER'DADDY? THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND?
Or just be nice and ask them Who Is In Charge of This Operation?
BP Executives or Admiral Thad Allen? Simple Question.
Now they will try to shoot shit about Embedding Hundreds of Reporters --and we have seen how far that has floated.
They will say Of Course We Are In Control...What?
--yet the reality in Real Time on the ground says differently.
Call the Admiral, Call the President. Call Them All! Let's Partay!
Because if we can no longer trust our own US Coast Guard then This Game Is Over and We The People will be forced by Law to Take Matters Into Our Own Hands. By Who's Law, You Ask?
The Goddamn Law of the Land that is Still Louisiana, Sinn Féin.
US Coast Guard Headquarters-Wash. DC
CG-00 Commandant 202-372-4411
CG-09 Vice Commandant 202-372-4422
CG-00J Chief Administrative Law Judge 202-372-4440
CG-092 Director of Governmental and Public Affairs 202-372-4600
CG-0931 Office of Performance Mgmt. & Decision Support
CG-094 Judge Advocate General 202-372-3726
CG-01 Chief of Staff 202-372-4546
CG-2 Assistant Commandant for Intelligence & Criminal Investigations 202-372-2700
CG-ACO Assistant Commandant for Operations 202-372-2000
CG-ACO-I Director, International Affairs & Foreign Policy Advisor 202-372-4450
CG-5 Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security & Stewardship 202-372-1001
CG-6 Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT) 202-475-3500
CG-7 Assistant Commandant for Capabilities 202-372-2020
CG-8 Assistant Commandant for Resources 202-372-3470
HSC Commanding Officer, Headquarters Support Command and Headquarters Staff 202-372-4000
GMSA Global Maritime Situational Awareness 202-372-3055
Jindal says dredging can’t wait
~After inspecting thick oil-covered wetlands in Plaquemines Parish on Wednesday, Gov. Bobby Jindal renewed his plea for approval of an emergency dredging plan that could keep the oil out of Louisiana’s marshes. “This isn’t oil sheen or tar balls we’re seeing,” Jindal said. “This is the heavy oil we’ve all been worried about. Let me be clear, it’s here.”
A visibly frustrated Jindal said he has asked the U.S. Corps of Engineers to expedite its approval process for an emergency permit that would allow an aggressive dredging project to begin. The plan calls for dredging sand and using it to fill gaps in the barrier islands, which Jindal said serve as a natural protection for the wetlands. “I would much rather clean up a beach than the wetlands,” he said.
More oil hits Fourchon Beach

