Happy Birthday Baby Jane!
Gambit Sneak Preview: Tisserand on Morris

The Swan Creek Bridge at Forsyth lies partially under water as Bull Shoals fills from water released into the lakes upstream. Shadow Rock Park is completely underwater, with the fair barn’s roof the only thing still visible of the large arena. Photo by Donna Clevenger - Branson Daily News
Real Engineers grill Corps of Engineers on coast plans
--which are over a YEAR LATE and really present actually NO PLANS but only plans to make more plans to study and plan to plan on getting back to Congress and the, uh, American Tax-payers with a plan...
~Robert Meade, a retired U.S. Geological Survey hydrologist charged with peer-reviewing coastal restoration plans of the Army Corps of Engineers, seemed perturbed in a Thursday meeting when corps officials said they needed "more study" to answer a basic question, to wit: how much sediment is carried by the Mississippi River, the main source of mud for rebuilding Louisiana's coast.
Basic information on the sediment carried by the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers is produced every year by the Geological Survey -- and has been for more than 100 years, Meade said. Yet corps officials, in the document, seemed to display little understanding of the river's potential and provided no explanation of that and other vital issues in the draft plan to restore the state's eroding coastline. The plan, called the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Plan, was supposed to have been completed last December, but now isn't expected until this December. Congress had requested that it contain a variety of levee, gate and coastal restoration alternatives that could be started quickly to protect south Louisiana from the equivalent of Category 5 hurricanes.
Editilla blows a 50amp fuse and needs to know a'bit about at least 2 things: Free Press & The Will To Survive De Ja Vue All Over Again.
1)-Why can't the Times Picayune publish the Names Who'Dat n'What "Corps officials" seem to display so little understanding of this situation?
Did the Corps have a table-full of engineers or just this one flack'hack project director--who has worked exclusively for the Corps since stepping out of college?
What are the names of every Corps Official at these "meetings" and what is their Job with the Corps? Are they engineers or Pubic Relations spokespersons? Why aren't they in fucking jail? Well ok, that last one is my thing.

Names! We Want Their Forkin'Names!
This innoculated bullshit journalistic appeasement fatally did not serve the public interests before the levees failed (and flooded the TP's own offices) and in fact greatly endangers the public safety now and our future developement along civilized lines.

The Times~Picayune must either get on the goddamn stick or get out of the forkin'way. There'in lies some of our darkest irony, eh...in the fact that the New Orleans blog-0-reamery has proven their Acumen to do the job of a free press. For example: the title of the TP's sorta half-lede today -Blakely blunders in Times interview is likely in response to Think New Orleans' relentless posts of nearly 1 year ago to the day. The lede should have read: "Blakely Sticks Other Foot In Mouth in Times interview, falls flat on ass!", or more truly,
However, we have Jeffery da'Librarian--on this scene with real blogging, timelines, context and (Hey Everybody! Watch this!) Salient Information that we can use...like the rest of da'impropere Rhesus'intelligent'n'funny Rising Tide...minus One Big Stogey.
But we do have smart Alan and we gots Liptrap, Oyster, Gentilly Girl, Dangerblond, Irks ...so many more. The forkin'list reads like like an insurgent rap sheet which stretches from here to the Elysian Fields...and da'band plays on...and da'beat grows harder...
...and we rise...all da'way back da'end a da'2nd Line.
We don't need no stinking wimpy'ass "paper of record".
As yer oh'so humble Editilla proves everyday, this ain't Rocket Scientry --but it is harder than riding a tricycle into a fire hydrant...and any damn fool can run from a broken levee?