NOAA Surpasses Its BP-Biased Information Management With Even More Simpleton Forecasts Map Uncertainty Boundries
Scientist: BP's Oil Spill Estimates Improbable~NPR
BP's Greenwashing Can't Clean Up Their Spill~Andy Stepanian
Credential plan proposed for BP Oil Disaster cleanup workers
Congress shouldn't rely only on Corps of Engineers for decision on outfall canals: an editorial
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Environmentalists want Feds to take control of oil cleanup
~Environmental groups are asking the federal government to take over all monitoring and testing related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.Oil has been spewing since an offshore drilling rig leased by oil giant BP PLC exploded off the coast of Louisiana April 20 and sank two days later.
In remarks prepared for congressional testimony, National Wildlife Federation President Larry Schweiger says BP is keeping too much information from the public.
Clueless Ken Salazar now has 3 splits for Minerals Management
BP Threatens Press With Arrest On Louisiana Soil!
~Meanwhile, oil washes up on shore as Louisiana governor says he was unable to get funding for an emergency retaining wall.
The Obama administration, it appears, has higher priorities ... namely helping BP in its frantic efforts to keep the public in the dark about what is almost surely the worst environmental catastrophe in U.S. history.
Contacts in Louisiana have given me numerous, unconfirmed reports of cameras and cell phones being confiscated, scientists with monitoring equipment being turned away, and local reporters blocked from access to public lands impacted by the oil spill. But today CBS News got it on video, along with a bone-chilling statement by a Coast Guard official:
"These are BP's rules. These are not our rules."
~Editilla gotta axe~ They Can't Handle Da'Twoof?
Somebody want to get Incident Commander Triple Rear Admiral Thad Allen on the Horn here? Uuhhmm, or the Commander in Chief? Hey Youz Guys, in upholding your oath to protect the integrity of the US Constitution and our Shores, you're restricting Freedom of Our Press by Order of the Fucking British?
Am I getting this right, Admiral? You and Your US Coast Guard now Take Your Orders from a PreterNational Corporation?
Or, are you a Patsy Who Bends Over For Just Any Old Queen?
What the Hell? Can Anyone Answer This Question about US Sovereignty and the reach of our present day canon?
Has BP taken over the US Coast Guard and Bitch-Slapped Admiral Thad Allen into Line the same way they took over the operations on pulling the well --igniting this BP Ass Fuck?
Somebody want to weigh in here? Set poor Editilla straight?
“Suck it fishes and birdies” – BP decisions making Goldman’s “prophesy” our WTF reality ~slabbed
All Eyes On Obama's BP Fetish?
BP Is Absolutely Full Of Shit While Louisiana Takes The Hit
Oil moves into the wetlands in Louisiana. "These are not tar balls, this is not sheen, this is heavy oil," said Gov. Bobby Jindal.
Evaluation of EPA Air Monitoring Results from Venice, LA for the period of April 28 - May 7
Oil Slick Enters Loop Current
~Gulf Restoration Network
~NOAA is confirming that part of the oil slick has entered the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico. The Loop Current transports warm Caribbean water between the Yucatan and Cuba northward into the Gulf of Mexico, and then loops to the southeast towards the Florida Keys (eventually meeting up with the Gulf Stream). It's also one of the fastest moving currents in the Atlantic Ocean.
FleurtyGirl Just heard from @AudubonZoo. They just successfully rescued their first sea turtle from #oilspill. A baby! Look at
Despite BP efforts to exploit oil spill for cold cash pirate profits, gulf disaster is getting worse
Afternoon oil digest (Please do not attempt to digest oil-tainted seafood)~Library Chronicles
~This WWL story from the same broadcast wonders if the Federal response to the leak "feels like deja vu" with regard to the flood of 2005. Yeah a little.
Although I guess BP would tell you they're pretty satisfied with the service they've gotten to this point.
BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Louisiana Marshes, Jindal, Gulf Stream, Cuba, Dispersants ~BBuzz
Inventors say BP ignoring their oil spill ideas~A suggestion box or publicity stunt? BP has received thousands of ideas from the public on how to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but some inventors are complaining that their efforts are getting ignored.
Photo Gallery: BP Oil Spill Shoreline Damage
~The Gulf oil spill is already being described as the biggest environmental disaster in US history—and it doesn't look like it will get plugged any time soon. Louisiana is in a state of emergency as millions of gallons of oil have poured into the ocean since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig sank on April 22. Attempts of slowing down the oil flow have thus far been unsuccessful. The oil spill has hit Louisiana shores, threatening the environment and moving further down the coastline. Here is a collection of some tragic images of the Gulf oil spill shoreline damage from May 17th.
~Inscribed in the oil at the mouth of the MS River, near Venice,La by a Greenpeace activist. Photo: John Moore Getty Images.
~Also See~National Geographic
Researcher Dr. Ivor Van Heerden pleads case in federal court
Preferred outfall canal options cheaper than corps' estimates, report says
~Environmental groups are asking the federal government to take over all monitoring and testing related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.Oil has been spewing since an offshore drilling rig leased by oil giant BP PLC exploded off the coast of Louisiana April 20 and sank two days later.
In remarks prepared for congressional testimony, National Wildlife Federation President Larry Schweiger says BP is keeping too much information from the public.
Clueless Ken Salazar now has 3 splits for Minerals Management
BP Threatens Press With Arrest On Louisiana Soil!
~Meanwhile, oil washes up on shore as Louisiana governor says he was unable to get funding for an emergency retaining wall.
The Obama administration, it appears, has higher priorities ... namely helping BP in its frantic efforts to keep the public in the dark about what is almost surely the worst environmental catastrophe in U.S. history.
Contacts in Louisiana have given me numerous, unconfirmed reports of cameras and cell phones being confiscated, scientists with monitoring equipment being turned away, and local reporters blocked from access to public lands impacted by the oil spill. But today CBS News got it on video, along with a bone-chilling statement by a Coast Guard official:
"These are BP's rules. These are not our rules."
~Editilla gotta axe~ They Can't Handle Da'Twoof?
Somebody want to get Incident Commander Triple Rear Admiral Thad Allen on the Horn here? Uuhhmm, or the Commander in Chief? Hey Youz Guys, in upholding your oath to protect the integrity of the US Constitution and our Shores, you're restricting Freedom of Our Press by Order of the Fucking British?
Am I getting this right, Admiral? You and Your US Coast Guard now Take Your Orders from a PreterNational Corporation?
Or, are you a Patsy Who Bends Over For Just Any Old Queen?
What the Hell? Can Anyone Answer This Question about US Sovereignty and the reach of our present day canon?
Has BP taken over the US Coast Guard and Bitch-Slapped Admiral Thad Allen into Line the same way they took over the operations on pulling the well --igniting this BP Ass Fuck?
Somebody want to weigh in here? Set poor Editilla straight?
“Suck it fishes and birdies” – BP decisions making Goldman’s “prophesy” our WTF reality ~slabbed
All Eyes On Obama's BP Fetish?
BP Is Absolutely Full Of Shit While Louisiana Takes The Hit

Evaluation of EPA Air Monitoring Results from Venice, LA for the period of April 28 - May 7
Oil Slick Enters Loop Current
~Gulf Restoration Network

FleurtyGirl Just heard from @AudubonZoo. They just successfully rescued their first sea turtle from #oilspill. A baby! Look at
Despite BP efforts to exploit oil spill for cold cash pirate profits, gulf disaster is getting worse
Afternoon oil digest (Please do not attempt to digest oil-tainted seafood)~Library Chronicles
~This WWL story from the same broadcast wonders if the Federal response to the leak "feels like deja vu" with regard to the flood of 2005. Yeah a little.
Although I guess BP would tell you they're pretty satisfied with the service they've gotten to this point.
BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Louisiana Marshes, Jindal, Gulf Stream, Cuba, Dispersants ~BBuzz
Inventors say BP ignoring their oil spill ideas~A suggestion box or publicity stunt? BP has received thousands of ideas from the public on how to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but some inventors are complaining that their efforts are getting ignored.
Photo Gallery: BP Oil Spill Shoreline Damage

~Inscribed in the oil at the mouth of the MS River, near Venice,La by a Greenpeace activist. Photo: John Moore Getty Images.
~Also See~National Geographic
Researcher Dr. Ivor Van Heerden pleads case in federal court
Preferred outfall canal options cheaper than corps' estimates, report says
Heavy oil reaches Louisiana marshland; tar balls found in Key West
~Thick rust-colored ribbons of emulsified oil could be seen slipping into the shoreline of Pass à Loutre Wildlife Management Area during a flight over Plaquemines Parish on Tuesday by Gov. Bobby Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser.
BP withholds oil spill facts
--and government lets it-- has
become Presidential Crack Pipe
~BP's role as the primary source of information has raised questions about whether the government should intervene to gather such data and to publicize it and whether an adequate cleanup can be accomplished without the details of crude oil spreading across the gulf.
~Editilla gets all Pulp Fictionated~
While our Big Herollero, Russell Honore', says we need to get Draconian: "Look, we've got to go Draconian, Don. The president's going to have to appoint and take charge of this thing. He may have to seize their assets and charge them a billion dollars a day until that thing gets closed,"
Editilla say we gonna need to Get Mid-Evil On Their Assets.
BP oil spill: Accident, or crime?
~Editilla sayz~SHOW US YOUR WAR FACE!
Correctly spelled sign:
~Investigators are turning up clear "evidence of negligence," says Gus Lubin in Business Insider, "including a blowout preventer that was out of batteries and hadn't been properly tested." So, sit tight — it's "obvious" someone is going to face criminal charges. The only question is, who?
"Forget that $75 million liability cap: Criminal charges in BP spill are "very likely" says former DOJ official"
Louisiana warns BP:
You're cleaning up any oil that gets near coastline.
BP replies "Hey, pull my finger!"
Heads will Roll?
~American Zombie
Terrebonne DA files suit on BP
Attorney seeks consolidation of 100-plus Gulf oil spill lawsuits
~Louisiana lawyer Daniel Becnel says legal chaos could break out in five Gulf Coast states if the lawsuits aren't combined. Becnel has asked the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation in Washington to quickly reconsider whether to order the cases consolidated. The panel has indicated it will not decide until July.
Lawsuit accuses Transocean of inflating stock
Interior Department Hit With Lawsuit Over BP Oil Spill
~"The basic problem here is that the Minerals Management Service tried to change the law without telling anybody," said Robert Wiygul. "That's bad policy, and the BP mess proves it's a disaster for the environment."
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - How Big Is It? -revisited ~SkyTruth
~It's time to revisit this subject. NOAA and BP are still saying the spill rate is 210,000 gallons (5,000 barrels) per day, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Many in the media continue to uncritically accept this estimate.
Why is it important to get this number right?
This is about more than just liability, or PR. You can bet that our future response capacity is going to be overhauled and retooled based on this spill. If we low-ball the spill amount and rate, we run the risk of designing an inadequate new spill-response system that is doomed to fail the next time something this big occurs.
Today's Kindergarten Rorschach Spill Forecasts