This Other Damn Fool Turkey-->
2)-Why is such an absolute lackey bullshitter still on the job with the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers?
~TP: "Now, Tim Axtman, the senior corps official explaining the study, was saying it "won't include the specific identification of a detailed plan." W.T.F.???
~~Again, no folow-up questions like: "Ha Ha! You're kidding...right?" or "WHY?" or "So, Project Director Axtman, with a straight face you maintain that after all this time, money, death and destruction the Corps will still NOT HAVE A DETAILED PLAN?" or "Mr. Assman, what have you been doing with yourself all these years we have paid your goddamn salary, while our coastline washed away?" or "Assman, have you been just playing with yourself (again) in that office since your levees failed and flooded our city?" or at least "Assman, do you actually take us, the survivors of your slight-of-hand engineeing, to be fucking idiots?"
Then, presumably, Assman might respond, look us in the eye, say it to our faces: "Well, DUH? Get the picture, you drugged fucking clueless idiots! You're all gonna die-off...eventually anyway--UND mine'own Exquixotic Corps of Engineers vill still be here. Repairing everything ve haf'built again! UND YOU VILL PAY FOR IT again and again!
UND our verk vill set you free! Free as a bird on a string
--like your venerable "Press"--like your Electorate,
Seeeellee Stoo'peed Americaners!"
Why has he not been fired?
We cannot t'row him, or his haute'henchmoneers, in jail for lying to us. But, can somebody at least issue this mouf'piece carney faux "engineer" a write-up memo...or something? ...throw a pie at him? Do they even do job performance evaluations at the Corps of Engineers? Doubt it. I'mean what's dis'patsy t'do when d'Donald starts d'rollin New Orleans? We know Bid'D don'play...
Court upholds dismissal of Katrina victim's wrongful death suit~What is wrong with this picture?

Storm tax relief ‘step closer’
Forecasters Work to Avoid Next New Orleans
Botanist from Broadmoor shares what he learned in the Amazon
Mary Herczog “Frommer’s Portable New Orleans”

~The Gay Recluse
Spring City Walk Schedule
SilenceIsViolence City Walks is a citywide group of concerned citizens that emphasis exploring the New Orleans cityscape on foot, with the hope of spreading a message of peace in our city. The City Walks seek to nurture solidarity among all citizens and assert a positive and safe presence on the streets. The group honors the strong, distinctive neighborhoods of our city, while they express unity in seeking a safer New Orleans.
The Spring 2008 City Walks schedule
(all walks on Saturdays):
April 5: Treme walk with the Social Aid and Pleasure Club Task Force
April 19: Uptown walk: National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
May 10: Holy Cross walk with the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association
May 24: Central City walk with United for Peace in New Orleans
Full routes are posted each week at the SilenceIsViolence web site.
The Treme City Walk is a prelude to the New Orleans Bayou Steppers Social Aid and Pleasure Club annual second-line parade, to be held Sunday, April 6 at 12 noon. The City Walk route traces sections of the second-line route. Ernie K-Doe’s is the home of the New Orleans Bayou Steppers. District Attorney Keva Landrum-Johnson will address members of the Social Aid and Pleasure Club community following anti-violence walk this Saturday evening.
The Spring 2008 City Walks schedule
(all walks on Saturdays):
April 5: Treme walk with the Social Aid and Pleasure Club Task Force
April 19: Uptown walk: National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
May 10: Holy Cross walk with the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association
May 24: Central City walk with United for Peace in New Orleans
Full routes are posted each week at the SilenceIsViolence web site.
The Treme City Walk is a prelude to the New Orleans Bayou Steppers Social Aid and Pleasure Club annual second-line parade, to be held Sunday, April 6 at 12 noon. The City Walk route traces sections of the second-line route. Ernie K-Doe’s is the home of the New Orleans Bayou Steppers. District Attorney Keva Landrum-Johnson will address members of the Social Aid and Pleasure Club community following anti-violence walk this Saturday evening.
Up Close with New Orleans' Native Daughter, Courtney Bryan~all about Jazz
Drum! Interactive Struts New Orleans with Stanton Moore
The ancient practice of kirtan enjoys global renaissance and local recognition
Jazz trumpeter leads New Orleans' cultural rebirth
Aaron Neville moving to the north shore