BP Oil Leak: Mega Disaster Enters New Dimension
~The University of South Florida College of Marine Science Ocean Circulation Group (OCG/CMS/USF) has prepared a video showing the trajectory of the oil spill (4 -8 May) and the how the Gulf currents are being impacted.
See animation update here (18 – 21 May 2010).
BP Oil Disaster Is a Health Disaster, Too
BP B.S. (part 2)~LaCoastPost
~Alfred E. Neuman and his twin Tony Hayward now reunited to solve the BP blowout, after being separated at birth.
Revenge of the Dinosaurs
~Chris Rose, Gambit~H/T~Oyster
Brown pelican, Louisiana's state bird, imperiled by BP Crime
Seafood testing from BP Disaster could last years
Kevin Costner's idea for cleaning up BP oil spill gets kiss of Judas
Moody’s: BP Oil Spill could be worse than hurricanes, recession
~A report from Moody’s Investors Service warns that Florida’s economy could be hit hard if the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico hits the state’s coastline. “The state’s high dependence on tourism dollars and jobs is significant and a gradually worsening disaster associated with any part of Florida’s 1,197 coastline miles could likely have long-term implications even greater than the recent global recession or Hurricane Ivan in 2004,” Moody’s said in a special comment issued Tuesday.
Oil slick may not stick to BP, Halliburton bonds poised to rally
Occidental Leads Onshore Rush Amid Offshore Crackdown
Rig Gear Supplier Cameron May Prove Winner After BP Oil Spill
~Cameron International Corp., whose stock plunged after a safety device it supplied became a focus of investigations into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, may find its fortunes boosted by the disaster.
Cameron and other manufacturers of drilling gear, including National Oilwell Varco Inc., may benefit should the April 20 rig explosion that triggered the Gulf spill lead to stricter regulations, said Brian Uhlmer, an analyst at Pritchard Capital Partners in Houston. Rules to improve safety would lead to a jump in sales of equipment to meet new standards, he said. “The likes of Cameron could see a 180-degree turn in impact from this event within a short period of time,” said Scott Gruber, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York. “It could happen very quickly.”
Wow! Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger can stick his entire foot up his own ass and still maintain that Nazi accent!
~"Ve haf done exactly the same here in Sacramento as they haf done in New OrlEAns vith das levees,"
said His Schwarzenzwagger.
"They knew vor years that doz levees vere vulnerable ... but they sat there and hoped vor das best. And then vot happened vas finally Katrina came and viped out das city."
No. What y'all have done in CalifornIA is elect a feckless action hero fool as your Chief Executive, and now seem poised to increase that bid to a Steel Ova Online Auctioneer (SOOA).
Meanwhile the Corps of Engineers is playing you all perfectly against one another whilst Tripling your Flood Insurance Rates to appease their Insurance lobbyists.

BP withholds oil spill facts
--and government lets it-- has
become Presidential Crack Pipe
~BP's role as the primary source of information has raised questions about whether the government should intervene to gather such data and to publicize it and whether an adequate cleanup can be accomplished without the details of crude oil spreading across the gulf.
~Editilla gets all Pulp Fictionated~

Editilla say we gonna need to Get Mid-Evil On Their Assets.
BP oil spill: Accident, or crime?

Correctly spelled sign:
~Investigators are turning up clear "evidence of negligence," says Gus Lubin in Business Insider, "including a blowout preventer that was out of batteries and hadn't been properly tested." So, sit tight — it's "obvious" someone is going to face criminal charges. The only question is, who?
"Forget that $75 million liability cap: Criminal charges in BP spill are "very likely" says former DOJ official"
Louisiana warns BP:
You're cleaning up any oil that gets near coastline.
BP replies "Hey, pull my finger!"
Heads will Roll?
~American Zombie
Terrebonne DA files suit on BP
Attorney seeks consolidation of 100-plus Gulf oil spill lawsuits
~Louisiana lawyer Daniel Becnel says legal chaos could break out in five Gulf Coast states if the lawsuits aren't combined. Becnel has asked the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation in Washington to quickly reconsider whether to order the cases consolidated. The panel has indicated it will not decide until July.
Lawsuit accuses Transocean of inflating stock
Interior Department Hit With Lawsuit Over BP Oil Spill
~"The basic problem here is that the Minerals Management Service tried to change the law without telling anybody," said Robert Wiygul. "That's bad policy, and the BP mess proves it's a disaster for the environment."
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - How Big Is It? -revisited ~SkyTruth
~It's time to revisit this subject. NOAA and BP are still saying the spill rate is 210,000 gallons (5,000 barrels) per day, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Many in the media continue to uncritically accept this estimate.
Why is it important to get this number right?
This is about more than just liability, or PR. You can bet that our future response capacity is going to be overhauled and retooled based on this spill. If we low-ball the spill amount and rate, we run the risk of designing an inadequate new spill-response system that is doomed to fail the next time something this big occurs.
Today's Kindergarten Rorschach Spill Forecasts

BP Oil Leak: Mega Disaster Enters New Dimension
See animation update here (18 – 21 May 2010).
BP Oil Disaster Is a Health Disaster, Too
BP B.S. (part 2)~LaCoastPost

Revenge of the Dinosaurs
~Chris Rose, Gambit~H/T~Oyster
Brown pelican, Louisiana's state bird, imperiled by BP Crime
Seafood testing from BP Disaster could last years
Kevin Costner's idea for cleaning up BP oil spill gets kiss of Judas
Moody’s: BP Oil Spill could be worse than hurricanes, recession
~A report from Moody’s Investors Service warns that Florida’s economy could be hit hard if the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico hits the state’s coastline. “The state’s high dependence on tourism dollars and jobs is significant and a gradually worsening disaster associated with any part of Florida’s 1,197 coastline miles could likely have long-term implications even greater than the recent global recession or Hurricane Ivan in 2004,” Moody’s said in a special comment issued Tuesday.
Oil slick may not stick to BP, Halliburton bonds poised to rally
Occidental Leads Onshore Rush Amid Offshore Crackdown
Rig Gear Supplier Cameron May Prove Winner After BP Oil Spill
~Cameron International Corp., whose stock plunged after a safety device it supplied became a focus of investigations into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, may find its fortunes boosted by the disaster.
Cameron and other manufacturers of drilling gear, including National Oilwell Varco Inc., may benefit should the April 20 rig explosion that triggered the Gulf spill lead to stricter regulations, said Brian Uhlmer, an analyst at Pritchard Capital Partners in Houston. Rules to improve safety would lead to a jump in sales of equipment to meet new standards, he said. “The likes of Cameron could see a 180-degree turn in impact from this event within a short period of time,” said Scott Gruber, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York. “It could happen very quickly.”
Wow! Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger can stick his entire foot up his own ass and still maintain that Nazi accent!
~"Ve haf done exactly the same here in Sacramento as they haf done in New OrlEAns vith das levees,"
said His Schwarzenzwagger.
"They knew vor years that doz levees vere vulnerable ... but they sat there and hoped vor das best. And then vot happened vas finally Katrina came and viped out das city."
No. What y'all have done in CalifornIA is elect a feckless action hero fool as your Chief Executive, and now seem poised to increase that bid to a Steel Ova Online Auctioneer (SOOA).
Meanwhile the Corps of Engineers is playing you all perfectly against one another whilst Tripling your Flood Insurance Rates to appease their Insurance lobbyists.
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